Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Screams in the Bathroom

Half an hour passed.

“It’s over,” Ning Tao declared and finally took his hands off Zhao Wushuang’s face.

Although the air conditioning was running in the room, Zhao Wushuang still got all sweaty. The sweat wetted her thin gauze dress, presenting a slightly exposed hazy beauty in the light from the lamp.

She felt really hot, but she didn’t know it was actually because of Ning Tao’s spiritual power.

A normal scar could be healed by applying the delicate perfumed cream once or twice to the scar. But Zhao Wushuang’s face was burned by acid, and Ning Tao had to launch his spiritual power to aid the healing process. His special spiritual power had healing properties itself, and the delicate perfumed cream had a super effect on scars. It was hard not to work wonders with an unmatched treatment coupled with a unique drug. What was more, he used three full bottles of delicate perfumed creams to amplify the effect.

“It’s over?” Zhao Wushuang took a few seconds to realize what Ning Tao said.

“Go wash your face,” Ning Tao urged lightly. “But remember to wash slowly. Wet your skin with a wet towel before carefully rinsing the cream off with clean water.”

Zhao Wushuang got out of bed. When she stood on the floor, she seemed to realize that her gauze dress was soaked with sweat. She put her hand over her chest and walked briskly into the bathroom.

Ning Tao packed the empty porcelain bottles into his small medicine chest. In the process, his eyes were drawn to the dagger lying in the medicine chest. Ding Ye’s strange story of the snake and the scout came back to his mind, and his hands reached out uncontrollably for the dagger.

Just as he was about to seize the dagger, he jerked his hand back. “It’s too weird,” he exclaimed in astonishment. “It seems to affect me. Could it be that the snake that Old Master Ding had stabbed with this dagger was a snake spirit, and the dagger had been demonized, and now it came back to seek revenge on Old Master Ding?”

Then he laughed at the thought. “Is there really such a strange thing in this world? If the snake is really a snake spirit, then it should be Bai Suzhen or Xiaoqing of Yue Country’s version.”

“Ahh!” There was a sudden scream from the bathroom.

Ning Tao started and ran to the bathroom.

Almost at the same time, the door was pushed open and Fan Huaying rushed in. Ning Tao stopped just in time to avoid bumping into him.

“What happened?” Fan Huaying asked, looking very nervous.

Ning Tao pointed to the bathroom and said, “I don’t know. She’s in there.”

“Ah—” Zhao Wushuang let out another scream in the bathroom.

“Wushuang, what’s going on?” Fan Huaying rushed to the bathroom. He pushed open the bathroom door regardless of protocol.

In the bathroom, Zhao Wushuang was standing in front of the sink, staring at herself in the mirror. The creams had been washed off her face, and the scars on her face were no longer so tangible, except for a slight impression that could be easily concealed by makeup. Moreover, the scar that affected her lower lip had disappeared, and the skin there seemed to restore the elasticity and vitality. Her mouth could be closed as before, and her lips were thin and sexy again!

Fan Huaying was stunned and froze in the doorway.

“Ha ha ha…” Zhao Wushuang laughed, tears of joy and excitement leaving her eyes, and rolling down her cheeks.

“Miss Zhao, I can’t remove all the scars on your face at once, because the newborn skin is too delicate to withstand the intensive treatment,” Ning Tao declared. “Come to me three days later and I’ll give you another treatment. By then, your face should have fully recovered from the scars.”

Zhao Wushuang shifted her gaze from the mirror to Ning Tao, and still cried with joy. “Thank you, Doctor Ning.”

Fan Huaying recovered from the shock and his eyes fell to Ning Tao, alight with excitement. “Haha, I knew I could never get the wrong person. Ning Tao, you are a miracle doctor of the present age! On medical skill, I think no one dares to say that he is better than you!”

Ning Tao smiled and said, “I’m flattered. Now that I’ve finished the treatment, I’ll go back. Jiang Hao’s waiting for me.”

“Doctor Ning, wait a minute.” Zhao Wushuang emerged from the bathroom and strode over to a closet.

Ning Tao guessed Zhao Wushuang was there to pick up the fee of his treatment.

Fan Huaying smiled and asked, “Ning Tao, are you really in such a hurry to be back with your girlfriend? I’d like to have a nice drink and chat with you. How about calling your girlfriend out too?”

An awkward look spread across Ning Tao’s face as he explained, “Jiang Hao’s not actually my girlfriend. We’re just good friends.”

Fan Huaying quipped, “Ning Tao, I’m older than you, and I believe my eyes. You say that because you haven’t seen through her feelings for you.”

Ning Tao just grinned and didn’t explain further. It was not as Fan Huaying said that he hadn’t seen it. He kind of sensed Jiang Hao’s affection and implication for him, but he had problems that he couldn’t get past. The monthly rent on the ledger of bamboo slips was a battle of life and death for him. How could he have the heart for love? If he made a mistake, something bad would happen—his girlfriend lost her boyfriend next month. How could he have the heart to hurt such a nice girl?

Just then Zhao Wushuang walked over, held a cash check in both hands and handed it to Ning Tao, saying, “Doctor Ning, this is a little token of my appreciation. Please take it.”

Ning Tao glanced at the amount on the check—two followed by six zeros—two million yuan for the treatment. Though he had expected Zhao Wushuang to be generous, the large sum of money gave him such a fright. “Is…. is that too much?”

Zhao Wushuang hurriedly said, “No, no, I think it a little less. I will give you a payment worthy of your medical skills in three days.”

The meaning of her words was obvious—if Ning Tao completely healed the scars on her face in three days, she would pay him more for the treatment.

Fan Huaying smiled and said, “Ning Tao, since Wushuang is willing to give you so much money, you just take it. Don’t be shy about it. She makes money easily. The TV station would have to pay her 20 million for a single variety show.”

She could make 20 million for one variety show? He spent about the same amount of time treating Zhao Wushuang’ face as she spent on a variety show, and he used the unique special spiritual power and magic medicine. In this way, two million was not much.

Then Ning Tao reached over, took Zhao Wushuang’s cash check and placed it in Fan Huaying’s hand.

Fan Huaying paused, pushed back and said, “What do you mean, Ning Tao?”

“This is for the medicine,” Ning Tao responded. “Here’s the list.” With that, he took out the list and placed it with the check in Fan Huaying’s hand.

Fan Huaying took the list but pushed the check into Ning Tao’s hand. “Just give me the list. I can’t take your money.”

“If you don’t accept the money this time, how can I not being ashamed to ask you to help me buy medicine, Huaying?” Ning Tao said.

In fact, when he guessed that Zhao Wushuang was going to give him the treatment fee, he made a decision. If Zhao Wushuang paid him a small amount, he would not accept, and took the treatment as a favor to Fan Huaying in exchange for medicine; If Zhao Wushuang paid him a large amount, he would accept it and gave it to Fan Huaying to buy the medicine. In the first case, Zhao Wushuang owed him and he owed Fan Huaying; In the latter case, the three of them owed each other nothing.

The friendship between gentlemen appears indifferent but is pure like water. Although he and Fan Huaying became friends, he didn’t want to take advantage of him or be disciplined by others. As a natural go-between of good and evil, the owner of the Sky Clinic, he needed to maintain the balance not only between good and evil but also in his social life.

Fan Huaying pondered for a few seconds before making up his mind. “In that case, I’ll take the check. You can trust me with the medicine,” he uttered with a chuckle.

A smile crept over Ning Tao’s lips. “Thanks a lot, Huaying.”

“Are you through with the friendly conversation between the two of you?” Zhao Wushuang asked with a laugh. “Let’s have a drink. I’m so happy. I want a drink to celebrate.”

“I’ll get the wine,” Fan Huaying offered.

“Miss Zhao, you’d better not drink if you don’t want to leave stains on your face,” Ning Tao warned. “Newborn skin is delicate and alcohol will irritate it.”

Zhao Wushuang immediately gave up the idea of drinking. “Well, we’ll not drink and just have a chat.” Her eyes turned to Ning Tao’s medicine chest, and she remembered the cream. “Do you still have that cream, Doctor Ning?” she asked tentatively.

“I’ve got three bottles of creams left,” Ning Tao replied.

“Can I have a look?” Fan Huaying was curious what kind of medicine Ning Tao used to heal Zhao Wushuang’s facial scars.

Ning Tao opened the medicine chest, took out two bottles of delicate perfumed creams and handed one to Zhao Wushuang and Fan Huaying respectively.

Zhao Wushuang and Fan Huaying couldn’t wait to uncork the porcelain bottles to check the delicate perfumed cream and smell it.

“This is the thing that healed Wushuang’s scars?” Fan Huaying wore a surprised look on his face.

“Its odor is amazing and it smells so pleasant that I feel good,” Zhao Wushuang marveled with a look of enjoyment on her face. She held the small porcelain bottle, looked at it carefully, and sniffed it over and over again. She obviously loved it.

“That’s it. It’s the delicate perfumed cream,” Ning Tao introduced.

“Ning Tao, why don’t you start a cosmetics brand when you have such a great product?” Fan Huaying stated excitedly. “I bet if you start a cosmetics brand with this cream, it will become an international brand and sell well all over the world in less than three years!”

Ning Tao shook his head. “This cream is made with a secret method and cannot be produced in quantity at all.”

A disappointed glint flashed in Fan Huaying’s eyes. What he had in mind was an international brand, but what he could not imagine was that Ning Tao made the magic delicate perfumed cream in an ancient clinic with alchemy fire and a broken tripod.

“Doctor Ning, er… can you send me a bottle of it?” Zhao Wushuang held the bottle tightly, loath to give it back to Ning Tao.

“This is the first time we’ve met, so I’ll give them to you two as my presents,” Ning Tao said generously. “I have one bottle of cream left, which should be enough for your treatment in three days.”

“Thank you, Doctor Ning.” Zhao Wushuang was very happy. Her face was still wet with tears, but her smile was radiant.

Fan Huaying smiled and said, “Then, I’ll take it.”

These two bottles of creams were undoubtedly a precious gift for the two of them, but for Ning Tao, they were two ticket stones to connect with the upper circles.

As a big star in the entertainment, Zhao Wushuang would inevitably be asked about how her scars were cured after comeback. Then the delicate perfumed cream would be a hit in that circle.

As for Fan Huaying, he was a top group organizer who was well-connected. He could also recommend the delicate perfumed cream and Ning Tao to the big shots in need. In this way, Ning Tao could not only make money to maintain the huge cost of alchemy, but also expand the range and level of clinic patients, and earn more good-evil rent!

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