Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 82 - Losing His First Kiss

Chapter 82 Losing His First Kiss
Through the passageway behind the door, Ning Tao and Jiang Hao arrived at the large experimental zone.

The large experimental zone was also quiet, with no people, only experimental equipment, computers and quietly glowing lights.

At the end of the large experimental zone was Lin Qinghua’s office. The door was closed so they couldn’t see what was going on inside. But Ning Tao had actually gotten the information he wanted from the smell left in the air— the militant who had just escaped from the battlefield into the lab had entered Lin Qinghua’s office. Disappointingly, the door to the office was so sealed that he couldn’t get information about the office by his skill of smelling.

Suddenly, a special smell entered Ning Tao’s nose. He immediately got tense. He grabbed Jiang Hao’s hand and pulled her back.

“What are you doing?” Jiang Hao asked nervously. “What’s the matter?”

Ning Tao dropped his voice and replied, “There’s a bomb!”

The particular smell he caught was the smell of the bomb. Perhaps he had caught the scent earlier, but as he had never smelled a bomb, he did not know what it was until he smelled the explosives. He knew there was a bomb, but given his zero knowledge of the bomb, he was completely unable to judge its type and power.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Hao stopped and shook off Ning Tao’s hand. “Tell me, where is the bomb?”

“What are you going to do?” Ning Tao looked at her in surprise.

“I’m a soldier, and this lab and Lin Qinghua are of great value to our country. I can’t leave,” Jiang Hao said firmly.

“But that bomb could go off at any moment! You’ll die!”

Jiang Hao gave him a smile and said, “Someone can’t be called soldier if he is afraid of death. This is the battlefield. I’m a soldier. I can’t retreat. If I die, will you come and place flowers on my grave?”

Ning Tao was awestruck by her words, but stared at her and said, “I’ll place a horror movie on your grave! Don’t say that. If you want to stay, I’ll stay with you. The bomb is under the desk in the doorway of the office.”

Just as he said it, Jiang Hao came over, hooked her left hand around his neck and pressed him to her. Her head slightly up, her delicate lips instantly broke through the distance between them, and met his.

Ning Tao’s body went stiff. She stole his first kiss while he was caught off guard.

Two seconds later, Jiang Hao let go of Ning Tao, averting her gaze. “Don’t get me wrong. I… I just never kissed a man before. Maybe I will sacrifice this time, so I want to feel it, so… I allow you to take advantage of me.”

Ning Tao wanted to say it was his first kiss, but somehow he didn’t say it.

“You get out!” Jiang Hao gave Ning Tao a push, then turned and ran to Lin Qinghua’s office.

The door of the office burst open.

“Look out!” Ning Tao roared, and rushed at Jiang Hao without concern for himself.

Jiang Hao swooped down and pointed her gun at the door of the office.

After all, she was an elite agent of this country, with much more combat experience than Ning Tao. Ning Tao didn’t have to remind her, and she instinctively responded to this sudden situation.

Ning Tao was going to throw his body on Jiang Hao from behind, but as she crouched down, he changed his mind. He turned with his waist, lowered his center of gravity, and skated over to Jiang Hao. When he stopped, the table next to him blocked his body, leaving no room for anyone to shoot him.

Three men appeared at the door of the office; One was the previous militant who had fled, the other, also a black-hooded militant, holding a remote detonator, and the third man was Lin Qinghua. He was sitting in a swivel chair with an anaesthetic needle stuck in his neck from an anaesthetic rifle.

Apparently the militants raided this lab. The eight special police were no match for them. Given that they were caught off guard, they could have been wiped out altogether. As for Lin Qinghua, he was a new demon, but he had no real combat experience. He probably got drugged before he knew what was going on.

“Put down your arms!” The militant, who were holding the bomb detonator, shouted loudly. “Or I’ll kill him!”

He spoke in English, too.

“You’ve been besieged. Don’t take any chances. Lay down your arms and surrender!” Jiang Hao also spoke in English, very fluently.

Ning Tao could understand their conversation without any pressure. After all, he passed CET-6 at Shan City Medical University and scored 701 out of 710. If he did not have this adventure, or failed to become a doctor, he could make a living as a translator or an English tour guide with his high grades.

The militant with the detonator sneered, “What are you talking about? Communication has been cut off here. You can’t get in touch with your people.”

Ping! Ping! Ping!

One by one, bullets burst from the M16 assault rifle in the hands of the other militant. The equipment on the lab table was shattered, and the stainless steel table was rapidly deformed by the bullets, sparks flying everywhere!

“Drop the gun or I’ll kill him!” The fleeing militant screamed and shouted in a frantic manner.

Facing the crazy gunman and the bomb which might explode at any time, Ning Tao felt the pressure of survival overwhelming. In addition to the tension and fear accumulated in the battle before, Ning Tao’s negative emotions suddenly passed the critical point at this moment, and his evil side as the go-between of good and evil quietly awakened!

Ping! Ping! Ping!

Bullets from the M16 assault rifle rained down on Ning Tao and Jiang Hao’s hideout. The stainless steel table top was already a disaster, and the experimental equipment on the table was even more shattered.

“Bastards!” Jiang Hao swore angrily, but there was nothing she could do.

She had the option of firing back, but she didn’t dare. After all, the enemy was holding a bomb detonator, and what made her more worried was that Lin Qinghua was still in the hands of the enemy.

A beaker behind her was shattered by a bullet, and pieces of glass flew around, one piece splintering Jiang Hao’s face. Blood ran down her cheek, but she didn’t bother to wipe it off.

Her blood seemed to be some kind of catalyst for Ning Tao.

Suddenly Ning Tao growled, “One more shot, I’ll kill you!”

His voice was deafening with the infusion of spiritual power.

The militant who fired the gun paused. He couldn’t believe the young man was threatening him fiercely when he and his companion were in complete control! The young man’s tone showed that he had no regard for him!

“Go to hell!” The militant who had just opened fire was thoroughly enraged. He frantically pulled the trigger and advanced toward the passageway while growling.

“17!” The other militant with the detonator shouted, “Fu*k! Calm down!”

17 was not a name, but a code name.

But “17” did not stop shooting. His companion did not know what he had just gone through. An elite special forces unite, except him, was annihilated by a woman with only a pistol and a guy of this country, who did not even have a gun. If he had moved more slowly, he would have died outside the lab! The guy and the woman were in front of him, and the fear and hatred in his heart grew every second. He wanted to end it all, and the only way was to shoot the guy and the woman!

However, when people were crazy, they often had no sense at all.


“17” pulled the trigger, but no bullets were ejected from the muzzle of the M16. His magazine clip was already empty.

Ning Tao, squatting under the lab table, suddenly lowered his head, exerted all his strength, and banged his shoulder on the table.


The bullet-mangled table rose from the ground and crashed into the militant standing at the entrance to the passageway.

It was time!

Ning Tao’s sudden action was unforeseeable for Jiang Hao, but she was very flexible. When Ning Tao bumped the stainless steel lab table with his shoulder, she also made a move in the first place. She lay down in the passageway, and the muzzle of her M27 was slightly raised as she landed on her back, her right index finger pulling the trigger.


A bullet flew from the muzzle of the M27. By the time the shot rang out, the militant with the remote detonator had a mass of brains on his forehead, the red and white paste like a blooming morning glory in the air.

A shot to the head killed him instantly. He fell to the ground without even having a chance to press the start button of the bomb detonator in his hand.

He could have pressed the button, but even trained special forces soldiers would hesitate in the face of death. One or two seconds of hesitation made him lose the opportunity to choose to die with his enemies together.

It only took a second or two for Ning Tao to fly off the desk and Jiang Hao to lie on her side and shoot.


The stainless steel lab table fell to the ground.

After all, it was not a pillow, but a metal table of more than 100 kilograms. Ning Tao could not throw it like a pillow to the militant 20 meters away. Maybe someday he would be able to do that, but right now he was not that strong. Luckily, he had a pistol. The moment the table hit the ground, his right arm was straight and his pistol was pointed at the militant’s chest.


A bullet whistled from the muzzle of the pistol.


The head of the militant, who was holding a magazine chip to change it, exploded. The M16 and the magazine chip fell to the ground, and so did the lifeless body.

As the last invading militant was killed, the crisis was over.

When the threat of death went away, Jiang Hao relaxed completely and stretched out on the passageway. The HK M27 rifle slipped from her hand and landed on the ground, but she did not want to pick it up any more.

Ning Tao was frozen on the spot, his face expressionless. It was confused for him in the state of evil to have no target to “punish”. But it also meant that he was returning to normal.

“Good shot,” said Jiang Hao.

Ning Tao came to his senses, looking slightly dazed. “I didn’t mean to kill him. I wanted to hurt his lungs. I didn’t expect to hit him in the head.”

Jiang Hao was stunned and didn’t know what to say.

The evil side completely disappeared. Ning Tao took one look at the militant who was shot dead by him. Suddenly he bent down and vomited.

He had never killed anyone, and this evening he shot two people. By the time he killed the first man, he was already feeling bad. This man had been shot in the head with a pistol and his brain splashed on the floor. Even he, a medical student, could not bear the bad feeling and threw up.

“Hahaha…” Jiang Hao suddenly burst into laughter.

She laughed so happily, though surrounded by corpses, the smell of blood and brains splattering everywhere. How strong her nerves were!

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