Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.8: Viridian Forest Part 2

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After what felt like hours trudging through the forest, Austin finally stumbled into a clearing. The soft rustling of the trees overhead and the occasional chirping of wild Pidgey filled the air. He’d managed to train Pikachu and Spearow a bit—mostly against those same wild Pidgey that just couldn’t resist attacking them. But he didn’t catch any of them. Tomorrow morning, he’d be aiming higher, for a Pidgeotto if things went his way.

Rattata, on the other hand, wasn’t having any of it. She still didn’t like him. It wasn’t just that though—Caterpie was the only one who seemed to genuinely like him from the start. Pikachu too, but with Caterpie, it was different. Austin let him out of his Pokéball, and the little guy crawled up his arm, making his usual happy sounds. It was weird how something so small could make him feel… wanted.

"How about camping here tonight?" Austin asked Pikachu and Caterpie, trying to sound confident. Pikachu gave him a nod of approval while Caterpie chirped excitedly. "Alright, let’s get the whole team out then."

Austin released Spearow and Rattata, though he was immediately reminded why that might’ve been a bad idea. The moment Spearow saw Caterpie, his eyes practically lit up with hunger. Caterpie froze on his arm, trembling. Spearow tilted his head, eyeing the bug like it was a snack.

"None of that, Spearow," Austin warned, stepping between them. "Caterpie is part of the team, not dinner."

"Spear," Spearow grumbled, turning away in annoyance, but the tension didn’t leave Austin's body. He had to stay alert.

"Caterpie, stick close to Pikachu tonight," Austin said softly. Pikachu gave a determined nod, clearly getting the hint. The tension between him and Spearow was still thick. They didn’t trust each other, and Austin didn’t blame them. First impressions are hard to shake, especially when one involves a near-death experience.

Rattata wasn’t exactly friendly either. She turned her back on Austin when he tried talking to her. He sighed. "Maybe you’ll come around," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

With the team out, Austin unrolled his sleeping bag, preparing for the night. "I’m gonna go gather some firewood. Spearow, come with me," he said, feeling Pikachu’s confused look on his back. He didn’t expect Austin to bring Spearow, and to be honest, neither did Austin. But if Spearow came with him, at least he wouldn’t be eyeing Caterpie while he was gone.

Pikachu understood though. He gave Austin a little nod—he was in charge while Austin was gone. Austin trusted him. He didn’t trust Spearow alone with Caterpie.

Spearow flew silently ahead of Austin, hopping between branches as he gathered the firewood. The forest was quieter now, more peaceful. Austin caught himself smiling. Looks like my luck’s better than Ash’s, he thought, reflecting on the messes Ash used to get into in the show. At least here, Austin had managed to catch a Spearow and a Caterpie without too much trouble. Ash never caught a Caterpie this quickly, right? Or did he?

Austin paused, thinking back. How did Ash teach Pikachu Iron Tail again? He couldn’t remember, but the thought of teaching Pikachu and Spearow some powerful moves started to get his mind racing. Iron Tail for Pikachu, Steel Wing for Spearow, maybe even Dig for Rattata. These weren’t just Pokémon—they were teammates. And if he played his cards right, they’d be unstoppable.

When Austin got back with Spearow, everyone seemed… okay. No drama. He set the firewood down, glancing at Pikachu. "Everything good?" he asked.

Pikachu nodded. Austin relaxed a bit. "Alright then," he said, starting the fire. As the flames crackled, he let his thoughts wander. Were other shows like Naruto real? If he was stuck in the Pokémon world, did that mean there were other universes too? The multiverse theory popped into his head. It made sense, in a weird way.

But why did this happen? Why him? Why was he here, controlling Ash’s body? What did it all mean?

Austin glanced at Pikachu and Caterpie, watching them interact. If Ash could see this—if he could see his best friend and first captured Pokémon talking, laughing together—how would he feel? Would he be jealous? Hurt? Maybe understanding?

Austin shook the thought away as the fire roared to life. "There, we have fire!" he joked, putting on his best caveman voice. The Pokémon all stared at him like he’d lost his mind.

"Yeah… that was stupid," Austin muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

The next morning, sunlight streamed through the trees, waking Austin from a restless sleep. He groaned, struggling to free himself from the sleeping bag. As he sat up, he saw Pikachu, Rattata, and Caterpie all curled up together. Spearow perched on a nearby branch, his eyes already alert.

Then Austin heard it—a soft flap of wings. His heart skipped a beat as he looked up. There it was. A Pidgeotto, soaring majestically over the clearing. Spearow glared at it, feathers ruffling in challenge.

"Hey, Spearow, you up for a battle?" Austin asked, excitement bubbling in his chest.

Spearow cried out in agreement, and the Pidgeotto swooped down, accepting the challenge.

"Fury Attack!" Austin called out, and Spearow dove in, his beak jabbing at Pidgeotto with precision. But Pidgeotto was faster, slamming Spearow with a Quick Attack and sending him crashing to the ground.

"Spearow, twist mid-air!" Austin yelled, panic seizing him as he saw the bird plummeting. Spearow barely dodged another Quick Attack, righting himself in the nick of time.

Pidgeotto's strong, Austin thought, his hand hovering over Spearow’s Pokéball. Should I call him back? Spearow’s stubborn, but I don’t want him getting hurt.

Austin hesitated. "Spearow, you sure about this?"

Spearow cried out defiantly, standing tall despite the hits he’d taken. Austin nodded, feeling a surge of respect. "Alright then. Leer, then Fury Attack!"

Spearow’s eyes glowed with intensity, and Pidgeotto hesitated for just a moment—just long enough. Spearow unleashed a barrage of pecks, driving Pidgeotto to the ground.

This was it. Austin threw the Pokéball, holding his breath as it hit the Pidgeotto.


A grin spread across Austin’s face. "Gotcha."

Spearow looked at Austin, pointing a wing at himself, clearly making a statement.

"It’s not that I don’t think you're strong," Austin said, chuckling. "But having a rival like Pidgeotto will only make you stronger."

Spearow considered it for a moment, then gave a nod. He was fine with it—as long as he remained the supreme flyer.

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