Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.9: Double Battle ?!

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Austin held the Pokédex up to check the data on his newest catch. "Pidgeotto, the Bird Pokémon. The evolved form of the much gentler Pidgey, it’s armed with sharp claws and dives to capture its prey. This Pidgeotto is female, and the ability is Tangled Feet," the Pokédex beeped out. "Currently, this Pidgeotto knows Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, and Quick Attack. The age of this Pidgeotto is nine months."

Another girl? Austin blinked in surprise. He always thought of Pidgeotto as a male growing up. Guess he was wrong.

"Well, we’ve got a new friend," he said, trying to shake off the weirdness. Five Pokémon already, and he hadn’t even left the forest yet. Just one more and he’d have a full team, he thought, feeling a little proud but also anxious. He wasn't ready for all this responsibility, not yet.

Just as Austin was about to clean up the campsite, he froze. Voices. He swore he heard voices nearby.

"We’ve been wandering this forest for a while now. I thought you knew where the exit was, Jessie."

No way. It couldn’t be…

"It’s not my fault you couldn’t pedal that bike correctly!" Jessie’s voice snapped, sounding closer.

Pikachu and Spearow tensed immediately, recognizing those voices. Caterpie and Rattata just looked confused.

"Meowth, I can’t believe that bike was destroyed by those wild Pikachus!" Meowth’s voice grumbled.

"Ugh, just seeing a Pikachu reminds me of that twerp," Jessie snarled.

Oh crap. Austin slowly backed up, trying not to make a sound. But then—SNAP—he stepped on a fallen branch. His heart dropped.

"Wait, I just heard something," James said, sounding relieved. "Maybe someone’s nearby. They could know the way out."

No, no, no…

The Rocket Trio emerged from the trees, looking just as ridiculous as ever.

"Thank goodness—," James started, but then he saw Austin. His face dropped like a stone.

"It’s the twerp!" Meowth exclaimed, while Jessie smirked.

"We found you just like we planned."

Austin couldn’t help but deadpan, "I heard you guys being lost." He shook his head. "And I don’t know where the exit is either, but it should be nearby."

"We don’t need directions," James replied as Jessie stepped forward, her posture shifting like she was about to battle.

"Prepare for trouble."

"Make it double—"

Oh no, not this again. "Thundershock the ground in front of them," Austin ordered.

"What?!" They barely got out half their motto before Pikachu’s Thundershock hit the ground, causing them to stumble back.

Jessie was the first to recover, glaring at Austin. "Hey, at least let us finish our motto!"

Austin shrugged. "I’ve heard it before," he said, rolling his eyes. "You guys realize no one takes you seriously, right?"

He couldn’t take hearing that motto one more time. His mind raced as Jessie and James pulled out their Pokéballs, releasing Ekans and Koffing.

"We owe you some payback for Viridian City," Jessie said with a smirk.

James nodded. "And what better way than to take your Pokémon?"

Austin's heart started racing again, but he forced a grin. "Rattata, Pikachu, you guys up for it?"

Both mice gave him a determined nod, while Caterpie looked relieved not to be in the fight. Spearow still looked irritated from earlier, but he didn’t back down either.

"Koffing, use Sludge!" James commanded, and Koffing shot a stream of sludge at Pikachu, who ducked just in time.

"Rattata, Quick Attack!" Austin ordered, feeling a surge of adrenaline. Rattata darted forward, slamming into Koffing at high speed. "Pikachu, aim your Thundershock at Ekans!"

"Burrow underground," Jessie countered, and Ekans dove into the dirt, dodging the electric attack.

Koffing took the Quick Attack like a champ, still floating. Then James called out, "Smog!" Rattata coughed as the smoke surrounded her, disoriented. Before Austin could react, Ekans shot out of the ground, catching Rattata in its jaws.

Austin's heart skipped a beat. "Rattata, return!" he called out, recalling her just in time, but the terror of almost losing her to Ekans made his hands shake. He could feel the panic rising.

Pikachu was still distracted by Rattata’s close call, and Austin barely noticed until the Sludge Attack hit him square in the face, knocking him down. His eyes were covered in gunk. He was out of the fight.

Austin stared at the scene in shock. This wasn’t like the anime. Team Rocket was actually dangerous, way tougher than they’d seemed on TV. Why didn’t he expect this?

Jessie’s voice cut through his thoughts. "You ready to give up, little boy?"

James grinned smugly. "We may let you go if you hand over your Pokémon."

Austin felt anger welling up in his chest. "No," he growled, glaring at them. "I’m never giving them up."

He grabbed Spearow’s Pokéball and threw it into the fight, along with Pidgeotto. Both glared at each other, still not fully trusting him. But right now, they didn’t have a choice.

"Pidgeotto, use Sand Attack! Spearow, start with Leer!" Austin shouted, his mind racing to come up with a plan. If he could blind them, they’d stand a chance.

Sand whipped up, blinding not only the Pokémon but Team Rocket too. "Meowth, I can’t see!" came a muffled yell.

Now! "Pidgeotto, Quick Attack on Koffing! Spearow, follow up with Fury Attack!"

Both attacks connected, and Koffing let out a pained cry before collapsing. James looked shocked. "Koffing!"

Jessie’s face hardened. "Ekans, get underground again!"

Not this time. "Pidgeotto, use Quick Attack to launch him into the air!" Pidgeotto slammed into Ekans, sending it flying. "Spearow, Peck!"

Spearow darted in, striking Ekans mid-air, and it crashed to the ground, motionless. Jessie returned it, frustration clear on her face.

Meowth stepped forward with his claws out, laughing. "Now it’s my turn to show you a real Pokémon battle."

Spearow and Pidgeotto were panting hard. They were exhausted from fighting each other earlier and then battling Team Rocket.

Austin returned both. "Caterpie, you’re up," he said, surprising even himself. The tiny bug crawled forward, looking almost comically out of place.

Meowth blinked, clearly unimpressed. "You’re sending a bug against me?"

"String Shot," Austin ordered calmly. In an instant, Caterpie fired a string shot so thick that Meowth was completely wrapped up like a mummy. He blinked, unable to move a muscle.

Jessie and James backed up in horror, realizing they had no other Pokémon to rely on.

Scooping up Meowth, they turned and ran. "This is the second time you’ve humiliated us!" Jessie yelled. "Next time, you won’t get so lucky."

"Be wary, kid," James added, shaking his fist. "You’ve made an official enemy out of Team Rocket!"

Austin watched them go, his chest heaving. He’d won. Again. He’d actually won a double battle.

A wave of relief hit him so hard he couldn’t help but laugh as he sat down, his legs giving out beneath him. The Pokémon gave him concerned looks, but he just smiled at them. "You guys were amazing."

But then he saw Pikachu still squinting in pain from the sludge covering his eyes. "Come here, buddy." Grabbing a cloth and a water bottle from his pack, he gently wiped the sludge off Pikachu's face.

The look of relief on Pikachu’s face when he could see again made Austin's heart swell. That was awesome, he thought, grinning like an idiot.

"So, who’s hungry?" Austin asked, suddenly remembering that none of them had eaten breakfast yet.


"I can't believe we lost to a brat!" Jessie snapped as she and James were on a red bike, pedaling through the Viridian Forest, a paralyzed Meowth in the basket.

"I can't believe we're on a one person bike." James complained as this was a bit uncomfortable.

Meowth twitched. "I can't believe a mouse beat us." He muttered in annoyance.

Eventually, the Rocket Trio had to stop and rest, a campfire going in the Viridian Forest to keep the wild Pokemon away while James tended to Ekans, Koffing and Meowth.

"So what do we tell the boss?" James asked after the Pokemon were taken care of.

"Nothing," Jessie quickly said surprising James as she stood up. "We tell him that the police interfered rather than a kid."

"Right, if the boss finds out a measly kid stopped us we'll be laughingstocks." Meowth had a scared look. "And he'll choose to keep that Persian over Meowth."

"But what if the Boss finds out?" James asked a bit worried. "We'll end up in worse trouble if he finds out we lied to him."

"If he finds out," Jessie told him, a frown on her face. "I have no desire to tell him and clearly Meowth doesn't, do you?"

James looked nervous and held his hands up in a placating manner. "No I don't." He said to the fiery magenta.

Meowth went to say something only to pause as the bushes started to rustle. "Hey fellas-."

"Good, now with that out of the way that twerp is sure to come through the forest so we can get our revenge by ambushing him outside of Pewter City." Jessie began to explain the plan, ignoring Meowth trying to get their attention. "We do that and we steal his Pokemon to teach him not to interfere with Team Rocket, get get our vengeance and avoid being laughingstocks."

"I like the plan but there's one problem, which way is Pewter City?" James asked earning a nervous chuckle from Jessie as she truly didn't know considering they were riding like a Zubat out of hell to get ahead of the authorities.

"We'll find that out soon-." Jessie stopped when Meowth finally jumped on her head causing her to scream in annoyance. "What is it?!"

"We have company." Meowth explained, making the two stop and look to see the bushes all around them rustling.

Koffing and Ekans got ready to defend their trainers while both Jessie and James looked nervous.

They didn't like not seeing who was around them.

"Chu?" A wild Pikachu popped its head out of the bushes with a curious look in its face.

"A Pikachu?" Meowth asked in surprise while Jessie frowned, being reminded of the twerp back in Viridian.

"Shoo, get out of here." Jessie told it harshly.


"Jessie I'm not sure you should be doing that." James said a bit nervously, no doubt not wanting to be electrocuted, especially when they heard more rustling.

Jessie however wasn't listening as she was too tired to care, angry at the reminder of their failure and hungry to boot.

"I said get out of here." Jessie grabbed a rock and lobbed it at the Pikachu, making it duck before it glared, cheeks sparking.

"Oh man," Meowth had wide eyes as more Pikachu's popped out their cheeks sparking. "You really did it now."

Now even Jessie looked a bit sheepish before the Pikachu's unleashed a combined Thundershock-electrocuting them while the bike near them was fried.

"T-Twice in one day?" Meowth asked fidgeting from the shock.

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