Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 100 – A Marvel of Growth: Seeds Rapid Bloom

It's been two hours since Floyd and the wild pokemon started working, and they were almost finished pulling out all the grass. And what they have done has caused a lot of disturbance in the soil, there's a lot of worms climbing on the pulled-out roots.

Then a Squirtle approached him and pointed out to the pokemon at the back and saw two Zigzagoon, four Sandshrew, Machoke, three Machop, two Geodude, Mankey, Cubone, four Petilil, and Togepi (?). Floyd already asked Chen Yu team's yesterday if he needed this pokemon and now they appeared.

Not only that behind these pokemon, there are five wheelbarrows carried by Machoke, three Machop, and Mankey. They covered her nose as they carried this container. Floyd knew it was an already made manure that he also requested.

Floyd greeted them and the pokemon also happily approached and greeted them. Floyd started to arrange them one by one.

Support Squad: Machoke, three Machop, Mankey, Ursaring, Arbok, Weepinbell, Gloom, Beedrill, Pidgeotto, Kecleon, Sunflora, Ekans, Cherubi, Teddiursa, Sunkern, and Togepi (?)

Water Squad: Wartortles and Squirtles

Ground Squad: Rhydon, Two Zigzagoon, Two Sandshrew, Geodude, and Cubone.

Dig Squad: Another two Sandshrew, Onix, and Fraxure

Sun Squad: Four Petilil and two Cherrim

"Don't kill these worms, we going to need it, Support Squad you need to take care of them,"




"Okay, now let's start, Water Squad surround the field,"



The Water Squad nodded and started to take position.

"Dig Squad, use dig on this surrounding field," Floyd commanded.




They nodded and started digging but not too deep.

A few minutes later, they finished what they'd done, Floyd then said, "Now use Water Squad Water Gun to the soil, Dig Squad cooperates with them as you let the water go inside the soil, you already know what to do,"

Then they nodded.

Wartortles and Squirtles use their Water Gun and the Dig Squad lets all of this water enter inside the soil using Dig,

A few minutes later, it was all done.

"Water Squad and Dig Squad, come out, Ground Squad enter, surround the field and use Muds Slap," Floyd ordered.




They hurriedly circled the field and used Mud Slap and many soils scattered on the field.

"Come out, Rhydon, stay on the field and use Bulldoze," Floyd ordered.

"Mooooar!" Rhydon started running as he used bulldoze on the field.

A few moments later,

"Rhydon, come out, Sandshrew and Geodude enter, use Rollout and fix the field," Floyd said.



The four individuals entered and rolled their bodies to fix the messy field.

After the field was fixed, Floyd commanded, "Dig Squad, entered and started plowing again,"

"Now, it's your turn, Support Squad, prepared the worms and fertilizer and put it back," Floyd reminded them.


"Kuriiii, Chaki, Chaki"

A lot of support squads entered and put manure inside the soil, and many baby pokemon is the one who took out many worms.

"Chaki, Chaki," Togepi is having fun taking out many worms then follows Teddiursa.

"Chaki, Chaki?" Togepi talked to Teddiursa, who was also taking worms on his hand.

"Teddiursa?" Teddiursa felt confused as he looked at her.

"Chaki!" Togepi showed her worms on her hands.

"Teddiursa~" Teddiursa laughed and showed his worm in his hands.

"Chakiii! Chakiii! Kurii~" Togepi jumped as she laughed happily

Then they put the worm inside the soil.

"Chaki, Chaki, Kuriii" Togepi clapped her hands as she celebrated.

"Teddiursa," Teddiursa called her out as if saying to follow him.

"Chaki?" Togepi was confused and then followed him.

Then Teddiursa introduced her to Ekans, and Cherubi, and they all became friends.

"Place the seed here," Floyd instructed, proceeding to take out the seed himself.

He had previously explained to the team that the seeds needed to be spaced a few meters apart. This was to ensure that they had ample room to grow without their roots competing for nutrients once they developed into trees.

Additionally, this spacing would prevent issues such as poor air circulation, limited growth, and increased stress on the plants in the future.

Over an hour had passed since they began their work, and they were now nearing completion. There was just one final step to take. Floyd grabbed a sprinkler, took out a bottle from his backpack, poured the liquid into the sprinkler, and mixed it with water.

The liquid was a fertilizer Floyd had made from dried berry skins—a byproduct of making Healing Powder. The skins had no other use, so Floyd had repurposed them as a colorless fertilizer. He began to water the seeds, and a few minutes later, the task was complete.

"Sun Squad, it's your turn now," Floyd addressed the Cherrim and Petilil, looking at them expectantly.

"Cherrim, are you able to do it?" he asked them.

The two Cherrim hesitated momentarily before nodding; they were willing to give it a try.

"Don't worry. Petilil, I'm relying on you to help them," Floyd encouraged.

The four Petilil nodded in agreement, casting Helping Hand on the two Cherrim. The Cherrim concentrated hard, transforming into their Sunny Form and casting Sunny Day. With the assistance of Helping Hand, they successfully executed the move.

Feeling the intense heat from Sunny Day, the buried berry seeds rapidly absorbed the surrounding liquid. This was the result of a combination of fertile soil, manure fertilizers, liquid fertilizers, sunny weather, and the abnormal growth rate of the berry seeds themselves.

The seeds germinated quickly, with embryonic roots sprouting and growing. Soon, embryonic stems and leaves began to appear above the soil, followed by cotyledons, and then the leaves began to take form. Below the surface, the roots spread wider, and the stems grew longer, eventually reaching the height of Floyd's hips.


A shout from behind made Floyd turn around, only to see Chen Yu, Li Qin, Le Mai Linh, Huang Mai Phuong, Kang Jihoon, and Ivan, all of whom had stunned expressions on their faces as they witnessed the extraordinary scene unfolding before them.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on here?" Kanraku, who looked like he had just woken up, joined the group, his face still a mess from sleep.

Earlier that day, Le Mai Linh had woken up early to prepare for training with the scouts, only to find Ivan already up and reading a book while training his Spinarak.

Ivan was determined to catch a Squirtle for his Pokémon team and had decided to start early, anticipating the chaos that would ensue later. However, he wasn't the only one with such plans; Kang Jihoon, Li Qin, and Chen Yu were also up and about.

Upon seeing each other, the group exchanged nods of acknowledgment. Their attention was then drawn to a loud noise coming from the Safe Zone, accompanied by the sound of running water.

Assuming it was the Squirtles, they hesitated for a moment, knowing that it was the Safe Zone. Chen Yu then suggested, "How about we go together? It's safer in a group, right?"

Hearing this, the others deemed it a reasonable idea and agreed. Le Mai Linh, feeling a bit bored, decided to join them.

As they neared the scene of the earlier commotion, they noticed a strong sunlight piercing through the sky, feeling an intense heat and starting to sweat profusely. "It's still morning; how can it be this hot?" they wondered, growing curious.

Rushing towards the source of the heat, they soon stumbled upon the shocking scene.

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