Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 151 – Battle for Acceptance: Gyarados’s Challenge

Floyd, speaking with calm assurance, said to Gyarados, "There's no hurry; we've got a few days to plan our next venture into the forest." After offering these words, he returned to his Pokémon training session.
Gyarados observed Floyd and his Pokémon as they moved away, his gaze lingering thoughtfully. His attention then subtly shifted towards his son, who was watching Floyd with evident longing. The young Gyarados seemed to envy Floyd; he had often shared stories about Floyd's training sessions with a sense of admiration.
With a calculated swish of his massive tail, Gyarados nudged his son, conveying a firm, silent message.
The young Gyarados, momentarily startled, faltered and questioned, "ROAR?" (Father, what's wrong?), his voice a mix of confusion and concern.
"ROAR" (Leave!), Gyarados commanded, his tone unexpectedly harsh.
"ROAR?" (Father?), the young Gyarados echoed, his voice filled with confusion, unable to comprehend his father's sudden strictness.
"ROAR" (Get out of here!), Gyarados insisted, his tone unyielding.
Taken aback and struggling to understand his father's abrupt demeanor, the young Gyarados responded, "ROAR!" (But Father, I am your son! Why are you pushing me away?), his voice tinged with fear and a sense of betrayal.
"ROAR!" (Go! If you admire that human's ways, leave and learn from him. I have no room for weakling here), he responded coldly.
"ROAR" (No, father, why would you hand me over to that human? They are our… our ene..mies!), the young Gyarados protested with a bit of hesitation, confusion and fear evident in his voice.
Gyarados remained silent, then abruptly unleashed a powerful Hydro Pump, narrowly missing his son's head as a stern warning.
"RO-ar" (Father? I...), the young Gyarados stammered, his voice trembling. He was at a loss, unable to comprehend the sudden shift in his father's demeanor, which now seemed menacing and unapproachable.
Gyarados, turning away dismissively, said, "ROAR!" (Stop pretending! Go, away and prove your worth. Return when you're stronger), and then he plunged into the depths of the river, leaving a trail of bubbles behind.
The young Gyarados, hesitant and heartbroken, took a few steps towards the river, only to be deterred by another fierce Hydro Pump.
"ROAR!" Realizing his father's seriousness, tears welled up in his eyes. The young Gyarados, standing at the river's edge, grappled with his emotions. A mix of determination and sorrow filled his eyes. With a heavy heart, he decided to follow the path laid out by his father, turning towards Floyd and his Pokémon with a newfound resolve.
Deep in the river, Gyarados heard his son's departing roar but chose to remain silent, settling down into the murky depths for a nap.
Meanwhile, Floyd and his Pokémon, startled by the commotion, turned towards the sound. A few moments later, they saw the large silhouette of the young Gyarados rapidly approaching them.
"Eh?" Floyd expressed his confusion upon seeing the young Gyarados' unexpected approach. "What brings you here? Did we forget something?"
"ROAR!" The young Gyarados' voice boomed, echoing across the landscape. (I wish to join your team.)
"Join? What exactly do you mean by that?" Floyd queried, seeking clarity.
"ROAR!" The young Gyarados gestured with his massive tail towards Floyd's assembled Pokémon. (I desire to be like them, a part of your team.)
Floyd, taken by surprise, took a moment to comprehend what he meant. He noticed how the young Gyarados' gaze lingered on his Pokémon, reflecting a blend of admiration and yearning.
The rest of Floyd's Pokémon looked towards the young Gyarados. While there was a hint of surprise in their expressions, it was evident they had sensed and expected this. Their interactions with the young Gyarados had always been amicable, despite his occasional gruff demeanor.
"Horsea~" Horsea chirped excitedly, bouncing joyfully at the prospect of her big brother joining their group. (Big Fish is joining us!)
Floyd, however, was concerned about Gyarados' reaction. "But what about your father? You've always been so loyal to him. This sudden decision..."
The young Gyarados' expression turned somber. "ROAR!" (That no longer matters. Father has pushed me away.) His voice cracked slightly, betraying his effort to stay composed.
After a pause, he looked squarely at Floyd and declared, "ROAR!" (I am resolute in my decision, but I have two conditions.)
Floyd, intrigued yet cautious, agreed to listen. "What are your conditions? As long as they align with our values, I'm willing to consider them."
The first condition caught Floyd by surprise, "ROAR!" (I want to swap roles with my sister).
Floyd and his Pokémon exchanged puzzled glances, even Horsea looked at her brother quizzically before gasping in realization.
"Horsea!" She voiced her concern with a mix of anxiety and defiance. (Wait, you're not suggesting I take your place with Father, are you? I won't do it. He doesn't know how to prepare delicious meals! And he would spank me for sure, hmph!)
Floyd reassured Horsea, "Horsea is a key member of our team. I wouldn't make such a swap."
The young Gyarados clarified, "ROAR!" (No, not that. I simply request that you ease my sister's training regimen. Let me shoulder the more rigorous training.)
The atmosphere was charged with a mix of surprise and emotional tension. Even Horsea, witnessing the scene, felt her eyes moisten as she gazed at her brother.
"Horsea~" she uttered softly, her voice tinged with a blend of admiration and concern.
(Big Fish~) Despite everything that happened, he was still her brother at all. She recognized his protective instincts towards her.
Floyd, deep in thought, paused, mulling over the young Gyarados's proposal. He realized something crucial in that moment. Horsea had been reluctant in her training, and he had been pushing her, envisioning her as a key member of his team in future battles.
However, he now questioned whether his approach aligned with her desires and well-being. It dawned on him that this might lead to contradictions and unintended consequences down the line.
This realization wasn't just about Horsea, but extended to all his Pokémon. Should they express resistance or discomfort, he knew he shouldn't coerce them. Floyd closed his eyes, contemplating this new understanding.
"Horsea~" Horsea observed Floyd, her nervousness palpable. She was unsure of his reaction and what it meant for her.
"Well," Floyd finally spoke, opening his eyes and directing his gaze at the young Gyarados, "What's your second condition?"
The response from Floyd left everyone in a state of uncertainty, trying to decipher whether he had acquiesced to the first condition. But his inquiry about the second condition implied a level of agreement. Horsea, however, remained apprehensive, her eyes still fixed on Floyd.
"ROAR!" The young Gyarados's demand was straightforward and bold. (Fight me!)
Floyd's lips curled into a smile, recognizing the challenge. "Oh, right, to persuade someone, you must prove your worth through battle," he remarked, enthusiasm evident in his voice. "Your challenged, I accepted. Fraxure, let's demonstrate our strength!"
"Fraxure!" The Dragon Pokémon stepped forward, exuding confidence as he faced the young Gyarados.
The young Gyarados, while feeling intimidated by Fraxure's formidable reputation, was determined to showcase his abilities. Despite lacking confidence in securing a victory, his pride spurred him on. He was eager to prove his mettle.
Floyd analyzed the young Gyarados's stats:
Pokemon: Gyarados
Level: 35 ♂
Type: Water + Flying
Ability: Moxie
Intermediate Level: Bite, Tackle, Dragon Dance, Scary Face, Splash
Beginner Level: Aqua Tail, Rain Dance, Waterfall, Whirlpool, Twister
Notably, the young Gyarados had recently progressed, gaining a level after encountering Ursaring. This development was also mirrored in his father, who had reached level 54.
Floyd observed that the young Gyarados had added 'Twister' to his repertoire, likely due to consuming a dragon attribute-enhanced pokeblock. This addition, alongside his Dragon Dance, marked another dragon-type move in his arsenal.


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