Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 152 – Gyarados joined the team

"Gyarados, this time, I will lead the battle. You will witness once more the formidable synergy between a trainer and my beast," Floyd declared with conviction, his eyes fixed on the young Gyarados.

"ROAR!" Gyarados responded affirmatively, his eyes reflecting a newfound respect for Floyd. He understood the honor of battling at full strength and respecting one's opponent through the challenge of combat.

(Hitmonlee: So, you didn't respect me? T_T)

"It's your turn now," Floyd said, acknowledging Gyarados.

"ROAR!" Gyarados nodded and opted not to attack immediately but instead conjured a Rain Dance, enveloping the arena in a downpour.

"Clever move," Floyd acknowledged with a smile. He then directed Fraxure, "Unleash Dragon Pulse!"

"Fra-xure!" Fraxure responded, emitting a powerful Dragon Pulse.

As the rain intensified, Gyarados countered with a swift Aqua Tail, creating a clash in the center of the battlefield.


The collision was fierce, but Gyarados held his ground. With Fraxure's strength leaning towards physical attacks, not special attacks, against Gyarados, who was also a formidable physical attacker, a stalemate was expected.

"Fraxure, use Taunt!" Floyd commanded.

Fraxure, raising his right arm, provoked Gyarados with a taunting gesture.

"ROAR!" Gyarados, agitated by the taunt, lunged with a ferocious Bite.

"Dragon Claw, now!" Floyd's voice boomed across the field.

Fraxure's claws glowed with a dark green hue as he surged towards Gyarados.



The impact was deafening. Gyarados reeled back in pain, the force of the collision evident.

"Now, Dragon Rage!" Floyd instructed.


The Dragon Rage, a torrent of fiery energy, was unleashed. Gyarados, in a desperate maneuver, tried to evade but got clipped on the tail, letting out a roar of agony. He retaliated with a powerful Waterfall attack.

"Counter with Dual Chop! Then Breaking Swipe!" Floyd's tactical mind was in full gear.

Fraxure met Gyarados's Waterfall with a robust Dual Chop, creating a resounding clash.

Fraxure blocked Gyarados' attack with his right arm.


The impact was evenly matched, but Fraxure wasn't done. He swung his left arm, targeting Gyarados' head.


Gyarados roared in response to the Dual Chop. Seizing the opportunity, Fraxure coiled his body and unleashed a Breaking Swipe with full force.


The impact sent Gyarados flying back. Floyd, sensing the moment, commanded, "Finish with Dragon Rage!"

Fraxure released another Dragon Rage.

Gyarados, summoning every ounce of his will, struggled to move, narrowly dodging the attack while panting heavily.

The difference in strength was palpable.

He hadn't expected Fraxure's strength to increase so rapidly. He still remembered their last fight; although Fraxure had the advantage then, he had felt capable of holding his own. This time, however, he truly felt helpless.

Fraxure was really strong.

Meanwhile, Gyarados ascended into the air, beginning a spiraling motion as he attempted to execute the Dragon Dance technique.

Observing this, Floyd shook his head in mild disapproval and turned his attention to Fraxure. "Still not learning your lesson, Gyarados?" he mused before commanding, "Fraxure, prepare for Swords Dance!"

With a robust cry of "Fra-xure!", Fraxure felt a surge of power coursing through its body, enhancing its prowess as it engaged in Swords Dance.

However, in an unexpected twist, Gyarados abruptly canceled his Dragon Dance and lunged at Fraxure, employing Aqua Tail.

Floyd, taken aback by Gyarados' unexpected strategy, couldn't help but admire the clever maneuver. He had anticipated a repeat of Gyarados' previous mistake but was pleasantly surprised to see a lesson had been learned from their prior encounter.

With a smile of appreciation, Floyd quickly adjusted his strategy. "Fraxure, stop! Use Protect now!"

Obediently, Fraxure ceased its Swords Dance, bracing itself with its two arms to enact the defensive Protect move against Gyarados' assault.

The two forces collided with a resounding BANG, but Fraxure successfully withstood the attack.

Floyd instructed, "Now, Fraxure, seize its tail!" This tactic was something he had gleaned from observing Ursaluna, and he was eager to test its effectiveness.

Activating Dragon Claw, Fraxure enhanced his grip, not for an offensive move, but to augment its strength as it firmly grasped Gyarados' tail.

The latter, caught off guard by this sudden maneuver, struggled to break free but found its strength paling in comparison to Fraxure's.

"Smash it!" Floyd commanded with intensity.

With a thunderous cry of "Fra-xure!", the dragon Pokémon slammed Gyarados into the ground with a deafening BANG.

Dazed, Gyarados' eyes fluttered shut as it succumbed to unconsciousness, signifying his defeat.

Moments later, Gyarados regained consciousness, finding Floyd and Munchlax at his side, offering care and attention. "You're awake," Floyd greeted, with a warm, welcoming smile.

At that moment, Horsea, calling out "Horsea~" (Big Fish!), hurried to her elder brother, affectionately rubbing his head.

Gyarados, touched by his sister's gesture, let out a hearty "ROAR!" (Little sis!), reminiscing about their past explorations of the ocean together with Horsea's admiring gaze at her elder brother brought a moistness to Gyarados' eyes, and tears began to flow.

"Horsea~" (Could you stop crying? You look ugly as hell), Horsea snorted.

"ROAR~" (No, I'm not! Sniff* Don't slander me, sniff*), Gyarados retorted, trying to compose himself.

Interrupting their tender moment, Floyd inquired, "Now that you're awake, do you acknowledge me as your trainer?"

Gyarados paused, then nodded affirmatively, "ROAR!" (Yes, I recognize you. But do you agree to my first condition?), signaling his acceptance and posing a question of his own.

Horsea's demeanor shifted to one of nervousness, her head bowed, hesitant to utter a word. Floyd observed her behavior, his mind swirling with thoughts.

His other Pokémon, sensing the tension, grew anxious, fearing Floyd's reaction towards their whimsical yet beloved sister, Horsea.

The concern was palpable; what would become of Horsea if she and Floyd were at odds?

Amidst this apprehension, the young Goomy approached Floyd, its eyes filled with a plea for understanding.

"Goo~" (Master, please don't be harsh with Horsea,), it implored gently, followed by a chorus of concerned murmurs and calls from the rest of Floyd's Pokémon.








They all chimed in, each expressing their solidarity with Horsea.

Fraxure, normally reserved and disciplined, found himself in a dilemma. His instinct was to adhere strictly to his master's commands, yet the sight of his little sister rallying for Horsea stirred something within him. After a moment's hesitation, he too joined the plea, albeit tentatively.

The truth was evident to them all: Horsea had always been averse to training. This reluctance wasn't new; she had been compelled into it by Floyd's high expectations.

Witnessing her siblings' support, Horsea's eyes welled up with gratitude. "Horsea~" (Everyone~), she uttered softly as tears of appreciation trickled down her cheeks.

Floyd, taken aback by the unanimous show of concern from his Pokémon, couldn't help but smile warmly. "What's this worry about?" he asked, his voice gentle. "Do you really think so poorly of me? I understand now. Horsea, I apologize for my past actions. I was blind to your desires and pushed you too hard in training. If you're truly averse to it, I won't insist anymore. This goes for all of you. Feel free to express your feelings openly; I won't coerce you."

Horsea, overwhelmed with emotion, cried out, "Horsea~" (Master!), and rushed towards Floyd. They embraced, Horsea nestled in Floyd's arms, her tears unabated as she clung to him tightly.

Floyd, his own eyes moistening, chuckled softly. "Stop crying, ah, you're making me tear up too," he said, gently wiping away his tears while holding Horsea close.

Even Gyarados, usually stoic, showed signs of relief and happiness at this heartwarming turn of events.

Observing Horsea's joy, Floyd suggested, "There's another way to grow that doesn't involve harsh training. It's about grace, beauty, and dance. Making movements look elegant and captivating. I think this approach might suit you better, Horsea."

Horsea's eyes sparkled with hope. "Horsea!" (Really, Master?), she inquired, visibly excited by the prospect.

"Absolutely," Floyd assured her. "I may not be an expert, but I know enough to guide you."

Grateful, Horsea beamed, "Horsea~" (Thank you, Master).

Floyd smiled and added, "And one more thing. Please, don't call me 'master' anymore. From now on, just call me Floyd, okay?"

His Pokémon, initially surprised by this request, nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with joy. Floyd hadn't anticipated this change would deepen his bond with his Pokémon in such a profound way.


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