Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 93 – Finally, Defeated

"What happened here?" At this moment, Le Mai Linh, Suzuki Akiko, Bianca, and all the women made their appearance, their clothes still damp as they had hurriedly dressed and rushed to the scene.

"Oh my God, what is that? A dragon?" Xin Yuexin exclaimed, her eyes wide open in shock.

The reactions from the other women mirrored those of the men earlier; all were utterly astonished by the majestic dragon.

Bianca, having encountered a Gyarados before, recognized it instantly. Observing Floyd engaged in battle with the Gyarados, her concern grew.

She was not alone in her concern; everyone else shared it. Kang Jihoon asked, "Should we help him?"

"It's dangerous over there," Hu Tianyi remarked cautiously, sizing up the opponent's strength and feeling too weak to lend any assistance.

"But he will be in danger," Kang Jihoon insisted.

"Let's observe for a bit. Judging from the situation, it appears that Floyd's Fraxure is the sole participant in the battle. If Floyd were truly in danger, he would have summoned all his beasts by now. He has an ample number of them, and look, they are merely spectators," Ivan pointed out, gesturing towards Floyd's other Pokémon.

"And intervening might just hinder him. For the time being, let's maintain our vigilance and stay alert. Observe, on the other side, Blastoise is holding its ground against that dragon," Chen Yu added, shifting his focus to the other battle.

"The initiative is in our hands. If Blastoise can overcome that one, or if Floyd's beast can defeat the other, they can then join forces against the remaining adversary. We are not at a disadvantage," Chen Yu concluded.

"But be ready. The moment someone is at a disadvantage, we must spring into action to rescue them," Kang Jihoon instructed.

"Got it!" everyone responded in unison, nodding in agreement.

"Oh, really?" Floyd chuckled, a sly grin on his face. "Bring it on, Fraxure, use Swords Dance!"

"Fraxure!" The pressure around Fraxure intensified as he activated Swords Dance, preparing for the final confrontation.

"This is the final moment," Floyd smiled confidently.


The Gyarados finished executing its move and charged towards Fraxure, attempting to land a Bite.

"Fraxure, unleash your strongest attack, Claw!" Floyd commanded.

"Fra-xure!" Fraxure roared back, his claws emanating a powerful green energy as he executed Dragon Claw, its power amplified by Swords Dance.



The Gyarados screamed in pain, its head spinning, its consciousness fading.

"Last shot, Rage," Floyd instructed.

"Fra-xure," Fraxure readied his Dragon Rage, but he was interrupted by a loud roar directed at him.


Seeing its son on the verge of defeat, the other Gyarados roared at Fraxure, as if trying to intimidate him. Fraxure paused momentarily, but Floyd, noticing the hesitation, shouted, "Don't stop, continue!"

Fraxure unleashed his Dragon Rage, while the Gyarados, blinded by rage, charged toward him. But then, a powerful jet of water struck the Gyarados.

It was a Hydro Pump!


Despite the Gyarados's intense pain and dizziness, it attempted to rise, only to be met with Blastoise standing in front of it, readying another Hydro Pump. Simultaneously, Fraxure's Dragon Rage made contact with the young Gyarados.



Both Gyarados collapsed, losing consciousness—one sinking into the sea, the other floating on the surface.

[Ding! Congratulations on defeating Gyarados. +30 points]

"Horsea~" Horsea, concerned about her brother and father, expressed her worry. Floyd reassured her, "Don't worry, they will be fine. We won't kill them."

"Horsea~" Horsea felt a wave of relief wash over her, completely trusting Floyd as she snuggled against him. Meanwhile, Blastoise dove into the sea, intending to retrieve the Gyarados.

Back in Kame Village, six orphaned children had sneaked out to witness the battle unfold. They had seen everything—from Blastoise's defensive stand against the Gyarados, to Fraxure's protective efforts for Blastoise, and finally, the collaborative victory over each Gyarados.

The leader of the group, his eyes shining with admiration, watched intently as Floyd commanded Fraxure in the battle against the formidable dragon. Trembling with excitement, he thought, "Awesome, I want to be like him! I want to be like him! He's so cool!"

"But Yuuki-kun, it's so dangerous," a timid child remarked, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe as he observed the battle.

"What are you scared of? Once we have a beast like that, we won't be in any danger; we can protect everyone and the village. I want to be a hero, I want to be as cool as him, so everyone will look up to me," Yuuki declared passionately, pointing at Floyd as he spoke.

"Then when can we get a strong beast like that? And what if it attacks us? We could die," a child wearing glasses expressed his concerns, holding onto a little girl with pigtail braids who was clutching a worn-out teddy bear tightly.

"It must be from that professor. Isn't that turtle from him? I'm sure it belongs to him. And that awesome guy over there must be the Gaijin he recruited from somewhere else. Tomorrow, we should go see him," Yuuki speculated, pointing at Kanraku and Floyd as he laid out his thoughts confidently.

"But we don't know that professor," a little girl with a ponytail voiced her uncertainty.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me. I'll handle it," Yuuki reassured her confidently, patting his chest in a proud manner.

Floyd swam towards the young Gyarados, attempting to lift it but was taken aback by its considerable weight. It was more than twice the size of a Munchlax. His veins stood out on his neck as he strained under the effort, wishing he had a Pokéball at that moment to spare himself the trouble of carrying such a heavy Pokémon.

Blastoise emerged, taking the unconscious Gyarados under his care, and effortlessly brought it to shore. Seeing Floyd struggling, he offered his assistance.

"Blastoise, thank you," Floyd expressed his gratitude. Although he could have managed to carry the Gyarados, it would have taken a significant amount of time and effort. With Blastoise's help, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Kanraku approached the Gyarados, magnifying glasses in hand. "Look at these magnificent blue scales, they're so beautiful. And the blue whiskers and tail – absolutely gorgeous!"

"Professor, be careful. It might attack you," Suzuki Akiko warned, rushing over with concern in her voice.

"Don't worry. I can sense whether they are conscious or not. Right now, they're still unconscious," Kanraku reassured her with confidence.

"Is this really a dragon?" Chen Yu approached, his voice filled with awe as he observed the two unconscious Gyarados.

"Brother, be careful," Chen Xin warned him, her voice filled with concern.

"Don't worry, I am always careful," Chen Yu reassured her, ensuring he kept a safe distance, observing from a few meters away.

Chen Yu wasn't the only one filled with curiosity; Kang Jihoon, Hu Tianyi, Nghiem Minh Tuan, and everyone else were observing with great interest.

"Youngest, did you really beat a dragon?" Kang Jihoon asked, still finding it hard to believe, even though he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

A small Fraxure had managed to defeat a giant, dragon-like Gyarados. It was a scene that was hard to imagine.

"That's because we trained a lot. You never knew, back when my Fraxure was still an Axew, he couldn't even land a hit on this Gyarados and lost the battle. But now we've won, right Fraxure?" Floyd said, looking at Fraxure with pride.

"Fra-xure!" Fraxure responded, nodding proudly. For him, this victory was his greatest achievement yet.

Dratini, feeling a bit sour, wondered if evolving really did make Pokémon stronger. He pondered about how much more powerful he would become if he evolved into a Dragonite.

"But for now, we must take these two to the base; it's dangerous here," Floyd said, quickly stripping off his soaked shirt. He began wringing it out, watching as water dripped steadily onto the sand below.

"Ehem," several women in the group reacted, especially Chen Xin, Bianca, Aizawa, and others.

Bianca, feeling embarrassed, lowered her head. She thought that under normal circumstances, she wouldn't be so easily embarrassed, but after the events that had transpired earlier, she found herself more sensitive to Floyd's presence.

Floyd, confused at first, looked at them and, upon seeing their embarrassed expressions, quickly understood the situation. His face turned a slight shade of red as he hurriedly put his shirt back on.

"Cough, professor, let's get these two Gyarados back to the base. Blastoise, we'll need your help," Floyd said, addressing both Kanraku and Blastoise, trying to move past the awkward moment.

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