Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 94 – Awakening

AN: Be prepared for the long Slice of Life of more than 10 chapters.


"Have you met this dragon before?" Kang Jihoon asked as the group proceeded.

"Yes, we have actually encountered them previously," Floyd affirmed with a nod.

"Are you all referring to this creature as Gyarados?" Le Mai Linh inquired.

"Floyd was the one who suggested the name," Jonathan interjected.

"Professor, do you believe this is a dragon?" Chen Yu asked, turning to Kanraku.

"I am not certain; I have yet to conduct research on them, so I cannot confirm anything at this moment," Kanraku replied, sighing heavily. Initially skeptical about labeling it a Serpent type, Floyd's introduction of the Dragon Type concept had made him consider the possibility of it being a dragon, despite the lack of solid evidence.

However, Gyarados's appearance was unmistakably draconic, making it difficult for him to deny.

"Professor, where will we be placing them?" Ivan inquired, gesturing toward Blastoise, who was towing the two Gyarados.

"The seashore is dangerous; there are many villagers there. The base also poses a risk—it would surely cause extensive damage. Our only viable options are the Beast's Sanctuary or the Safe Zone," Chen Yu analyzed out loud.

"The Safe Zone would be a safer location; numerous powerful beasts guard that area," Floyd recommended.

"Considering you're already dealing with some new beasts there, will you manage if we add these two to the mix?" Kang Jihoon voiced his concern.

"Don't worry. The professor has plenty of formidable hidden beasts there. Never underestimate them; they are more than capable of handling the situation even without my assistance," Floyd reassured.

"Just as Floyd has said, there's no need for concern about placing them in the Safe Zone," Kanraku affirmed, nodding in agreement.

Moments later, they arrived at the Safe Zone, where numerous Blastoises, Wartortles, and other Pokémon were stationed. Kanraku's Blastoise was the only one that had appeared in the village because the rest were tasked with guarding the new wild Pokémon here.

The group cautiously observed their surroundings, careful not to cause any disturbance. They noticed all the Pokémon closely scrutinizing them. The wild Pokémon's expressions changed dramatically upon seeing the two Gyarados, sensing their overwhelming aura yet observing that the humans had subdued them.

'Don't provoke them, just endure for one week, and then we can leave,' they collectively thought.

If Floyd could read their minds, he would have thought, 'After a week, let's see if you still wish to leave.'

"Should we wake them up?" Jonathan asked, looking at the two unconscious Gyarados.

"How about starting with the weaker one?" Floyd suggested.

"By the way, Floyd, didn't you mention wanting to conquer that Gyarados?" Jonathan recalled.

"Yes, I do," Floyd openly admitted.

Everyone within earshot reacted with a mix of alarm and surprise. It was unexpected for Floyd to express a desire to claim the dragon for himself.

Many in the group felt envious, mentally reproaching him, 'You already have so many; do you really need another?'

However, they also realized challenging him was not an option. They had failed to defeat the Gyarados themselves, so they had no right to criticize his choices.

"Now that we're on the topic of conquering, Professor, may I ask if I could have one from the Squirtle family?" Kang Jihoon inquired, turning to Kanraku.

Everyone's attention shifted to Kang Jihoon. Kanraku, taken aback, scrutinized him before asking, "You want one?"

"Yes, they are quite strong; they can even defeat a dragon like this Gyarados. I would like one in its middle stage," Kang Jihoon stated directly.

'Of course, it's a Starter Pokémon from the Squirtle family; it's bound to be strong,' Floyd thought, rebutting internally.

"It's fine, but you may only choose one, and you must convince it or defeat it with your own beast. Partner, you don't have any objections, right?" Kanraku addressed Blastoise, seeking its consent.

"Blastoise," Blastoise responded, nodding in approval.

"Hahahaha, thank you, Professor! As long as I have it, I will surely defeat Floyd's dragon, hahahaha," Kang Jihoon burst into laughter, his excitement palpable.

"Professor, me too; I want to have one," one of them eagerly stated.

"Professor, you must count me in," chimed in another.

"I also want to have one," a third person added.

Several others began voicing their desire to acquire a member of the Squirtle family. These were competitive young individuals, unwilling to let Floyd and Kanraku consistently outshine them.

"Don't worry, just as I said earlier, I'll allow all of you to try, provided you can convince or defeat them. And remember, you may only choose one. Do you understand?" Kanraku clarified, his smile wide and welcoming. This moment marked the commencement of his plan to encourage people to embrace Pokémon.

"Hehe, okay. Once I conquer this dragon, I'll be waiting for all of you to try and beat me…" Floyd declared, his smile sly, before playfully adding, "if you can."

"Youngest, be arrogant while you can, but your day of reckoning will come," Kang Jihoon retorted.

"Hohoho, really? I'm looking forward to that day," Floyd responded, completely unfazed.

Moments later, Floyd carefully poured a healing potion into the Gyarados's mouth. Gradually, the Gyarados began regaining consciousness.

"Horsea~" (Big Fish, wake up) Horsea called out, approaching the elder Gyarados.

"Horsea~" (Big Fish, don't you want some delicious food?) she coaxed.

The word 'food' and her coaxing voice triggered a memory in the young Gyarados's mind. He vividly remembered the food that the seemingly weak human had offered him—it had been delicious, and he had wished there was more. At that time, he had contemplated staying, but the fear of his terrifying father's wrath made him reconsider. His plan shifted to kidnapping Floyd and his sister, but unexpectedly, he was defeated.

Confused and unwilling to accept his defeat, especially at the hands of such a weak opponent, he was left reeling until he lost consciousness.

Now, hearing the word 'food' and his sister's voice, he was confused. 'It must be a dream. All that happened…it must have been a dream. That's right, I didn't lose; my sister is still here; everything was a dream,' he thought, trying to reassure himself.

But when he opened his eyes and saw Floyd, Fraxure, and Horsea, reality came crashing down.


The young Gyarados was startled and took a step back in fright.

'So, it wasn't a dream?'

Hope shattered, he looked at them, realizing his situation.

"Long time no see, Gyarados. How are you? Are you feeling okay now?" Floyd asked warmly.

ROAR (What happened? Where am I?)

"Of course, we woke you up. Are you hungry? I've made some new customized food for you. Here," Floyd said, presenting the bag of food he had shown the Gyarados before.

ROAR (Really? Hurry up and give it to me!) The Gyarados's eyes lit up with excitement. Then, noticing his unconscious father nearby, fear gripped him again.

ROAR (You weak human! You think you can deceive me? Do you think I would easily fall for your food?)

'Here we go again,' Floyd thought, sighing internally.

This young Gyarados was so cunning, changing its demeanor so quickly upon seeing its father. But this confirmed Floyd's suspicion that this young Gyarados was intelligent. Although it was still foolish from a broader perspective, but compared to the typically hot-tempered and dim-witted members of the Magikarp line, it was comparatively intelligent.

"Don't you really want it? I will give it to your sister," Floyd threatened.

Horsea eyed the bag of food, silently pleading, 'Give it to me, give it to me, please give it to me.'

She hoped her brother would decline Floyd's offer, and she was right—Gyarados did reject it.

ROAR (Don't think you can fool me. I will not fall for your tricks. Come on, fight me again!)

Gyarados roared, challenging Fraxure once again, still unable to accept his previous defeat to this comparatively tiny creature.

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