Pokemon: Tactician’s Triumph

CH_3.2 (07)

The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows as Caelan and Rattata walked through the bustling streets of the city. The past few days had been a blur of training and strategizing, Caelan's mind constantly returning to the old man's words.

Despite having a plan, he had no guarantee that those plans would succeed on his first try. But this didn't deter Caelan, so he tried again.

And again.

Over and over he let the sting of rejection slap him in the face, but he pushed forward regardless. After all, the plan's first step was by far the most difficult, so he had no problem shrugging off his failure and trying once more.

What exactly was the first step? Well…

The receptionist in front of them, a stern-looking woman with sharp glasses, barely looked up from her screen. "Name?"

"Caelan," he replied, striving for confidence. "I'd like to inquire about membership."

She looked up, her gaze settling first on his face, then drifting to Rattata. A subtle sneer formed on her lips. "We have standards here. Trainers are expected to have a certain... caliber." Her eyes flicked over his attire once more.

It wasn't the first time he had been turned down with just a look. Caelan wasn't naive enough to think that it would be the last time, either. Still, he really didn't want to just lie down and accept that rejection.

"I know that Rattata's species aren't known for being impressive, but–" Caelan began, unwilling to give up.

Before he could finish, a voice behind him interrupted. "You're here dressed like a beggar with a dirty street rat on your shoulders. Do you really expect to be taken seriously?"

Caelan turned to face the voice, an emotionless expression on his face. It was a tall man, clad in designer trainer gear with a smirk on his face. Beside him loomed a shiny Machoke, its muscular green arms crossed.

"You must be out of your mind if you thought you had a chance in joining the Silph Battling Club. Can you even afford it?" the man continued, laughter dancing in his eyes.

Rattata bristled, her fur standing on end. Caelan placed a calming hand on her head. "Ignore him," he murmured.

Taking his own advice, Caelan returned his attention to the receptionist. "Thank you for your time." His tone was polite, though there was a tightness in his jaw that belied his frustration with the rejection. With that, he turned to leave, giving Rattata a reassuring pat on her head as he did so.

As they exited, the man's mocking voice trailed after them. "Maybe you should start with a nursery, not a Battle Club!"

Caelan almost rolled his eyes. 'Grown ass man bullying a child to feel superior. How pathetic.'

Outside, Caelan exhaled slowly. "Forget him, Rattata. His words are nothing but empty chatter." He wasn't bothered by the man himself. He'd been rejected and ridiculed so many times in the last few days that he'd lost count, so the man didn't do much besides cause a scene.

The chances of joining the most exclusive Battle Club in the region were slim, but it was the last one within a reasonable distance from his house.

Now he had no choice but to trek all the way across town for another shot.

The Battle Club was a phenomenon that he remembered debuting in the anime of Ash's adventures in Unova. But once again they were different from the fictional show, being a facility that was as common as the Pokémon Center in every major region.

Essentially, the Battle Clubs served as training facilities where trainers could improve their Pokémon's skills, engage in frequent battles, and learn from experienced battle coaches. They were also places where trainers could compete in matches for money.

In other words, an actual gym for Pokémon, not just a place to challenge a single strong trainer.

Caelan's plan was simple: join a nearby club, battle others to earn enough money to pay for his membership and use the facilities to further Rattata's training.

It was a quick, but solid plan in his opinion.

Sadly, he hadn't anticipated one little factor.

He glanced at his reflection in a nearby window as he walked, noting the dirt smudges on his face and frayed edges of silver hair. It was disheartening to realize that his appearance mattered far more than he'd hoped.

Even if he had the money to pay for membership, most clubs sent him away with a look, their reputation being far more important than the few bucks he provided.

His eyes drifted across the window as they slowly settled onto the reflection of his only Pokémon. While he might've been dirty and disheveled, he'd made sure that Rattata was perfectly clean and groomed. She was the star of the show, and he wouldn't let anyone convince him otherwise.

Fueled by that thought, he steeled himself and continued toward the final Battle Club of the day.

The building was a marked contrast to the Silph Battle Club. Smaller and less ostentatious, it exuded a welcoming charm. The exterior was clean and well-kept, with a modest sign reading "Stardust Battle Club" hanging above the door.

Caelan glanced at Rattata with a hopeful smile and pushed open the door. Inside, the atmosphere was relaxed, far removed from the sleek luxury of the previous club. The decor was functional, reflecting a focus on genuine training rather than opulence.

A young woman with a kind but tired expression sat behind the reception desk. Her eyes widened slightly upon noticing Rattata perched on Caelan's shoulder, but she quickly masked her surprise.

'Is that a good sign or…' He shook his head, trying not to overthink.

"Welcome to the Stardust Battle Club," she said, her voice carrying a hint of weariness. "How can I help you today?"

Caelan cleared his throat, attempting to mimic Nolan's charming smile. "I was wondering if you have any spots open?"

She opened her mouth as if to say something but stopped herself when her gaze drifted over to Rattata again. With a thoughtful look, she spoke again. "One moment, please."

Without another word, she stepped away from the counter, leaving Caelan to observe his surroundings.

The Battle Club was clearly well-funded, with a well-maintained training area visible through an open door. Various Pokémon training equipment was neatly arranged, and the walls were adorned with trophies and plaques.

The club was clearly well-funded, with a well-maintained training area visible through an open door. Various training equipment was neatly arranged, and the walls were adorned with trophies and plaques. Despite its less flashy appearance compared to the previous club, there was a sense of genuine care and focus on training here.

As he waited, Caelan felt more surprise than hope. 'We weren't immediately turned away…? Why did she seem so interested in–'

Almost as quick as she left, the receptionist returned, her expression now far more alert than the earlier fatigue. "We don't usually consider applications without a thorough examination. However, given some special circumstances, we might have an opening for you."

Caelan blinked, his first instinct being that of suspicion. 'That was fast. I didn't even tell her my name…'

But with a shake of his head, he let himself feel an ember of hope. "An opening?"

"Yes," she confirmed, scrutinizing him closely. "But first, we'll need to see how you and your Pokémon perform in battle, of course. If you pass the test, we can discuss your position at a later time."

Her wording was unusual, but Caelan was too excited to question it. "That's fine. We're ready whenever. Right, Rattata?"

"Rraatta!" She exclaimed.

The receptionist gave a small smile at Rattata's enthusiasm. "Great to hear. Follow me, and we'll get started."

She led them through the modest hallway, the walls lined with framed photos and snapshots of past battles. The sound of Pokémon battling and trainers shouting in different rooms echoed through the halls, creating a sense of intensity that sent a thrill of anticipation through Caelan.

As they walked, Caelan couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Position? Did she mean a spot in the club, or was she implying something else? The thought nagged at him, but he pushed it aside. Right now, he needed to focus on the task at hand: proving that he and Rattata belonged here.

They arrived at a set of double doors, which the receptionist opened to reveal a spacious battle room. The floor was marked with the standard lines of a battle arena, and the walls were reinforced, likely to withstand the impact of powerful moves. At this late hour, no trainers were present, with a few coaches on the sidelines chatting casually.

Standing off to the side of the room was a man in a lab coat, his arms crossed as he observed the equipment in his hands with a critical eye. The receptionist waved him over, and he approached with a no-nonsense expression.

"This is Dr. Hayworth," she introduced. "He'll be overseeing your recruitment battle."

Hayworth didn't waste any time on pleasantries. "Let's get started, shall we? I don't have much time to waste on this," He pressed a button on the tablet in his hand, causing a door on the far side of the arena to slide open with a soft hiss.

With a few more buttons, there was a flash of red light, and a Pokémon appeared in the shadows, standing with eerie stillness. Slowly, it stepped into view with uncanny precision, its eyes devoid of emotion. The Pokémon–Tyrogue–was unlike any Pokémon Caelan had seen before. There was something unnatural about the way it moved, each step perfectly measured, each muscle contraction executed with machine-like efficiency.

"This Tyrogue has been methodically trained to learn and adjust to differing strategies with exacting precision," Dr. Hayworth explained. "It will not hold back, so be prepared."

Caelan swallowed, suddenly aware of the weight of the challenge before him. This wasn't just a test of strength; it was a test of strategy and adaptability against a Pokémon who fought more like a machine than a living creature.

Like a soothing balm on his frayed nerves, he watched as Rattata hopped off his shoulders and stood front and center without a word.

Taking a deep breath, he thought back to the last few days of training he had with Rattata. Since the initial training method was a bust, he instead focused on modifying Rattata's moveset. While he didn't know how to teach her other moves, that didn't mean he couldn't experiment with the moves she already had.

'All we need to do is follow through,' he thought.

As if sensing his readiness, Rattata's ears twitched, her gaze never leaving Tyrogue. "Raaatta," she declared, her voice low but resolute.

"Begin," Hayworth commanded, his voice cold and authoritative.

The Tyrogue charged forward, its movements swift and calculated, giving off the facade that it had analyzed every possible move Ratata could make.

But that was impossible, especially for a Pokémon of average intelligence like Tyrogue.

Unfazed, Caelan commanded with confidence. "Let's finish this quickly, Rattata. Use the Afterimage Technique: Second Gear."

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