Pokemon: Tactician’s Triumph

CH_3.3 (08)

Rattata tensed, ready to spring into action. But just as she was about to move, Tyrogue's eyes flashed with sudden aggression. Before Rattata could react, Tyrogue was already in her face, blurring forward with blinding speed. A sharp clap echoed through the room as Tyrogue slammed its palms together, creating a small shockwave that sent Rattata skidding backward.

Caelan's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected move. Tyrogue had used a priority move–Fake Out. The move was notorious for both its speed and its ability to make the opponent flinch, and it had been executed flawlessly.

"Hang in there, Rattata!" Caelan called, his voice steady despite the rapid shift in the battle. Rattata clearly heard him as she shook her head, clearing the disorientation, but the opening attack had done its job. Tyrogue's eyes locked onto Rattata, its expression unchanging as it settled into a boxing stance.

Hayworth observed with a cool, detached gaze, his fingers dancing over the tablet in his hand. "It won't let up," He remarked, his eyes fixed on the battle. "It's trained to press any advantage."

As if on cue, Tyrogue advanced swiftly, its fists coated in burgundy wisps of energy as it launched a barrage of jabs at Rattata. The punches were relentless, each one more precise than the last, forcing Rattata to backpedal.

'What is that move, Mach Punch? She can't take much more of this...'

"First Gear!" Caelan ordered; his voice sharp.

Suddenly, Rattata snapped out of her scrambling just in time. A white energy enveloped her form as she darted to the side, narrowly avoiding a powerful punch as she became little more than a blur of purple. First Gear—the base level of the Afterimage Technique—was meant to be used for quick dodges and repositioning, but they needed to buy time to set up for Second Gear.

During their training, he noticed that there were certain points where Pokémon moves could be canceled in exchange for either another move or just stopping altogether. The only two moves Rattata knew that could synchronize were Quick Attack and Tackle. All she had to do was use Quick Attack and then cancel it, using the momentum from Quick Attack to bolster the power of Tackle.

But another move that technically synchronized was Quick Attack with itself. If she canceled the move before impact, she saved a majority of the energy necessary while keeping the added momentum.

It wasn't quite as powerful as Agility, seeing as she could only go in straight lines, but it was enough to create the Afterimage Technique–a personal technique to take advantage of Rattata's speed.

Tyrogue, however, wasn't giving them any breathing room. It pivoted on its heel and immediately resumed its assault, each punch more accurate than the last. Rattata dodged one, two, then three punches in rapid succession, but Tyrogue was relentless, closing the gap with every step.

"We need space! Screech, now!" Caelan commanded.

Rattata's mouth opened wide as she let out a piercing screech, the sound reverberating through the battle room. Tyrogue flinched, momentarily thrown off balance by the harsh noise. Taking advantage of the brief opening, Rattata dashed away, slipping out of Tyrogue's immediate reach.

"Second Gear!" Caelan called, his heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of the battle.

With ample time to prepare, Rattata's eyes sparkled with determination as she sprang into action. Her form blurred as she executed the Afterimage Technique, her Quick Attack creating a series of fleeting afterimages that danced around the arena. Her small body moved with a grace that belied her size, each movement precise and deliberate.

Tyrogue shook off the effects of the Screech, its eyes narrowing as it realized it was losing ground. Standing stoically, it tracked her with an almost mechanical focus.

Rattata completed the first leg of a triangular pattern, her Quick Attack leaving behind a faint trail of afterimages. She pivoted sharply, her body slicing through the air as she began the second leg. The momentum built with each burst of speed, the air crackling with the intensity of her movements.

Caelan watched intently, calculating the energy buildup with each step. The key to the Second Gear was not just in creating confusion but in building up momentum for a final attack. He could almost see the energy coalescing around her, the result of the rapid movement and accumulated speed.

Tyrogue's expression remained unchanged, its focus unwavering. Despite the flurry of movement around it, the Pokémon stood firm, its stance a testament to its disciplined training.

Suddenly it shifted, lowering itself to the floor in a fluid, almost unpredictable posture. Its body spun low to the ground, leg sweeping out in a snap kick as it attempted to interrupt Rattata's momentum.

'Low Kick, probably.' Caelan noted. 'Not much she can do here but persevere.'

Rattata faltered slightly as the leg came toward her, but instead of stopping, she used the leg as a stepping board, propelling herself upward and continuing the triangular pattern. The momentum continued to build, her speed becoming almost too fast for the eye to follow.

Caelan felt a surge of hope. If they could keep this up, they might just be able to win the fight despite the initial problems. They were at a severe disadvantage with their lack of training and type difference, but it could end here if she cleanly landed her attack.

But Tyrogue wasn't done yet. It switched fighting styles again, this time standing tall and lifting its leg into the air, reminiscent of a fighting style that Caelan recognized.

'It knows Muay Thai as well?! Wait… Boxing, Muay Thai, and… whatever that last one was. Is this Tyrogue emulating the fighting styles of all its evolutions?' He theorized, the pieces finally clicking into place.

Closing its eyes, Tyrogue's legs began to glow with a faint white energy.

Hayworth's eyes widened as he saw Tyrogue preparing for something. "No, it's too soon for that move!" he called out, his voice betraying a rare hint of concern.

But Caelan saw the opportunity. "Attack!" he commanded, knowing they had to strike before Tyrogue could complete its attack.

Rattata shot forward, her entire body a blur as she poured every ounce of built-up momentum into the Tackle. Tyrogue's eyes snapped into focus as it bent its knee and leapt high into the air, flipping in the air as its knee surged with burgundy energy. Rattata narrowly missed Tyrogue and spun to target its airborne form.

"Don't let that energy go to waste! Tackle, now!" Caelan urged.

The energy slowly petering off of Rattata suddenly swirled around her violently in an upsurge of power. The ground slightly cracking under her paws, Rattata pounced into the air with a devastating Tackle.

The two Pokémon met in mid-air, the clash of their attacks sending a shockwave through the room. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the two forces collided, each one pushing the other to their limits. Then, with a thunderous crash, they both slammed into the ground.

Dust and debris were kicked up, obscuring the battlefield. Caelan held his breath as the dust began to settle, revealing the aftermath.

Rattata lay slumped on the ground, clearly exhausted, while Tyrogue remained standing, albeit with a noticeable limp.

Caelan's heart sank.

It was a quick, heart-racing battle, but in the end… they had lost.

Before he could fully process the outcome, Dr. Hayworth stepped forward, his eyes narrowing in concern. He tapped a few commands into his tablet, studying the data as it streamed across the screen. "Not ideal," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Caelan clenched his fists, bracing for the result.

"Tyrogue," Hayworth called out, his voice sharper than before. The Pokémon's eyes flickered with recognition, but it was clear it was struggling to maintain consciousness. Hayworth frowned, kneeling down to examine it more closely. "You pushed too far," he said, his tone a mix of reprimand and concern. "You weren't ready for that move."

Tyrogue swayed slightly before its eyes rolled back, and it collapsed onto the ground, unconscious. Hayworth sighed, his expression one of quiet disappointment. He glanced over at Caelan, his usual detachment giving way to something more serious.

"You showed promise," Hayworth finally said, his tone even. "But this battle... It's a draw. Not only did Tyrogue disobey and use a forbidden move, but it would've also continued standing even if it was dying. That's just how its species are wired."

Hayworth nodded curtly. "Get your Rattata checked out. Despite the outcome, you've shown commendable enough skill."

With that, Dr. Hayworth returned to his data, his focus already shifting back to his tablet. The battle, though important to Caelan, was merely another piece of data for him to analyze.

Caelan moved to Rattata's side, gently lifting her into his arms. As he made to put her in her Pokeball, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of fulfillment. Despite the unexpected challenges, they had held their ground against a formidable opponent.

Their first battle wasn't a victory, but it wasn't a loss either.

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