Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 16: Seven Keys of Legend

Some of the food, it seems, is just as strange as the rest of this world. It tastes like lemon meringue pie on a soft bed of sponge cake. A strange combination, yet vaguely familiar. While my thoughts are preoccupied on thoughts of the dessert I’m currently consuming, a drink is placed in front of my eyes. Oh. I guess he’s back.


Gem had run off with Cylen to god knows where, mumbling something about having double the mouths to feed. I’m assuming she’s shopping for more supplies, dragging her boyfriend with her. A small makes its way upon my lips, remembering the endless blushing I was witness to on the way here. When we did reach this small town, some way from the cave, she told us to have lunch and disappeared.


“What’s going through your mind?” He asks, breaking my train of thought.


“Nothing much.” I state with a small smile.


“I see.” He sits across from me sipping his drink, casually letting the chair support his weight. The dark gloomy look is back in his eyes, as if the charade he had put on in front of Gem was nothing but an act. Vaguely, in the back of my mind, I wonder if I should perhaps be unsettled by his quick changes in mood.


“Why did you really decide to come on this trip?”


“I told you.” He says, a half-smile on his lips. “I want to find this treasure.”


I shake my head, “That’s not the reason. Not really.” I know it’s not.


“And, how would gather that?” A sincerely curious look is reflected on his face.


“Just a feeling I have,” I answer in between bites. “Which are usually always right.”


“Usually, not always.” He states, the curiosity lingering. “This time it’s not.”


“Don’t try to lie to me.” I stare him straight in the eyes, “I can tell.”


“What if I’m telling you the truth?”


“You’re not.”


Several moments go by before he finally decides to reply, a pensive look in his eyes even then. “Because I find you interesting.”


I nod, acknowledging this time he’s telling me the truth. Still though… What kind of reason is that to follow people around? It sounds so unreal, yet I can feel that he’s telling the truth. At least partly. It doesn’t seem complete.


“What is this?” I point at the food I was pondering over before he interrupted.

“It’s a local delicacy, most commonly called lemon berry.” He pauses, “Do you like it?”


I nod, “Yes… but is there anything else to eat? I don’t think desserts are going to cut it.”


“You must really be hungry.” The only response he receives is a stare. Isn’t that obvious?


He sighs before making his way back into the restaurant, coming back later with a platter of food. My eyes immediately follow his every movement as he makes his way over. A grin splitting my face as the platter gets set down on the table, my hands reaching out to fill my stomach.


There’s a heaping pile on each plate with bread, chicken, and what seems to be pie. As I glance upwards, I meet his smiling face, a soft look seems to be in his eyes. Without even noticing, I find my grin changing into a soft smile.


The vague thought that I should probably be more cautious of what I’m eating sinking to the back of my mind. It’s drowned by the unexplainable trust I find myself giving him. Hopefully he doesn’t break it.


She had just been passing through town when she heard it. A rumour running a mill about some treasure. She decided that she needed to investigate this curious news. Decided that she needed to find the source. So, she did, wandering through the various crowds until she found herself in the middle of town. There he sat, in the middle of the town square, a wandering merchant.


“What stories have you been telling?” She asked the traveller, not giving an option of refusal.


The traveller looks up at her than, stroking his greying beard, a sparkle lighting up in his eyes. He found the girl curious, an old conversation coming to mind as he took in her features. ‘Yes. She may be the one.’


“Well?” She questioned in a tone firm, yet not unkind.


The traveller simply motioned for her to sit down and began his tale. Making sure to glance at the girl every once in a while, to make sure she was paying attention. He told her about ancient prophecies and curious tales, some of which she already knew.


Then, as his tale grew to an end, he told her about them. The seven keys of legend, which were more relics of seven families than they were tools. Her eyes remained bright as she thanked him and made her way home.


A sad look lingered in his eyes as he watched her fading back. She was the one. The one who could save them, yet pay a great price in the process. He only hoped she was strong enough to endure.


“Theo!” Celeste yelled as she ran back and forth, “Where are you?”


He made his way into the house, putting a stop to her frantic searching, a chuckle escaping his mouth. She didn’t even give him enough time to put down his weapons, she rushed into his arms, only pulling back when she was content. He sighed as he dropped his weapons. He had told her many times to let him put his weapons away first, yet she never listened.


“Guess what? Guess what?” She exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement.


He smiled, seeing the joy on her face, “What?”


“I’ve finally found something for us to do!” She replied, before telling him all about what the merchant had said.


“I don’t understand,” he began, “Why do you want to go on this crazy journey?”


“Because I’m bored…” She whined in a playful manner.


“And I have to come along because...” He asked, but his smile told her he was only teasing.


“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere you’re not.” She answered seriously. “Why? Don’t you want to go with me?” She pouted after the last sentence, widening her eyes to look of innocence.


“Silly girl.” He stated, tapping her nose, “Of course I’m coming with you.”


A mock glare was directed at him as she rubbed her nose, but the large grin on her face took away from the intended effect. She was very glad he agreed to go because, she knew that if he hadn’t, there was a chance she wouldn’t either.


“But first…” He started, “You should really eat something. I know how you get when you’re hungry.” He gestured to the set table behind them, a stern look on his face.


“Oh fine.” She huffed while making her way to the table but started digging in anyway. Why waste good food? She didn’t notice the indulgent smile the sternness had quickly turned into. He shook his head as he walked in to take a seat beside her.


Somewhat shabby is the only way to describe it. The room seems to be clean and a mess at the same time and for some reason, there is only one bed. I don’t know what Gem was thinking. She and Cylen finally came back around the time when it was starting to become dark, a horde of bags in their hands. There wasn’t enough in them for four people, so I wonder what they were doing all day… Forget it, I don’t want to know.


Anyway, as it was nearly night-time, they decided that it was best that we stay in a motel for the night. However, we only had enough money for two rooms if we still wanted to get supplies. Which, brings me to my current predicament, staring at the empty room, as I let my duffle fall to the ground. Another thing drawing my attention is the bags across the room from mine. The bags I’d spent all afternoon looking for the contents of.


After lunch, Ryan told me that he had some shopping to do, not wanting to be left alone, I tagged along. I only wish that I’d had the foresight to purchase my own clothes as I was at it. I suppose this entire ordeal, and hitting my head from that whirlpool, must have led to the loss of some brain cells. However, I can say that going through multiple shops to buy clothes for someone wasn’t too bad.


Maybe, that feeling comes from never having done it before. Well, not much anyway. I did do that with Gem, but it wasn’t the same.


Hearing the sounds coming from the bathroom, I almost want to turn back around. It didn’t take long for me to realise I barely had any clothes to change into for the night. The ones I had were becoming too stinky since I hadn’t had a chance to wash them. I guess neither Gem nor I were thinking about this when we went shopping.


Or, I guess we hadn’t considering bringing more changes of clothes with us. All of this is really spontaneous. A description that’s becoming more common in my life lately. I don’t mind that.


Anyway, I’m going to share a room with Gem as that’s become the norm, but I don’t know if she has any clothes I can change into. And obviously I can’t borrow Cylen’s because that would be weird. So, I guess the suspicious man I’ve spent all day with is the only real choice left. Still…


This would be less awkward if Cylen was in here, but he’s helping Gem unpack and clean up after dinner. Leaving me waiting here alone. My eyes glance back at the door. Should I just leave? Before I can decide, the noise stops.


Running water comes to an end before, a towel clad man makes his way into the room, freezing and eyes widening as they meet mine. I turn around immediately, a hand placed over my beating heart, a blush creeping its way onto my face. God. This day just gets stranger. I wave my hand over my shoulder, signalling for him to continue what he was going to do, not having the courage to say anything out loud. My body remains tense as I hear footsteps and the rustling of a paper bag.


Never before in my life have I been in a situation like this. I curse Gem in my mind, this was all her fault. Why didn’t she remind me to pack more clothes into my duffle? Even whilst knowing it’s not her fault, I can’t help but blame her a little. For not reminding me if for nothing else.

“Alright, you can turn around.” A hoarse voice calls out.


I do as he says, a hand still covering my face. I let my fingers gap as my eyes open, glad to see that he is fully clothed now, the towel laying on the floor. A chuckle fills the room, his lips twitching as he takes in my face, I have a sinking suspicion that a hint of the blush still lingers.


“Do you want to take a shower?” He asks after a couple of moments. I shake my head. I guess that’s as reasonable an explanation as any other.


“I don’t have anything to change into.” I simply state. The only clean cloth in my duffle is the blanket and the folded basket. I give him a half-smile before continuing. “I was hoping you had something I could wear?” Then feeling the need to explain, “I’m not sure my cousin does, and I don’t feel comfortable asking Cylen.”


And yet you feel comfortable asking him. Once again, I ignore that thought. It’s not important right now.


He purses his lips, muttering something underneath his breath, before making his way over to his bags once again. He searches through them, before pulling out a clean grey shirt and a pair of shorts.


“This may be a little big on you, but it is better than nothing, right?” He says as he tosses me the clothes. “You can use the shower here.” He adds, seeing my hesitant look at going back to our room, “Cylen is likely not going to be back for a while.”


Pondering over it, I decide he’s right. My skin feels sticky and crawly, I’ll never get to sleep if I don’t wash myself. Besides, I think those two need some alone time to catch up on the last week. A lot has happened, I’m sure Gem is filling him in.


“Thank you.” I make my way towards the bathroom and then turn around again with a slight scowl. This motel really is shabby, there isn’t even enough space to take clothes with you into the bathroom, or a place to put them. I suppose that explains the incident earlier. Deciding to just leave the clothes on the bed, I walk back towards the bathroom, stopping at the entrance.


“You can just pass them through a hole in the door.” Ryan states, seeing my expression. “I promise I’ll put them on top of the table.”


That’s not a bad idea. I give him a grateful smile and walk into the bathroom, which thankfully does have towels.


Refreshed, a sigh escapes my mouth, the towel tied safely around my body. Taking a shower, definitely makes me feel so much better, so does brushing my teeth. I suppose this motel isn’t completely useless. They did manage to include a new toothbrush and toothpaste. I wonder if I can take that with me once we leave. Now, there is one other problem…


Oh, to hell with it. I can’t exactly walk around in a towel all night. I hurriedly make my way to the bed, glad to see that Ryan seems to be preoccupied with packing all the clothes into a bag, along with some other things. Luckily, I do have a change of clean undergarments, I change into those before getting rid of the towel. It’s the same as wearing a bikini. It’s the same as…


“How did you get that?” A tightly strained voice whispers, making me jump.


I hurriedly throw the shirt over my head, before answering, “Get what?”


“That scar on your shoulder blade.” He states, the tightness remaining. I turn to see him staring at my shoulder, his body coiled tightly. Pressing my lips together, I slide the shorts over my feet, glad there’s a string to keep them somewhat in place. Should I tell him?


“It’s a long story…” I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell him. He may be a little suspicious, but it’s only a conversation.


Besides, I don’t really think he’s a bad person. Questionable stalking aside. I’ll confront him on that some other time. Too tired right now.


“Tell me.” He states, “Please.” He adds the last word as an afterthought, but after seeing the expression on his face, I accept the request.


She felt so weak and helpless. What was the use of being adopted if this was the price she paid? She felt like a cornered animal as they made their way over to her. Their eyes gleaming with anticipation, a sharp knife in their leader’s hand.


It had been so quick, only five minutes into their conversation, before she’d been kicked out of the car. She didn’t understand why she adopted her if, every time she annoyed her a little, she’d abandon her.


She supposed that she should have gone back and told the home, but this was one of the bearable ones. Now, she wished that she’d ran right back to there. At least then she wouldn’t be this cornered.


“Now, little girl, let’s have some fun.” A disgustingly sweet voice whispered, the stench of alcohol perforating through the alley.


Fun? They’d decided that she was their target after hearing her foster mother throw her out of the car. Had pulled her into this alley without giving her the chance to object. This was anything but fun.


Normally, she would have run.  After all, she was only thirteen. However, as she watched these despicable human beings make their way towards her, something snapped. As if the last string of her self-restraint had been cut.


She could only see the tip of the knife as she steeled her nerves and kicked, all that self-defence she’d learnt through fights coming back to her at once. She kicked and punched, not giving them the chance to react. Utilising roundhouse kicks she knocked them to the floor.


What she hadn’t accounted for was the sole scum who attacked her from the back. Even still, he only just managed to slide the knife over her shoulder blade before her instincts kicked in. She swung around, grabbing the knife and throwing it away, before throwing him at the rest of his gang with all the strength she had left. Thankfully, it worked.


Tears ran down her face as she sat at the bus stop she’d managed to get to. The bus wouldn’t arrive until morning. She would go straight to the facility; this place no longer held any pleasant feelings. Blood ran down her back, from what she knew was an open wound, yet she was numb to the pain.


‘Huh’ she thought, ‘I need to get something for that too.’


“That’s what happened.” I finish retelling the moment. However, I did omit how I’d nearly passed out on my way there, and how the shopkeeper had taken one look at me and given me the gauze for free. She’d even patched up the wound for me, I suppose she felt I was pitiful.


“You were cornered?” A dark look sits on his face.


“I am not helpless.” I huff, rolling my eyes. “I beat them up before I left. One just caught me by surprise, that’s all.”


“I know you’re not helpless,” He whispers, “But the thought…”


He looked so mad, yet I hadn’t even told him the whole story. “You asked how I got the scar and I told you.” I remind him, “Now, I’m really tired and need some sleep.”


Ignoring everything else, I walk over to the bed where my duffle lies, stuffing my dirty clothes into it. I swing it across my back and am about to walk out when he beats me to it. He’s already standing at the door, pausing to face me just outside.


His expression is still dark. “Tell Cylen I’ll be back later.” He mutters, “Goodnight.”


As I make my way over to my room, I swear I hear the sound of something falling. His odd choice of words replays through my mind as I walk inside. What does he mean ‘he knows I’m not helpless?’ And why do I…


Shaking my head, I tell my companions goodnight before burying myself into the blankets. The thoughts echo through my mind even as I feel myself falling deeper into sleep.

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