Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 17: The Dark Forest

Wild jostling on the bed wakes me from my slumber. I open my eyes, groaning with irritancy at being woken up. There, sitting on the bed as if she didn’t do anything wrong, is Gem. There’s a blinding smile on her face, only being out down by the literal blinding light of the sun through the curtains. Seriously. How shabby is this motel?


“What?” I ask, yawning as I close my eyes again. Just a couple more seconds.


A pillow meets my body, making me crack my eyes open to narrow on her greys. “Stay awake! This is important.” She mutters, hitting me with the pillow again.


“You still haven’t told me what ‘it’ is.” My eyes close, deciding to just let her attack me with the pillow for now. “And I’m just trying to rest my eyes.”


A frustrated sigh comes from next to me. “Oh alright.” Then the voice gets a little more chipper, “I found out where we have to go to find the clue for the first key.”


That catches my attention. “What?”


“Pay attention cousin.”


“You found a clue on where to go?” I ask incredulously, “How?”


“While you were going shopping yesterday, Cylen and I found these folks that remember this old legend about it.”


“Why didn’t you tell me this yesterday?” I exclaimed, sitting up now.


She has the nerve to shrug, “It was getting dark.”


“Tell me.” I say through gritted teeth. “I need to know, and it’s no longer dark outside.” I wave a hand to towards the window.


My cousin seems to hesitate for a moment. “The Dark Forest. It’s where all the legends on these things start.”


Blinking my eyes several times does nothing to take away the serious expression on her face. The Dark Forest? What kind of name is that?


“I’m sorry,” I pause, “Where?”


“The Dark Forest.” No hesitation what-so-ever this time. I just sigh, I suppose my ears weren’t playing tricks on me after all.  


“We need to get some supplies.” I mutter, rubbing my eyes to get rid of any remaining cobwebs. After a moment’s thought, “Enough to last us a while, and you might want to get some tents as well.”

“Ok.” Gem agrees, a small smile on her face, “Sounds like a great idea, I’ll take Cylen with me.”


Raising my eyebrows, I give her a look, my lips twitching with amusement. “Actually buy supplies this time, all right?” She gives me a glare, but her blushing cheeks give her away.


“All right.” Gem nods, before briefly pulling me into a hug and then running out of the door. Shaking my head, I feel my lips widening into a smile. I think I’ll try to sleep a little longer.


Before I can lie back down, there’s knocking at the door. Seeing who it is, a laugh bubbles up in my throat. Oh my. I suppose they really are meant for each other. Neither of them seems to want to let me sleep today.


“Come in.” I say when he hesitates at the door.


“I need to talk to you about something.” I gesture for him to continue, my hands running through my hair. “I’m guessing that Gem already told you.”


A mischievous smile plays on my lips, as I cock my head, “That would be why she skipped out the door.”


“Right.” A smile. “I just thought that you should know something else.”


“Which is?”


“It’s dangerous out there.” A pause, “Going to The Dark Forest is just asking for trouble.” It’s not like danger has ever stopped me. If anything it makes me curious. But I should probably not tell him that.


“I can protect myself.” I tell him, “I am not defenceless.”


Cylen frowns, “From normal dangers, yes, but there may be dangers which are out of your imagination.”


My eyebrows shoot up into my hairline. Really now? “What kind of danger?”


“Monsters, ghouls, shadows, it could be anything.” He shrugs.


“Uh huh.” I respond, “Like I said I can protect myself.”


“But…” I don’t give him the chance to finish.


“And even if I can’t, I’ll find a way to do it. You don’t need to protect me.”


Cylen stares at me for a couple minutes, “But, Gem would want me to.”


“Has she told you that?”


“No…But…” Again, I cut him off.


“Then, you don’t need to.” I smile, “Besides, I’d much rather you protect Gem.” At his hesitant look, I add, “You can think of it as doing me a favour.”


His face breaks into a smile, “Gem was right.”


“About what?” I’m confused. What did Gem say?


Cylen shakes his head, “I’ll tell you some other time.”


Weird. Very weird. “Then, you should go, she’s probably waiting for you.”


He nods, smile still on face, and walks towards the door. Before he leaves, I swear I see him bow. Odd. But I suppose everyone is in one way or another.


Figuring there isn’t a chance of sleeping now that I’m wide awake; my eyes wander around the room. They come to a stop on the sword leaning against my bedside. Taking it into my arms and resting it against my lap, I run a hand over it. Although, I only got it yesterday, it feels like I’ve had it forever.


As if it’s back where it belongs.


The hilt of the sword is pure gold, silver roses adorning the handle where it meets the blade. The blade itself is very shiny, the gleam of the morning sun causing a silvery light to shine on the floor. It’s beautiful. I can’t help but smile as I put it back into the gold scabbard. So very beautiful. I love it.


The celebrations are in full spring in the hall, a small girl wanders through them, her eyes taking in the bright colours with glee. Today is her birthday. It’s a very special birthday. Today she can finally escape the confines of this hall and wander the world. So many years, she has felt trapped, longing to explore what lies ahead, to see what she has only read about.


Alas, there are rules she needs to follow. Rules that all those that have come before her have had to follow. Rules that can’t be broken for anyone. Not even for her. It wasn’t all bad, she had her lessons to look forward to. Languages and etiquette were alright, even history and mathematics were just fine, but there was one lesson that filled her with more joy than the rest.


She loved the sound of her sword clashing with another, loved the feeling of driving her opponent to defeat. She also liked to learn new techniques in the fights with worthy opponents. She was also taught how to fight with her bare hands, with daggers, and all kinds of weapons. However, fighting with a sword felt different, it was not the most personal method, yet it brought her more satisfaction than any other.


“Miss!” A voice yelled, breaking her train of thought, “Come on, everyone is waiting for you.”


She never had told them her name, she wasn’t allowed to, the name her teachers called her by was naught but a cover. “Coming.” She called back as she wandered back towards the great hall.


“Amara,” Her teacher called out, “There you are.”


“You called?” She asked, making sure to look as innocent as possible.


“Yes, a present has arrived for you.”


“A present?” Her brows furrowed, “From whom?”


“It says that it’s from your father.” Her father? Then, she knew that it was something important. Neither of her parents ever sent her something that wasn’t. They wouldn’t disturb this rite of passage for nothing, which is exactly why it has been some time since she last saw them.


Walking up to the pedestal, she saw something wrapped in parchment, “May I open this in my room?” She needed to be polite, no matter how curious she was.

Her teacher nodded, a smile on his face and then went back to co-ordinating her birthday event. A warm feeling rose in her heart, these people knew her penchant for danger, and they cared for anyway.


In her room, she tore the parchment to reveal what lay inside. A gasp escaped her mouth as her eyes fell upon the most beautiful sword she’d ever seen. It was so beautiful, and it was hers. A note lay upon it; ‘To our darling daughter, happy birthday! A gift to help you on your journey.’


She hugged the sword close to her body, a grin on her face, they really did love her. A tear slid down her face, she knew they would not live forever, she only hoped that she would be able to see them once again soon. The sword was wonderful gift, her favourite weapon. Well, her favourite weapon that people knew off, there was another that she loved just as much. One only she and her parents knew of, the world was not yet ready for it.


Lost in thought staring at the sword, I only notice another presence when the footsteps draw near. I look up to meet his eyes, they seem to no longer contain the darkness they had last night. Instead, there are faint black circles underneath his eyes, and a paleness to his skin. He looks exhausted.


“Where have you been?” I find myself asking, concern seeping in.


He blinks, clearly not expecting me to ask that, “I was just going out for a walk?”


A walk? He doesn’t sound so sure. “Does that mean that you did come back yesterday?” Did he? Our rooms are very close to each other, I would have heard it. I think.


He cocks his head to the side, “Why, were you worried?” Yes. I wouldn’t want anyone to stay out in the cold.


“I just,” I hesitate, “Didn’t want you to leave without saying goodbye.” I finish. It’s part of the truth any way. “Especially since you said you’d help me find some other clothes.”


“Is that so?” It doesn’t really seem like he entirely believes me, but I can see a small smile making its way on his face anyway.


“Yes.” I nod, trying to contain an answering smile. “You’re not backing out, are you?” I widen my eyes, trying to look innocent, even as my lips curve up in a teasing challenge.


“Well, sorry to disappoint…” He starts, giving me a flat look. “But we won’t need to do any shopping.” Then, with a smug smile, he gently throws a total of five bags at a spot beside me. I didn’t even notice he was holding anything.


Curious, I empty the contents on the bed. I blink as I take in the piles within. He went out to buy me clothes. A lot of them. Why would he do that?  A strange warm feeling makes its way up to my heart as I take them in. However, I do have one question.


“How…” I ask, lifting my head up to look at him, lifting one of the bags up slightly.


“How did I know what colours to get?” Ah. It seems I didn’t have to find the words to finish the sentence after all. I nod. It takes him way too long to reply, “Lucky guess I suppose.”


An enormous grin spreads on my face, “Thank you.”


Blue eyes widen, mouth gaping open a little. “It was nothing really.” He breathes the words out in a whisper.


While I make room for the clothes in my bag, I find myself telling him all about what Gem said, and where she has gone. I suppose I’m just trying to fill the silence.


Or speaking out of instinct. Shh. That’s not important right now. There’ll be time to think about it later.


A blush makes its way onto my face as I see that he got me undergarments as well, throwing him an accusing look. His response? To back up, with his hands in the air, trying to feign innocence. Not wanting to deal with it much longer, and letting my gratitude win, I decide it’s not important. I would have needed them anyway. I really don’t want to think about this right now.


Once my packing is complete, I find my gaze drawn back to the sword still resting in my lap. I glance at Ryan, wheels turning in my head.


“Hey!” I exclaim, trying to get his attention. “Would you mind doing me another favour?”


“A favour?” A small pause. “What kind of favour?”


“Well you see,” I begin, staring him straight in the eyes, “Cylen came in here earlier, saying something about it being dangerous out there. I don’t really think there’s anything to worry about but… I suppose it’s better to be prepared.”


Confusion is evident on his face, “What… What are you asking?”


“Can you help me figure out how to use this?” I blurt out, pointing to the sword in my lap. “I already know some of it, but I might be a little rusty.” It has been a while and the swords I’ve used have been different. I had a fencing phase.


A suspiciously long silence follows my request. I almost want to take back the words. Just as I’m about to tell him he doesn’t have to say yes, the silence is broken.


“What makes you think I can help you fight?” His voice is barely above a whisper, “After all, I haven’t given you any reason to think I could.”


“Oh, so that arrow you shot was just for show?” I ask, my brows raised in indignation.


Another pause, “What arrow?”


“The arrow you shot in that store two days ago. I know it was you.”


“What store?” He asks, still playing oblivious.


I shoot him an annoyed glare, “I told you. Don’t try to lie to me.”


The silent stare down continues for a couple more moments, before a resigned sigh makes its way out of his lips. “How did you know it was me?” The smell. It smelled like you. “Just a feeling.” There is no way I’m telling him it’s because it smelled like him.


It wasn’t a bad smell though. It seems that my own thoughts are against me. He doesn’t seem too convinced yet nods anyway.


“Does that mean yes?” My voice turns a little high pitched, excitement bleeding through. The sword is so beautiful! I need to use it.


“Alright,” He sighs, “We have a deal.”


I’ve been smiling a lot lately. It just doesn’t seem to want to stay off my face. The darkness in his eyes from before is now replaced with amusement as he holds out a hand for me to shake.


“Yes!” I shout holding the sword in a hand, while dragging him along with the other, “Let’s go.” A chuckle accompanies me on the way out.


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