Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 33: Valley of truth

Turns out the ‘valley’ part of the name is quite literal. All I can see around us is mountains and tall trees. There is a bridge up ahead that crosses the river that bisects it. I’ve been told that is the entrance to the valley itself and not just a step on the path. You would think that it wouldn’t be divided into parts, but apparently not.


“The bridge is too narrow to take a carriage.” The words fall from my mouth before I can process them.


Cylen frowns, narrowing his green eyes. “We can’t just leave it here.”


“Why not?” My head tilts. “It was suspicious when we found it anyway.”


Blue eyes bore into me, “You didn’t mind that then.”


I shrug, “Minds change all the time.”


“We can’t go across it on foot, it would take too long.” Gem decides to add her input. Her eyes sweep over the bridge before flickering back to the carriage.


“Not to mention, all our stuff is in it.” Cylen is clearly stuck in his own mind.

“True.” I acknowledge him, before moving towards it and pulling out two storage bags. I haphazardly stuff all our things into them, save for the weapons. Then, as if compelled by an unseen force, I pick up a rock.


“What are you doing?” Confusion is evident in his voice, but I ignore him for now.


Blue eyes follow me as I place a hand on the bags, holding the rock in the middle of the palm of the other. My eyes close as I allow the light pooling at my fingers to spread over the rock. A faint pressure builds in my mind as I allow my limbs to move of their own volition. I don’t really know what I’m doing either.


A faint tickling sensation builds on my palm before the rough surface of the rock is replaced by smooth metal, the bags vanishing from under my hand. My eyes snap open just in time to see them get sucked into the lavender jewel at the centre of the ring that now sits on my palm.


“How did you do that?” Disbelief is present in all their faces, but I can’t help but sense that it may be for different reasons.


Shrugging, I slip the ring onto my ring finger. “Doesn’t really matter how.” I don’t want to tell them I don’t know. “What matters is now we don’t have to worry about our stuff.”


As my eyes roam the carriage, stopping at a certain part an idea strikes. “We could always just use the horses.” I answer Gem’s earlier question.




“She means we could just ride the horses if walking would take too long.” He tilts his head. “Not a bad idea, as they now have significantly less weight to carry.”


“Are we just going to gloss over how she just made a space ring out of rock?” A pause. “Nobody? sigh…fine!” He throws his hands in the air.


Gem pointedly ignores her boyfriend to look at the horses. “True. It’s a good thing there are four horses.”


Ryan nods to that, before waving a hand. The horses immediately detach from the carriage, and my hands reflexively reach out to grab the reins before the horses start panicking. Cylen breaks his tirade to take two of the reins, before the others step up. A sigh of relief leaves my mouth when only one remains, it would be dangerous to try and hold too many. Just as it would have been dangerous to ride a horse double on bareback. It really is fortunate there are four horses.


“Do you even know how to ride a horse?” Gem decides to ask before she seats herself on the creatures back.


Cylen turns towards, brows raised, the reins still gripped in his hands. “Love. I feel like you should have asked that beforehand.”


“I agree.” Sapphire eyes join grey to bore into me, except the corners of his lips are twitch. “That seems like a very important question.”


I shoot him a glare which lacks the heat. One of my hands going to the front of the horse’s head, palm up. I let him sniff me, allowing the beautiful beast to adjust to my presence, before moving to place my hands on his back. With a practised ease, I pull my legs up and around to seat myself upright, the reins loosely held in one hand.


“Yes.” I answer her worried gaze, adjusting my grip so the reins are evenly distributed in both hands.


“I can see that.” Cylen mutters before pulling himself up on his horse as well. I’m surprised he can do that with a spear across his back.


A mysterious eyes shine in blue depths, before a smile pulls up his lips. “Well then,”


He drawls, “Let’s get going.”


Feeling at my hip to make sure Storm Cleaver is still safely attached, I nod in agreement. Wouldn’t want to be caught unaware.


Maniacal laughter filters through the room. The demon’s tail swishing in glee as he danced in place. He had done it! A deal had been struck. Soon the power he yearned for would be within his grasp, without him having to exert the effort to obtain it.


It was a stroke of fortune that the red one had once again appeared on his doorstep. She had the makings of a great demon, having the essential quality of luring people in with the promise of the forbidden. She had agreed to fool a pair of royals to obtain the pendant in return for a promised favour.


A hefty price as she could ask for anything, but inconsequential in the pursuit of power. He could always disappear when it came time to pay. After all, demons weren’t exactly known for being honest or trustworthy. If she chose to ask for something he was woe to resist, double cross was always an option.


Power. Power. Power! What delicious lure and intoxicating addiction. It was all he had ever wanted. He would never have to bend to the will of others again! Instead, they would have to bend to his. The prospect grew more pleasing as he thought upon it.


Yet, a doubt started to bloom within him. Could mortals truly be entrusted with this task? They were so fickle. Just as prone to double cross as demons, their greed the perfect incentive. So easily fooled, they would believe just about anything.


Frowning, his mind raced at the thought, displeasure replacing the glee which had been coursing through him only moments before. This wouldn’t do. One mistake could ruin everything! He needed to do something about this! But what?


Flicking his gaze over the room, it came upon a black book by a mirror. Yes. That could work. He remembered reading about a spell that would allow the castor to spy upon the upper realm through a mirror. It required a lot of ingredients and even more time. The ingredients would need to be foraged, as he didn’t quite have all, but time was certainly something he had ample of.


With that thought, he threw on his cloak and walked towards the deathly forest. The risk it posed paling when thrust against the reward it promised. The glee was soon starting to return as his steps grew more hurried. Soon. Soon, he would have all that he wanted and not a soul in this domain would be able to stand in his way.


It seems we jinxed ourselves. How? Well, the weapons pointed at our faces may be an example of the danger we hoped to avoid. I should have known a lack of carriage wouldn’t be able to dispel thieves from trying their hand. After all, the clothes we wore could hardly be considered cheap.


“Hands in the air!” One of them shouts. He’s got a cool red mask.


“Yeah!” The one with the scar across his face adds. “And drop the weapons!” Two more voices sound their agreement, thrusting their weapons threateningly closer.


The last thief looks at them like they’re idiots but keeps the weapon in place. “Get them to get off the horse first moron!”


“Get of the horse!” Red mask shouts.


“Do you want us to get off or put our hands in the air?” I politely ask, getting three disbelieving stares in return. Luckily one of those isn’t from my friends, but the grey shirted thief who was displeased by his comrades. No, my blue-eyed partner only releases a frustrated sigh, muttering something under his breath.


“Get of the horse!” The man with the checkered scarf clarifies for me.


An axe is nudged closer to my face. “And don’t be a smartass!”


“Wasn’t meaning too.” I state as I slide off my horse. “I should warn you that keeping weapons that close to a horse will most likely spook them and cause them to trample you.”


They simultaneously take a step back before catching themselves and glaring at me. Yet, they still don’t take a step forward, clearly sensing the truth in my words. Their weapons now point as far from the horses as possible. So glad that they listen so well.


“We don’t have anything for you to steal.” Ryan mutters as he slides down from the horse too. I don’t miss how he steps slightly in front of me but decide to ignore it in favour of keeping my eyes on the surprisingly reasonable thieves.


“As if!” Scar retorts. “You have fancy clothes.”


“We’re not taking their clothes dumbass!” Checkered scarf moves the halberd to smack the back of his head with gnarled hand.


Axe nods his shaved head in agreement. “Ain’t sank that low.”


“No telling whether we’d even fit in them!” The red masked, bow wielding leader adds in.


“I meant we could sell em!” Scar shouts, simultaneously lowering his halberd. “Not wear em!”


“Sell them where?” Grey shirt questions, “We’d have to exit the valley first!”


“Then do that!” He still hasn’t raised his halberd again.


“We can’t!” Four voices unanimously shout at him.


“You can’t?” I break their comedy routine. “Why not?”

“Coz’ you can’t get out ‘til no lies remain.” Red mask answers. And then looks mortified that he did.


“So how long have you been here?” It must not be that long based on the clothes.


“Eight months!” Scar sniffles, “It’s been torture!”


“Why are you telling her that!”


“Cause I wanna go home!”


“What does she have to do with that?” Grey shirt yells in exasperation.


Gem and Cylen have now slid off their horses too and have joined Ryan in giving these ‘thieves’ blank stares. They look very unimpressed. Especially since they’re so caught up in their argument that they’ve dropped their weapons and now look ready to brawl with each other. I have a feeling they would already be in the ground if a semblance of decorum wasn’t present within them.


“I wanna go home!” Red shirt finally breaks and joins Scar in crying. Well, this has turned both depressing and into a comedy. This is the worst robbery I have ever seen. 


“We all do Reese!” Checkered scarf exclaims, “Bthat don’t mean we’re gonna be able to!”


“What do you know Brian!” Red shirt who is apparently named Reese decided to reply.


“Yeah, so we gonna need those clothes.” Scar cuts in.


They all turn to him. “Shut up Kyle!”


He turns to Axe, “Don’t you stay silent! I know you agree with me Bob!”


Bob shrugs, “Like Cole said, we’d have to exit the valley first.”


“Amazing.” Cylen whispers as we watch them bicker. “They gave us their names without us needing to ask.”


“It’s a wonder they ever managed a successful robbery.” Gem rubs the bridge of her nose. They must have to have clean clothes.


Ryan nods. “Indeed. They do seem horrendous at it.”


“Pitiful.” I whisper. I can feel their stares on my back as I walk up to the pitiful thieves. Taking care to leave a metre between us in case they decide to attack.



“Are you done?” When my question goes ignored, a backup plan forms. I allow the magic within me, the flames not the light, burst from my hand. They follow my directions to engulf them all gently. They’re not hot enough to burn but are warm enough to get their attention. They all immediately freeze, eyes widening as they turn their heads towards me.


“Now that I have your attention.” I tilt my head. “I think it would be in all our best interests that you stop arguing and keep the weapons away from me and my group.” I hold a finger up when Kyle tries to interject. “I have a feeling I’ll be able to find that exit for you. I’m sure that’s the true reason you haven’t left. And in return you shall help us set up camp for the night. You’ve already stalled us too long.” I make sure to keep my voice soft yet firm.


“Why would you help us?” Cole sends me a suspicious look.


A small smirk forms on my lips. “Because…Well because I have a tendency to not leave pitiful people to their own devises.”


“It’s a problem.” Ryan cuts in. “But the sooner you do what she says, the sooner those flames will disappear.”


“Why the flames in the first place?” Brian exclaims.


Cylen lets out a long-suffering sigh. Rude. “You weren’t paying attention to her.”


“And” Gem’s no longer contented to stay silent, “She didn’t want to risk you attacking.” Do they really know me that well? Oh well.


“So, what do you choose.” Trying my best to keep my expression stable, I hold a hand out. “Help set up and finally make it out. Or continue your misery?”


They share a look, clearly having a silent conversation with their eyes. Then, their weapons are all either sheathed or slack in their hand.


“We know a good place to rest.” Bob speaks for the group.


I can feel a smile spreading as I let the flames go out. “Lead the way.”


“Damn it, Celeste!” Theo throws his hands up, “You can’t befriend every fucking person we meet!” 


She pouts, not looking sorry at all. “Why not?”


Her whine goes ignored. He only gives her a deadpan stare in return, displeasure clear on his face. She always did this! Always wanting to make friends with anyone that crossed her path who she could reasonably befriend. A frustrated huff leaves his mouth as he takes in her unrepentant eyes.


Admitting defeat, he can only sigh. The quality is as endearing as it is annoying. However, in this instant it is more annoying than it is endearing.


“They tried to kill you!”


“Well, they weren’t very good at it.” The insane woman points out. “And they look so sad with their lives.”


“What does that have to do with you.” His frustration once again starts to mount.


She doesn’t answer. Not by words anyway. Instead, pulling his face down towards her, a hand on each cheek, and presses a kiss to his lips. Annoyingly, it works as she intends, the tenseness slowly leaving his body. His arms go to wrap around her, holding her close as he deepens their kiss.


“Don’t worry darling.” She whispers breathlessly when the pull back. “I promise I won’t get hurt.”


His expression turns stony. “You better not. Or I’ll kill them all.”


A smile blooms on her face. “I know.” With that she turns away and goes to chat with her new friends.


Theo runs a hand down his face. Sometimes he wondered why he ever decided to fall in love. Especially with such a maddening woman. He swears, she never seemed to have the right amount of fear in situations. Never seemed to have any self-awareness at times as well. And to top it all off, she chose to do things out of sheer impulsiveness most times. And yet…


And yet, he would never have it any other way. For all that she annoyed him, those same qualities endeared him to her as well. He supposed the captain was right, he was just as mad as she was. A slow grin starts to form as he thinks of the description his friend had used to describe him. ‘A lovesick fool’ indeed. At least their life wouldn’t be boring.


“Wait up would you!” He called out for her.


She turned in her stride. “Hurry up!” And yet she still slowed down.


The thieves are funnier than I thought. And very good at setting up camp. They moved so fast that we had plenty of time to prepare a fire before it got too cold. They did seem surprised by the space ring, but wisely chose not to talk about it. Instead, they became surprisingly docile. Especially since we gave them some food.


No one objected to that since we couldn’t very well let them starve. That was hardly fair. Since then, the atmosphere has grown greatly more friendly. We’ve become so comfortable that they’ve started sharing stories with us. Growing more relaxed with every word.


“Do you have any booze?” Kyle interrupts Bob’s story about evading arrows by stealing a uniform. They all give him an unimpressed look.


Cole even goes as far as smacking his head. “Drunkard.”


“What!” Kyle exclaims, rubbing his head. “I haven’t had a good drink in months!”


A snort escapes me as Cylen simply reaches into one of the gift baskets I pulled out and hands him a beer. He grins his thanks before immediately starting to drink. Which then leads to us distributing all the alcohol we have around the circle. It’s not like I’m going to drink any. It would only impair my senses. Gem and Cylen only take one, whilst Ryan decides not to partake with me.


The night becomes more chaotic as the would-be thieves drunkenly tell us all their exploits. Cole stops trying to get them under control when Reese starts drunkenly crying about all the money he left behind. He instead decided to down a whole bottle to escape his mortification. Brian passes out in the middle of Bob’s story, presumably from a combination of drunkenness and exhaustion.


Pity. The story is certainly interesting. I had no idea the navy was so easy to fool. Especially not that they didn’t question a man dressed in clothes a size to small trying to take control of one of their ships. I can’t stop cackling when he slurredly explains the dramatics it took to escape them.


Gem gives a loud sigh as I don’t have alcohol to blame for the amusement I find from this story. Cylen just smothers a smile and keeps drinking, already accepting my madness. I can’t help but notice that Gem is trying to do the same. Ryan is just giving me a strange, exasperated look, while an amused smile plays on his lips.


When it becomes clear that they are getting too drunk, the thieves bid us goodnight and make their way into their assigned tent, dragging the passed-out men behind them. There was another tent in one of the gift baskets. Another laugh escapes me at the comedic sight, but one that I try to stifle to not offend my new friends.


“Well, I’m glad you’re having fun.” Ryan mutters as he unwillingly smiles at my laughter.


Cylen is the next to speak. “For the record, you are truly mad.”


“The stories were a little funny though.” I smile at her sleepy acknowledgement.


It vanishes when I catch a glimpse of red in my periphery. A feeling of dread and suspicion taking root.


Ryan is immediately alert. “What’s the matter princess?”


“Is something wrong?” The sleep vanishes from Gem’s eyes as her hand immediately goes to her daggers. Cylen doesn’t question it, grabbing his spear in preparation.


“Well. Well. Well.” The wretched voice of the shitty crone echoes in the clearing before I get a chance to explain. “What do we have here?” It really is a grating sound.


A spear is at her face before she has a chance to blink. “Who are you?”


“Tsk. You always were touchy.” She flicks her hand, seemingly unbothered by the proximity to her throat.


“She’s irrelevant.” I hope my smile conveys just how much. A smothered snort behind me almost makes me turn around, but I choose to keep my eyes on the current menace.


Immediately, her eyes cut to me, displeasure spreading across her expression. Her scowl stays in place for a minute before a menacing glint I don’t like enters her eyes.


“That’s not nice.” She tuts, “Especially when I’ve come to warn you.”


“Warn us about what?” Gem can’t help but be curious.


The corners of her lips turn up. “Well about the threat you’ve brought into your midst of course.” She tsks. “You really should be careful about who you trust.”


Ryan bristles beside me. “What are you trying to imply?”


Her smile turns mocking. “Just commenting on the stupidity…Or perhaps naivety of children these days.” Yeah. I really do not like her tone.


“If you have something to say then just say it.” I cut in before Gem can be drawn in by her manipulation. “We have better things to do.”


“Like sleep.” Cylen adds in, making me smile.


Scowling, she shoots me a glare. “No need to be hostile.” Shaking her head, she tsks. “I would think that you would be welcoming.” A mocking grin. “Especially when you have such a habit of trusting your enemies.”


“The thieves?” Cylen unfortunately moves the spear in his confusion.


She shoots him a look that says how stupid she finds that response. “No. Not the thieves. Come on dear, use that brain of yours.”


“You know lady,” Gem starts, palming her daggers. “I really do not like your tone.”


“It does not change the truths behind my words.”


Then treating them as if they’re irrelevant, she turns her attention to me. “I could tell you about it.” Again, a mocking smile. “For a price.”


I give her a mock grin in return, “There’s nothing you could tell me that I don’t already know.”


“I truly doubt that.” She tsks. “You wouldn’t be acting this way if you knew.”


“Well then, I suppose you don’t know as much as you think.” Then, I grab Ryan by the hand and turn to walk to the tents. “Now if you’re quite done with your bullshit, we got elsewhere to be.”


She stiffens, nose flaring in contained rage, eyes narrowing. “Suit yourself.” A blink later she’s nowhere to be seen.


Cylen frowns, “Aren’t you concerned about what she said?”


“Yeah.” Gem nods, a worry lighting her eyes. “That was a serious accusation.”


I snort. “Nope.” I turn towards them. “She only came to stir things up. There’s no need to take her seriously. We have nothing to worry about.”


It only takes a moment for them to become reassured by my words. That and the glare I gave them when they lingered on it for too long. But eventually they decided her words were rubbish and forgot about them entirely. It’s late and we’re all tired.


When we get back to our tent, I close the flaps before turning to the blue-eyed menace who hasn’t said a word since she disappeared. I’ve become too accustomed to his presence to room with anyone else. Besides, I know he won’t try anything. And if he did, I have a sword to stab him with.


“Are you really not worried about what she said?” He breaks our silent staring contest to ask.


I feel my lips twitch. “Like I said it’s not important. And not anything I don’t already know.”


“You wouldn’t say that if you knew what she meant.” He mutters, like he wants me to doubt him.


“I already do.” I send him a teasing grin. “Or did you think you were being subtle with those shadows.”


His jaw drops. “You know?” I don’t think I’ve seen him so surprised. He’s usually so smug. “How?”


“Of course, I do.” I shake my head, holding up my fingers to count. “You’re timing is very suspicious. You somehow always know where I am. You have a suspiciously large knowledge on how magic works.” I feel the grin turn devious. “Your table manners are impeccable. And sometimes the way you talk reminds me of a Victorian ghost. With so many context clues, how could I not figure it out?”


“The others don’t.” He points out, clearly still processing his big bad secret is not that surprising to me.


I snort. “They’re not that observant when they’re together. They could probably figure it out with a little more time.”


“And you’re not afraid?” He asks and then shakes his head. “Of course, you’re not.”


“You’d never hurt me.” The certainty surprises us both. “Besides, there’s two sides to every story. You can tell me yours when you’re ready.”


“I could kill you.” He’s really not letting this go.


I roll my eyes. “Well aware.” Walking to the sleeping bag blanket, I make myself comfortable. “Now, are you going to sleep or not?”


He scowls. “Why? Why aren’t you worried?” A sad and frustrated look enters his eyes, yet he doesn’t talk louder than the whisper we’ve set. “Why are you always so reckless?”


Devastated. He looks devastated, and that makes something in me hurt as well. I once again get out of the sleeping bag and walk up to him. Feeling compelled, I pull his face towards me with hands on his cheeks, until our foreheads touch.


“I trust you.” I hope my sincerity is conveyed. “You probably think that after all that Gem has told me, I would hate you…” He finches under my hands. “But I don’t. I’m not bitter. I don’t want to hurt you. And…” I pause, a hand going to grab his hand. “I don’t think you’re evil. Not in their definition anyway.”


“Then why won’t you say the words.” His voice comes out in a husky whisper.


I smile despite myself, stifling a laugh. “Let’s not jinx their obliviousness by putting a name to it. Especially not one so ridiculous.”


“It’s not ridiculous.” Despite the scowl, there’s a hopeful light in his eyes, and I no longer need to keep my hands on his face to keep him close.


“My apologies your majesty,” Playful mocking drips from my voice. “But it is very much a ridiculous moniker.”


Amusement lights up his eyes, the playful smugness he usually carries returning. The dark clouds that always remain in his eyes seem to be lessened in the wake of my words. He runs a finger down my face, reaching out to take a lock of my hair between his fingers, before raising it to his lips. “Always so intelligent.”


Grinning, I let him keep the lock of hair in his hand. “Of course.” I poke his chest with a finger. “Now stop being a dramatic ass so we can get some sleep.”


“As you wish.” He lets go of my hair and immediately follows my instructions. I can’t help but notice that his steps are lighter now. I guess this ‘secret’ has been a large weight on his shoulder.


“You didn’t confront me?” Opening my eyes, I see him turned towards me.


“There was no need to.” I close my eyes again, sleep already beckoning. “You haven’t done anything that would classify as alarming.” I pause. “If you wanted to hurt someone you would have already done it. You’re not that patient.”


“How do you know I don’t have that much patience?”


“Hmm?” I force my eyes open a crack to see his confused expression, lined with something I can’t quite put my finger on. What did he ask me?


“How do you know I’m impatient?”


I blink. “Don’t know.” I pat his hair. “Too tired to think. Talk in the morning. Goodnight.”


His body shakes under my hand, muffled laughter reaching my ears. “Goodnight princess.”


Morning arrives sooner than I’d like, the sunlight streaming in through openings in the tent, blinding to my eyes. Trying to burrow into my pillow, I hear a groan from just above my head. Oh. I guess that isn’t a pillow. Should have probably guess that from the arm around my waist.


“Sorry.” I tell him, patting his hair like I vaguely remember doing last night.


He lifts his arm to let me move more comfortably. “No need.”


Rustling from outside the tent interrupts anything I could say to that. It’s followed by boisterous voices complaining about headaches and already starting to pack up the tents. I think I can hear Gem join them in putting out the fire and feeding the horses.


“Well,” I smile wryly. “I guess it’s time for us to leave.”


“Don’t need to sound so sad about that.” Ah. I guess the smugness is back.


Shaking my head, I gently pull his arm off me. “Let’s go.”


It seems the nearest exit isn’t very far from us. It only takes a few hours for us to reach it. The only reason they didn’t find it is because it’s behind a foliage of trees, which give off a mystical yet menacing aura. Ryan, being in a very happy mood today, was immediately able to point it for them. I’m not surprised. Gem is, but she quickly shrugged it off because she trusts him. We’ll work on that later.


The thieves were overjoyed, whooping in joy, and thanking us profusely. Apparently, they can use it to go home by teleportation. Reese promises to pay us back one day if ever we need it, Cole then promising to make sure that he will. The others sound their own agreement, before racing out the door. Seems I was right, they don’t have secrets. Probably don’t feel like there’s a need for them.


“I’m going to miss them.” I sigh. I hear three snorts, but they don’t say a word.


“You would.” I spoke too soon. I give him a mock glare, turning it towards Gem and Cylen when they agree with him.


Gem shakes her head. “Come on, let’s find our exit.”


Apparently, the valley has different exits depending on who you are and where you want to go. I was informed of this by the thieves on our walk here. However, Gem has assured me that the exits aren’t far apart, so hopefully we won’t need to travel very far to reach ours.


“There it is!” Cylen excitedly yells, pointing towards a giant tree in the middle of the forest. Well, it’s a meadow and it’s the only tree in the middle of that, but you get the picture. Gem shakes her head at his excitement fondly before placing a hand on the tree. The bark starts to swirl as soon as she pulls her hand back. The swirling grows larger, until air is being pulled in as well.


Pretty. It looks very pretty. Especially as it shimmers in the sunlight, a rainbow of colours lighting it up. I step towards it and almost push my hand through before a pained shout from behind makes me freeze.


My eyes widen at the sight that greets them. Tiny little flying creatures are trying to attack Ryan. Their eyes lit by a green light as they continue trying to break the shield of ice, he puts up to defend himself. Gem tries to get them to stop, but a shimmering force field goes up around the scene, pushing her back into Cylen’s arms.


Crack! A pulse of panic overtakes me when the ice begins to crack. A foreign rage filling my sense as they move to stab him in the heart. Suddenly, I’m standing in front of my, light emitting from my feet, creating a glow under my skin. It shines from my eyes and dispels the force field keeping Gem and Cylen at bay.


“What do you think you’re doing?” Calmness tints my voice despite the storm inside.


The pixies, at least I assume they’re pixies, immediately freeze. Their eyes widen and flicker over my protective posture. For a moment, there is nothing but stillness. Silence descending over the clearing. Even the wind is still. Then, their weapons vanish in a shimmer of sparkles and they’re bowing at me.


“We apologise.” A high-pitched voice says. “We did not recognise you.”


“Why are you protecting him!” Another one yelps when I stay silent.


“Why shouldn’t I?” I counter. “He has done nothing wrong. Yet you attack him mercilessly. That hardly seems fair. I thought the spirits in this realm were fair.”


They flinch as one, an ashamed expression colouring all their faces, but one.

“Nothing wrong? He…”


“Hush young one.” A spirit shushes, “She is correct. Despite past wrong doings, he has not done anything to personally smite us. Naught to deserve our wrath.” The young spirit looks reluctant but concedes to the elder.


“What do you mean past wrong doings?” Gem asks them, moving to stand nearer to us. Cylen looks shaken by the brutality with which they were attacking him moments before.


“Tis nothing of consequence in your matters, worry not.” The spirit reassures her before glancing at my bemused expression. “We must also apologise for throwing you back.”


Gem looks like she wants to argue, but she nods and decides to let it go.


A hand lands on my shoulder. “I’m alright.” He reassures, “You can let the protective stance go.”


I side-eye him, turning slightly to argue, and throwing my hand out to point at the object of my ire. Only I don’t get a word out. My hand hits the shimmering portal I was about to touch earlier, one that the spirits undoubtedly moved closer. A pulse of pain goes through my head, eyes getting blurry. A scream leaves my mouth.


It hurts! I feel like my body is burning from inside out and like I’m being sucked through a vacuum at the same time. The migraine in my head gets bigger by the second. I can vaguely hear shouted worries around me. Strong arms wrap around me when my body falls back.


Blue eyes clouding with a mixture of worry and anger, and two other figures running to my side is the last thing I see before I descend into the darkness. Why does this keep happening to me?


“It’s time.” The words echo in my head, creating ripples in their way.

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