Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 34: We’re going to Hell


“What did you do!” Ryan shouts at the spirits as he holds Rose carefully in his arms. His eyes shoot daggers at them, the anger in his eyes a frightening sight. I don’t blame him. I would shout at them too if shock didn’t have my throat closing.


Blankly, I watch as the portal moves back to its original place near the oak. It’s quite clear that they moved it towards her on purpose. But why? Why would they move it towards her so suddenly? We would have had to go through it eventually. My eyes widen as a realisation hits. The same thing would have happened.

“We did not do a thing.” The spirits protest, hostility still present but kept thinly veiled. That’s another thing I’m curious about, but it will have to wait considering recent circumstances.


Cylen points an accusing finger at them. “Then, why is she not awake?”


“Isn’t it obvious?” They ask as one, “Only those who know the truth and accept it entirely can leave this valley.”


At that, I can’t stay silent. “What does that have to do with her?”


An annoying smile comes appears on their faces, “What you ask for are secrets not ready to be revealed.” A pause as they look towards the sky. It’s a sign that they’re consulting with the stars. “Worry not, all will be revealed very soon.”


“When?” My dear boyfriend asks, worry colouring his face. He’s gotten attached to her very quickly. I would be jealous if she wasn’t my cousin, or if I wasn’t the same. There’s just something about her that makes you grow attached.


“She will awaken when she is ready.” Then, with a knowing grin, they vanish.


“Well, that was cryptic.” I mutter, crouching down to move strands of hair out of her face. She looks so peaceful now, but that scream she let out before collapsing haunts me.


“You heard them.” A rough callused hand takes hold of mine, “She’ll wake up when she’s ready.”


“But we don’t know when that will be.” I protest, a sniffle escaping.


“I doubt she’ll make us wait long Mira.” A soft whisper to my left has me looking up into those oddly familiar blue eyes. The eyes of a man I’ve come to consider as a friend. How could I not when he protects my cousin so fiercely?


“I hope not.” I sigh. “I suppose we can only wait.” And worry.



My eyes open but I know I’m not awake. Instead, I’m in a castle where a small toddler is walking along the garden with her parents. The curls of brown on her head are eerily familiar, as are the browns of her eyes. She smiles up at her mother with a joyful grin, running around to pick up flowers to give her.


Her face is familiar too. It’s the same as the woman I saw so long ago, the one that felt familiar to me as well. Except now, there’s a crown adorning her hair and loving smile on her lips. Her husband looks on fondly as the little girl runs around the garden on her chubby little legs.


The fond smile turns into a large grin when she hands him a bouquet of flowers and weeds. His hair is lighter than hers, but the eyes are the same. They’re the same as mine. Just as her hair is.


And then I’m being pulled back from the castle, a bright light shining. When I blink, I’m in front of the large gate again. Except this time, I know it’s time to open it. I have an inkling of what I will see on the other side. So, I do.


This time I can hear what they’re saying instead of just being faced with moving pictures. I can hear the sweet lullaby the queen sings as she tucks her daughter into bed, soothing me as much as it soothes her. I hear the fondness in the king’s voice as he speaks to them and recognise the love it holds.


Bewitched I watch as days go by, and their love stays the same. They do not waver. Do not try to hand her off to someone else when she starts to become difficult, or reprimand her if she accidently breaks something. They get mad, but they don’t treat her with anything but parental love. And watching it makes a part of me that has been wounded for so long start to heal.


More memories play where the little girl starts to grow until one day, when she is but four years old, a burst of light erupts from her fingers. Before that day, it had only been small sparks, but in that moment, it was a large flame.


“Cordelia!” The king yells as he runs down from the gazebo he was watching from. “Her magic is growing stronger.”


She runs with him, until they are moments away. “Calm down Darius. Shouting will only scare her.”


“You’re right hon.” He quietens his voice and turns. “I’m sorry darling, I shouldn’t have shouted. Can you please pull back the magic for papa?”


She sniffles before closing her eyes and scrunching up her face. She tries to pull in the magic, but it doesn’t work. “It’s not working papa.”


Cordelia hums, but panic can be seen in her eyes as well. “What made the magic burst out in the first place?”


“I wanted it to be brighter. See?” She holds out a flower which is glowing from her magic.


“It’s very pretty.” Alphard whispers. “Maybe you can try to turn it back now?”


“Ok!” She scrunches up her nose and suddenly the magic dissolves, turning the flower back to what it looked like before. Her parents let out a sigh of relief before hugging her tightly.


“You did such a good job!” Cordelia coos as she strokes her head.


Darius gives her a proud smile. “That’s my girl.”


From then on, they are never far away, in case she accidentally hurts herself with the magic. Flames join the light a little while after her first burst, creating a little panic before they realise it can’t hurt her. The power grows stronger as time moves on, but fortunately, as does her control over it. Until one day it grows so string that her parents decide its best, she gets help to control it.


“Eat every day and remember to rest.” Cordelia tells her daughter.


Darius comes up to her as well. “Have fun and learn lots of things. For the job of a ruler is too difficult without the required knowledge.”


“But don’t try to learn too much at once. You’re only eight.”


“You’ll learn many things.” Her father tells her. “Including how to use a weapon correctly. I know much you’ve been wanting to learn that. You barely leave the wooden swords alone.”


I can’t help but smile along with her when they continue their fussing. They tell her to take care of herself and to write to them if anyone tries anything unbecoming. The girl looks embarrassed, but I can tell that she’s more touched than anything.


“Always remember that we love you, Celeste. No matter which names you go by.”


She knew that. How could she not know they loved her when every action they took was proof of that love. So, she kissed them on the cheek and told them she’d write as often as she could, and they promised they’d visit her on her breaks.


It was strange how much she looked like me, even more eery was that her name was the same. It was like looking at a mirror, albeit one that was still very young. It was a face I remember seeing long ago, except this one wasn’t marred with blood on her hands. I let these thoughts rush through me as I sit in the carriage with her.



“Why isn’t she waking up?” My fingernails have gotten the slightest bit short. Gem didn’t notice soon enough to stop me.

“I don’t know love.” The love of my life’s exhausted voice answers.


“She’ll wake up eventually.” My new friend mutters. “She has too.”


I feel sorry for him. Heavens know what I would do if Gem was unconscious. I’m aware that they’re not together, but it doesn’t take a genius to guess what he’s feeling. I’ve known it since that day in the mirror hell when he refused to let her go. The desperation with which he stayed by her side spoke plenty.


“I’m sure she will mate.” The man could use some hope right now, meaning I’ll have to dial down the pessimism. For both our sakes. He gives me a weak smile, not having moved from that position in the hour that she’s been unconscious.


“You realise you’ll have to stand up eventually.” Gem states, “Your legs will grow numb if you stay like that too long.”


He looks up to meet her eyes, “I don’t mind if they do.”


See this is the reason why I don’t think too much about the crap that strange woman spouted last night. I admit I can be clueless at times, but you don’t become a warrior by being unobservant. A little thought would mean acknowledging that the only person she could be referring to is him.


Yet…He’s sitting on the cold ground, cushioning our friend, with his arms wrapped loosely wrapped around her to keep her safe. How can he be considered an enemy? I’m sure Gem is thinking the same, because she’s a lot smarter than me and could figure it out faster.


Honestly, I think Astri’s got the right idea. It’s better to ignore the hogwash than listen to it and doubt people who have done us no wrong. Seeing how furious she was with the spirits; I know she wouldn’t take kindly to that. It’s the same fierceness with which I know she’ll defend us with as well.


At first, I only wanted to be her friend because of who she is. Then I got to know her and there is something about her that makes me unwilling to leave her unprotected. An itch under my skin whenever I can’t see her that’s so distracting that I’d rather jump into a body of water then let her out of my sight.


Of course, that’s only if Ryan and Gem aren’t with her. Or if I know for certain she’s rushing into a dangerous situation. The severity with which I care scares me, but I have a feeling that it is not without reason. It seems like I’ve known her forever.


“We’ll have to get the next item on that list.” I reluctantly say. It doesn’t seem important right now.


“Yes.” Gem sighs with the same reluctance. “But let’s wait a few hours. In case she wakes up.”


That has Ryan looking up again. He takes in our expressions before sighing as well. He shifts her so that she’s stable before picking up the hand with the ring. A reluctant smile perks up his lips as he runs a finger over it. In the next moment, a sleeping bag is laid on the ground in front of him, a pillow at its head.


“How did you that?” I’m sure my eyes are wider than plates right now. I thought only she could do that. He doesn’t reply, gently moving her body to the sleeping area before shrugging. So, I let it go. For now.


As much as I want answers, and not just from him, I know that there are some things you can’t push. They’ll tell us when they’re ready. I have no doubt the answer will be well worth the wait, as these things always are. It’s something I’ve learned over the years with my family and with Gem.



Training looks fun. It’s something I’ve been thinking ever since we arrived in this place. Watching her learn history and then going to spar with swords and bows looks so fun. It’s reminiscent of how I joined any club I could so I could learn to use weapons, but there was a smaller variety.


Weapons are something she truly enjoys. She loves to train her combat ability with a passion that I feel echoing within me. The poisons are interesting as well. I never knew how many healing plants could double as murder assets. I had an inkling, but not to the degree that is being shown to me now.


Magic, of course, is another thing she absolutely adores. She loves to test the boundaries of her magic to see what it can do, wanting to do more than burn and destroy. So, she uses her magic to create new things and revolutionise how it is used.


Something I notice early on is just how afraid they are of her magic. Her parents want her to hide it, so it isn’t used against her, and the tutors want her to do the same. Though, I suspect they want her to hide the magic for other reasons. If it isn’t fear of her magic, then it’s manic worship. Which is why she decided it would be better if they didn’t know. She erased it from their minds.


Lonely. She feels lonely even when she’s surrounded by so many people. It’s a feeling in know well, so I can easily tell it in another. Hiding her identity under a code name doesn’t mean the people around her don’t sense the allure of power. Especially, as her skills grow by the day.


Just as they promised, her parents visit her often in disguise. And when they can’t be with her in person, they send lots of letters and explain why it is that they can’t. She doesn’t resent them for it. How can she, when she knows they have a kingdom to take care of, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss them.


Familiar faces flitter through these memories. The one that surprises me the most is Gem’s. And isn’t it a coincidence that her older cousin looks like mine? Of course, it’s no such thing, but I don’t think I can adjust this fast, so I’m choosing to live in denial for a little longer.


Whenever she visits, Celeste’s smile stays for days. She adores her cousin and loves spending time with her. A feeling that I can see is very much returned. Although she can’t stay long with her, she always tries to be there when she’s needed.


“I promise. One day I’m going to use these daggers of mine solely for you. I’ll be your knight if you want me to be.” She swears.


Celeste laughs, “You have a city waiting for you cousin.”


“My parents are still living.” She points out. “Besides lords can be warriors and rule, so why can’t ladies?”


“Very true.” Celeste nods sagely. I smile with her as she toasts to that sentiment.


Familiarity which has been lingering in the background grows stronger with every memory that I see. Her emotions are mine and mine are hers. It’s spooky, but it would be spookier if I wasn’t faintly aware that I’m in my own mind.


Excitement wells within me when she gets a very familiar sword for her birthday and grows when she decided to use it for adventuring. The letters had stopped coming in for the last year because it was a rite of passage they didn’t want to interrupt, but her birthday was important enough to be an exception.


Another familiar face soon joins the familiarity in the form of a young captain scarred by the ocean. So that’s why he’s so afraid of water. I can’t help but laugh when the only thing that works against them is a familiar spear. Captain Spears. It does suit him. A fond smile replaces the laughter as introductions are made. Another friend made.


Blushing couples are so funny. Watching the two of them meet is both awkward and hilarious. What’s not so funny is the angst between them when he keeps trying to say that he’s unworthy. I snort with Celeste when he says such, a familiar exasperation taking root watching them avoid the obvious.


Gem isn’t any better with her avoidance of romance in favour of training. Personally, I think she’s just in denial because it ruins the life plan, she made very early on. It certainly isn’t because she doesn’t like him. It also makes me wonder whether this is how it played out this time as well. She did tell me she had a set sense of duty when we met. I’ll ask her about it when I see her.


As fun as the training is, graduating is a lot of fun. At eighteen, she’s ready to take on the world and have new adventures. Her parents come to visit her for the first time in years as she no longer needs to be isolated, bringing many useful gifts with them. Love is something she has ample of. Once again, when she grins up at them, I do the same.



I thought I knew what torture was but being helpless to do anything while she lays still on the ground reminds me there is still more to learn. They want to wait an hour more to see if she’ll wake up before venturing to their next location. I have an inkling I know exactly where it will take them.


Telling them that would just look suspicious and that is one thing I refuse to do. Especially when their faces remind of ghosts I thought long gone. Seeing them alive and being with them all these weeks has given me a peace I haven’t had in a very long time.


What brings me even more peace and contentment is the woman lying in front of me. Her face is the one I will never forget; one I could never forget. The emotions I felt when I saw her in front of the cottage are indescribable. How can I put a name to the utter desperation, relief, and joy I felt looking into her face?


Even if she doesn’t know who I am, she does things that give me hope. All those familiar ticks and habits, all the sarcastic comments when sparring, are something that cannot be duplicated by another. It’s also what makes me more afraid to lose her. I can’t. I won’t.


Especially not when she’s so annoyingly endearing. She trusts me. She hears all these stories about me and doesn’t take them at face value. Looks me straight in the eyes and tells me with certainty that I’d never hurt her. She’s right, of course, but how can she say with such little time.


There was no doubt in my mind that I loved her. But watching her…seeing her figure it all out and lay it in front of me with fearless abandon, her intelligence logically figuring it all out? Having her in my arms for days and seeing her stubborn refusal to back down? Her joy at a festival and the adventurous soul within her which echoes my own? I knew I loved her before, but I find myself falling in love all over again.


If she wants me to wait, then I will do just that. Yet, I’m selfish, so I don’t want to be kept waiting too long. I want her to wake up.


“I need you to do this for me.” Theo told the man in the corner.


A scoff can be heard. “Why should I when you are more than capable of doing this yourself.”


“This is the fucking underworld!” He replies, “You expect me to believe the spirit will keep its word?”


“There is no need to use such language.” The voice calmly responds. “And yes, the spirit will keep its word. At least when it sees who’s asking.”


“It will also know me.”


“That is a side effect of making the deal. Yes.”


Theo runs a hand harshly through his hair. “Are those my only options? Leave empty-handed or make a deal with the spirit that governs the sea?”


“Well, there is a third option. Funny how you never acknowledge it.”


“I’ve told you many times I’m not taking that option.” He grits out. It feels like a cheap way out of the options. He didn’t quite want to increase the amount of fear people felt around him. Maybe once he would have, but that was before meeting her.


The man in the corner stays silent, but the deadpan stare is one he can recognise even without seeing it. He had been subjected to it many times; it was now seared into memory. Wishing the old coot would oblige him was a passing fantasy anyway. If there was one thing they shared, it was a mutual hatred for the sea.


“You didn’t have to send the hell hounds after me.” He decided to change the subject.


“If you did as you were told I wouldn’t have had to.” Came the clipped response.


Theo’s eyes narrowed “I do not need spies!”


“They aren’t spies.” The reply was slightly defensive. “Just assurance you’re not dead.”


“Those are spies.” Shooting him the same deadpan is a very strategic move on his part.

“Circling back to our earlier argument, why do you not just get one of the demons to get what you want?”


It was a deflection, but Theo couldn’t help but reply regardless, “They wouldn’t be careful enough with it.”


“I see.” The knowing undertone in that reply rubbed him the wrong way.


“Any better ideas?” A pause. “No?”


“You don’t need to sound so bitter. All you must do is trick the spirit to get the ring.” The bastard sounded amused by the prospect.



“Why did she even throw it in there?” Frustration coloured his every word.


“Hmm. I assume it’s because she didn’t trust it would be safe otherwise.” Wry amusement followed the next words. “That or she was simply too mad to think straight and wanted you to make a true effort. She was devious that way.”


He hoped his expression told the man just how ridiculous he found him in the moment. “Why would she make it harder for me?”


“Look.” The seriousness in the tone caught him off guard. “If you truly want to give the ring to this woman, you’ll have to make an effort. Your mother only wanted you to start things off without any half-heartedness. So, what will you choose?”


Leave it to his mother to test his sincerity without being present. “I’ll get the ring myself.” It was the only option really. He didn’t want to start with half-heartedness either.


“That’s a lad.” He would have punched him for the mocking if he wasn’t on a mission. “Tell the girl I said hello.”


“It’s been a few hours. I guess we’ll have to go.” She sounded positively dejected.


“Alright.” I lightly state, “Have fun.”


“You’re not coming?” Cylen asks, although I’m quite sure he knows what my answer would be. Going would mean leaving her behind and that is one thing I will never be able to do.


“Afraid not mate.” I can tell neither of them truly wants to leave but feel they must. Ah. A sense of duty. I truly do not miss it.


“Are you sure?” Gem asks in turn, “Can’t you come with us?”


“I could. But it would be dangerous for her. I have an inkling where your destination will lead, and it is not a place you go unguarded.”


“Where do you think it will lead us?” Cylen asks, curiousness bellying his tone.


Should I tell them? It isn’t really somewhere I want them to travel either. Unease wells within in just at the thought, but I know they’re too stubborn to relent. They would never back down from something just because it’s dangerous. I sigh, coming to a decision. It’s better for them to go in prepared.


“The domain of the death god. The destination is most likely the underworld. That is one of the entrances to it.”


“She’s not going.” They both say at once.


“Absolutely not.” Gem states. “She’s going to run off and somehow end up in trouble even while unconscious.”


Cylen nods in agreement. “Not going to take that risk.”


I wish I could say they’re overreacting, and she’ll be fine, but her track record suggests otherwise. If anyone could do such a thing, it would unfortunately be her. Annoyance once again narrows my eyes at the thought, especially knowing that once her mind is made up, nothing can change it.


“So, it’s settled. I’m staying with her.” No alternative is acceptable. I smile when I face no opposition. Still though… “Are you sure you want to go? Perhaps you could wait a little longer.” The thought of them going there alone worries me more than I’d like to admit, it’s second only to losing her.


They both smile at me, clearly warmed by the worry. Usually, I would scoff at the emotion, but not when it’s them. These people are absolutely worth the worry, so I will not fault them.


“We’re sure.” They once again say in unison.


Gem sends me a teasing grin. “It’s our turn to do something dangerous.”


“Yes.” Cylen follows up, “Especially since she will take everything upon herself if we do not.” That’s certainly true. She’s already done that. Seeing that their mind is made up, I give a resigned sigh.


“Good luck.” I tell them as they walk to the portal. “And be careful.” They give me smiles that say that they will and disappear through the portal. The damn thing obviously decides they have no truths to face. It makes me want to destroy it.


However, she wouldn’t like that, so I suppose I cannot do that. Mostly because she’s intrigued by the magic and the “pretty colours”. I find myself smiling despite myself, it’s just one of the things that make her, her. So, even if it annoys me, I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Just as I wouldn’t want those two to get hurt. They remind me of friends I thought lost long ago, and I would preferably not lose them now. I don’t believe they’ll take the reveal as well as her, not without memories of the past. I hope that they won’t attack me, because I do not think I could bring myself to hurt them either. Maybe just freeze them in ice for a while.


Shaking my head to dispel the morbid thoughts, I reach out to take a lock of her beautiful hair between my finger, bringing it to my lips.


“Wake up soon Love, before I do something I’ll regret.”



Staying around her has made me realise just how vast this world is. It makes a part of me want to explore what it has become. It’s a part that has always existed, but one I’ve denied because it was too dangerous to venture alone. Of course, then I didn’t know about the magic…


Anyway, I watch her as wanders around the realm before coming home. Walk with her as she explores the beautiful castle anew and goes to balls to meet dignitaries and allied countries. It’s all so interesting to me, even if it is politics. The complicated has always interested me, so I can’t say I’m surprised.


The kingdom has a lot of dangers as well, but the kind that make you excited to face them, and not the kind that make you want to hide away from them. Beasts and thieves alike try to attack it and Celeste has fun protecting her kingdom from them. The thrill that comes from a fight is very addicting.


On her travels, she hears rumours of a man. A man surrounded in shadows, with a storm raging within him. They say he appears in random places and leaves utter destruction in his wake. So unpredictable that no one knows whether he is there as a friend or a foe. Rumours that say he consorts with demons and rumours that say he controls them.


All the rumours do is intrigue her, making her want to meet the man. I’m intrigued as well; this rumoured shadow man sound hella’ interesting. I would want to meet him as well. Maybe these memories will allow me to see him. I can’t imagine she’d give up on meeting him is she feels even half the intrigue I do.


I should really stop being surprised. My jaw hits the floor, my eyes widening as I take in the scene before me. For when she finally meets him, after he saved her people from being crushed, the man is not a stranger. The words they’re saying eerily familiar to me, and not just from my memory. 


“…you believe me a cat?” Hadn’t I thought the same thing? That he reminded me of a cat, sitting up in that tree. Those beautiful blue eyes shimmering with humour as he watched the ground below.


“Who are you?” That was the question, wasn’t it? Who was he that Celeste and I were both intrigued by him? That I still am. Because he was dangerous, that much was obvious, but that mattered very little when he’s so much more interesting. Which is something that I’ve never quite been able to resist.


“… I could ask you the same thing.”


“… I do believe I asked first.”


 “I asked you second.”


An exchange of words that without context could be simple coincidence, but with it seemed a little too much. That handsome face contorting in the same expressions, overlapping with my memories from when I met him. A storm of emotions is going on within me. Disbelief. Curiosity. Intrigue. Apprehension. I don’t know what to focus on.


But then I hear his name and the storm is swept away, leaving only a feeling of wanting to know more. A nickname decided on a whim somehow being both the answer and the question.


“Theo.” And I want to know more.


Finally! Finally, the pendent was within his grasp. The red one had delivered it to this location long ago. Sending him a note to collect it lest it be stolen by another wandering demon. He would not let that happen! This power was his!


He had heard from the mortals some drivel about guilt. They said that the price paid for it was simply not worth what they were promised. Hogwash! They’d agreed, hadn’t they? They’d also ran away like cowards, so they couldn’t possibly have been very regretful.


Red flames shimmered from the pendant as it sat on the rock the red one had left it on. His eyes shone from its magnificence. He had never seen something so beautiful, even more so when seeing it in person. A sigh of contentment came out of his mouth as he reached out for it. Unimaginable power was within his grasp.


Greedily he shot his hand out to touch it, only to hiss in pain when a burn formed instead. What? It wasn’t supposed to do that! He tried again only to have the same result. Thus, he tried a third time, desperation making him cling to it. A mistake, as he soon learned.


Agony consumed him as he felt fire lick his body. A scream escaping his mouth when his power was unable to stop the flames from growing stronger. He tried to run. Tried to jump into the ocean. But it was no use. He didn’t want to accept it.


“No. No. No!” He screamed as he desperately tried to search for something to put the flames out. “No!” He desperately screamed as his consciousness disappeared within the agony. Soon there was no sound to be heard. Where once there stood a demon, there was nothing but a pile of dust.


Soon after, a tall, cloaked figure made his way into the room, A crown sat upon his head, he’d heard the screams and came to investigate. However, the flames that consumed him were not ones that he could put out. Rage burned in his eyes as he looked at the pile of dust and the pendent sat on stone.


It would have to be put somewhere safe. At least for the time being. There would be a time where someone would come looking for it and he’d have to stand back as they took it. It wouldn’t be for a very long time though, so he supposed he could have fun defending it until then.


Mind buzzing, he moved to make his way into the throne room but paused in his step. Turning to spot beside the stone, a smile quirked his lips. A genuine one as he looked over the figure who stood there. The one who had so casually burnt a demon to dust. He really wished this one would visit often. He gave her a thumbs up.


“Nicely done.” He couldn’t help but clap too.


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