Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 36: Heir of Hades

An ear-piercing screech echoed through the cauldron room. The red-cloaked woman tearing chunks of ebony hair with each frustrated yank as she paces. Her usually impeccable control was nowhere to be seen. Anyone who saw her now would not be able to recognise who she was.

Every few harried steps she turns to peer into her cauldron, each time staring for a few seconds before turning away. Her heartbeats grow louder and more hurried, a cold sweat building on the contours of her spine. A stifled whimper passes through her lips. This could not be possible!

Why was there a babe who looked just like her? This wasn’t supposed to be happening! She’d been certain she’d gotten rid of that problem years ago. Even if things hadn’t gone to plan, they should not be this off course. So…Why was that aura the exact same?

Admittedly, the curse was her idea. That man was easily led astray without his beloved at his side, especially with his bloodthirst, but this was a blockade. He would never cast it if he knew who he was casting it on! She may not understand mortal emotions that well, but she knew well enough to understand that.

Another glance at the cauldron water had a shiver go down her spine. The babe was staring right at her. The small smile she gave sent a chill through her blood. No. No! What was this…She couldn’t possibly…. No.

Away. Get that thing away! She didn’t care how! She frantically clawed at the books on the shelve, tossing vials into the cauldron. Away! Yet the picture did not change. She gave a small giggle, as if mocking her attempts to banish her.

Disturbed, she threw all the vials on the bench into the cauldron, not caring what it would do. Boom! The force of it sent her flying back into the door. The sound of giggling reached her ears. She could see her eyes reflected on the water spilled across the room, haunting her in all corners.

Stiffly, her hands reached out to open the door. But it would not budge. A tug did nothing. Bang! Her fists did nothing to move it. With wide eyes she inspected the room for a way to jar it open. A key. Yes. Open. Now. Now! Her hands shook as she turned the key all the way open.

“Crash!” The door finally opened. Not wasting the opportunity, she ran through, slamming it behind her. Fleeing the giggling did nothing. It echoed through her head, haunting her as if it were a prophecy. Reaching the end, she sagged to the ground, arms going to cover her legs as she sat curled against the wall.

Fear enveloped her being. She was going to die. She knew it. It haunted her as a destiny that could not be escaped. All she’d heard of the woman made that the only conclusion. She’d come back somehow and was going to kill her as revenge.

Unless…She got to her first. Her head jolted up. That’s it. She had to get rid of her. Send her somewhere so vile that there was no chance she would ever realise what was done to her. A babe has no capacity for memories. It would not be able to tell. A curse would mean she wouldn’t have to lift a finger. All she had to do was make sure he never found out.


I don’t understand what’s happening. Seeing it happen in front of my eyes doesn’t change that. Who is this man? What do his words mean? Most importantly, how the fuck did Ryan poof in here? So many questions and so little answers.

“Why did you freeze them?” His eyes narrow, ignoring the words from the man’s mouth. “It was hardly necessary.”

The man just quirks his lips in response, hands tucked into his pockets in a laybacked manner. “I disagree. It was entirely necessary.”

Ryan lets out a frustrated sigh. “And why is that?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know?” A laugh. “What a surprise.”

“Just answer the question.” Scowling, he adjusts his hold on Astri.

“Why the rush? Aren’t you happy to see me?” Happy to see him? Who is this man? How does he know Ryan? When he only gets another displeased glare in return, he puts a hand to his chest in mock hurt. “My son finally comes home and is already in a rush to leave.”

Wait. What? The man is Ryan’s father? My jaw would be on the ground if I was able to move. My need to know who he is grows with every word he speaks. The way he‘s acting shows that he doesn’t see us a threat, and the expression on his face makes me think that he’s just toying with us.

“Don’t be dramatic.” Ryan scoffs. “You’re way too old for this kind of behaviour.”

“Did you hear that?” The man faces us. “My son just called me old.”

“They can’t answer you. You froze them remember.”

He sagely nods. “For good reason.”

Annoyance colours his face. “A reason you have yet to reveal.”

“I thought it was obvious.” The man shrugs. “But very well. They would have been in grave danger if they had tried to touch the pendant.”

Does that mean he knows where it is? He apparently already knows what we came for. The question remains of why he felt the need to stop us from putting ourselves in harm’s way. Especially since the bones on the ground tell me we’re not the first to come seeking it.

“Unfreeze them, Hades.” He grits out, unable to face palm whilst holding a woman in his arms. I can tell he wants to from the crease between his brows.

“Not father?” He tsks. “The older you get, the more insolent you become. Is this what your mother meant by a prolonged rebellious phase?”

As the two men keep arguing, I’m trying to wrap my head around what I just heard. Hades? As in the god who presides over this realm, Hades? The man…My new friend’s father…is Hades. I truly have no words. Even when, with a short flick of his hand he unfreezes us, all whilst keeping his focus on his son.

Gem falls to ground, her knees giving out, and I’m only just in time to stop her from collapsing too fast. After I feel her steady on the marble floor, I take a seat beside her. Collapsing right now would be even more embarrassing than being caught off guard. Better to take a seat before any such thing occurs.

Turning towards Gem, I see her displaying a contemplative look. She’s probably having a lot more success with figuring out what in the high heavens is going on. Me? I’m still trying to process the fact that my friend is apparently some kind of demi-god at the least.

“Regardless of your qualms,” Hades sighs, “My intentions are not to harm your little friends.”

“What else could they be?” The acid in his tone is disarming.

With a raised brow, Hades holds a hand in front of him. With a poof, a gold chain appears between his fingers. At the centre sits a red jewel that glows even in the damp darkness of the underworld. I feel myself jump when a warm breeze accompanies the pendant.

“The pendant?” Ryan deadpans, clearly not effected by the thing practically burning the air.

“No.” Rolling his eyes, he holds the pendant up. “They are to do with the lovely lady in your arms.”

He takes a step back. “Don’t touch…”

“I’m not going to steal your girlfriend son.” Hades interrupts, clearly amused. “You know your mother is the one for me.”

“That’s not why…”

“I know. I know.” Interrupting the indignant words, Hades steps forward. “I’m not going to hurt her kid.”

Ryan purses his lips but doesn’t move away when his father steps up and places the pendant around Astri’s neck. Which…is something to think about for later. When my brain decides to start working again. He does however narrow his eyes when Hades tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and leans down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Since when are you this affectionate.”

Hades only smiles at the accusation in his tone. “You’ve been gone a while. Things change.”

“Not like this they don’t.” There’s something being left unsaid in that reply, I can feel it.

“Well.” He straightens up and moves back to his original position. “You’ll know the answer to that soon enough. When she awakens.”

“Do you know when that will be?” The whisper turns both of their heads towards us. Apparently, my love’s concern for her cousin trumps just about everything. Understandable. I’m concerned too.

Throwing her a gentle smile, he puts a finger to his lips. “It won’t be long now.” Then he turns back to his son. “And you. Why can’t I be affectionate with my daughter-in-law? She’s a lot better than a stinky brat who never visits!”

Laughter bubbles out before I can stop it. He looks absolutely dumbfounded by his father’s complaints. Even when a glare gets thrown my way as the shock turns to indignation, the laughter doesn’t cease. How can it when he looks like a small child being reprimanded by his father. The laughter turns in a smile at the realisation that’s exactly what the scene in front of me is.

Gem gives me an exasperated look which doesn’t have the same effect when I can see her lips twitching. It’s hard to feel too much dread for someone when their status as a god is overshadowed by their status as a parent. Especially after seeing him being so gentle with Astri.

“Now look what you did.” He complains.

“You’re too old to be acting like a child.” Comes the amused response. “Remember to visit and make sure you place her in a comfortable bed. I sense it won’t take too long for her to awaken.”

With that he waves a hand towards us, creating a cloud of purple smoke around us. When my eyes reopen, I find myself in an open clearing, our tents already set up.

“Well.” Grey eyes turn to stare into mine. “That was something.”


He’s not doing so well. It’s clear for everyone to see. That’s if he there was someone to see it. I can feel my eyes rolling as I take in the sight in front of me. The stupid man has decided that the best course of action is to shut himself away from society to mourn.

Which is all well and good, but some of those people are worried about him. Like the friends he has left behind to fight the shadows attacking the land. A frustrated huff leaves me at the thought. Those shadows are trying to kill them, and they don’t even know who’s behind them.

However, that problem is secondary to the one in front of me. He’s withering away. Not once in the past few days have, I seen him so much as look at something to eat. He drinks water only because he is forced to by his own magic. It’s probably the only thing keeping him among the living at this point.

Even worse, he hasn’t gone back to collect his bow. I can feel how important that is to him and he hasn’t gone back for it. A panic builds up within me, dread at the thought that he’ll die from this.

“She didn’t die to save you just for you to sacrifice your life!” My scream falls on deaf ears. It's times like this where I hate that I can’t slap some sense into people as a spectator. Instead, all I can do is scream into the abyss. I swear when I get out of this, I’m going to punch him for making me feel this helpless.

Good news, he’s decided to start eating again. He still looks like a malnourished vampire, but the fact that he has decided that living is important is a very good sign. I’ll just brush aside the fact that it took some serious guilt-tripping from multiple ends for him to get to this point. Mainly that Celeste did not die for this.

Bad news, his next coping mechanism is a level of terrible on its own. Apparently, the best move to make after almost starving yourself to death for weeks is to fight like a maniac on the battlefield. Blood colours the ground as he unleashes a wave of merciless killing on his opponents. He doesn’t even stay long enough for the men on his side to thank him, instead rushing to the next battlefield.

The cycle repeats again. And again. Until he decides that fighting for justice is not enough for him. No. His next big plan is to just turn himself into some kind of bogeyman. I cannot describe the throbbing in head at the actions. This is all so stupid.

Building an army from all those willing, he starts to burn down villages. Granted, most of them are ones where vile acts are committed, but others are attacked solely because they oppose him. These life choices leave a lot to be desired for sure but…war is war I suppose.

Somehow, I can’t stay mad when the choices mean that he is deciding to live. Does that make me a bad person? I mean, most of the people he’s killing are murderers in their own right, rapists and child abusers. No one innocent gets killed. Although, I sense that’s not entirely of his doing.

I’ll just punch him for these abominable life choices later. I can hardly hold his coping mechanisms against him, even if I wish they were better ones…Actually scratch that. I can and will hold those coping mechanisms against him. What’s with this self-destructive bullshit?

Smacking him does nothing, especially since my hand goes right through. Although the pillows that fall on his head seem to do a lot more. And the snowballs. They satisfy me enough not to stay stuck on the anger.

They’re calling him the ‘dark king’ now. As if he’s the one making the shadows attack innocent people randomly. I can feel my eyes roll at the thought. There’s clearly a difference, they’re created by different magicks. The icky gooey black mass is not his brand.

Scoffing, I watch as they hide in terror from his presence. This is all so ridiculous. The ridiculous man has made himself a nightmare with his terrible life choices and even worse coping mechanisms. Yet…Even then…I want to tell him that he doesn’t have to tear himself apart to atone for a mistake he never made. It feels horrible to know there’s nothing I can do.


As we set up the fire to prepare food, my mind can’t help but wander to the thoughts that have been running through my head since we got out of the underworld. Confusion remains, but a feeling of dread is slowly starting to replace it. There are too many puzzle pieces for there not to be.

“So…I’m guessing you have questions.” The man who we’ve learn is prince of the underworld awkwardly breaks the silence.

A snort sounds from beside me. “I’d say that’s an understatement mate.”

He nods his head, resigned. “Can it…” He hesitates. “Can it please wait until she’s awake?”

I don’t have to ask who he’s referring to, it’s obvious. So, I only nod as we descend back into darkness, digging into our meals. A sigh involuntarily leaves my mouth in between bites. Things have changed. In the hours that followed that visit to the underworld, a lot of things have changed. I don’t think they can ever go back to the way they were.

Daughter in law. Hades called Rose his daughter in law like it was a given. How does he even know of her when they’ve never met before? At least not that I know of. Strangely, Ryan didn’t find it unusual either. The only question is why…Why is Hades so affectionate with her?

Even if he somehow heard of her through his sources, which he was sure to have, it didn’t explain why he was so affectionate with her. The kind of affection he displayed can only be due to a familiarity that he couldn’t possibly have. A familiarity…That he’s not the only one to display.

Without conscious thoughts my eyes flick up to the blue-eyed man sat across from me. He’s been strange ever since we met. I ignored it because Rose didn’t seem to be on guard, but the signs haven’t gone unnoticed. He knows things that he shouldn’t. Invokes a familiarity that shouldn’t be possible.

It put me at ease. It made me feel like he’s someone I could trust. It still does, but our encounter makes me second guess whether trusting those instincts is even a good idea. After all, who’s to say he doesn’t have powers that could invoke a false sense of security within people? A jab goes through my chest at the thought, but I’m going to ignore it.

Multiple puzzle pieces go through my mind, flashing memories I had decided to disregard. The way he works so easily in tandem with Astri. The way the shadows around him seem to move in a fluid direction. The ease with which he navigates the places this journey has taken. His knowledge of strange languages that takes years to learn.

How much do we truly know him? The woman’s words from the other night circle through my head as the puzzle pieces join to form a picture. Not a lot. We don’t know him nearly enough to have the kind of instinctive trust I seem to have placed in him from the start. Especially not when the picture that the pieces have formed is anything to go by.

I don’t want to believe it. I can’t. It’s a treasonous picture that feels like a betrayal to everything that we do know about him, yet it is one that can no longer be ignored. I can’t stop my eyes from widening into saucers, my lips parting as pure dread has me whispering the words out loud.

“You’re him…” It comes out as a squeak. “Aren’t you.”

“Who?” Cylen’s eyebrows furrow, the bowl in his hands being forgotten. I only spare him a glance before turning to the object of the question.

He opens and shuts his mouth a couple of times before pursing his lips.

“You’re him.” This time it’s more accusation that question. “You’re…”

Resignment colours his features. “Yes.” Sigh.I am.”

Speechless. I have so many things I’d like to say to him. Angry yelling and screams about all this unfairness. Why! Why has he done such terrible things! Why has he killed so many people? How could he terrorise them so? Yet confusion warring with the anger keeps a lock on my tongue. Because it doesn’t make sense.

The man they’ve spent the last couple of weeks with doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would do those things without reason. Has it all been an act? What for? And if it hasn’t been a carefully constructed act, then where does that leave them? A part of me can’t help but hope that it hasn’t been an act regardless.

Cylen looks between us with a confused expression, clearly not having put the puzzle pieces together. The only saving grace is that there is a wariness in his face as well, so his instincts don’t seem to have failed him entirely.

“He’s-” Unfortunately, I don’t get to enlighten him before a swarm of ghostly soldiers ambush us. A red-cloaked woman at their head, with a triumphant smirk on her face. Gods above.

“Are you sure this is necessary?” The tall green-eyed man says to his friend.

Blue eyes roll in response, an amused smile on his face. “For the last time, it’s only a little bit of shopping.”

“It’s never a little bit of shopping with those two.” Comes the grumbled response.

Theo only grins in response. “Can’t argue with you there. Those two are very hard to shop for.”

“I guess that’s what happens when you already have all you could need.” A mischievous grin quirks his lips. “Damn rich people.”

Loud laughter follows that quip. Both knowing that it was nothing but a joke between them. For one he wasn’t poor either. A captain of the guards was a high paying position and that was not including all the gifts he had been given. Truly it wasn’t ever going to be a little bit of shopping with those women. Not when it came to those they cared for.

“Come on.” Theo pats his back in solidarity, before throwing an arm around them. “The sooner we buy the presents, the sooner we can go and do some sparring.”

“You know that’s more your thing.” A mock glare gets thrown at him. “But I can’t deny it doesn’t sound tempting.”

A grin blooms on Theo’s face. “Then it’s decided. We’ll have a date all to ourselves.”

“I think you’ve been spending too much time around her.” His lips still twitch in amusement. “That sounds like something she’d say.”

“So, it does.”

He laughs. “You’re not even denying it.” Shaking of the head. “Alright. It’s a date.”

With that joking decision, they decide to go and do what they came to do. Finding a birthday present for a princess who already had more than her heart desired. Granted there was a lot of jokes between them through the process and they almost got thrown out of a few stores. Which was obviously Theo’s fault.

It couldn’t possibly be his fault when he was nowhere near that particular customer. Especially not close enough to punch the bastard for his sleazy ways. So of course, it was Theo’s fault. Never mind the fact that he had rings on his fingers that should have shown on the man’s face.

However, they did manage to find a gift, or well many gifts, that they could present to her. It was a perfectly productive day all things considered. And it was made even more fun with the brawl they got into upon returning to their sparring grounds. It was always a good plan to train and grow stronger.


I wonder if enjoying destruction means you’re a bad person. Is it a bad thing if you don’t feel a smidge of pity for the victims? I feel like I should feel sympathetic, but I just can’t seem to muster up the emotion. Not for them.

A castle goes rumbling into the ground, large waves sinking the island into the ground. A brief flash of the drowned city we got the trident from flashes through my mind. I found it strange that I didn’t feel sorry for the people at the time, now I can understand why. The only people who sank were the ones who would rather take advantage of their charges than give up even a morsel of their wealth.

No amount of remorse changes the fact that they watched countless people die to save their own hides. Their king ran like a coward when the first sign of danger emerged. Fleeing would have been forgivable, there was nothing he could have done. What was not forgivable was that he used the opportunity to steal the trident. He put a piece of metal above human life and used its power to put himself on a pedestal.

Pumpkins blooming where gold once lay, the woman falling to her death like she would wish upon others. The destruction of a sea witch’s dwelling. The price of deceit and heartlessness. How could anyone believe that good existed when people wishing to bestow unjust cruelty upon others went unpunished?

At least that’s what I’d like to say was the reason behind the destruction of their homes. I’d like to say Celeste bestowed righteous punishment on them. That this was all a bid to protect innocent lives, but…It wasn’t. Not entirely. As much as those lives were a thought, they weren’t the fuel behind the fire that enveloped the royals who turned their backs.

It was because of him. She destroyed their homes because their selfishness had led to his death. To his suffering and to the destruction of a future they could have had. For as much as she tried to be fair, she was just as petty. The fury that bubbled under her blood was one that called for the destruction of anyone who slighted her in such a large measure. Revenge for hurting those she cared for.

A feeling of satisfaction joins the delight as I see the buildings burn. A large grin blooming on my lips as another castle burns and turns to rubble. It turns into full blown cackles as the screams echo around the building themselves. The cackles grow louder as a red-cloaked woman seethes at her plans being foiled.

Her fury and confusion a satisfying sight to behold. She’d bet on them staying silent and she’d lost. Celeste wouldn’t let her live in peace. Not when it was her shadows that wreaked havoc on the people she cared about. And as every single building housing the guilty collapsed into rubble and burned to dust, the doors fling open.

I can feel them all fly open in a synchronous bang. They fade out of existence leaving only glowing balls of light in their place. My hand reaches out for them, and they move towards me. They feel like warm sunlight and a mother’s hug as they seep into my skin. And when there is nothing left to be absorbed, a satisfied smile overtakes the manic grin.

Whole. I feel whole. Finally having pieces that I didn’t even know were missing till now. Not until they absorbed underneath my skin, and I found what it felt like to have them within me. The storm that I could always feel waging within me calms as the truth settles at its centre.

I don’t need to watch the rest of the memories to know what happens to the spirit of the girl who sacrificed her life for a man. I don’t need to guess at her motivations because I already know what they are. I have never doubted the three of them, have a deep ingrained familiarity and trust for them. The answer to the questions I have been asking myself this whole time.

Several thoughts raise hell in my mind, contradicting and similar in so many ways. Yet one thought stands out above all others. It’s time to stop the denial and accept the truth. I cannot fault her choices. How can I?

The smile grows. I am her. She is me. We are one and the same. I know who I am now.


This isn’t how it was supposed to go. I didn’t even have time to explain before these pests decided to ambush us. I should have known she’d figure it out soon enough. She was always way too smart for her own good. The princess was right, there’s only so long she would live in denial before she realised the truth.

I should have heeded the warning it was. How could I have forgotten that she was always right about these things? It would have been comforting if it wasn’t so infuriating. Hell. It still is comforting. I just wish I wasn’t having to fight an endless swarm of soldiers right now.

There was a time where I would have loved to have so many soldiers to fight. Anything to get rid of the pent-up energy lying underneath my skin. Being here, with her only a few feet away, I realise how stupid that was. I would worry about how she’s doing but I know she’d punch me for being distracted mid fight.

As I parry another hit. I chance a glance at Gem and Cylen. The questions had taken a backseat to the fight, but they would no doubt come. I will answer them the best that I can. I won’t lie. Not to them. I didn’t realise how much I missed them until I saw them again. I’ve already lost them once. I’m not willing to go through that again.

Sweat starts to form on my face. Muscles aching with the strain of the fight. There’s too many of them. My shots of darkness and ice can only do so much when the shadow puppets just reform after their destruction. Cursing behind me tells me that Cylen has similar thought.

“We can’t go on like this.” I hear him mutter before holding up his spear to block the blow coming towards his face.

Gem dodges another puppet. “We sure as hell can’t give up either.”

I want to voice my agreement, but I’m not too sure how that will be received. Grunting is the only compromise I can come up with. It can be taken as a sign of agreement or exhaustion, depending on how they interpret it. Wait Cylen hasn’t figured it out yet…Problem for later. Focus on army first.

“Give up already.” A shrill voice shouts. “You’ll never win.”

Gods, I really do hate this bitch. She stirs up trouble for no reason and seems to have something against us. Scratch that. She wants to kill us. More importantly, she wants to kill her. That automatically makes her my enemy. One way or another she’s going down.

Unfortunately, the physical body doesn’t always follow our hopes. I can feel my body grow heavier, until my legs fall out under me. Fuck. The underworld couldn’t recharge me as much as I hoped it would. Maybe my father had a point about visiting more often. Not that I’ll let the old man have the satisfaction of being right.

“Ha!” She shouts as Gem starts to fall as well. “Unlike you, my soldier will never tire.” Cylen manages to catch her, but the puppets sneak up on them. Two of them hold him captive as a sword is held above his heart. Gem screams trying to break free from her own constraints. My magic rushes out to help her, but more appear in their place.

Still, I force the magic to envelop her, killing off the shadow puppets trying to hold her captive. Some of it goes towards Cylen, but those puppets move. I feel so disgustingly helpless. I hate it. I never want to feel like this again.

“I needed you for a plan, but no longer!” The demented woman states. “You are of no use to me. Prepare to die.”

At her command, the shadow puppets move to shove daggers through us. My eyes widen. Gem screams. Cylen struggles. Yet, the pain never comes.

“Not so fast.”

Fire bursts into the clearing, light following in its shadow. It burns bright as it surrounds the shadow puppets, burning them to ash. There’s a strange glow to it as it joins my shadows. Circling them and drawing on the magic to destroy their regenerative potential. It lights up every corner of the clearing, burning all the puppets within a three-metre radius around us.

Suddenly, a figure enveloped in the magic is standing protectively in front of us. Her flames bursting out in angry waves around her. The light creating a halo around her beautiful head. A shiver goes down my spine as she casually disintegrates any puppets that approach and turns her head towards us. She sweeps her gaze across Gem and Cylen before her eyes meet mine.

A familiar wild grin pulls her lips even as her eyes burn with fury. She cocks her head, disregarding everyone as she stands there staring into my eyes.

“Hello darling. Did you miss me?”

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