Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 35: Fires and Travels


Even asleep, she can’t help but attract trouble. I can see the spirits in this forest starting to awaken, their curiosity drawing them towards us. They’re drawn to the light she always manages to release around her. I can’t blame them for it when I’m drawn to it as well.


Bringing a hand to my lips, I gently place a kiss on its back, needing the reassurance of its warmth. The memory of these same hands being cold and fading into the air haunts me still. Simply having them in my hold soothes the anxiety that emerges at the thought.


A sigh from her mouth has my eyes flickering to her face, hope starting to bloom. But alas, her eyes are still shut. A silent word I can’t quite make out leaving her mouth before she’s once again still. The hope fades. Perhaps it’s better that way for now. I’m not sure how she would react to the position she’s in right now. 


Especially considering those two left to go into the underworld without her. She always hated being left out. I doubt that has changed, since so much about her hasn’t. I want to kiss her. Have wanted to do that for a while now, ever since she gave me hope that she could remember.


But…She would be upset if I did that. It is also something I can’t stomach doing, not when she’s asleep. Murder is nothing, people usually do something to incite it, but the true crime would be doing something when the people involved are unaware. A shudder goes down my spine at the very thought.


It’s been an hour since they left, and I admit to feeling a little antsy. Why isn’t she waking up? What could she possibly be seeing? These exits are fickle in their definition of the truth, so it is very possible that she could be seeing anything between what happened eighteen years ago to what is occurring right now.


A small flicker of hope, a longing, that what she’s seeing are other memories winds me with its force, but I forcefully crush it down. It’s better not have any hope at all, than to have it and then have it stolen. Sometimes one’s own mind is a more effective prison than anything could ever hope to be.


Instead of letting the crushing weight of despair suffocate me, I force me mind towards Gem and Cylen. Surely, they’re in the underworld by now. I can sense how close they have been dropped off, even without having gone through this portal. Even if I haven’t been there for a very long time, it calls out to me through any plane or distance.


Having the stupid portal disappear is a relief, it’s just an eyesore. I can go where they are without it. Them not being here simply means I don’t need to hold back that power. Furrowing my eyebrows, I release a sigh. Those powers seem to have weakened for some reason.


Some simple spirits should not be able to break through my ice. It’s simply something they should not be able to do. It’s worrying how weak my powers have gotten. A theory exists in my mind of why that is, but not one I want to confront.


Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to the worry at hand. Will they be alright in the underworld? They should be. No demon would dare attack them. Just as many we’ve encountered hesitate to attack us. It is why I allowed them to go through in the first place.

A lopsided smile quirks my lips as I recall a memory of why that it is. The same reason all of them refuse to attack so fast. Even when so much time has passed, her words still linger. They will not attack because they sense her on them and do not risk incite her fury.


Standing with her hands on her hips, she stares down the demons in front of her. Fury burning in her eyes as her nostrils flare. They’d attacked those innocent travellers without a second thought. Even going so far as to attack the entering spirits as well.


“Do you understand what you have done?” She narrows her eyes at them.


Having been subjected to an hour or reproachment and berating, the demons did not risk speaking. They’d learnt that lesson when saying the wrong thing had only fuelled her fury. Better than being subjected to this torture for longer, they would simply not to speak.


“Well?” She questioned again. An amused snort from the man leaning against the wall doing nothing to break her focus.


Red rimmed eyes flicked to him before they refocused on the woman in front of them. Resignation grew. They would receive no aid from him. He was content just to stay back and watch this unfold. When her eyes narrowed further, they rushed to nod their heads.


“And will you do it again?”


Hurried head shaking was the answer she received. The gravel under their knees a secondary concern to her fury. They understood she could kill them with a simple flick of her hand. The power emitting from her in droves made that obvious.


A brave young one decided to speak. “But we have needs! We can’t just stop feeding on their greed!”


The rest stilled, their breathes stalled as they awaited her judgement. A sigh of relief escaping when she appeared contemplative instead of murderous. This one was at least more reasonable than the man. He would have simply killed them for the hassle.


“Alright.” She rubbed a hand down her face. “I’ll make you a deal.”


“You’re going to make a deal with them?” His eyebrows were raised, yet amusement shone clearly in his eyes.


“Yes. Now hush.” She waved a hand to emphasise that. “You will not attack any that I care about.” Her tone left no room for argument. “If you do, I will burn you to ash where you stand. Is that understood?”


Nodding followed those words. This was not an empty threat, there was no doubt in their minds that she would follow through. She’d already proven as much.


“And” She continued, “Those that you target must be receptive to your manipulation.” Her eyes bored into them. “You cannot use coercion.”


That was a tad difficult considering their nature, but they didn’t dare argue. Respect and fear were a fine line where they were concerned and the woman before them incited both.


“In return, I will let you live in peace.” A pause. “Are we in agreement?”


Of course. It was the only option given to them. Even if she didn’t punish them for needless violence, the man behind her would for simply upsetting her. They did not dare argue.


Chuckling I shake my head, fondness welling and colouring my features as my eyes move to her face. She’d managed to scare them into submission. It was a lesson they weren’t likely to forget. A thousand years couldn’t change that. Yet…There was never complete certainty in these things.


Not being able to sit still with the thought, I run my hands across the ground. Soon, three shadows emerge from a spot far from her. They kneel, awaiting my orders.


“Track them.” I command. “Do not let them notice you. Let me know if the situation becomes too complicated, such that they cannot escape unscathed.”


Blinking to indicate they understand, they vanish. There. That should ensure their safety. I have perfected my control of them over the years and now they will do just as I ask. It’s been a while since I have tasked them with something, but I do not doubt they’ll do it perfectly.


Cylen could sense them if he wanted, but he hasn’t noticed my magic, so I’m hoping the same remains true. Gem could too. I’m hoping their search for the pendant will mean they are pre-occupied. Having to explain why I can control them is a headache, so hopefully they do not.


Worry is not an emotion I’m used to feeling. I haven’t felt it for so long, that I admit to musing whether I could still feel it anymore. Recent circumstances have answered that question, I only hope the steps taken to combat it are the right ones. I suppose only time will tell.


In the meantime, I’ll watch over the troublesome woman who manages to consume my thoughts in so many ways.



Fascinating. Watching the progress of this relationship is fascinating. The trust they have in each other grows with every passing day. I know so because I feel an echo of her feelings. I think I’ve been able to do that the entire time but, these particular memories are amplifying it tenfold.


“Celeste.” He laughs as they clean the cabin. They decided to use it for their vacation. Choosing the middle of a forest because they didn’t want there to be too many interruptions.


“Yes?” She hums in reply, “What’s so funny about turning the houseplants purple?”


“Nothing.” His lips twitch, “Except that they do not come in that colour.”


“Shh…No one has to know.” A mischievous look in her eyes as she conspiringly holds a finger to her lips.


He walks towards her, reaching out to pull her against him. “You’re absolutely ridiculous sometimes. You know that?”


“Hmm…” She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him forward until their lips are almost touching. “Perhaps.” She grins, “Yet you love me just the same.”


He grins as well. “That I do.” Then he leans down and brings their lips together in a lingering kiss.


“We should probably finish cleaning up.” She points out, a little breathless.


A smug smile quirks his lips as he looks at her. “It can wait a little longer.”


The response causes butterflies in my stomach, a goofy smile stretching my lips. So ridiculous. They do finish cleaning up, but not before stealing a few more kisses. The domesticity of the scene is both heart-warming and sad. I can feel there’s going to be something that throws their world off-kilter.


Giggling, I hide my face behind my hands. He looks so frustrated in this memory. She hid his favourite jacket, and he keeps walking right past it. It isn’t even hidden with magic! He just spends too much time looking in high places and not down.


“Celeste!” He groans, “Where is my jacket?”


She can’t respond. She’s too busy laughing. Her breathlessness feeds my own.


“It’s not funny princess!” He shouts, even as his eyes soften at her laughter.


Still shaking with laughter, she manages to respond. “Look down darling.” Another laugh escapes at his surprised Pikachu face when he sees it. He scowls, but it isn’t very convincing when his lips are fighting a smile.


I think I’m in love. Their relationship is so cute! They bicker almost constantly, even when they’re not sparring, but always send up in peals of laughter. It’s a healthy relationship where even if there are misunderstandings, they work it out by communicating.


Like every couple, they have their disagreements, but agree on the things that matter. Isn’t that what everyone wants? Someone who may not be perfect but has the same values. Who respects them enough to try and understand what’s important to you, even if they don’t fully comprehend why?


Smiling becomes a constant on my face as I continue watching. Seeing his eyes soften when he’s with her, lips quirking up, I realise that I’ve seen that look before. It’s a look he sometimes sends me when he thinks I’m not looking.


“What do you want to do today?” He asks with a yawn, taking care not disturb her too quickly.


Not wanting to be subjected to the sun, she burrows her head into his chest, a frustrated sound leaving her mouth. “Sleep…”


Lips twitching, he places a kiss on the top of her head, “You can’t sleep all day.”


“Why not?” She pouts, sleepily opening her eyes. “I’m tired…”


“I know.” He laughs, “But we both know you’d get bored eventually.”


“Five more minutes.” She yawns, closing her eyes and nuzzling his chest.


“Alright.” The lightness in his voice is very doting. “We’ll sleep a little longer.”


Although he says as such, soon they’re both fast asleep again. Curled up together in a cocoon. It’s a very peaceful sight. The sun shimmering over them, blankets covering them up to the waist. Her arm around his middle as she comfortably sighs in her sleep. Utter contentment softening their faces in sleep. And I want to see more.



Spooky and chilling. That is the only way I can describe this place. It has a haunted feel that just reeks of foreboding and ill intentions. It takes conscious effort not to look at the river that runs across the middle of the realm.


As we descend into the lands, all I can see is black rock and flames. There is fire in every corner of the land. In the torches. Lighting the path in a gentle glow. At the fingertips of its inhabitants.


Skulls in the corners of walls and bones scattered across the burnt grass do very little to calm the panic starting to build. Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to rush into this. It’s looking more dangerous by the minute.


A spirit emerging from the river almost has me screaming in fright, only a remaining shred of pride stopping me from doing it externally. Silence descended upon us the minute we walked into this land. It feels like any sudden movement will end in certain doom.


Gem tries not to walk to far away from me, daggers carefully held between her fingers. I can’t blame her. The atmosphere is putting me on edge as well. We were able to deduce that we’re looking for a pendant, from what we know of the original tale. It’s the only option.


With each step we take, I become surer of my decision to try and find the pendant ourselves. That battle junkie would have somehow managed to thrust herself in the heart of the land. I swear I don’t believe I’ve met another who is that much of a trouble magnet, she attracts it like bees to pollen.


“We should stay together.” Gem whispers, moving until there is very little space between us. I can sense her tenseness as she shudders from the aura emitting from the stone pillars of this footpath.


I move to take hold of her hand. “You’ll have no argument from me. This place gives me the creeps.” I send her a reassuring smile in the hopes it will be able to soothe her frayed nerves.


She smiles at my attempt. My own grows more genuine as I see some of the tension fade as we walk. It worked! Paranoia is only going to get us hurt. It makes a person more likely to miss what’s right in front of them. Which is why, I try to keep a calm composure when faced with danger.


Searching for a pendant proves to be difficult, there is just so much distance to cover. My thoughts involuntarily turn to the two people we left behind. Is she awake yet? Are they alright? Did the spirits try anything, like they did earlier?


Ryan isn’t the only one wary of the spirits, they knew it would hurt her to touch the portal, yet the conspired to make it happen anyway. What good intentions they had are meaningless in the wake of the scream it enticed from her. An echo of it rings in my ears even still.


Shuddering, I try to shift my focus to the task at hand. Then extent of which it unsettled me is something I don’t quite understand. It’s as extreme as a reaction as what would have if Gem were in the same situation. Yet different in that, where with Gem it would come from a place tinged with romantic love, for her the anguish I felt undoubtedly came from platonic love first and foremost and a sense of duty second.


Perhaps I can investigate those feelings in more depth once we get out of this literal hell hole. Why does it have to be so damn creepy? I would have turned around long before if Gem wasn’t so set on coming here and my own worries about a dark-haired woman didn’t keep me from doing just that.


Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath in, exhaling as I open them once again. I give Gem a small smile when she turns her confused gaze towards me. I can do this. I will do this.



Friendships. They’re just as important as any other relationship. It’s never too late to make a friend, and never too many of them to be made. My smile turns into a grin when he becomes friends with her cousin and with Captain Spears. They’re relationships are unique but no less important.


The bonds they forge over the memories I see play out in front of my eyes seem like they’d withstand lifetimes. You would think that people with such different personalities wouldn’t get along this well, but the laughter in front of me proves otherwise.


Picnicking in the castle guards, they share jokes and talk about things they’ve heard before. She felt relief when they liked each other, for a moment she was worried that they would not. Joy is the emotion most prominent within her when she witnesses the ease with which they interact.


Echoing into me, it resonates with feeling I realise I’ve already been witnessing. If the blue-eyed man, I see in front of me is the same as the one I’ve spent the last few weeks with…And I’m becoming certain he is…It explains the sad undertone to his smug smiles.


Seeing people who remind you of old friends, only for them to not know you, must be very difficult. If he remembers even a small fraction of the encounters, I bear witness to, it’s heart breaking. Tears well in my eyes at the thought. It must have been so hard. It makes me want to give him a big hug.


Maybe punch him too. My eyes narrow on the hand he holds hers in. This is absolutely something he should have informed me of, yet he kept it to himself. Looking all sad, while all his secrets lie within a tight lock.


Normally, that wouldn’t bother me, but these memories relate to me as well. The rational part of my mind argues that there was no explanation he could have given. Pettiness suggests otherwise. He should have told me. Maybe then…


Shaking myself out of that train of thought, I focus on the current memory playing out before me. She runs into the cabin after hearing exciting news about a new adventure she heard about.


“It’s a treasure hunt!” She exclaims, trying to convince him. “It seems like an interesting way to spend our time.” There’s an edge to her voice that suggests me there may be another reason she doesn’t want to tell him.


“Alright.” He says in resignation after a little more convincing. Well. Well. Well. It seems he’s unable to say no to her. For some reason the thought makes me smile. Before a pang in my chest sends sadness crashing through.


Clutching at my chest, I try to ignore it. Instinct tells me I should watch what happens next, that it will be of great importance. It may even be the most important memory of them all.


Despite agreeing to help them, I can feel that she doesn’t truly trust them. The only reason she’s even helping them is due to a sense of obligation. These royals wouldn’t be able to survive a day on their own in this journey. They each come with their own entourage of mixed personalities.


It’s so ludicrous that I almost laugh. They’re dressed like they’re dressed for a picnic, not a trek into a perilous situation. Theo decides to just follow her instincts, since he can’t be bothered doing otherwise. He’s very lazy, I’ve noticed. He doesn’t do things whole-heartedly unless there’s something about them that interests him.


Giving up their weapons is not an easy decision. It feels like they’re leaving a part of themselves behind. It makes them both uneasy. However, the ones around them have no trouble offering up prized belongings in return for her help. I can feel that when she opens her mouth it is to say no.


Yet an instinctive pulse within her has her rethinking. She reluctantly gives up her sword with the promise that it will be returned to her the next time they meet. The woman gives her a smile and says it will be. It has me patting my sword to make sure it’s still there. For some reason it stays with me even in my subconscious.


My eyebrows furrow, when instead of the cryptic clues we were given, they’re instead sent towards a stone henge like location. There’s something fishy here. It feels like a trap. Curiosity wins over caution for both of us, even as apprehension twists my gut. I have a feeling I’m not going to like what comes next.


I’m proven right when an army of monsters stop the group from reaching the familiar items laying on the stones. My eyes narrow in suspicion when the only people they attack are Celeste and Theo. It’s definitely a trap.


Rage wells within me as I watch what the royals they helped do in their time of need. Nostrils flaring when they make half-hearted jabs and run towards the centre whilst the monsters are preoccupied. As soon as they each have one of the treasures, they run back to safe distance to watch.


Do they think they’re watching live entertainment? No number of breaths exhaled is going to be able to calm the fury I feel.


“You cowards!” I yell. It is really unfortunate that they can’t see them right now. My sword itches to stab the traitors. “You…Ungrateful! Stupid! Cowards! You’re nothing but backstabbing traitors!” It’s fortunate for them that they’re already dead. “You’re not fit to rule. If this is how you repay people who attempt to aid you…” I scoff. “There is not one shred of honour in your bones!”


A heartbreaking pained groan from the battle has my head immediately turning towards it. My eyes widening at the sight of a bloody Theo on the ground. One of the monsters managed to stab him whilst he was trying to protect her. Fury has Celeste no longer hiding the magic as she incinerates them all with her flames.


She pays no mind to the interlopers as she kneels on the ground beside him. Black tendrils are spreading across his chest. A sob escapes me alongside her as the realisation sinks in. He could die. This magic is not one they can reverse. Not with so little time.


My heart feels like it’s being torn into pieces when I hear her beg him to live. He tells her all he wants is for her to be happy. Smiles as he tells her not to cry. Which is joke. I sniffle, not being able to contain my own sobs. How could this have happened? My legs can no longer support me as I fall to my knees with the force of the sobs wrecking their havoc.


Shimmers in front of us has her looking up to see who it is. My eyes widen as the fairy who started us off on the stupid quest appears, a sentiment she echoes. They immediately narrow when I notice who stands behind her. The crone looks like vulture with the way her eyes take in the scene.


“Save him!” She yells at the fairy. “Please.”


Tatiana gives her a sad smile. “I can do that my friend. I can save his life, but it will come at the cost of your own.” That’s obvious. Nothing will be done for free. I know she’s a friend because I’ve seen the memories, so I know there’s no trickery in her words.


However, the person behind her is one who I absolutely loathe. She looks sympathetic, but I can feel that her intentions are not. There’s a putrid stench that lingers around her that can’t trick my mind. There’s a triumphant look in her eyes despite her efforts to hide it. I do not trust her at all. Yet, she’s of little consequence at the moment.


“Don’t do it.” The fool at my feet tells her. “It won’t be worth it.”


“Your life is very much worth it.” She tells him, still sniffling in her grief.


“Is that your answer then?” The crone confirms.


Celeste leans in close to kiss his lips. “Always remember, that I love you.” Then, she turns to her old friend. “Yes. That is my answer. Save him.” No hesitation in her tone.


It’s going to hurt him, that much is clear. It’s made even clearer when her body dissolves in front of him, in turn allowing his wounds to heal. He rages as he destroys the surrounding forest in his grief. Only the stones remain.


Perhaps, it will stay with him for a long time yet. Staying in the back of his mind as he lives his life. At least he’s alive to live it. Even then, he’s not stupid enough to make a deal with crone lingering in the back. He doesn’t even waste a second once he’s fully healed.


Fury is all that emits from him as he faces her. Not allowing a moment for them to speak before he releases daggers of ice at their heads. Rage burning in his eyes as he follows it up with a vast surge of darkness, growling with the emotion. It sends the cowards in corner scurrying away. Yet, they’re unimportant as well.


I know it’s going to hurt him but, the alternative is him being dead. Which is something that she, I, will never allow. I’d rather die a thousand times over than watch him die before me. I suppose we’re just selfish like that.



It feels like we’ve been searching forever. My legs ache with the strain so much walking has put upon them. I think I’m starting to get a headache on top of it. Yet, I don’t want to stop. I can’t stop until we find that pendant.


Something strange I’ve noticed in our search is that there feels to be eyes staring at my back. I simply cannot shake the feeling off. It’s made creepier by how I feel like we’ve just been walking in circles the entire time. Cylen hasn’t said anything out loud, but I know he feels the same.


Stranger still is the demons. I thought that they wouldn’t think twice about attacking us, but they seem to be avoiding us instead. At first, I thought it was coincidental that they would step out of the way when we approached. Then a group of them practically bolted out of their seats after seeing us.


At that point, it was safe to assume that they’re avoiding being in our presence. The only thing I don’t understand is why. Why do they look like they’ve seen a ghost when they meet my eyes, or Cylen’s? Why do they run as if their very lives depend on it?


Questions like those are very distracting when I’m trying to look for the pendant. It also makes it harder to find it, since anyone we may have asked bolts when they see our faces. Finding it is very important. I only wish we were getting somewhere with it.


As if in answer to my prayers, I hear Cylen whisper, “I think I’ve found a clue.”


“What is that?” I ask as I try to find what he’s talking about.


“The scorch marks on the ground.” He points to them with his free hand. “They create a trail.”


My eyebrows furrow. “But why do you think it’s leading where we want it to?”


“Because” He pauses to smile, “I’ve heard that the pendant is conduit of flames. At least for demons.” That…makes a lot of sense. More than I’d like to admit.


“I think you’re right.” It seems I have no choice but to concede.


A gasp leaves my mouth as we reach the end of the trail. There are scorch marks everywhere. On the rocks. On the ground. Even on the sand by the water. What’s even more disturbing is the pile of dust that lies under a glass case on one of the said rocks.


“In hateful memory of a treacherous coward. May you never be like him.” Cylen reads aloud the plaque sitting in front of the glass case. “Well, that’s morbid.” I can only hum in reply, too stunned to think of anything cleverer.


“There are footsteps leading into that room.” Cylen takes the words for what they are and starts walking in the direction without hesitation. A shudder goes through me before I calm my nerves enough to follow.


We only make it a step inside the room before a weight settles into my limbs. It freezes me in place, unable to move a single muscle except my eyes. They widen as a tall imposing man draped in black poofs into the room in a cloud of smoke. He lazily leans back on the wall as he takes us in.


“Well, well, well. What do I have here?” He says in a taunting tone. “Two little trespassers in my realm.”


I barely get a minute to process his words before another cloud of smoke decides to steal my attention. Another tremor of surprise goes through my body. For standing there, with Astri held bridal-style in his arms, is Ryan. He glances over us for a moment before turning to glare daggers at the man responsible.


He looks amused. “Look who decided to show up.” He tsks. “It’s been a long time since you visited.” He holds a hand up to inspect the nails before sending Ryan a lopsided grin. “Welcome home.”


In a castle at the heart of the realm, two parents look out the window. Their hearts heavy from the news they received. Their precious daughter, the light of their lives, was gone. The echoes of her laughter haunted them wherever they roamed. They regret not spending more time with her. Why didn’t they push for more time?


She’d grown up so fast. Not just in age, but mentality as well. Sometimes they believed she’d grown up too fast. Guilt spreading through them at the realisation that perhaps that was partially their own fault. They should have fought harder to give her the childhood she deserved. Now they were left with only their tears and a castle full of memories for comfort.


Unbeknownst to them, the sentiment was echoed by both their relatives and a couple a few towns south. Their children had grown up too fast. They were too eager to fight. Too eager to risk their lives for a future which should have been given to them regardless.


Worse still was that they didn’t know whether they lived or not. They were so far away from them, taking on burdens that were not yet theirs to carry. It was sorrowful how desperate they were to do something, perhaps more out of sorrow than anything else. Wishing they were safe at home was the only thing they could do, for they knew it was unlikely they’d return so soon.


Beneath the ground, in another realm of their world, a man stood in his throne room. He had a headache. He couldn’t believe this is what it had come to. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought this is what the future would hold. Despite all of his urgings, this was not what he wanted.


Destruction was not something he was unfamiliar with. After all, people die every day. Yet the destruction being sought above was more likely to hurt the one reaching for it than the people it targeted. He was going to destroy himself and going to make him watch. At the very least, he knew he was in good company to watch it unfold, clinging to the hope his son would return home.

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