Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 108: My favorite type is a bad guy

Hearing his granddaughter called him absentmindedly with dejected expression, Elder Dam walked back and sat beside her. He didn't say anything and carefully pick up the food and place it into Senja's bowl.

"Grandfather, can I go with you to City Y?"

"City Y is so far, it is an outskirt City and also grandfather will only meet someone for a while before returning back, beside there is no time for rest the trip also will be tiring enough for you" Elder Dam explained it patiently.

"How long it will take from here to City Y?"

"4 days by road trip"

"So, you will be back on 8th day?"

"Mm" Elder Dam nodded.

"How long I will be away with Commander Xiao?"

"7 days at most" Elder Dam didn't know where this conversation would headed so he just answered it casually without further thought.

"It's mean that you will be back the next day after I return?"

"I think so"

Somehow Senja's expression a little bit lively after she heard Elder Dam answer.

"Oh, right! Grandfather, how long it will take to Northern Fortress from here?"

Elder Dam eyebrows shot up "What are you going to do at Northern Fortress?"

Senja shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly "What possible thing that I can do? I just want to know how long it will take to go there" Of course she was still thinking about Xiao Tianyao's threat this morning about 'serving soldiers'.

"At most 10 days by road trip"

Senja's lips curled up upon hearing Elder Dam answered.

10 days? Then it will take at least 20 days just for round trip alone! So it's impossible for that madman to send me there!

Senja rejoice this fact in her heart before she talked with cheerful voice "Grandfather, I want to learn how to ride a horse"

"What for?"

"It will be useful someday. Have you ever heard the saying 'always foot your best foot forward'(1)?" Before Elder Dam could say anything Senja added "I know someone, his name is Yoda, he safeguard me back then at the training fortress, can I have him as my tutor?"

Looking at Senja's expectant expression, Elder Dam has the urge to indulge her more "Alright, as you wish"

"Grandfather, you have to make sure to find me when you come back, okey?"

"Alright. I will find you and have him as your tutor"

Senja smiled sweetly but, the next second her face dropped "I am a little bit afraid"

Elder Dam tilted his head "With Tianyao beside you nothing bad will happen. Don't worry" He patted Senja's head lovingly.

Grandfather, you don't know, he is the real danger for me! Of course Senja didn't say this out loud.

"But I am afraid" She whined childishly.

"Don't be afraid, Tianyao will protect you well"

"But he is scary!"

Upon hearing Senja said that Xiao Tianyao was a scary person, Elder Dam chuckled "Agree. Sometimes his personality is too stiff"

"He looks like a bad guy" Although he is handsome and my favorite type of man. Senja added the last words inside her mind.

Elder Dam laughed out loud. This was the first time he heard someone talked bad about Xiao Tianyao directly. Rather than before, Elder Dam seemed prefer this cheeky personality of Senja more.

"Finish your food. Grandfather will go now" He patted Senja head once again before he stood up and left. However when he has just reached the door, Senja's voice traveled from inside the room.

"Grandfather, don't forget to find me right away when you come back, alright?"

"Alright" He promised her helplessly and closed the door behind him.

After Elder Dam left, Senja finish her food happily, knowing that with Elder Dam affection she would be fine and Xiao Tianyao would need to think thrice before he did something harmful to her. At least, he wouldn't torture or send her to the northern fortress. She saved for now and her restless heart became much better.

In the midway when she was humming. A tall figure emerged from his hiding spot and standing behind Senja's chair, he folded his arms with dark expression.

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