Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 109: Don't thank me because you will regret it

Feeling something was off instinctively Senja turned her head only to saw Xiao Tianyao was standing behind her with unfriendly smirked on his lips.

"Aaarrgh!!" Senja exclaimed in surprise at the same time Xiao Tianyao big callous palms muffled her scream from behind, his current position was almost like hugging her. Their proximity made senja able to smell his unique fragrance that stimulated her blood to her head and spread all over her face.

Senja swallowed hard, she couldn't hold back her little heart that currently was beating fast. She looked up and saw his taut expression with his brows knitted together, his pointed nose looked perfect from Senja point of view however, behind his thick lashes there were eyes that looked at her sternly and also the scar on his forehead that crossed his right cheekbone which gave a dangerous aura and made people avoid looking into his eyes.

Senja made a dreamy expression by this beautiful sight. Unfortunately, the guard outside heard her exclaimed and now was knocking her door with impatient to ask her situation.

Of course her situation right now perfectly good! That guard just messed up the atmosphere.

Senja made a muffled sound while staring at Xiao Tianyao's, after their tacit understanding he released his hand from Senja's mouth.

"I am fine" She said calmly.

"But this subordinate heard young miss was screaming" The guard didn't easily back down.

"Just now I saw… cockroach" She blurted out whatever crossed her mind. "It's fine now"

Cockroach? How could there be a cockroach inside the room? The guard perplexed but didn't pursue the matter any further. After made sure she was fine and didn't need someone to chase away the cockroach (who would be able to chased away this kind of cockroach anyway), he didn't say anything anymore.

Meanwhile inside the room, Xiao Tianyao expression turned from stern into gloomy. She has just called him cockroach? This girl became more unreasonable from time to time.

And for Senja, after several times Xiao Tianyao suddenly appeared and caught her out of guard, she became accustomed with it and didn't bother to waste her breath to complain. Instead, she stuffed some cake into her mouth to cover up her heart that still thumping badly.

Xiao Tianyao took a deep breath and sat opposite her "Stop blushing!" He snapped with irritated face.

"Stop touching!" Senja retorted while stuffing more cake into her mouth.

Xiao Tianyao's jaw almost dropped when he heard Senja's retorted words. Why she make it sounds like he did something immoral?

"Did you prefer for me to beat you up?" He snarled trough his gritted teeth.

Remembering the way Senja called him a bad person in front of Elder Dam make Xiao Tianyao annoyed. Since she called him a bad person, shouldn't Xiao Tianyao live up the name?

Senja startled and unfortunately the remnant cake she was eating was stuck in her throat that make her suddenly fell into coughing fit that took all her breath away.

"Cough… cough…" Senja coughing hard until her reddened face became redder.

Originally Xiao Tianyao thought Senja was merely choked and would stop eventually, however after a moments coughing she didn't stop.

Alarmed, he sprang to his feet and started to pat her on the back "Spit it out" He snapped at her.

If Senja could spit it out immediately, she didn't need Xiao Tianyao reminder. But, the problem was that annoying remnant cake didn't move down or up, it stuck in the middle.

Looking at Senja scarlet face and tears started rolling down her face Xiao Tianyao stood behind her and slightly to one side while he supported her chest with one hand, he leaned her forward so the remnant cake would come out rather than moved further down.

He gave 5 sharp blows between her shoulder blades with the heel of his hands.

It was working, after received the blows Senja took a deep breath as her blockage throat has cleared. She was inhale one more time with grateful, filled her lung with fresh air. If it wasn't for Xiao Tianyao's first aid she would be in miserable state by now. Originally she wanted to thank him for his help and tried to curry favor with him to get his good side.

Feeling relieved she wiped her tears away and then patted her chest gratefully when at that very moment she realized that Xiao Tianyao's hand was still stuck on her chest which made her body suddenly stiffen.

Xiao Tianyao was oblivious about Senja strange reaction, instead he asked her out of concerned. "Feeling better?"

Better my ass!!! "You touch me again!! Insolent!" Senja accused him severely. Her angry voice muffled between her teeth. Good thing was, she still aware enough that there were guards outside the room. The situation only would get worse if she yelled out loud.

Abruptly Senja brushed aside Xiao Tianyao hand fiercely and glared at him. Xiao Tianyao who feel sting on his hand and received a fierce glared from her somehow there was a tinge feeling that he was facing an angry tigress without claws and fangs so, it only roared while hiding her tail.

Senja of course because of shamed and shocked, she was exaggerated her anger, now she need to tried hard to keep her expression as stern as she could. For some people, being angry was one of the escaped routes to hide your shamed, let you to vent out some of the overlapping emotions. Senja wasn't an exception.

She thought Xiao Tianyao would respond more angrily however that man only stood there silently while folded his arms in front of his chest with fixed expression, like have been waiting for the end of a boring show.

He definitely didn't play along.

Not getting the respond she wanted, Senja gradually became restless.

Why he didn't say anything?! She said to herself irritably.

In the end, she was lowering her glaring eyes as her stern face became timid and after 3 minutes in awkward situation that made Senja stressed, Xiao Tianyao had walked toward the door when Senja spoke almost like a whisper. "Thank you"

Very unexpectedly Xiao Tianyao heard it and spoke with his usual calm tone "Don't thank me now, because you will regret it very soon" And he continued to strode away.

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