Radiant Prism

The Chase (1/4) – (Yuuna’s Route)





“Alright, Yuu Yuu, Janova, fight!”



"Watch out for Feodora; she's a dark vessel, and her abilities are unpredictable. Aim to capture Yuuna and the Janova imposter!”

The Radiant in the back commanded. Tall and clad in a silver suit, the senior officer had pepper hair with a scar alongside his cheek. He was likely a higher rank member of the Radiant Order. He pushed out his hand, signaling three Radiants to begin their attack on us. They all wore black and white suits with bright red ties. Over their eyes were visors, masking their features. I'm sure the visors had a tactical purpose, but I couldn't be certain at the time. 

I brought back my blade and ran into the fight, spearing towards the first in the front of the three-man formation, the one in the front with a giant hammer. 


I attacked first with an upwards slash. The soldier dodged and countered as he attempted to bring his hammer down on my skull.


Janova deflected his attack aimed at me using her chaos shield. His weapon bounced back from the barrier, causing him to stumble backward.

“Feodora, now!"

Yuu Yuu shouted. 



She enchanted my blade with the wind element. My sword felt lighter as if it was a feather. So, I used this to my advantage and sped to the off-guard Radiant.


I disarmed him with an upwards slash. A rush of wind element caused his hammer to swing in the air and hit the wall on the other side of the cavern.

"Dang, dark vessel!"

He yelled as he got back on his feet. I swung my sword in a horizontal arc, channeling the wind enchantment of my blade to create a tornado under the three unsuspecting Radiants. 

The three soldiers were flung against the wall. They were likely thrown off by Yuu Yuu's enchantment strength. This was the strength of a level 2 wind vessel.

More descended upon us as Janova appeared behind me to cover my back.

“Are you ready, Feo?"

The goddess of chaos asked, focusing on our next set of enemies.

“I'm going to have to be…”

Five more Radiants brandished their weapons as they attacked. Two of the five channeled elements as they ran at me. 

"I'll handle these three, Feodora."

Janova said. Before I could say anything, she created a wall of chaos, dividing our battle.

"Just be safe!"

I pleaded with her as I turned back to my two targets.

One of them was a fire user. He shot a burning wave our way. I rushed at him, cut through the spell, and dodged his first strike. He aimed at my face, and I swayed out of the way.

"I got Feodora. Keep her there!"

The second Radiant commanded as she jumped above me, aiming her water spear at me. Before it could strike me down, I dodged and vanished into the shadow she made. 

"The hell?!"

Surprised, the spear user couldn't find me. I appeared above her, behind her back thanks to the shadows above.

“Here you go, Feodora!”

Yuu Yuu called me out again, turning my blade into the earth element. Rocks formed on my sword, removing its sharp edge.

"Ah, I get it!"

My blade was more blunt, like a club rather than a sharp sword. It was as heavy as a boulder as it slammed down on the Radiant's back.


She screamed as she fell to the floor, knocking her out instantly. I caught myself as I faced the fire Radiant in front of me. Yuu Yuu canceled the earth enchantment on my blade, helping me move faster.

"Dang you, dark vessel!"

The fire Radiant said as he threw a punch my way. I blocked it. He was my second target to defeat before I could help Janova. So, I had to make our battle quick.

"Sit still!"

The fire Radiant complained. I was dodging with ease as we started a close-quarters fight. He had brass knuckles, and he attempted to get a good hit on me, but I avoided as best as I could. I could tell the level of training he had was far beyond the others I've fought so far. He would do his best to trip me up with each feint.

“Alright, that’s it.”

Enraged, he yelled.

Swiftly, a fire ignited on his fist. But that wasn't what took me by surprise. Wind and fire spectrum was channeling through his body. His fists begun to speed up to an unreal level.


I panicked.

This close-quarters fight was to his advantage. He was both a fire and wind user, and it showed as his body began to move swiftly.

“There you go, Feo!”

Janova enchanted my shoes with the wind element in between her own fight.

My feet felt light as if I could soar in the sky. I was able to keep up with the Radiant. Using this to my advantage, when my foe leaned in for a powerful strike, I swayed to the side and vanished into the shadows of the dark cavern.

"You're screwed."

I mocked.

Using my destructive craft, I appeared to the side of him. I brought my dark element into my fist. I demolished his jaw, causing his body to ragdoll into the wall with the others we defeated so far.

"Good work."

Yuu Yuu clapped. 


I called out as she was handling three on her own. They were overwhelming her as I rushed in.

"About time you give me some attention, Feo!"

I scratched the side of my cheek. Her bratty complaint was embarrassing me.

"I-Is this really the time, Janova?"

I responded as I focused on the enemies.

"Enough of this!"

Our foe with the whip in her hand cracked it, annoyed. She swung it at Janova but missed. That only enraged her further as her weapon began to channel the earth element.

"Get away from me!”


Janova cried as she brought her spear back. It burned its fiery passion as she struck it into the ground. An intense fire spell erupted from below, worthy of Janova. The Radiant shielded herself from the spell.

"Don’t screw with me!"

Annoyed, she began channeling a wind attack directed at us. Her skill was massive as it began pulling us towards her. A cyclone formed around her.

"Stay back, everyone!"

The whip user warned her two other partners. They complied as her spectrum grew fiercer by the second.

“She’s dangerous.”

I mumbled. Her skill felt deadly, and it needed to be canceled immediately before she released it.

"I got her, Janova. Yuu Yuu, help me!"

I ordered.


Timidly, Yuu Yuu did as I asked.

I melted in front of her as Yuu Yuu enchanted my blade with earth again. Before she could react, I brought my sword back and swung it horizontally. I was caught up in her cyclone as I spun around, flying right to her. The wind pulled me in, making the strike that much more forceful.


She cried as I struck her in the stomach. Her spell canceled in an instant. The whip user hit her head against the wall and slumped to the side.

"Two more."

Janova cackled as I made my way back to her side. We had 2 more to deal with. A woman with a scythe and a man with a bow and arrows. They both felt powerful in comparison to the others.

"Come on! You are soldiers of the Radiant Order!"

The pepper-haired superior general barked with his hands firmly behind his back. 

“Don’t let them get the advantage! Aim for the enchanter, Yuuna, in the back!”

The sergeant demanded as more Radiants filtered into the room behind him. 

The female Radiant with the scythe glanced over at Yuu Yuu.

“You’re not touching her.”

I warned her. She brought her weapon over her shoulder and shot me an evil smile as if mocking me.

"Try and stop me, Cicer!"

The area around us began to heat up as the fire spectrum flowed into her body.

"Burn to the ground."

The soldier cackled as she brought her scythe back and slammed it into the ground. The massive earth spectrum shooting from the spell was unreal as the earth erupted below me. 

The ground opened as if it had a mouth. Within the earth's spell, fire erupted from the hole.


As the spell's fire exploded, I was taken off guard and blasted away. I rolled and caught myself as I took to my feet.

("This scythe user is strong in earth and fire.")

I silently understood. I stood up in pain, understanding my enemy all the more. She turned from me and rushed towards Yuu Yuu as her commander told her to do.

“No, you don't!"

I shouted as I shadow walked and appeared next to Yuu Yuu before the Radiant could reach her. 


Yuu Yuu whispered my name. Everything in me needed to protect her. I took her warm, soft body in my arms.

"Hold on!"

I ordered as we vanished together. I brought my pink bunny to another side of the cavern for safety.

The scythe user had attempted the same spell under Yuu Yuu. However, it was upgraded with a chaos element this time. The entire underground began to shake at her massive attack as she missed.

“These guys are serious.”

Yuu Yuu exclaimed as I held her close to me. Janova was mid-way in her battle with the bow and arrow user. I didn't have to worry about her. So, I focused on the best course of action to deal with someone this destructive.

Then it clicked in my head like a light.

"Give me a water enchantment. I have an idea, Yuu Yuu.”

I let go, and Yuu Yuu nodded. I gripped my sword and rushed towards the scythe user. She flashed me a devilish smile as her body burned hot.

“You’re pretty fun, Feodora!”

She mocked as she brought her scythe to her side. The Radiant was waiting for me to reach her. When I got close enough, she swung.

"Burn to ash!"

Her rough voice barked as she slashed at me horizontally. I ducked, barely missing her slash. I rolled behind her, and I melted into the shadows.

“Where did you go, Feodora?!"

She panicked, turning around. I appeared behind her and slammed my blade into the ground. The water of Yuu Yuu's enchantment rushed underground.

"You missed!"

The devilish woman cackled.

“Fatal mistake, dark vessel!”



The Radiant mocked as she brought the scythe above me. I jumped back, expecting her to use the same spell again.


Janova called out to me as the scythe was brought down in front of me. 

The ground began to erupt like before… but what came out was my water spell instead. The fire connected with my water, causing blazing hot steam to shoot back at the Radiant. It scalded the devilish soldier as she stumbled back.

"Dang you, Cicer!"

I took this chance to speed forward.

"Here you go, Feodora!"

My Yuu Yuu was in sync with me as she threw out another enchantment.

My foot was enchanted with the earth element. It was heavy, but I pushed forward and brought up my foot. I kicked her in the stomach. She flew towards the wall, dropping her weapon.


She clicked her tongue as she fell to the ground and passed out.

“That was fucking awesome, Feo!”

Janova screamed in excitement as the goddess dodged the arrows directed at her. She was making her enemy look like an idiot, and it... brought a smirk to my face.

"Make a fool of me?!"

Enraged, the Radiant brought his arrow back. He channeled water and wind together, forming a typhoon around his weapon. Janova smirked as he fired his spell her way.

"You are a fool!"

Janova mocked as she brought out her chaos shield and reflected the powerful skill back to the Radiant. Unprepared, the typhoon washed the bow user away. He lost his bow as he rolled to the side.

That pepper-haired commander gritted his teeth. He was getting annoyed for sure.

"Weak! All of you are weak! This is why you're the ranks you are! Nothing but novices!"

The commander berated. Even I thought that was a little harsh. As I watched the door, more soldiers were coming in. I was sure they were coming in waves to tire us out...

Janova, Yuu Yuu, and I came back together as more Radiants filtered in. We prepared for more battles ahead.

"They just keep coming… like roaches."

Janova said in annoyance.

"There's more coming, Feodora. What are we going to do?"

Yuu Yuu said, a tad worried. It was apparent that she was getting worn out. That showed by Janova’s agitation. 

“This is endless… Feo, we need to start killing them!”

Janova demanded as her spear got hotter. 

They both were worried… for a good reason. The Radiant Order immediately started to aid their incapacitated comrades as more came in. If anything, they had an endless line of defense, and we were the ones getting tired. We were as good as dead if this kept up for any longer.

"The more we kill, the less we have to deal with later, Feo!”

Janova cried. 

She probably felt Yuu Yuu’s fear amplified into a panic. I had to control them both and try to reason with them…

“Yuu Yuu, Janova, listen... It’s because you two haven’t killed anyone yet.”

I explained to them.

"You two still have a chance to be redeemed if we can't escape. If we start killing anyone against us, it'll only worsen. They will get more aggressive... and we can't handle that."

I focused as three more approached us. There had to be a way out of this... I just had to find it. The commander called out to us.

"My name is Leonardo, commander of this section of the Radiant Order. You three are against the mighty Radiant Order. You can't win against us."

Leonardo grinned.

“Feodora Cicer, Yuuna, and the Janova imposter. What do you say? Are you about ready to call it quits? We have enough people to do this all day.”


I clicked my tongue. Never in my life have I wanted to break someone’s nose so badly.

“Feodora... what are we going to do?”

Yuu Yuu begged for an answer. I looked at both of them...

I had to make a decision... to protect them. I closed my eyes and thought about what to do...

And that’s when it came to me.



“We have to give up.”



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