Radiant Prism

Yuuna and Janova (4/4) – (Yuuna’s Route)


Yuu Yuu was all cleaned up, but she was still passed out. Janova seemed to have lost all her energy within Yuu Yuu, sleeping as well.

“Ah, there you are.”

A woman said. She sounded older, maybe in her later years of life. Her figure was obscured as if Yuu Yuu and Janova were intentionally hiding her from me.

“I need you to take her. They said you work for the same people and can help me.”

Elizera set down my Yuu Yuu on the grass gently. It was worlds different than what I just witnessed moments ago.




“Is she number 6?”

The woman asked.


Elizera answered.

"Time is of the essence. We don't know when things will change. All we know is the silver trees are around… and we need all of them."

The elderly woman said. Even her voice sounded distorted, and I couldn’t understand why that was.


She stood up and looked at the distorted elder.

“She’s a level 2 chaos user. She is accompanied by a lingering spirit that attached itself to her. Its name is Janova… the goddess of 200 years go.”

Elizera listed it off so matter of factly. This mass murderer… was acting so noble, and it made my stomach turn.

“I want her to remember me. Don’t allow her to forget what happened. Do you hear me?”

The old lady bowed.

“No worries. Mother knows what’s best for her children.”

Elizera pulled out a small doll. It was the same one Yuu Yuu's mother gave her when she was three. It was beat up and dirty... but the only one of it's kind.

"Out of everything… that's going to happen to this child in the future…."

Elizera, the mass murder became choked up. Tears welled up in her eyes as she pleaded with the elderly woman.

“Let her… at least experience what it feels like to be a child. B-Because I took that away from her.”

Elizera inhaled and coughed as she turned away and began her journey… likely back to Radiant City… I could fill in the blanks from here.

Elizera would return, find the tragedy, and make the memorial. The bodies were too destroyed by the "spectrum recall," which was actually the flow of spectrum into Yuu Yuu’s body. So, there would be no way to determine a cause of death, and she could play it off as the toxins did it.

Because the last thing she’d want is for the Radiants to know that she gave the Steeble Tribe the book that revealed who Janova was. And that… she was trying to create her again within Yuu Yuu. If they discovered what truly happened, she would be executed for treason.

"What a monster… how dare you to cry."

I bit at her.

I was furious. The scream was still ringing in my ears. Yet Elizera had the gall to be upset over the horrors she inflicted on my Yuu Yuu… and my Janvoa.

"Come with me, sweetheart."

Yuu Yuu was awake as she sat up. She wasn’t saying a word… I don’t think she could if she wanted to. All she did was hold her doll tightly in her hands.

“What is your name, child?”

In a daze, she held the old woman’s hand.

“Can you tell me your name, dear?’

I followed as they approached the orphanage. Yuu Yuu wasn't saying a word, and tears were still flowing down her eyes. I couldn't imagine what she was seeing in her young mind… what she was feeling, and the trauma imprinted in her.

Janova, following them from behind, showed me what Yuu Yuu was feeling. The goddess was crying and holding her stomach. Janova… was experiencing everything the child that had no words was. As she mentioned, her feelings are far more extreme. Likely because Janova forgot what it meant to experience them 200 years ago.

So, Janova was fully exposed to the stages of grief… and she couldn’t control it.

“Child… what would you like me to call you?”

Yuu Yuu turned to the woman, eyes still pouring with tears.


Janova spoke for Yuu Yuu. Through her own tears, Janova took control and answered for the traumatized child.

“B-But she likes to be called Yuu Yuu, though. Mommy would always call her Yuu Yuu.”

She was like a doll… and Janova had to take care of her.

“Yuu Yuu is a lovely name. Let’s get you into bed… and I’ll introduce you to the other children another time.”

I watched them disappear into my old orphanage. I knew the Yuu Yuu of today, but… I couldn't imagine the pain the Yuu Yuu and Janova of the past were going through.



Suddenly, the world shifted, and I found myself in a very familiar scene.

“Give it back!”

There was that new girl. The one with the fluffy pink hair pushed around by my past bullies. Janova flew about, trying to control the situation, but Yuu Yuu wasn't listening to her.

“Yuu Yuu, calm down!”

Janova cried. But the kids kept tossing her toy around. I noticed what that toy was now… It was the only one her mother gave her. And it was having an emotional effect on her as she ran around, trying to get it back.

But then, my small self came in. The small Feodora was clenching her fist and looked angry.

“Leave her alone.”

The younger me screamed in frustration.

“Shut up, Banshee!”

The hot-headed one with dark hair walked up to my younger self.

“Stop calling me Banshee!”



That petite redhead's fist darkened, and with all her might, her fist connected with the other girl's nose. It looked painful watching but… a tad satisfying.

“Oh my gosh! Mother! Mother! Banshee hurt someone!”

One of the kids ran off. I turned to see Janova with her mouth open, staring at my younger self.


Janova whispered as she looked at Yuu Yuu. Janova looked back at my younger self… then again at Yuu Yuu.

The purple aura around my younger self's fist faded away, and what was left was the blood from the bully’s nose. In fear, the other two raced off. She then turned to the pink-haired girl. My younger self… turned to the Yuu Yuu that I’d fall in love with years later.

…And what I initially took as fear in her eyes… Janova’s expression shattered that.

Janova… was blushing. She… was feeling what Yuu Yuu was too.

“A-Are you…”

My younger self asked.

“M-Mother! Mother!”

Little Yuu Yuu ran off, and Janova followed her.

“Wait, Yuu Yuu! Why are you running?! Don’t you want to say thank you?!”

I followed them into the house. Yuu Yuu actually didn’t go to the dorm mother. She hid in a closet.

“My heart is pounding! Yuu Yuu, go out there and say thank you!”


The timid loner shook her head, likely not understanding her feelings at this time. The little girl was blushing, and she hid her embarrassment in her thighs.

“Hey, Yuu Yuu. This is a new feeling for me too. I… I don’t remember this emotion.”

“…She was cool, wasn’t she?”

Yuu Yuu asked.

“Yeah… she was cool.”

Janova replied with a smile. It… made me a little embarrassed.

Yuu Yuu started towards the door then out of nowhere she began to tear up again. As if someone hit her upside the head, the broken child held her head and began crying softly.



“The screaming is back, Janova! I-It won't go away!”

In a panic, the traumatized child curled up in a ball. Janova held her tight as she rubbed her head. 

"It's okay. Don't think about what happened back then… We're together… don't worry."

As I watched her suffer alone in this closet, my stomach was tensed. I couldn't do anything but watch as a child as young as Yuu Yuu battled to keep her sanity. Tenderly, I was held from behind again… by Janova.

“You were the first person to ever make me feel that way… well, at least after my 200-year slumber.”

Janova kissed my cheek. The warmth of it eased my heartache as I watched the two of them suffer like this.

“Yuu Yuu and I… wanted to get to know you. But as you know what happened that night, you vanished, and we never saw you again."

I turned to Janova and looked her in those beautiful blue eyes.


That’s all I could say before she vanished… like the tease she was. As I watched the scene more, Yuu Yuu was suffering from the trauma she faced in the past. She was likely still hearing the pain and cries of all the people she loved… and there was nothing she and Janvoa could do but suffer together.

“If Yuu Yuu didn’t have Janova… she would have been destroyed that day.”

I whispered.

I understood the level of dedication they had for one another. How Yuu Yuu and Janova are two people who I can undoubtedly say… that I've fallen in love with. One is a little crazy… but she has every intention to keep Yuu Yuu safe… because she loves her too.



The world skipped again, and it was snowing. To my surprise, Yuu Yuu was screaming as she was on top of one of the bullies. I couldn't recall this place, but from its looks, people were wearing the uniforms that Yuu Yuu and Vivian wore today. She looked a little older than when I met her in the orphanage.

“Is this the… Light Camp?”

I assumed this was after she was adopted by the Light Camp. So, I gathered my attention back to the scene. On the dirt, Yuu Yuu was on top of one of my former bullies.

“Yuu Yuu wants to know what you did?! Tell everyone what you did!”

Janova was speaking through her. Clearly, Yuu Yuu was upset, but Janova’s emotions took it to a new level. As she strangled the bully, everyone was too scared to step in.

“S-Stop! She’s not breathing! Please, stop!”

Yuu Yuu screamed.

“Yuu Yuu heard what you said! Yuu Yuu overheard you laughing about doing something horrible to that girl!”

Janova berated through Yuu Yuu. From a spectator that couldn’t see Janova, Yuu Yuu was clearly talking to herself as she strangled this child. One of the bullies threw me out of the orphanage to the forest. Yuu Yuu or Janova seemed to have overheard them talking about it from how it sounded, and Janova got enraged.

Yuu Yuu was just as mad… but Janova’s emotions are more out of control than Yuu Yuu’s. That's what led to this situation of a broken little girl angry enough to confront them, but her other side is enraged enough to kill them.

“That is enough, Yuuna!”

The elderly lady from before took Yuu Yuu from her. She put a wall of light between them. Janova was furious and began channeling a spell to attack the passed-out child.


Yuu Yuu stopped her.

A few people came over and took the child away. In the center of the circle, Yuu Yuu turned back to Janova.

“I just wanted to talk to her!”

Yuu Yuu screamed at Janova. But to everyone around, she was yelling at the air.

“Yuu Yuu was angry, so Yuu Yuu attacked them!”

The elderly lady looked at Janova and then back at Yuu Yuu, to my surprise.

“It’s clear that you are too unstable to be around the children here, Yuu Yuu.”

The woman looked at Janova.

"And with your emotions running so high… you're bound to make her do something she'd regret. You're clear-minded when alone with her, and you keep her in order. But when you're around people… you act unpredictably. I can't have you destroying this child's life before she's meant for great things."

This woman… could see Janova but was not saying her name…

“Sorry, Mother.”

Yuu Yuu whispered.

She took Yuu Yuu by the hand and led her away. The group dispersed as she brought her to the side of a building.

“Listen Yuu Yuu… I think it would be best if you and your friend had your own place… away from the rest of the Light Camp.”


Yuu Yuu looked up as tears began to well in her eyes.

“That’s not fair! Yuu Yuu didn’t do anything! It wasn’t Yuu Yuu’s fault.”

Janova complained.


The bratty goddess stopped immediately.

“This girl is destined for great things. I can’t have her get in trouble because of your uncontrolled emotions. Yuu Yuu isn’t allowed to interact with the rest of the camp, and that's final.”

Mother commanded.

“You will be brought your meals. You will have time to exercise alone, and we will provide you with ways that you can help the Light Camp… without interacting with them."

Yuu Yuu put her head down. I could see the guilt on Janova as she turned away and crossed her arms.

“Yes… Mother.”



The world broke apart, and I found myself in a small room. Yuu Yuu was slightly older, and Janova seemed to have more energy. She helped train as Yuu Yuu learned how to properly enchant weapons. They seemed to be in the middle of their training when someone knocked on the door.


Both of them ran to the door and opened it.

“Yuu Yuu.”

A man whose face was distorted came inside. That elderly woman stepped in after him. I could see the apprehension on Yuu Yuu’s face. In his hand was a small kit. I knew instantly what this scene was…

"Are those bomb-making kits?"

I said as I backed up.

“We have found out the best way for you to help the Light Camp. Yuuna, you are such a quiet girl… but when you make a scene, it’s an explosion.”

I was disgusted by that old bag's joke. This "Mother" was ruthless.

"From today on, you'll learn to make bombs. You will only use them when we say so, however. And if you don't… then we will disown you as a member of the Light Camp."

Janova clicked her tongue.

“That’s bullshit.”

She chided.

“Yes, Mother.”

Yuu Yuu accepted.

Yuu Yuu appeared beside me. 

“It was then that I learned… how to make bombs.”

Yuu Yuu confessed.

Janova approached from my other side as we all watched a younger Yuu Yuu… reluctantly take the bomb kit in hand.

“Yuu Yuu didn't know any other life than the Light Camp. Her fears… were my fears. And any chance I tried to get her to run away…."

Janova said as her voice trailed off. 

“Mother is always watching.”

Yuu Yuu finished.


They both held my hand and looked at me.

The world around Yuu Yuu and Janova was destroyed and what was left was a pocket reality for the three of us. Yuu Yuu grabbed my hand and Janova took the other. I was captured by both of them as I stood in the middle.


“We are the Radiant City Serial Bombers.”


They both confessed in unison.




“But the only bomb Yuu Yuu and I wanted to set off… was the one to kill Elizera.”

Janova confessed.

“The rest… mother made us do. But Janova and I made a promise to each other…."

“A promise?”

I asked.

“We promised that, even if we die, we’re going to kill Elizera to avenge our family that died that day.”

Janova said as she leaned her head on my shoulder. Yuu Yuu did the same as the pocket reality began to break.

Once it shattered, we appeared in the room with the destroyed statues.



Before I could say anything, Janova turned me to her.

“Thank god… you didn’t break during that, Feo. I… I was scared you’d be traumatized.”

Yuu Yuu pulled at my arm as I turned back to her.

“Janova didn’t want to show that to you… but you needed to know… why we’re doing this, Feodora.”

She turned to the side in tears.

“I… no, we want to avenge our friends and family. We want to ask Elizera what was going through her head… why did she do what she did?"

Yuu Yuu said as she wiped her tears with her arm.

"I understand you two…."

I nodded as I held them both as tight as I could.

“And I will do everything to protect you two… I… will help you have your talk with Elizera.”

Both of them were warm… and it felt like I’ve always been holding them like this. Suddenly, I was getting assaulted by kisses on both sides of my cheek. It was strange because they both felt like one person… but in reality, they were two people. It only begged the question, though…

“So, how are you here physically, Janova?”

With a flip of her hair, she explained.

“The longer I’m with Yuu Yuu, the more strength I gain over the years. At first, I could barely keep my eyes open… and around 2 years ago, I was able to make a physical body."

She crossed her arms.

“But Mother commanded me to stay within Yuu Yuu and not come out under any circumstances. The only reason why I came out… was because you caught Yuu Yuu in a lie, and she couldn't take it. So, she passed out."

Yuu Yuu pushed out her tongue.

"I was shocked…."

Yuu Yuu complained. Janova held my arm as she teased her partner.

“Then you just had to talk all about Yuu Yuu. I wanted attention too. You… really know how to make a girl feel special, Feo.”

Yuu Yuu held my other arm.

“Feodora makes me feel special!”

Yuu Yuu retorted.

“Make me feel special too.”

Janova complained.

It was strange… knowing that these two actually felt the same emotions. So, when one was overjoyed with happiness and love…. The other was also. But because Janova wasn’t at the center of attention, she’d lash out violently.

“What did I get myself into?”

I jokingly complained.

“What’s the plan?”

Both Yuu Yuu and Janova asked me in sync.

"Well… I'm going to do anything in my power to protect you two. Nobody… is going to take the girls I fell in love with away from me."

I said with force. Yuu Yuu held me tighter, and Janova squealed. I… was overwhelmed. I never had a girlfriend, and before I knew it… I had two of them. Forcefully, Janova kissed me on the lips. Her tongue evaded mine as they danced around each other. Yuu Yuu squealed, likely feeling all the passion from Janova. When we broke apart, the head between us caused both our faces to be hot.

“I have no idea what emotions I felt before I snapped 200 years ago… but I bet they couldn’t beat today, Feo.”

The bratty Janova teased. Yuu Yuu just timidly fell into my arms.

"Alright, you two… the fact is we need a place to hide out and figure out what we're going to do. Elizera is still on a manhunt, and it’s…."

I felt a bunch of shadows nearby being disturbed…

"Oh, no."

I whispered.

“What’s wrong, Feo?”

Janova asked.

“The Radiant Order is here… and they’re coming with numbers.”

There we stood as we waited for the door to open. Janova and I stood in front of Yuu Yuu. I had to take charge if we were going to survive.

"Okay, listen to me, you two. The Radiants are level 2 users in two elements. They have numbers, and we don't… However…”

I turned to Yuu Yuu.

“Your abilities amplify our elements to that of a level 2 user. We still have an advantage because of the chaos element.”

I closed my eyes as I thought about what to do.

"Our goal is to fight our way through and escape to the Baron Group. We'll explain the situation to Abigail and find out how we’re going to confront Elizera.”

“Right, I’ll… I’ll follow you, Feodora!”

Yuu Yuu said timidly. I… was happy to have her on my side.

“I will murder anyone who dares touches a hair on your head, Feo.”

Janova, with her overzealous emotions, said. She was itching to go as she brought out her fire lance. I… was glad to see it for the first time because it wasn’t aimed at me.

"Not if I murder them first…. I… I don’t want anything happening to Feodora."

Yuu Yuu said, throwing me off guard. I took a deep breath as I gathered my composure.


"Just be careful, you two. When we find the chance, we'll break free and escape. Don’t kill anyone. Elizera is the only target worthy of that.”


They cried.

The small door broke down and an army of Radiants filtered in one by one brandishing all kinds of weapons. Their numbers were massive, and I'm sure they all were heavily trained in battle. This was going to test my resolve…

I won’t allow them to be killed.


“Alright, Yuu Yuu, Janova, let's go!”

I commanded as the battle between us three versus Radiant Order began.







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