Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Chapter 158: A Queen’s Tears

Singing they did.

Initially, the siblings refused to be more…complied. But everything shifted when Lucca activated the Rune Stone, drastically accelerating the parasite's growth within them, plunging them into excruciating pain.

They literally HOWLED! Everything they know, from the valuable intel regarding the Frostguard, The king's advisor's commands and directives, to their objective, was divulged to Aron. This also included other useless information. like the number of young girls Theodore ravaged this week. 

Which earned him a few brutal kicks to the nuts from both Lucca and Viper. The two wanted to cut off his little brother, but Aron intervened, stating they still required the man to be mobile.

Theodore, by this world's standards, was an ordinary man. His mana reserves were meager and neutral, limiting him to casting only basic spells from the four elements. The only advantage working in his favor was his noble birth and status as the king's cousin.

His sister, on the other hand, presented a stark contrast. Younger than Theodore by a year, the twenty-year-old Octavia was a prodigy amongst her peers. Her magic was unconventional.

A puppet master, her magic granted her the ability to control puppets, or as she preferred, dolls, to carry out her commands. However, the nature of these dolls was the crux of the issue. Her dolls were living beings, ranging from people to animals. Using her magic, Octavia could place someone in a peculiar stasis, a state between wakefulness and slumber. A Limbo

With her white strings, she could manipulate them as she saw fit, even utilizing their own inherent magic.

"That all?" inquired Aron as he casually perused some pages from a magical tome. Octavia, with keen judgment, had advised her brother to document all his conversations with the King's advisor just in case he decided to stab them in the back.

However, even after Aron devoured all of them and Thoedor sang everything he knew, Aron still lacked sufficient intelligence to discern the whole picture. He gleaned that the king's advisor and his allies desired to weaken the Frostguard and were culpable for the assassination of the prior Lord Commander. They were also plotting a maneuver against the Queen when the monster waves arrived.

Upon hearing this, Aron comprehended their motive. From the fact that the queen was the one who bestowed upon him the title and position of Lord Commander and the previous one was her ally, Aron deduced that she, not the king, held responsibility for the Frostguard.

'I bet their plan is to cripple the Frostguard to force the queen to move in and help us defend the wall, leaving her vulnerable for the taking,' Aron's mind raced with potentialities as he pieced together the fragments of information he had amassed. Then he chuckled inwardly when he recalled something. 'I hope this advisor likes my gift' 

Shifting his focus to the man and the woman trembling on the floor, their gazes locked downward in terror, not daring to raise them. 

"How many soldiers do you possess?" Even though Aron inquired in a calm manner, Theodore felt a frigid hand gripping his heart, squeezing it.

"I...I possess...F-Five thousand soldiers, M-My Lord," Theodore's voice quivered as he responded, his gaze fixed on the floor as if evading Aron's piercing stare could somehow shield him from further torment.

"Five thousand soldiers," Aron echoed, his crimson eyes narrowing slightly as he processed the information. "And how many of them are healers?"

The question hung heavy in the air, a suffocating weight settling on Theodore's already trembling form. He stole a glance at Lucca, his expression an impassive mask of fury, before sputtering, "N-not many, M-My Lord. Perhaps... A H-Hundred?"

Aron's lips twitched into a humorless smile. "Fifty healers for five thousand soldiers. That's...quite meager, wouldn't you agree?"

Theodore's stammer intensified, sweat beading on his brow. "W-we have enough for our requirements, M-My Lord! We always have!"

Aron remained silent for a few minutes regarding his future plans, then inquired of the mayor once more, "And how many slaves does the city control?"

Theodore's eyes widened in surprise at Aron's unexpected query concerning the city's slaves. He hadn't anticipated the conversation taking such a drastic turn, and he struggled to compose himself before responding.

"Slaves, my Lord?" Theodore echoed, his voice wavering slightly. "I...I'm not certain of the exact number, but...but there are several thousand within the city walls."

Tap! Tap!

Aron kept tapping on the desk with the tip of his finger. The two siblings shifted uneasily under the tapping sound that reverberated through the room.

"Alright," Aron spoke after a long pause. He extracted a list from his inventory. "I require you to dispatch to the Frostguard half of your soldiers, ninety percent of your healers, and half of the city's slaves."

"Additionally..." he tossed the list in his face. "I require everything on this list. I don't care how you accomplish it, but by dawn, I want everything prepared to be delivered to the Frostguard Keep."

Theodore's eyes widened in shock at Aron's commands, his mind racing as he attempted to comprehend the magnitude of what was being demanded of him. He glanced down at the list in his hands, his heart sinking as he absorbed the extensive inventory of supplies and resources that Aron demanded.

Tap! Tap!

Aron tapped on the desk, snapping the man from his shock. "I wouldn't waste time if I were you," he said with a gentle smile. "If I don't perceive the supplies and the men prepared by dawn, well, the parasite inside you will devour you alive." 

Theodore's blood ran cold at Aron's chilling words, the threat of the parasite within him gnawing at his insides. With trembling hands, he hastily gathered the list and rose from his seat, his mind reeling with the weight of Aron's ultimatum.

"Yes, my Lord," Theodore stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "I will ensure that your orders are carried out with the utmost urgency."

Aron's smile widened slightly at Theodore's response, though there was a glint of something darker lurking behind his crimson eyes. "Oh and if you tried to do anything behind my back remember," he said, raising a necklace crafted from silver with an eye engraved upon it, "I'll be watching you," Aron finished with a chilling tone.

Theodore's heart sank further at the sight of the necklace, its silver glint catching the dim light of the room. He nodded weakly, his mind consumed with fear and dread at the thought of defying Aron's orders.

The silver necklace was a magical artifact that governed the great eye above the palace. Utilizing it, Aron could see whatever the Eye witnessed; nothing within the city could evade him. The only two sanctuaries beyond the Eye's gaze were the palace itself and the labyrinthine sewers.

With a flick of her wrist, Viper swiftly activated her invisibility and trailed after Theodore, while Kasumi and Lucca hurried Octavia towards where she kept her dolls, harboring a sliver of hope that they could somehow liberate the unfortunate souls Octavia had transformed into living puppets.

Once everyone had departed, Aron retrieved a black orb used for communication. This was a gift from Thyra, bestowed upon him as a means to connect with her if he ever required assistance. It also possessed the capability to connect with another individual.

"Ara~...this is a first," a woman's voice emanated from the other side before the image fully materialized. The voice was playful, laced with amusement and a hint of mischief.

Aron chuckled inwardly, recognizing the nature of Thyra's relationship with her sister. But when the image solidified completely, he was momentarily stunned.

"Thyra?" he queried, bewildered.

The woman in the holographic image was an exact replica of Thyra. The same platinum white hair, skin tone, the shape of the jaw, nose, and eyes, everything was identical. It was as if he were gazing upon Thyra herself, yet he knew that this couldn't be her.

The color of their eyes differed; this woman possessed emerald eyes, whereas Thyra's were azure. Additionally, this woman somehow lacked the warrior spirit and allure that Thyra embodied.

"Oh!...' The woman was taken aback, seeing the most handsome man her eyes had ever seen instead of her half-sister. She swiftly regained her composure. "I presume you're Aron, correct?"

"Indeed, it is I, Aron," he confirmed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he scrutinized the woman before him. "And you are Eleanora, Thyra's sister."

"Queen Eleanora to you, sir," Eleanora corrected with a raised finger.

"Oh, truly? Since when?" Aron inquired with amusement.

"Since I bestowed upon you the title of Lord Commander," she replied.

"Hmm...I see," Aron nodded slightly. "Then I'll relinquish the title back to you so you can locate someone else to rebuild the Frostguard and defend the wall."


There was a moment of silence as the two locked gazes, neither blinking, until...

"Good evening, Aron, I'm Eleanora. What can I do for you?" Eleanora surrendered, raising the white flag. She couldn't risk Aron returning his position, she literally had no commander to lead and no soldiers to defend the wall.

Aron flashed a sly grin, relishing his minor victory over the Queen of Avaloria. "Good girl, see? That wasn't so difficult," he remarked.

"Girl?" Eleanora's eyebrow twitched. "Boy! I'm over a hundred years old and a mother of two!"

'And I'm the firstborn of the dragon race,' Aron retorted inwardly. 'I'm likely the oldest living being on this planet.'

Aron chuckled softly at Eleanora's reaction, his amusement evident in his expression. "My apologies, grandma," he said.

"..." Veins bulged in her forehead, and she snapped, yelling at him, "Don't you dare call me grandma, I'm still young!"

Aron feigned confusion, widening his eyes. "But you just said that you're over a hundred years old?"

"Yes, but I am still YOUNG!" she exclaimed.

"Alright, then I'll address you as a girl."

"Don't call me a girl, I'm too old to be addressed like that!"

"..." Aron stared at the Queen blankly before shaking his head. "Why are women so complicated?"

"Hey, pick one, girl or grandma?"

"You little—" Eleanora gritted her teeth, eyes flashing with irritation. Then she inhaled deeply, calming herself before saying, "Girl."

Aron's eyes widened in surprise at Eleanora's response. He had merely been teasing her, to gauge her reaction, but he hadn't expected her to play along. He chuckled a genuine sound that warmed the room. "Very well, Your Majesty," he said, his amusement evident in his tone. "I shall refer to you as a girl, though it pains me to do so."

"Pfft…HAHAHA!" Suddenly, Eleanora burst into laughter, a sound unbefitting of her regal position. But she didn't care at that moment. She let loose, the sound echoing through the chamber, washing away some of the tension.

Aron couldn't help but join in Eleanora's laughter. He hadn't realized it, but he found himself enjoying this unexpected camaraderie with a woman who looked so much like Thyra. Perhaps it was that very resemblance that allowed him to relax and banter with her.

Once their laughter subsided, Eleanora took a deep breath, composing herself once more. "I must admit, Lord Aron," she remarked, a playful glint in her emerald eyes, "you're not quite what I expected."

Aron grinned, a sense of camaraderie forming between them. "As are you, Your Majesty," he replied, his tone light. "It's not every day I find myself teasing a queen."

Eleanora chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Indeed, no one would dare speak to me like that." She sighed. "I can see why my sister likes you so much."

Aron smiled warmly at Eleanora's words, feeling a flicker of pride in Thyra's admiration. "Your sister has been a valuable ally," he said sincerely. "And I have the utmost respect for her."

Aron had never seen anyone as an equal before, not even the girls, his treasures. He loved them fiercely and would lay down his life for them, but he never saw them on the same level. Thyra, however, had earned that right. The dragon saw her as a good friend, an ally, a comrade, and a mentor.

"So, Lord Aron," Eleanora began, her emerald eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What brings you to contact me?"

Aron's expression turned serious as he leaned forward, his crimson eyes intense. "You are correct, Your Majesty. I came across some rather unsettling information."

Eleanora's eyebrows arched, her interest piqued. "Oh? Do tell."

For the next thirty minutes, Aron recounted everything he had discovered. He spoke of the state of the Frostguard, the missing caravans, the parasite, who was responsible for it all, and their nefarious plans. He also shared his theories and speculations, while strategically omitting certain key details, like the existence of the new watchers.

Eleanora's face darkened as she absorbed the information. What Aron revealed corroborated some of what her own spies had uncovered. 'This is a dire situation,' she realized. Though she commanded the largest army of knights and enjoyed the support of the people, she was essentially alone. Only a few minor nobles supported her cause, and even those loyalties were wavering.

Throughout his narration, Aron kept a watchful eye on her, observing the flicker of emotions on her face with each revelation. When he finished, he fell silent, allowing her time to process the gravity of the situation.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Eleanora spoke, her voice firm and resolute. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Lord Aron," she said, her gaze unwavering. "I will need to convene with my advisors and strategize our next move."

Despite trying her best to maintain a composed demeanor and act as a queen should be for her people, Aron sensed the sadness in her tone. 

"Do you need help?" he asked softly, genuinely offering his help. 

Eleanora opened her mouth to decline, but then she froze. Slowly reaching up to her cheek, she felt a tear trickling down. She tried to wipe it away but stopped when she heard Aron's warm voice.

"It's alright, let it out."

Like a dam overflowing, Eleanora could no longer contain her emotions. Tears welled up in her emerald eyes, cascading down her cheeks as she struggled to maintain her composure. She had always prided herself on her strength and resilience as a queen, but in that moment, she felt utterly overwhelmed by the weight of her responsibilities and the challenges that loomed.

Aron watched her silently, devoid of any outward emotion. He understood the immense burden she carried. Her people depended on her, and one wrong move could spell disaster for them all. On top of that, she was facing this alone.

'Why can't Thyra intervene and help her sister?' Aron couldn't help but wonder about the reason. From Thyra's response, he knew that she was powerless to act even if she desired to.

For a time, an oppressive silence reigned, broken only by the quiet sniffles that emanated from Eleanora's lips. Finally, Eleanora lifted her head from the desk, using the back of her hand to erase her tears. She bestowed upon him a faint, appreciative smile, her emerald eyes glistening with gratitude.

"Thank you, Lord Aron," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion. "Your kindness means more to me than you know."

Aron returned her smile, his own heart feeling lighter knowing that he had been able to offer her some comfort in her time of need. "You're welcome, little girl" 

Eleanora couldn't help but chuckle through her tears at Aron's playful nickname for her. Despite the weight of her responsibilities, she found herself feeling lighter in Aron's presence as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders, even if just for a moment.

"Little girl, huh?" she replied with a soft laugh, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, I suppose I can't argue with that."

"Of course" 

"Aron," Eleanora called out, her voice soft and brimming with affection."Help me" 

With a grave tone, Aron inquired "Can you hold until I'm finished with the waves?"

"I…I'll try my best" the Queen replied, unable to conceal the turmoil within her.

"Do your best. Once I'm done with the waves, your enemies will be next"

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