Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Chapter 159: Stolen Face

Fear can be a powerful motivator.

What once took days or perhaps weeks to complete was accomplished in mere hours. That night, the entire city awoke at the frantic orders of their tyrannical mayor, Theodore. who mobilized every available hand. The citizenry, long accustomed to their leader's iron fist, had no choice but to comply.

Unbeknownst to them, Theodore, their tyrant mayor, was shitting his pants out of fear every time he gazed at the cloak only to see that dawn was approaching swiftly. His very life depended on finishing everything Aron demanded before sunrise, lest the creature within his chest devour him whole.

However, even after putting the whole city to work, meeting the deadline proved impossible. Aron had given him only a few hours to work, and some shop owners resisted giving up the supplies Theodore needed. Consequently, precious time was wasted when his knights had to force them to comply with the blade.

Fortunately for him, even though he finished a few hours after dawn, Aron was pleased with his work and did not punish him.

"T-Thank you...My L-Lord...for your mercy," Theodore stammered, his forehead practically kissing the floor before Aron's foot. Relief washed over him as Aron withheld the execution he fully expected at dawn's first light.

Aron observed the scene with a mixture of amusement and contempt. He had no tolerance for weaklings like Theodore, who crumbled in fear and groveled for mercy at the slightest threat. Every time he saw Theodore's face, Aron wrestled with the urge to incinerate him. Nevertheless, the man served a purpose in his grand scheme.

"Lucca," Aron called out, sending a wave of icy dread crashing over Theodore. As Lucca entered the office, Aron issued a curt command, "Do your thing" 

Lucca inclined his head and approached the unconscious knight at Aron's side. This man was Theodore's personal bodyguard, even though Theodore ordered the palace to be evacuated at the command of Aron, his bodyguard however refused to leave mistakenly believing the order didn't apply to him

When Aron was exploring the palace like he owned the place which in fact he does now, the bodyguard spotted him and attacked immediately. But Aron knocked the man out without breaking a sweat.

Aron observed as Lucca pressed his left palm against his face and the right one against the bodyguard's face. Channeling his magic, a cocoon of white energy instantly enveloped their heads. Within seconds, Lucca exchanged his face with the bodyguard's in a startling display of metamorphic magic.

"!!!" As the transformation unfolded before Theodore's eyes, his mouth fell agape in shock. He had never witnessed such magic before, and the sight of Lucca effortlessly swapping faces left him reeling with disbelief. The once unconscious bodyguard now bore the likeness of a petty thief, while Lucca wore the guise of the knight, his features contorted into a sneer of triumph.


A single, cold heartbeat echoed in Theodore's ears. When he felt Lucca's palm land on his own face, a harbinger of the terror to come.

A silent plea, 'No! Please!' echoed in his mind as he grasped the depths of Aron's twisted scheme.

"I'll make sure to live your life better than you" Lucca hissed in his ear before swiftly activating his magic, exchanging faces with him.

Theodore's eyes widened in terror as he felt Lucca's magic enveloping his face, the sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He could feel his own features melting away, replaced by those of his own bodyguard. It was a surreal and disorienting experience, one that left him feeling utterly helpless and exposed.

As the transformation reached its conclusion, Theodore found himself staring back at Lucca, who now bore his own face. His mind raced with panic as he gazed upon his own face, now worn by Lucca. He felt a profound sense of violation as if his very identity had been stripped away from him in an instant. It was a chilling reminder of Aron's power and the lengths to which he would go to assert his dominance.

Lucca flashed a sardonic grin before turning and offering a respectful bow to his Lord Commander. "What are your commands, my lord?"

Aron observed the scene with a cold detachment, his crimson eyes glinting with satisfaction at the exhibition of power. He had orchestrated the entire exchange, a calculated maneuver to solidify his control over the city.

Lucca would be the new 'Theodore Beaumont,' the Mayor of the southern city and the King's cousin. As for the real Theodore, well, let's just say that he would never see his reflection in the mirror again for the remainder of his short life. For now, he would serve as a bodyguard, granting Lucca swift access to his personal information to better play his part and deceive the others. That's why Aron had him first exchange faces with the bodyguard before switching with Theodore.

Since Lucca was wearing the face of a thief, there was a chance that someone would recognize him. If he had given the thief's face to Theodore and had him act as his bodyguard, it would be too risky.

With that settled, Aron first had Theodore and the previous bodyguard removed from the office before issuing his orders to Lucca.

"Lucca, from now on you will assume the identity of Theodore Beaumont," Aron began. "You will maintain the same demeanor he did for a few days and then gradually improve your public image

Lucca bowed, hand over his heart. "Understood, my lord," he replied.

Aron then took a step forward. "While you will be inhabiting Theodore's life for a short while, I needn't remind you that harming innocent women and children will only result in your head rolling off your shoulders. Understood?" His voice carried a chilling warning as he emphasized the consequences.

Lucca nodded, his expression resolute. "Understood, my lord," he replied, his voice dripping with sincerity. He was a good man and he wouldn't let other girls suffer the same fate as his sister. Now that he was going to become Theodore Beaumont, he understood very well that abusing his new position would inflict more harm on others than on himself.

"If you need to report something or request something from me, inform Viper and she'll deliver the message to me," Aron instructed.

With a curt nod, Lucca exited the office, heading out to do one final thing before he could fully embody the role of the mayor: eliminating the bodyguard for good. A cruel but necessary action.

Meanwhile, back in the office, Aron gestured to Viper to approach.

"Viper," he began, his voice soft and gentle, "You're going to stay here and assist Lucca in securing the city, and protecting him."

Viper bit her lip. She didn't want to be separated from Aron, her Master, and for a fleeting moment, she thought that Aron was discarding her and didn't want her around him. But she knew that she had to do what was necessary to safeguard Lucca. With a heavy heart, she nodded.

Aron flashed a smile, perceiving her emotions through their magical bond. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a surprising, passionate kiss.

"!!!" Viper was taken aback by Aron's sudden display of affection, her heart fluttering in surprise. Yet, she couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her at his touch. For a moment, she allowed herself to melt into the kiss, savoring the closeness between them.

As Aron pulled away, a soft smile playing on his lips, Viper's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and longing. She felt a pang of guilt for the rush of emotions that coursed through her, knowing that her loyalty belonged to Aron above all else.

"Thank you, Master," Viper murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Despite her inner turmoil, she couldn't deny the comfort she found in his embrace.

Aron's smile widened, a hint of possessiveness flickering in his gaze. "You are mine, Viper," he said, his voice a low rumble. "Never forget that."

Viper shivered at his obsessive tone, not from fear, but from a strange cocktail of desire and trepidation. She knew that she belonged to Aron, body, and soul, and that he would protect her with his life.

"Mm.." with a flushed face, she could only manage a nod.

Aron drew back from her, retrieving a few items and a large leather bag from his inventory. "Viper utilized this gold to establish a network of informants within the city, focusing on thieves, beggars, and women of the night."

Viper's face swiftly turned serious, as a former intelligence mastermind for the Rat Faction, she promptly grasped Aron's objective.

"Leave it to me, Master," she acknowledged.

"Good" Aron then placed the items in her hand, Grunt's talking whistle, The silver eye necklace, and a communication orb.

"Use the necklace to observe the city through the Eye above the palace, this would make protecting Lucca a little easy, considering Theodore was a tyrant with a lot of enemies" Then he gestured to the whistle. "Don't neglect Grunt, attend to his needs - food, books, and anything else he requires. As for the orb, use it to stay in touch with Scarlett."

Viper nodded, her expression turning grave as she took hold of the items Aron offered. Each held weight, and she comprehended the significance of using them to fulfill her new obligations.

"I will not disappoint you, Master," Viper said with determination, her voice steady despite the weight of the task ahead.

Aron grinned, stroking her wine-red hair. "I have no doubt. And regarding the reward I promised you earlier, I'm tempted to grant it now, but since I'm uncertain of the transformation's effects on your magic, I've decided to wait until your mission here is complete."

Viper's eyes widened as she recalled the reward Aron had promised before - his blood, Dragon Blood. Her heart pounded with anticipation, but she also knew she had to prioritize the task at hand. With a nod, she tucked the items away and prepared to carry out her new duties.

"Kasumi let's go" Aron addressed the sly fox, only to see her gesturing to herself with big innocent eyes. A kiss.

Aron's brow furrowed, comprehending her desire. "Later," that's all he said before exiting the office.

As for Octavia, Kasumi literally broke her mind and sealed her magic with a slave collar. Viper will have to keep an eye on her as well as her dolls. The living people and animals that Octavia turned into her puppets, were beyond saving, Even after severing Octavia's magic from them and granting them freedom, their minds were no more. They became mindless entities, standing vacant and awaiting commands.

'It's sad really, but if they were strong, this fate wouldn't have befallen them,' Aron thought, confirming again to himself that the strong is always right and the weak have no rights.

Before leaving the palace Aron stopped first at the palace's dungeon. Surprisingly, the dungeon was practically vacant, he expected it to be full given the nature of The Mayor and his sister.

However, that wasn't the case. Only two cells were occupied; one was an old lady way past seventy, and her condition was bad, coughing constantly because of the damp and cold environment. Her frail figure huddled in the corner, barely clinging to life. 

Aron didn't hesitate to utilize the word of power to heal the old lady. According to the guard's report, this woman was a renowned city tailor and a single parent to two young boys. Her arrest stemmed from the unfortunate incident of accidentally scratching Octavia's skin while taking measurements for a new dress.

"Thank you!...T-Thank you, young sir," the woman expressed her gratitude, voice trembling with relief as the warmth of healing magic coursed through her.

Aron nodded in response, his expression unreadable as he observed the frail figure before him. "You are free to go," he said, his voice commanding yet gentle. "Return to your sons,"

Viper escorted the woman out, allowing Aron to move to the next cell.

Inside were five dwarves. With big old beards and thick eyebrows, well technically only four of them had long, thick beards, the fifth was a young dwarf with a beard just starting to grow

The dwarves looked up as Aron approached, their expressions a mixture of fear and defiance. They were a proud people, known for their resilience and stubbornness, yet even they could not hide the desperation in their eyes.

"What ye be wantin', human?" one of the dwarves, the older one growled, his voice rough with anger.

Aron chuckled in amusement, even though they were badly hurt they retained their fierce spirit. "What I want is…Nothing," he said, his voice surprising the dwarves. "I'm just here to open this cell and let you go" 

The report stated that these dwarves were merchants. They'd been selling their wares down south and were now heading back home, to the dwarven kingdom.

The older dwarf eyed Aron suspiciously, his eyes narrowing as he tried to make sense of the stranger's words. "Why would ye be lettin' us go, lad?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "What's the snag, human?"

Aron shook his head, a slight grin playing on his lips. "There's no catch, my sturdy friends," he replied, his tone sincere. "You are free to depart this dungeon and resume your lives. Consider it an act of goodwill."

The dwarves exchanged uncertain glances, their confusion deepening when Aron opened the cell door.

"But why?" the older dwarf asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Why would ye be helpin' us, human?"

Aron's eyes met the dwarf's gaze, letting out a sigh "Just move your hairy asses out of the bloody cell" he snapped "I'm going to count to five and lock the cell again."



"!!!" The dwarves jumped to their feet, their eyes wide with surprise at Aron's sudden change in demeanor. Without another word, they hurried out of the cell, their footsteps echoing through the dimly lit dungeon.

They stood before him and the older dwarf slammed his chest thanking him "Thank ye, lad! We'll never forget this kindness!"

"Me name is Dwalin" he introduced himself "Dwalin Hearthkeeper" 

'Hearthkeeper?' Aron repeated the name in his mind. 

"Are you by any chance related to Balin Hearthkeeper?" he inquired

Dwalin's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of shock and pride flashing across his weathered face. "Do ye know me grandfather?" 

Aron nodded. "Of course, I know him. He works for me."

The dwarves were stunned to hear this, and before Dwalin could ask again, a voice boomed from the dungeon entrance.

"Lord Commander...the caravan is ready to..." Lucca stopped short, seeing all eyes on him.

'Lord Commander?' The young dwarf's eyes gleamed. He subtly approached Dwalin, whispering in his ear.

Aron acknowledged Lucca with a nod before turning back to the Dwarves. "It's time for you to depart, my friends."

Dwalin exchanged a knowing glance with his companions before turning back to Aron, his expression one of gratitude and curiosity. "Thank ye again, lad," he said, extending his hand to Aron.

"Ye didn't tell me yer name."

Aron accepted the gesture shaking the dwarf's hand "My name is Aron"

"Thank ye again, Aron, for yer mercy and generosity. We'll not soon forget this day."

With a final nod of farewell, Dwalin and his companions exited the dungeon, their boots thudding against the stone passageways. They paused at the armory, retrieving their belongings before Lucca escorted them out of the palace through the storeroom's exit

The dwarves wasted no time in making their way to their acquaintance's inn. After tending to their injuries, Dwalin turned his attention to the youngest member of their group.

He approached him, his movements respectful as he knelt before the young dwarf. "What should we do now, me prince?" his tone and the way he spoke changed drastically.

"Send word home," the young dwarf commanded, his voice firm and resolute. "Inform them of our safety and have them gather intelligence on a Lord Commander named Aron."

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