Rebirth of a Dungeon Master

Chapter 72: God I hate these meetings

Nekra stood at the edge of the village, the laughter and joy of the werecats was warming up the floor. She held Yuki's hand, squeezing it gently.


"I’ll be back soon," Nekra says turning to Yuki. "But there's still some unfinished business I need to attend to with Rimuru and the others."


Yuki nodded, her eyes filled with understanding and love. "Just come back safely."


With one last kiss, Nekra turned and Yuki felt her exit the dungeon.



Rimuru stood with his arms crossed, a thoughtful expression on his face. Ramiris flitted about excitedly, her wings a blur of motion, while Veldora is leaning against a tree reading his book. 


“Nekra, good to see you,” Rimuru greeted, a smile breaking through his serious demeanor. “Thanks for coming.”


Nekra nodded, acknowledging the gathering. “What’s the plan?”


Ramiris fluttered closer, her excitement palpable. “We’ve been discussing the upcoming Walpurgis meeting since late lastnight. After Milim’s actions with Eurazania, it’s crucial we go in prepared.”


“Nya, thats fine if it came down to it I would win, but something tells me she just doing it for the hell of it. Probably cause some weird reason.” Nekra states


“What makes you say that and why did you not say that last night?” Rimuru asks


“Well the item on her neck was supposed to be a mind control device yet she seemed perfectly normal while fighting me.” Nekra states with a shrug


Veldora suddenly starts laughing “I knew my niece was up to something.”


Rimuru’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean, Veldora?”


Veldora closed his book and looked up, a wide grin on his face. “Milim has always had a knack for mischief. If she’s acting out, there’s likely more to it than meets the eye.”


“Are we talking about the same Milim?” Rimuru asks


“She is stronger than she appears nya.” Nekra states 


“Right! We have to go if we wish to make it on time!” Ramaris shouts


“I will now introduce the participants in tonights meeting. Demon Guy Crimson, The Lord of Darkness. Ramiris, Pixie of the Labyrinth. Dragonoid Milim Nava, The Destroyer. Giant, Daggrull,  The Earthquake.  Vampire Roy Valentine, Bloody Lord. Fallen Angel Dino, Sleeping Ruler. Harpy Frey, The Sky Queen. Deathman Clay, Marionette Master. Demonoid Leon Cromwell,  Platinum Saber. Werecat Vampire Hybrid Nekra, The Annoying cat.“HEY NYA!” Finally Slime Rimuru Tempest, Leader of the Jura Tempest Federation. This concludes the introductions.”


“I would like to start by thanking you all for answering my summons especially you Nekra… To be completely honest I believe most of us thought you dead slain by a hero.” Clayman starts off


“I was told there would be free food nya.” Nekra responds in a quip 


“Anyway,s it is my tremendous honor to declare the commencement of the demonlords banquet Walpurgis.” 


‘I forgot how incredibly boring these meeting were, and on top of that Rimuru was giving off so much hostile intent behind clayman’s back it was rather clear what was going on.Clayman was trying to pin some sort of blame on Carrion and also get Rimuru in trouble ’


“Demonlord Carrion’s forces are currently held up in tempest. Undeniable proof of his actions.” Clayman announced trying to hammer the point home.


Nekra lifted her head from the table with a yawn, “Nya? Did you say something I was taking a nap. How long till food again?” 


God fucking with the demonlords was just so much fun especially Clayman the guy was like a wind up doll you wound him up and he just kept going. 


“Were you not listening to a single thing I SAID!” Carrion shouts at Nekra. 


Weaklings like you do not get to speak to me like that. Mind your place puppet.” Nekra growls out unleashing a small amount of her goddess aura directly targeting the Deathman.


An with that, job was done he would probably make any mistakes within the next few minutes hopefully Rimuru would take advantage of it.


“I have a question?” Rimuru states


“What is it little slime,” Clayman states trying to get some etiquette and some impercivible sense of importance back. 


“Do you think everyone in this room is stupid or are you just an idiot?” Rimuru asks 


"That is a rather interesting question Slime, what makes you say that?" Guy asks finally breaking the silence.

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