Rebirth of a Dungeon Master

Chapter 73: Planning means nothing before Overwhelming force.

Everyone in the hall seems to have paused.

“Nya, he’s not even the true puppet master how is Yuuki doing?” Nekra asks

Nekra's words hung in the air like a challenge, and the room fell silent as the demon lords processed her question. Rimuru remained calm, but his eyes were sharp and focused on Clayman, who seemed momentarily taken aback.

Clayman forced a smile, though his eyes betrayed his irritation. "Yuuki? What are you implying, Nekra?"

Nekra smirked, her tail flicking lazily. "You know exactly what I'm implying. Yuuki's been pulling strings from behind the scenes, and you’re just his pawn."

The tension in the room escalated, and murmurs spread among the demon lords. Rimuru took a step forward, his gaze never leaving Clayman. "I've had my suspicions about Yuuki’s involvement for a while. But now, thanks to Nekra for confirming it."

Milim, who had been silent until now, let out a sigh. "Are you telling me that I went along with it to all of these games to try and figure out the true mastermind, YET YOU KNEW WHO IT WAS THE WHOLE TIME NEKRA!” Milim shouts a little upset.

“Nya? I didn’t think it was relevant.” Nekra responds


Nekra just shrugs in response as Clayman seems to be screaming in anger.

Clayman’s voice rose to a furious pitch, his composure utterly shattered. "You insolent fools! You dare to mock me? I'll show you the true extent of my power!"

As his aura flared, the demon lords prepared for combat, their own auras sparking in response.

“Clayman, your theatrics are tiresome,” Milim says as she is just nearly ready to end the puppeteer. Only for an overwhelming pressure to enter the room.

The pressure in the room was palpable as Veldora’s presence filled the space, his power radiating like an unstoppable force. The demon lords, who had been ready to engage Clayman, paused to take in the newcomer.

“You call that thing a demon lord? It’s so weak,” Veldora stated, his voice dripping with disdain.

Clayman’s eyes widened in fear. “Veldora! WHY ARE YOU HERE?”

“We’ll my brother little brother invited me seeing as there would be a fight yet i could just sneeze at you and end you. Is this the standard for demonlords?” Veledora asks scanning the room.

“It sure has gone down huh Luminous.” Veledora states looking directly at the maid behind the vampire acting as a demonlord.

“HUH! Why are you addressing me!?” The maid shouts in very clear panic.

“What does that mean Luminous aren’t we like… old battle buddies? Actually why do you have a clearly weaker vampire sitting in your seat?” Veldora asks

“BECAUSE I! YOU ABSOULTE ASSHOLE!” Luminous shouts having her shrade end.

“Uncle Veldora its rude to ruin other peoples games.” Milim states as Guy nods to her words.

“SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!!” Clayman shouts transforming in anger.

“Nya, Semi serious punch.” Nekra announces lazily as her figure blurs and half the room across from her is painted red as clayman disappears.

“Uncle Veldora, it’s rude to ruin other people’s games,” Milim stated, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Guy nodded in agreement, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” Clayman screamed, his rage reaching its peak. His body began to morph and grow, dark energy swirling around him as he transformed into a monstrous form.

Nekra yawned, stretching her arms lazily. “Nya, semi-serious punch.” Her figure blurred with incredible speed, and in an instant, half the room across from her was painted red as Clayman’s transformed body was obliterated.

The room fell into stunned silence, the remnants of Clayman’s form slowly dissipating into nothingness. The demon lords, who had been readying themselves for a prolonged battle, were left speechless by the sheer force of Nekra’s attack.

Veldora chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, that was quick.”

Milim looked at Nekra, a mixture of exasperation in her eyes. “You could have at least let me have some fun!”

Nekra shrugged nonchalantly. “He was annoying, and I was getting bored. Besides the true enemy controls Freedom Association Free Union, The Guild.”

“He plan’s on ruining the angel’s game huh?” Guy asks

“More like assume control nya.” Nekra states as she rests her head on the table.

At this moment Dino wakes up “Uhh what happened?”

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