Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 354: What do you want to do?

As we soared over the land, my initial worries about not finding Ynos faded into insignificance. The Western continent was indeed the realm of monsters, with overgrown forests, treacherous grounds, and dangerous terrains. The pervasive contamination of the Shades had already reached this place, but amidst the malevolent aura, another powerful presence stood out—abundant earth mana, a telltale sign of Ynos's handiwork.

My heart swelled with relief as I realized that we were close to finding him. Ynos had always been a powerhouse, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake whenever he engaged in battle, something I was extremely grateful for, this time since it made it easier to track him. His raw, brute strength was unmatched, and it seemed he had dealt with the Shades in the most direct and physical manner possible.

Flying over a few mangled Shade corpses, evidence of their brutal demise, Sidus grew wary, drawing closer to me, and asked, "Do you think Ynos, is capable of such a thing?"

"Why would he not? He was always the strongest, physically, out of all of us," I replied with certainty.

"Heads up! Enemy ahead!" Breta's urgent warning pulled us back to the present, and I quickly followed her gaze. Below us, the forest gave way to a vast scarlet meadow, scattered with ominous-looking, large flowers. In the center of the field, a mutated beast stood trapped. It vaguely resembled a moose, but the corruption of the Shades had twisted its form into something grotesque.

The creature's head was gruesomely split open, exposing its insides, yet it defied all odds and continued to move. Its once innocent hooves had transformed into deadly claws, and its fur had turned obsidian, with sharp spikes protruding from its back. The Shade's taint had amplified its size, now rivaling that of Sidus, though still slightly shorter than me.

We couldn't afford to underestimate it, but we also couldn't waste any time. I decided to take the lead, determined to clear the way for our group.

"Stay on guard and be ready to strike if needed," I cautioned Breta and Sidus, who nodded in acknowledgment.

I opened my mouth, and my dragon breath materialized before me in a spinning orb of energy. It then descended with immense force, creating a trail of destruction as it collided with the scarlet meadow below. The earth quaked, and the corrupted moose, along with the ominous flowers, was obliterated in the onslaught of my attack. The explosion of energy washed over the surroundings, leaving only scorched earth in its wake.

As the dust settled, we continued onward, leaving the smoldering remnants behind. Sidus and Breta guarded my sides, their auras alert and ready to respond to any potential threats. We pressed forward, our thoughts focused solely on finding Ynos.

Despite the devastation I had just caused, there was no room for hesitation. Our current situation demanded such decisive actions, and I couldn't afford to think of the consequences my actions might bring to the realm when there was no guarantee there would even be a realm by the end of it all.

Thankfully, the trail Ynos left behind was easy to follow, and we soon found ourselves flying toward an impressive mountain range. It loomed ahead, its majestic peaks rising towards the sky. The landscape bore a semblance to Piya's location, reminding me of my church's headquarters back home. The memories tugged at my heart, with surprising nostalgia.

As we drew nearer, Sidus's excitement was palpable, and I shared his enthusiasm. The bond between us was strong, and I could sense Ynos's presence becoming more distinct as we approached. It was as if an invisible thread connected us, guiding us unerringly towards our missing brother.

The closer we got to the mountain range, the more optimistic I became. "I can sense his presence!" Sidus spoke, finding it hard to contain his excitement.

"Yes, I'm sure he senses us as well," I replied as I doubled down on my speed.

As we closed in on the mountain range, the terrain blurred beneath us, our excitement growing with each passing second. Suddenly, a resounding dragon roar echoed through the peaks, and I couldn't help but grin widely. We had found him – Ynos.

Amidst the carnage, Ynos stood on a large peak, his golden scales tinged with red. A colossal corpse lay by the side of the mountain, a testament to his prowess. His eyes blazed with a ferocious light, and his imposing figure emitted a palpable aura of killing intent as he turned to glare at us.

But it didn't take him long to recognize us as we landed before him. The fog that had seemed to cloud his mind began to recede, and he took a moment to calm down. As we approached, Ynos's demeanor softened, and a mix of emotions flickered across his face. Relief, surprise, and a hint of shame all flashed in his eyes.

"Brothers, Breta," Ynos said, his voice gruff but with a touch of warmth. "You found me. I didn't think I'd see any of you again."

With a mixture of emotions bubbling inside me, I took the first step and approached Ynos, wrapping my wing around him as I pulled him closer. "It's good to see you alive, you muscle-head," I chuckled, a wave of relief washing over me as the tension of our arduous journey finally escaped.

Sidus tried to maintain his composure, but the relief on his face was undeniable. We had all feared the worst, and now that we found Ynos safe, it was a moment of celebration.

Ynos laughed, a touch of madness glinting in his eyes. "The bastards are too weak, and I am too young to die, brother!" he exclaimed, his voice booming with a mix of pride and defiance. It was a classic Ynos response, ever the confident and wild-hearted one among us.

Just then, the echoes of a loud bang reverberated through the air, we instinctively turned our gazes skyward, our attention drawn to the ongoing battle between the Gods and the Shades. The celestial clash was a constant reminder of the perilous state this world was in.

The Gods were doing their best to hold back the relentless onslaught of the Shades, but the outcome remained uncertain. The air crackled with power as they fought with all their might, their divine energies clashing in a spectacular display of light and darkness, visible even from afar.

Amidst the chaos, our purpose had shifted from cleaning up the aftermath of the previous fight to being embroiled in another one.

Breta walked closer to me and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Sidus and Ynos paused and turned their gazes to me, awaiting my answer.

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