Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 355: Escape

Gathering my siblings close, I looked into their eyes, conveying the sincerity of my words. "I must be completely honest with all of you. You may call me a coward for this, but while this realm holds some significance to its occupants, for me nothing outweighs your safety and well-being. You are my family, and that bond means more to me than anything else in this world."

Breta seemed to already understand where I was going with this, and the look on her face did not change whatsoever. This brought me a strange sense of comfort as I lightly nodded at her.

Sidus frowned, his gaze alternating between the ongoing battle and our group before he turned his eyes to me. His expression was laced with concern and defiance. Ynos, on the other hand, who I expected to argue the most, seemed to be the calmest as he chimed in, "None of us are fools, brother. Although I loathe to admit it, we should still acknowledge our limitations. The battle above is beyond our current level."

Breta lightly nodded and added, "Agreed, besides, I'm not sure if our presence would even change anything, at this point."

Sidus's inner turmoil was evident, his emotions spilling over like turbulent waters. I could sense his frustration, fear, and desire to make a difference. His frown deepened, as he opened his mouth and closed it a few times, seemingly struggling to speak.

"What is it, Sidus?"

"Are you suggesting we should just turn tail and run?" He seemed to be having a hard time restraining his aura as he spoke.

I sighed and placed my tail on his shoulder, "Sidus, I'm not suggesting we run away forever. It's about choosing our battles wisely-"

Before I could continue, Ynos suddenly stepped forward, the surprising calm wisdom in his eyes resonated with his words, "Brother, It would do you best to leave those delusions behind. There is no shame in retreat if it lets you remain strong enough to go after the enemy later." Ynos paused as he glanced deep into Sidus's eyes and continued, "Believe me, I understand how you feel better than anyone, but It is not yet time for you to die."

Sidus's tense demeanor seemed to relax slightly as he took in our words. "I just… I want to do something now, not just wait here. Every time I feel their aura, my entire body shakes in rage and almost uncontrollable anger," he admitted.

I approached him and spoke reassuringly, "We all feel that way, Sidus. But patience is key. When the time is right, we will act."

He fell silent for a few moments, the only sound that could be heard was the distant explosions carried from the battle far away, before he finally nodded, a mixture of determination and frustration on his face. "Alright, I understand. But promise me that when the moment comes, we won't hesitate to act."

"I promise," I replied with a firm nod, Ynos echoing my sentiment. "We'll be ready for them when the time comes."

Breta suddenly spoke, "Well, with that out of the way, how are we even going to leave this place? We can't leave the planet without getting embroiled in the conflict, unless-"

"Unless I teleport all of us," I continued.

"You think you can do it?" She asked, her expressionless facade breaking lightly as she continued, "I don't want to find myself stuck in the spirit realm, again." Her concern was evident, and I understood her apprehension about teleporting to an unknown location. I took a moment to assess the situation, my mind running through the possibilities.

"We don't have much of a choice either way," I answered with a shake of my head. "Besides, I believe I can manage it," I added, trying to sound as confident as possible.

Ynos looked uncertain, glancing between Breta and me. "Are you sure about this, brother?"

"We don't have many options, and staying here is not safe."

Sidus who was silent this whole time, suddenly spoke, "About that, I have a suggestion."

We all turned toward him with surprise evident in our gazes, "I am not sure how effective it will be, but I believe I can hide our presence from their eyes. My magic is at its strongest in darkness, and it's much easier for me to blend in with our surroundings, in space."

Sidus's suggestion caught us off guard, but I could see the determination in his eyes. It was a risk, but it might be just be the advantage we need in the ongoing conflict.

"Blending in with the darkness… It could work," Breta said, considering the idea. "If you can hide our presence, it might give us a chance to move more freely without drawing unwanted attention."

Ynos nodded in approval, looking intrigued. "It's worth a shot. We need all the advantages we can get."

I nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope. "Alright, let's give it a try. If you can shield us from their senses, it might buy me the time I need to teleport us out of here."


We spent the next few hours discussing the details of our plan and preparing ourselves. I waited until my stamina was restored and I felt like I could use my transformation once more. After which, I raised my head and nodded at my companions before speaking, "Are you all, ready?"

They all replied positively, and so I ushered for Sidus to proceed, "Do it!"

Sidus nodded back, his expression determined. "I'll do my best brother. But remember, we can't stay hidden forever, and we need to be cautious with our actions, do not engage, and avoid conflict otherwise the veil will fail."

He then channeled his darkness mana, causing the shadows to gradually engulf us, concealing our presence. Our presence slowly became that of mere specters, blending seamlessly into the surroundings. The sensation was eerie yet empowering, as I felt the elements stick to us like a cloak, and knowing that we were hidden from the watchful eyes of potential enemies.

"Feels strange," Ynos commented, testing his claw in the darkness. "But I think it's working."

"It won't last indefinitely, but it should help us escape," Sidus said, his eyes scanning the area vigilantly.

I nodded, feeling the newfound advantage coursing through my veins. "This is incredible. You've outdone yourself, Sidus."

He managed a proud smile. "Thanks, brother."

With our stealth now assured, we silently moved upward — our destination, the battlefield above.

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