Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 356: Turning point

As we neared the edge of the sky, the oppressive aura grew heavier, suffocating us with its malevolence. In my transformed state, I carried both Sidus and Breta on my back, their tense bodies clinging to mine, while Ynos, hesitantly, allowed himself to be held in my arms.

The plan was straightforward but risky. Utilizing Sidus's dark mana, we aimed to stealthily slip away, avoiding the prying eyes of the celestial battlefield until we reached a safe distance for teleportation.

Yet, my calculations faltered in the face of the grim reality. The battle above surpassed anything I had ever witnessed. The vast expanse of space itself seemed tainted with an unnatural red hue, an ominous backdrop for the celestial warfare raging overhead.

Explosions of power lit up the sky like dark stars, the clash of titanic forces reverberating through the void. The silent roars of enraged Deities mingled with the cries of the encroaching Shades, creating an eerie symphony of destruction and despair.

The deeper you ventured into the chaotic realm of space, the more of the celestial corpses of fallen Deities and grotesque Shades you could see drifting silently, testimonies to the relentless conflict. The very fabric of space seemed to quiver with each cataclysmic clash, as if the universe itself lamented the unending bloodshed.

The weight of the situation bore down on me, and my heart pounded in my chest. Every second felt like an eternity, my mind racing to execute the plan flawlessly. With each breath, I infused my body with cosmic mana, drawing more and more of it with the help of the statue inside my soul space, and refusing to falter under the overwhelming pressure.

Sidus's dark mana veiled us, concealing our presence from prying eyes, but I knew it was only a matter of time before our presence would be sensed. We had to move swiftly, yet carefully, treading a fine line between life and oblivion, as some of the clashes would without a doubt, obliterate us if we were to come in contact with them.

'Who knew the Deities had so much hidden power, I thought only the greater Gods were strong, seems like I was wrong,' I inwardly noted.

Just as I was thinking of such matters, a sudden massive celestial shockwave rippled through the space, sending a shiver down my spine. Although the fight was far, I could still see the vague outline of a massive Deity that had chosen to explode itself in exchange for mutual destruction with its opponent. The scale of destruction was beyond comprehension, and I found myself questioning our chances of escape. But I couldn't allow doubt to consume me; Breta and my siblings' safety was at stake.

'It's still okay, Aether. This is nothing compared to grandfather's attack,' I constantly chanted in my mind, trying to keep myself steady as I weaved through the treacherous battlefield, aiming for the uncharted territories where the conflict's intensity might be lessened.

I did my best to avoid the shockwaves and stirred clear from the fights, but as we ventured deeper, the veil of Sidus's dark mana strained. The battle raged on, oblivious to our presence for now, but we couldn't stay hidden forever. Despite my best efforts, it was impossible to avoid the shockwaves completely.

Still, I prevailed as I carried my siblings through the oppressive aura, my massive wings flapping steadily against the resistance of the tainted space.

Our journey was plagued with deliberate caution, slower than I had initially hoped, yet necessary to avoid detection. Sidus and Breta clung tightly to my back, their nervousness palpable through every tense grip, while Ynos's usually assertive demeanor was nowhere to be found. Instead, his eyes restlessly scanned the surroundings, betraying his anxiety beneath the surface. Despite his best efforts to conceal it, he proved no skilled actor in masking his emotions.

The fear of being discovered kept us vigilant, our hearts pounding in our chests with every passing moment, and I knew that even the slightest misstep could bring dire consequences.

But, in a twist of cruel fate, just as we neared the fringes of the cosmic battle, a thunderous clash between a colossal beast Deity and a grotesque Shade, resembling a contorted mass of dark flesh with writhing tentacles, jolted us all. My eyes widened at the sight of the titanic collision.

The colossal entities struggled against each other, their monumental might causing shockwaves that reverberated through the vastness of space. In a moment of unsteadiness, they stumbled backward, unwittingly hurtling closer to our position. Dread washed over me as I realized the Shade was barreling directly toward us, propelled by the force of the collision.

Time seemed to slow as my mind raced to find a solution. Teleporting was risky in such proximity to the celestial clash, and my transformation was not enough to fend off the impending danger. A wave of helplessness surged within me, as the realization dawned that we were now caught in the crossfire.

"Fuck it!" I cursed.

In a fleeting moment of courage, I harnessed the power of my cosmic mana, allowing it to flow forth like an ethereal thread from the depths of space. The subtle yet awe-inspiring aura unfurled like a celestial tapestry, catching the attention of all present on the battlefield. Time itself appeared to halt momentarily, the unfolding clash of Deities and Shades frozen by the sudden emergence of my mana.

The monstrous Shade, unaware of the impending danger, was caught off guard as the cosmic mana descended upon it with an irresistible force. Its grotesque form trembled, sensing the imminent threat, but it was too late for any evasive maneuver. The attack was swift and unyielding, shrouding the monstrosity's body in an otherworldly embrace that silenced it into oblivion.

As if the entire cosmos had collectively gasped, the battlefield seized in an abrupt pause. All eyes were now turned upon us, the unexpected interlopers who dared to disrupt the delicate balance of power. The veil of darkness that cloaked us under Sidus's mastery wavered and eventually dissipated, leaving us exposed and vulnerable before the intense scrutiny of the celestial beings.

Despite the precariousness of our situation, I remained steadfast, flanked by my siblings who exuded unwavering resolve. The weight of the moment hung heavy upon us, and yet, we stood united. The chaos around us seemed to hush as we faced the consequences of my actions, fully aware that this single act might have altered the course of the entire cosmic battle.

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