Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 364: Behind enemy lines II

"What do we do? Sidus will not be able to hold on any longer!" Ynos's bloodshot eyes bore into mine, a reflection of his mounting anxiety. He was right—Sidus's condition was deteriorating rapidly, and we couldn't afford to linger here much longer. His plea for guidance was mirrored in his desperate gaze, and though I wanted to provide answers, my mind felt like a void, devoid of solutions. I felt the weight of their expectations pressing down on me, a heavy responsibility that threatened to overwhelm.

I struggled to collect my thoughts, my eyes darting around in search of a plan, any glimmer of hope. But the well of inspiration remained dry, and I could feel panic clawing at the edges of my composure. I couldn't show weakness, not now. They were looking to me for guidance, for a way out of this dire situation.

As I wrestled with my own uncertainties, Breta's voice cut through the turmoil. Her words were sharp, a stark reminder that we were running out of time. She floated toward me, her expression stern and resolute. The weight of her gaze was unyielding, her urgency pushing me to shake off the paralyzing thoughts that had gripped me.

"Snap out of it, you damn lizard!" Her words were a jolt, a call to action that I sorely needed. "This is not the time for you to be lost in your thoughts! If that… thing finds us, we won't survive."

Her words were a wake-up call, a resounding reminder of the imminent danger we faced. I straightened my posture, pushing aside the mental fog that had clouded my judgment. Breta was right. We needed to act, and we needed to do so swiftly.

Gathering my resolve, I locked eyes with her, the fire of determination reigniting within me. "You're right," I affirmed, my voice steady and resolute. Redirecting my focus to Sidus, I tapped into the wellspring of water mana within my soul space, summoning a healing bubble that enveloped him. The surprise in Sidus's eyes was evident, his features gradually regaining their vitality as the healing magic worked its mending touch.

His voice wavered slightly as he found his words, gratitude mingling with relief. "I can't release the spell. Whatever that thing was, it'll find us the moment I do… I can feel it."

My response was swift, my resolve unwavering. "Can you maintain it while we move?"

Sidus's determination flickered in his eyes, his voice firm. "As long as we don't draw attention to ourselves, I should be able to keep it up."

"Good," I acknowledged, urgency pushing my words to a rapid pace. My attention shifted to the rest of the group, each member of our makeshift team an integral piece of our survival. "Ynos, stand by Sidus and support him. Breta, stay close to me. We need to find a secure location where I can attempt to teleport us once more."

"Curse it all, you and this damn teleportation," Breta's words carried a mixture of frustration and reluctant agreement. Without further delay, we embarked on our journey, soaring through the expansive void of space. Sidus lay upon Ynos's back, the two of them flying in formation to my right, while Breta maintained a parallel course to my left.

My draconic transformation remained dormant, an option too risky given the possibility of Sidus being unable to mask the energetic fluctuations it would cause. Instead, we relied on swift and soundless flight as our strategy—our very survival hinged on maintaining the utmost stealth and vigilance in the face of our relentless pursuers.


Across a distant, desolate battlefield, an immense ancient red dragon surged through the void, his colossal wings propelling him toward a desecrated planet. Amid the vastness of space floated the lifeless forms of innumerable obsidian Shade behemoths, a testament to the devastating wrath he had unleashed. His eyes blazed with an all-consuming fury as he approached his destination, a planet ravaged by the horrors he had wrought.

Before him, a formation of smaller dragons materialized their presence a stark contrast to his overwhelming figure. Among them, a hornless dragon of earthy brown hue emerged as their leader.

"Have you located them?" The words that emanated from the red dragon's maw were laced with a barely-contained rage, his aura pulsating with an intense, fiery energy.

The assembly of dragons quivered before him, heads bowed in deference to his formidable presence. The brown dragon hesitated briefly, then spoke with a tremor in his voice, "N-Not yet. The pantheon within Everwyn continues to wage a desperate battle, but our scouts have yet to discern any trace of the young heirs." The brown dragon paused for a second before continuing, "We believe they have already escaped..."

With a profound exhalation, the colossal red dragon allowed his rampant energy to ebb, his once-fiery demeanor giving way to an eerie tranquility that seemed to emanate from the very depths of his being. His piercing gaze shut as he communed with the forces that coursed within him, mastering the tempest of his emotions.

When his eyes reopened, a chilling calmness had settled in their depths. "Deploy the Chronicles," his voice, now under control, resonated like thunderclaps across the expanse. The authority in his tone brooked no dissent. "Should the little brats yet linger within the heart of that chaos, wrest them back from there. If not, find out the threads of their flight and unveil the path they took."

"We are at your service, Great destroyer!" The brown-scaled dragon intoned with reverence, the other dragons in tow echoing his obeisance. Then, as one, they executed a coordinated pivot and took flight, vanishing into the void with a sense of purpose.

Left alone in the cosmic silence, the colossal red dragon shifted his gaze to the vast starlit tapestry that sprawled before him. A moment of solitude unfolded, and his rumbling voice carried his thoughts into the emptiness, "Stay alive, you brats. May the king watch over you and your light persevere."


Breta's voice brimmed with determination, each word ringing with the weight of her convictions. "We cannot venture there, it is a barren husk of a world, devoid of life or vitality."

Yet, I shook my head, my resolute gaze meeting hers. "Despite its desolation, lingering threads of mana persist. It may be feeble, but it is enough for us to rejuvenate."

Breta's frustration was palpable, her brows knitted in a mixture of exasperation and concern. I was still okay, my soul space was enough to support me through more than this, but Ynos was not, and although he did not want to admit it, I could see it as clear as day.

Ynos's protest echoed across the space, his voice infused with youthful bravado. "I assure you, I can still press on!"

A sigh escaped me, tinged with the weight of responsibility. "No, we will land and replenish our strength, Ynos. There is no room for debate in this matter."

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