Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 365: Behind enemy lines III

Following my decision, our group moved in unity, veiled by Sidus's magic. With each passing moment, anticipation coiled tighter around us as we breached the planet's atmosphere. Every heartbeat echoed in the tense stillness, a collective hope for a safe landing.

Luck favored us this time, the cruel whims of fate momentarily subdued. As we approached a desolate patch of land, our vigilance remained unwavering, our senses attuned to the faint traces of the various presences scattered across the barren terrain. None rivaled the menacing power we had encountered amidst the stars, granting us a fleeting reprieve from the threat that lurked beyond.

Our eyes were watchful, our movements cautious, aware that this fragile peace could be shattered in an instant. The barren landscape offered us concealment, a haven amidst the void, and we embraced it with a mixture of hope and apprehension.

A desolation reigned over the planet's surface, a bleak testimony to the ravages of time, and that of the Shades. The pulse of life had long since fled, leaving behind a barren canvas where only remnants of mana clung to the fading echoes of existence. Earth mana, bereft of its once vibrant vitality, lingered as a spectral memory. Amongst the subdued elements, flickers of fire mana blazed an ember of the planet's former energy. Tainted wind mana whispered through the stagnant air, a ghostly reminder of the winds that once danced across this forlorn landscape.

Water mana, however, remained conspicuously absent, a vacant void that mirrored the emptiness of the terrain. Still, our purpose wasn't bound to the presence of water mana—it was Ynos I hoped to restore, it was his vitality and strength that mattered the most. I was still okay, the mana inside my soul space was more than enough to support me through more than what we had been through.

Amidst the desolate landscape, we ventured into a desolate vale, wedged between towering mountains that bore the scars of some ancient cataclysm. A cautious dance of reconnaissance marked our initial approach, we circled around the area to ensure our isolation in this desolation. Only after confirming the absence of prying eyes or lurking threats did we dare to descend, our steps cautious and senses alert.

In the sheltered embrace of the valley's shadow, Ynos harnessed his mastery over the earth mana, sculpting a cavern into the side of the charred mountain. His practiced claws carved the stone with a precision born from experience, fashioning a refuge from the unknown terrain. Breta followed closely behind, while I remained vigilant, my senses attuned to the surroundings. Sidus, ever so cautious, began to weave a new spell to veil our presence, shrouding the entire cavern in his shadowy magic. Only once he had secured our concealment did he join the rest of us within the newfound sanctuary.

Within the dim recesses of the cave, our wearied forms found respite. Sidus's weariness was palpable, his body and spirit strained by the taxing task he had undertaken. He walked in with a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of his exertions, and I released the water bubble spell that had been providing him with a constant stream of healing energy. I then approached him tentatively, my concern masking a hint of relief.

"Are you alright?" The words left my lips, their tone a blend of worry and curiosity. Sidus's response came in the form of a weary nod, his gaze meeting mine with a measure of reassurance.

"I've placed a spell around the cave entrance to mask our presence," he explained, his voice carrying a touch of fatigue. "As long as we remain discreet, we should go unnoticed."

Acknowledging his effort, I offered a soft but appreciative smile. "You've done well, Sidus. Take some time to rest now."

My claw came to rest on his shoulder, a gentle tap that conveyed not only my pride in his efforts but also my genuine concern for his well-being. With a glance toward Ynos, I witnessed his fatigue catch up with him as he sank to the ground. His eyes slid shut, and an intricate dance of earth mana unfolded around him.

No words were needed to communicate the silent understanding between us. He knew, just as well as I did, the importance of maintaining a cautious balance in drawing mana from the environment, especially in the presence of lurking threats. Ynos's controlled efforts to replenish his soul space were a testament to his acute awareness and the lessons he had learned.

Meanwhile, Breta's demeanor remained as inscrutable as ever, a mask of indifference concealing her emotions. Her divine spear materialized, though its gleam was notably absent this time. Her hands moved deftly, the artifact a focal point for her concentration. The subtle tension etched across her features, a testament to her internal struggles, despite her best efforts to cloak them.

In this quiet cave, a delicate dance of preparation unfolded as we gathered our strength and resources, each of us grappling with our own uncertainties and fears.

It was Breta who finally shattered the hushed stillness, her gaze lifting to meet mine in a rare moment of vulnerability. Her voice, though steady, carried the weight of her admission, "I hate to admit it, but our best chance of escape is if you teleport us once more."

My response was a solemn shake of my head. "The proximity of the nearest recognizable location is unknown," I admitted, my brow furrowing with the weight of uncertainty. "A hasty teleportation could result in us getting stuck in the astral plane once again," I paused for a second before continuing, "Or maybe even worse…" The cavern's shadows seemed to deepen around us, mirroring the gravity of our discussion.

"Worse? Worse than this?" Breta asked in a sarcastic tone, "We are already deep inside the bastards' territory. How worse could it get?"

"Don't! Damn it! You just had to go and jinx it," I cursed.

Breta rolled her eyes at that before she answered, "A little bit too late for that, don't you think?"

A sigh involuntarily slipped past my lips, an audible echo of the responsibility pressing down on me. Just as the silence seemed to settle back in, Ynos, who had maintained his silence with closed eyes, finally spoke up, his voice carrying an air of pragmatism, "Brother, the Goddess's assessment holds truth. While blind teleportation into the unknown carries risks, it's evident that the four of us can navigate the Astral plane together without major issues, if we were to fall there again."

"It's not only the Astral realm that I fear..." I whispered under my breath.

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