Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 366: Pride

"What was that brother?" Ynos asked.

Ynos's quizzical inquiry drew a heavy breath from me, laden with the weight of my thoughts. Reluctantly, I began to unravel the complex web of concerns that had been swirling within me, "It's not solely the astral plane that I am concerned about."

Perplexed, Ynos's head inclined slightly as he sought understanding, "Then what is it? If you can teleport us away from danger so swiftly, what's the issue?"

I met his confusion with a somber look, my tone grave, "Teleportation, despite its apparent speed, isn't instantaneous. It requires a brief but tangible span of time to take effect. What if we materialize in the midst of a threat before I can act? What if, in that crucial moment, someone or something interferes with our teleportation, leaving us stranded in a realm of uncertainty, neither in this realm nor in the Astral plane?"

As my words hung in the air, both Breta and Sidus shifted their attention to me, their eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. I continued, my voice steady but serious, "I have confidence in my ability to transport us to familiar ground, a place I've experienced, when I have a certain idea of the distance at least. Yet, in a scenario like this, the variables multiply, and the risks intensify. If it were just me, perhaps I could make that gamble. But you are all under my care, my responsibility."

A weighty hush enveloped the cave, the air thick with contemplation as my companions processed my words. Unexpectedly, it was Breta who shattered the silence, her features etched with a deep frown that mirrored her inner turmoil. "Aren't you being too arrogant?" she challenged.

My brows furrowed in genuine confusion, "Arrogant? How do you mean?"

"You speak of responsibility as if we're helpless souls under your watch, but who exactly decided that?" Her words were sharp, cutting through the air.

"Ah, I—" I opened my mouth to respond, but Breta swiftly cut me off, her voice carrying a tone of irony, "Aether, you might need a reminder. Despite your towering ego, I'm older than you, surprising as that might be." She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm before she continued, "I'm not subservient to your 'care.' You need to rid yourself of that ingrained arrogance. I've been by your side because it was the pragmatic choice, and for our friendship," she hesitated as she spoke the last part. Breta then took a deep breath and spoke again, "Not because I seek your guardianship. I'll spell it out clearly: none of us are seeking your assumed responsibility. Decisions are communal, challenges are collective."

Her gaze encompassed all of us as her words reverberated in the cave, her hand gesturing inclusively toward Sidus and Ynos. "I'm sure I speak for those two as well, though they might not have the courage to say it to your face, I could care less! We don't need a leader who shoulders a burden without being asked. We are all equals, facing these trials together."

Breta's words hung in the air, a challenge that struck a chord deep within me. I cast a sidelong glance at my siblings, a glimmer of hope lingering in the corner of my eye, anticipating a swift denial or a counterargument. But my heart sank as both Sidus and Ynos averted their gazes awkwardly, their silence speaking volumes.

It was then that realization slowly dawned upon me. Siblings or not, at the end of the day they were dragons, fiercely independent beings with their own pride. Despite our shared blood, the concept of bowing beneath the shadow of another, even a sibling, went against their very nature. Their downcast eyes told me that they weren't seeking my protective embrace, nor were they asking me to carry their burdens.

"Ah," I finally exhaled softly, the understanding settling in. This was a moment of reckoning, an unspoken recognition that we were equals on this tumultuous journey. Despite my role as an older brother, the dynamic was shifting. In this harsh realm, pride and autonomy were paramount, even among family.

"I understand," I responded quietly, my voice holding a touch of resignation. In truth, I yearned for rescue from the tension that now hung heavy in the air. Lying down, I shut my eyes, feigning restfulness while my thoughts swirled tumultuously.

Breta emitted a soft huff, her annoyance palpable, and she returned her focus to her spear. The once-precious relic seemed to have transformed into a simple diversion, a way to occupy her hands and mind. Meanwhile, Sidus and Ynos exchanged uncertain glances, a silent acknowledgment of the newfound uncertainty that had settled among us.

"Keep replenishing your mana," Sidus's voice slipped through the quiet, his words a gentle directive. Ynos followed suit, shutting his eyes and allowing the flow of uncorrupted mana to sustain him. The rhythm of their actions provided a semblance of normalcy amidst the weight of unspoken words.


The uncomfortable atmosphere persisted for several days, an unspoken tension that seemed to weave itself into the very fabric of the cave. We remained in our respective corners, each lost in our own thoughts, a shared silence enveloping us.

Breta remained anchored to her spot, her fingers endlessly fidgeting with the hilt of her spear. The weapon had become a mere distraction, a focus for her unease. Meanwhile, Sidus would intermittently rise from his place and venture to the cave's entrance, his gaze fixed on the barrier he had cast to conceal us.

No words passed between us, the weight of unexpressed emotions almost tangible in the air. We were like four strangers, united by circumstance yet divided by unspoken conflicts.

"I'm ready to continue," Ynos's voice finally broke the silence, his body stretching as if eager to be back on the move. Beside him, Sidus rose as well, announcing, "My spell is nearly at its limit."

Their eyes then turned to Breta and me, a flicker of uncertainty in their glances as they shifted between us. Breta was the one to break the tension, her voice carrying a touch of sarcasm, "Well, it's about damn time," She then turned to me and asked, "Are we ready to move?"

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I nodded, dispelling the lingering awkwardness, "No need to tread so lightly. I'm ready. Let's go."

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