Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 374: The eye

As the final shadowy being dissolved into nothingness, a profound surge of power radiated from the depths of my soul space. The elements of my mana were not stagnant; they were transforming, evolving. Inside the intricate world that existed within me, a symphony of elemental forces harmonized once more, remaking their connections in a dance of renewal.

From the earth mana's core, a vast continent materialized. Its grandeur was marked by a colossal mountain that dominated the landscape, its peak soaring to the very boundary of the sky within this inner world. And at that towering apex rested my majestic dragon statue, a sentinel overseeing the realm.

Across the landmass, a network of lakes and rivers glistened, lending life to the terrain. Beyond the continent, the vast expanse of an ocean stretched out, commanding the majority of the space within my soul space. The sky above was occasionally pierced by crackling bolts of lightning, infusing the entire scene with an ethereal ambiance.

At the far edge of my soul space stood the manifestation of my darkness element—the second pillar of existence, existing as a dark veil. It looked like a wall of darkness, or perhaps a dome that encompassed a part of my soul space would be more accurate. To my astonishment, it hadn't just evolved; it had grown. The element seemed to have multiplied as if the energy it absorbed from the Shade and its companions had sparked its expansion.

Within the realm of my soul space, I found myself in a position of divine authority, akin to a God, omniscient and omnipresent, capable of reshaping the landscape at will. But rather than imposing my will upon it, I opted to let the mana elements dictate their own manifestation. The scene they created was already serene and captivating.

A pristine landmass emerged, with features that spoke of nature's grandeur. The vast continent, crowned by the imposing mountain, and surrounded by flowing waters and shimmering lakes, exhibited a beauty that needed no further embellishment.

Yet, despite this picturesque setting, one element was conspicuously absent—life. The tranquility of the world I'd crafted was eerie, void of any living beings. The notion of populating it flickered briefly in my thoughts, a whimsical idea that I pushed aside as swiftly as it came. After all, shaping an entire ecosystem was a task far beyond my current understanding and capabilities. Not to mention, I wasn't even sure if it was actually doable.

Leaving behind the miniature world within my soul space, my attention shifted back to the vast darkness of the space we inhabited. The peculiar absence of stars and any cosmic landmarks gave the surroundings an unsettling quality. However, my eyes effortlessly discerned the shapes of my companions against this dark canvas. And among them, Breta's shining presence stood out like a beacon in the abyss.

This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.

Converging around me, my companions formed a concerned cluster. Ynos appeared ashamed, his head hung low, while Breta's eyes scrutinized me as if searching for a sign of something. Amid the silence, it was Sidus who finally broke it, his words echoing within my mind:

"We must leave, brother. Our fight has surely attracted the attention of other Shades, and alerted them to our presence," he pressed urgently.

I nodded acknowledging the urgency in Sidus's words, before I motioned for my companions to draw near. Breta's luminance faded as she returned to a more human-like form and nimbly mounted my back. Assuming my three-headed shape once again, I extended my claws towards Sidus and Ynos. Sidus climbed onto my back, while Ynos took his place between my claws. With a firm grip, I readied myself to teleport away, stealing one last glimpse of the desolate space before disappearing.


Far removed from this realm, atop a fractured planet, three colossal forms dominated the scene. Each figure, as vast as a continent, seemed to defy conventional perception, a blend of disparate elements melded together. Merely glimpsing these beings was enough to fray the sanity of mortals and lower deities alike. Intriguingly, upon closer inspection, even the "planet" they stood on was revealed as the remains of a gargantuan entity—a dragon's corpse.

The sight of these enigmatic figures and their morbid surroundings held a chilling power, evoking both dread and curiosity.

In the midst of this otherworldly tableau, the colossal figures appeared to be engaged in an exchange, although no audible words reached the ears. Instead, the very fabric of space surrounding them fissured and splintered, as if the immense power they wielded strained against the constraints of reality itself.

The fractures in space resonated with a dissonant energy, a visual symphony of the discord wrought by these entities' interactions. Each fracture pulsed with an overwhelming force, as though the very laws of existence were warping under the weight of their presence. In the void around them, pockets of spatial instability twisted and churned, mirroring the inconceivable forces at play within their conversation.

Despite the absence of discernible sound, the tumultuous visual display was enough to evoke a sense of awe and trepidation. In the presence of these monumental beings, it was as if the boundaries of reality itself trembled and contorted, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of their existence.

In an instant, the collective attention of the three beings shifted upward, their enigmatic forms turning to face an impending presence. With uncanny coordination, their focus converged just as a colossal golden eye materialized seemingly out of the very void itself. The dead dragon's remains quivered and fragmented under the overwhelming pressure of their combined power, a testament to the forces that were in motion.

As the three titanic figures confronted this new entity, the golden reptilian eye exuded an aura of chilling and calculated indifference. Its gaze bore into them, piercing through the fabric of space itself. Each glance from that massive eye seemed to induce an involuntary bending and twisting of the surrounding spatial continuum, as if reality itself was compelled to make way for its sovereign ruler — a master of existence and dominion.

In the presence of this golden eye, the overwhelming power of the three figures dimmed, their formidable might subdued by the sheer supremacy of the newcomer. Space itself seemed to bow to the golden eye's authority, an obedient subject yielding to the command of its unassailable king.

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