Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 375: The barrier

"What did you find?"

Lying concealed on an abandoned and desolate planet, I directed my inquiry toward Sidus, seeking an update on our situation. The journey had been long and arduous, with a series of rapid teleportations propelling us through the dark void that lacked the familiar twinkle of stars. Yet, now, at last, we seemed to be nearing the fringes of the Shade's dominion.

The elusive glimmers of hope came into view – a faint and easily overlooked glint, like a distant star on the horizon. It marked the edge of the oppressive territory that we had traversed, a beacon drawing us toward our goal. Our progress hadn't been without its challenges, however. Encounters with the shades were inevitable, and our strategy had been honed to perfection: strike swiftly and retreat even faster. Engaging in prolonged combat was unwise, as the element of surprise was our greatest advantage.

Our approach was defined by its efficiency. Dispatching our foes in rapid succession was the goal, but should the situation shift, I was ready to initiate our retreat, whisking us away through teleportation. Sidus, would follow up by erasing our presence with his darkness mana, covering our tracks and ensuring we left no trail for pursuit. Our safety relied on swift actions, precise timing, and careful coordination.

His voice carried a note of uncertainty as he began, "It's difficult to say," Sidus answered with a shake of his head before continuing, "It does look like it's the edge of the shades' territory but…" He hesitated, a telltale sign that there was more to the story, prompting me to press for further details,

"But what?"

Sidus' expression was thoughtful, his gaze directed to a point in the distance. "There's something different about that area," he began slowly, as if trying to articulate something elusive, "It does seem to mark the boundary of the shades' territory, but it's not just a clear-cut transition. It's as if there's a veil of sorts, a barrier that separates the two realms."

His words hung in the air, a puzzle piece that had yet to find its place. My brows furrowed as I tried to comprehend the implications of his observation. A veil, a barrier – it was an unexpected complication that I hadn't accounted for.

"Can't we just force our way out of it?" Ynos's question cut through the tension, offering a straightforward solution that, at first glance, seemed plausible. His words sparked a brief glimmer of hope, and his innocent confusion was almost endearing. His proposition prompted us all to consider the possibility, and I exchanged a brief glance with Sidus before responding.

All of us turned to look at him, before Sidus spoke, "While your idea can be considered…" He hesitated before continuing, "good," he said, his tone measured, "It's not as simple as just forcing our way through. Whatever this barrier is, it appears to be more than just a physical obstruction. It's as if it's tied to the very fabric of this realm. I'm afraid that trying to forcefully break through it might have unexpected consequences."

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I turned my gaze to my goddess friend and asked, "Breta, any insights?"

Breta paused to contemplate before speaking. "While it does sound too simple to be true, I still doubt this barrier whatever it is, can stop your teleportation. Sidus can hide our presence until we come closer to the edge of it, and then you can teleport us to the other side. It should be easy since you'll be having visual over our destination, and it's not a blind teleportation, no?"

Breta's insightful suggestion prompted a moment of silence as we all considered her words. I looked at her, acknowledging the validity of her point, before speaking.

"You do have a point. Teleporting does seem like the most direct solution. However, the challenge isn't just about reaching the other side. The shades' control over this realm might interfere with teleportation itself, that's what I'm concerned about."

Sidus chimed in, his voice carrying a note of caution. "It's not just about whether brother can physically teleport us. The shades' influence might tamper with the accuracy of the teleportation, possibly landing us in an even more dangerous situation."

Breta shrugged with her usual deadpan expression, before continuing, "True, but as it stands, we don't have much choice in the matter."

I turned my gaze to Ynos, who had been observing the conversation intently. "Ynos, what do you think?"

"How about you throw me at the barrier again, and I'll —"

"Stop, stop, stop, no throwing," I hastily stopped him before he could continue.

The glow in his eyes dimmed down as he lowered his head in disappointment, "Oh, then… Breta's plan is okay."

A subtle sigh parted my lips, and I shifted my gaze to my companions. Breta's countenance bore a faint, almost imperceptible smile—a private amusement that only my perceptive eye could catch. Meanwhile, Sidus responded with a bemused shake of his head, his eyes directed toward Ynos.

"In that case, it seems we have no choice but to risk it one last time. Sidus, please veil our presence. We will approach the barrier as closely as we can, and then I'll attempt to teleport us to the other side. Is everyone in agreement?" I inquired, my gaze sweeping over my companions.

"Agreed," came their unanimous responses, each accompanied by a nod that affirmed our collective decision.

"Good, then let's go!"


Observing Sidus wield his darkness mana was always a captivating sight. While I possessed a certain level of affinity for the element, it was clear that my little brother's mastery surpassed my own by leaps and bounds. His manipulation of the dark energy was a delicate dance, as he wove it into a protective veil that enveloped us. The shroud clung to our forms, concealing us from the prying senses of the external world, a testament to Sidus's skill and control.

'I need to learn how to do that,' I inwardly noted.

Our concealed presence allowed us to make a swift exit from the desolate, broken planet. Our sights were fixed on the barrier, the last hurdle separating us from the potential sanctuary beyond. Breta's form had returned to its majestic Goddess proportions, nearly rivaling my own in size. As for me, I chose to maintain my standard dragon form for now, avoiding the transformation to my three-headed state. With our proximity to the edge of the barrier, any fluctuations in size could potentially draw unwanted attention, something we couldn't afford.

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