Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 376: Escape?

Our advance towards the barrier proceeded without a hitch, the shroud of darkness that Sidus had woven around us effectively concealing our presence. No shades crossed our path, allowing us to traverse the void without incident. However, as we neared the barrier's edge, an unexpected disruption unfolded.

The very veil of darkness that had safeguarded us fractured suddenly, leaving us exposed in a vulnerable state. Shock etched across my face as I exchanged bewildered glances with my companions. Even Sidus, the mastermind behind the concealment, appeared taken aback. It was evident that our situation had taken a dire turn.

I immediately tried to employ my cosmic mana to enact a swift teleportation, an escape from the impending danger. Yet, as I reached out to the cosmic energies, I encountered resistance—similar to my experiences within the astral plane. The barrier's proximity seemed to thwart my ability to establish a connection with the cosmic well beyond my soul space, rendering my attempted teleportation futile.

"I can't use teleportation!" I exclaimed urgently, my determination driving me forward toward the looming barrier.

Racing behind me, my companions maintained a close formation. Ynos's voice broke through the tension, offering a potential solution. "We have no have another option, brother! Throw me!"

Despite the gravity of the situation we have found ourselves in, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Ynos's enthusiasm for being hurled around.

Breta chimed in, her voice steady. "My divine energy is being suppressed as well. It looks like a direct approach is our only way through. We'll have to brute force our way through. Send the muscle head."

"Throw me! They're closing in!" Ynos reiterated, his sense of urgency palpable.

"He is right, brother," Sidus added, his tone edged with concern. "I can feel their presence getting stronger, and I'm sure you do as well. We're running out of time."

"Ah damn it! Let's do it!" I cursed under my breath, a mix of frustration and determination. Extending my mental reach, I grasped the essence of the dragon statue deep within my soul space, invoking the transformation into my three-headed form.

As my larger draconic shape emerged, the surge of energy rippled through our surroundings, causing the pursuing Shades to react with heightened aggression. Their movements became erratic as they redoubled their efforts, driven by the turmoil of energy fluctuations. Soon enough, they were drawing nearer, some of the faster ones managing to close in on our flanks.

Reacting swiftly, Breta and Sidus engaged the Shades in close-quarters combat, neutralizing the immediate threat. The tension in the air was palpable as we pressed onward.

With the distance rapidly dwindling between us and the looming barrier, I moved with urgency. Extending my claw towards Ynos, I watched as he leaped onto it, his enthusiasm evident in the wide grin that adorned his face. His eyes, filled with eagerness, remained locked on the barrier ahead.

Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

Summoning every ounce of my strength, I thrust my claw forward, propelling Ynos with all my might. His form became a streak of gold, hurtling through the dark expanse like a radiant meteor. A wild laugh echoed faintly as he closed the gap, his excitement palpable even from a distance.

As he neared the barrier, his laughter seemed to crescendo before he abruptly altered his course. Tucking his wings close and angling his horns downward, he transformed into a living projectile. The tension in the air was palpable, the impending collision with the barrier held everyone's attention.

And then, in a climactic moment, Ynos's figure smashed into the barrier. An instant of profound silence followed, the world holding its breath as we awaited the outcome.

With Ynos's daring act blazing the trail, we maintained our momentum, following blindly in his wake. It was a desperate move, born out of necessity, a wager that his ridiculously strong body, and powerful charge would shatter the barrier standing between us and freedom from the Shades' grasp. There was no room for hesitation; we had no alternative but to place our trust in his recklessness.

The scene that unfolded before me defied my expectations. There was no explosive eruption or blinding flare of light as Ynos crashed into the barrier. Instead, it was as if a thin veil had been torn aside, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of what lay beyond—a vast expanse adorned with countless twinkling stars. The sight filled my heart with a heady mix of excitement and desperation, a beacon of hope drawing us onward.

Without a pause, I propelled myself through the breach, feeling the barrier mend itself behind me, closing the opening Ynos had carved. Determination fueled my actions; I used my three-headed form to tear at the barrier's edges, creating a larger passage for my larger form to fit through. Pain and fatigue took a back seat to the urgency of our escape.

With a final burst of effort, we emerged on the other side of the barrier, each of us passing through the tenuous breach. The sensation of my cosmic connection being rekindled was invigorating. However, we still needed to put more distance between ourselves and the barrier before I could initiate teleportation, ensuring our escape was secure.

Though… it seemed like there was no need for that. My body came to an abrupt halt, with Breta and Sidus crashing into me from behind, but I had no time to care for that as I stared at the sight that unfolded before me.

Three beings stood before me, with one of then extending a hand and holding Ynos despite my brother's large form. With pupils slit-shaped and vertical, their eyes exuded an ancient wisdom. Their hair, was a mix of gray and black. Blurring gender lines, their androgynous features added to their enigmatic charm. But my eyes were especially drawn do their scaly tails and gracefully curved dragon horns, distinguishing them from all known humanoid races.

"The Chronicles…" I muttered subconsciously. It was hard to forget them after I first saw them with my grandfather. But what were they doing here? I wondered.

A moment of wonder washed over us as we gazed at the unfamiliar scene unfolding before our eyes. The presence of the three beings was captivating, momentarily eclipsing the urgency of our escape from the encroaching Shades. Breta, Sidus, and I all shared a transient lapse in awareness, momentarily lost in the mysterious ambiance of this cosmic encounter.

The tranquility was abruptly shattered as our senses registered the relentless pursuit of the Shades closing in behind us. Reality snapped back into focus, rekindling the urgency that had fueled our flight from the Shades' clutches.

Before any of us could react, one of the enigmatic Chronicles advanced, moving effortlessly upon the fabric of space itself. The intricacies of its movement eluded me, the transition appearing seamless and instantaneous. But the outcome was all too clear—the leading edge of the approaching Shades was obliterated, as if they had been erased from existence. The barrier seemed to mend itself, restoring the delicate veil that shielded us from the approaching horde.

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