Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 412: New forms

As Syra’s captivating voice reverberated through the cave, weaving tales of battles long past, the Dragon siblings found themselves drawn into the tapestry of her memories. Once the story concluded, a brief yet profound silence enveloped the cave, as if the very walls were absorbing the echoes of history.

"Well now, don't just stand there with your mouths open. You're making me self-conscious," Syra teased, injecting a playful tone into the moment.

"T-That was amazing!" Essie exclaimed, unable to contain her awe. Her eyes sparkled with admiration as she continued, "Your voice was so pretty!"

Syra, delighted by Essie's enthusiasm, responded with a warm smile, "Oh dear, aren't you just the cutest," gently patting Essie's head with a grandmotherly affection that transcended generations.

Sidus, usually reserved, cautiously joined the conversation, asking, "So you've met Grandmother on a battlefield?" Syra’s gaze met his, the smile lingering as she nodded, "Yes, but that was a very, very long time ago."

Ynos, his curiosity piqued, interjected, "Was it against the Shades?"

A solemn tone crept into Syra’s response, "Shades? Heh, no, it wasn't."

The revelation left the siblings exchanging puzzled glances, sensing the weight behind Syra’s words. Deciding not to press further, they respected her unspoken desire to keep certain memories veiled.

As Syra absentmindedly played a gentle tune on her lute, her gaze fixated on the cave's ceiling, the group fell into a contemplative hush. Uncertain how to approach the moment, they found themselves caught between curiosity and the unspoken understanding that some chapters were best left closed.

Breaking the silence, Breta took a step forward, her goddessly grace evident as she addressed Syra, "Excuse me."

Syra lowered her eyes to meet Breta's gaze, a playful twinkle in her eyes, "Oh, it's the cute Goddess child. What is it, dear?"

Startled by the endearment, Breta momentarily hesitated before gathering her composure and inquiring, "May I ask, what is your plan now?"

"Hmm, my plan. That's a good question," Syra mused, her eyes shifting toward the siblings standing in the background.

"Well, first things first, why not come back with me? If your objective was to hide and lay low, I think it would be better to come with me for that."

Breta turned to the others, her expression questioning. Unsurprisingly, Ynos, typically straightforward, spoke up, "Do you have an invisibility spell? Or something similar to hide us?" His curiosity gleamed in his eyes.

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"Haha, oh, but I have something much more fun!" Syra declared with a mischievous grin, sending an inexplicable chill down their spines. The air buzzed with anticipation.


"No, I refuse! I can't do this!" Sidus's voice resounded through the cave, his protest echoing the sentiment of many reluctant Dragons forced into human forms.

"But you look so adorable!" Syra’s whimsical response only intensified the atmosphere of protest.

Ynos, adding his voice to the rebellion, declared, "No! This is humiliation! I agree with Sidus!" The cave bore witness to the sound of crashing as Ynos grappled with the unfamiliarity of a human physique.

Amidst the spectacle, Lana, Jon, and the other disciples exchanged bemused glances. The mighty Dragons, now confined to human forms, struggled with the most basic of movements, an ironic sight considering the formidable beings they truly were.

The absurdity of the scene would have been comical if not for the lingering memory of the Dragons' true, awe-inspiring forms. Essie, reveling in her siblings' struggles, hopped along with a joyous expression, her infectious giggles resonating throughout the cave as she offered playful pointers.

Sidus, transformed into a young man with rich, ebony skin, embodied strength and resilience. His finely sculpted features and mysterious, deep-set eyes exuded an untamed spirit. Though he complained and wrestled with the challenge of maintaining balance, a quiet confidence betrayed his inherent strength. His lean physique emitted a captivating aura, a stark contrast to the imposing Dragon he once was.

On the other hand, Ynos, with wild and untamed golden hair, showcased his towering presence as the tallest among them. His muscular frame, seemingly sculpted to perfection, was a testament to his physical prowess. Despite his frown he continued poking away at his muscles with his newfound fingers, his powerful figure held an undeniable allure.

Immy, distinct from the others, chose a more measured approach to adapting to her human appearance. Her long, silky silver hair cascaded gracefully, framing a face adorned with flawless milky-white skin and captivating red eyes. The elegance of her figure and the fascination she displayed with her hair and fingers added an ethereal charm to her newfound form.

As the Dragons navigated the challenges of their human guises, the cave witnessed a curious fusion of absurdity and charm, a testament to the adaptability of these mighty beings forced into the realms of human experience.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Breta inquired, her tone laced with concern as she observed the Dragons grappling with their unfamiliar human forms.

Syra, ever confident, responded with a reassuring smile, "Oh, it will. Look at them now; their aura is already almost nonexistent. This would work better than any disguise. Not to mention, Shades, not even Dragons, would easily tell the difference from afar."

Breta turned her gaze towards Syra, her eyes reflecting a mix of confusion and curiosity. Sensing the unspoken questions, Syra encouraged, "Just ask what you wish to know, dear."

The hesitation lingered in Breta's expression as she ventured, "Why are you here? I mean, why are you in the—"

"In the mortal realm," Syra finished the question with a knowing smile.

Breta nodded, her uncertainty evident. "Yes."

A short sigh escaped Syra’s lips before she responded, "It's simple, really. I've also run away. The only difference is that I did it a long time ago."

"I see," Breta acknowledged with a hesitant nod before turning her gaze back to the siblings. The Dragons, in their own time, were slowly but surely acclimating to their new and unfamiliar human forms, the cave witnessing a peculiar yet fascinating transformation.


Far away, on a distant planet, ravaged by the aftermath of a massive battle, I materialized in the skies. A frown adorned my face as I surveyed the desolation below. It was yet another dead world, a somber testament to the relentless waves of conflict that had swept through its once vibrant landscapes.

"I was too late again," I murmured with a heavy heart as I slowly descended to the barren ground. The remnants of life on this desolate planet were almost nonexistent; the mana that once flowed through it shattered and distorted. The colossal corpses of fallen Gods and Dragons lay strewn across the landscape, silent witnesses to the cataclysmic clash that had unfolded.

"Isn't this simply mutual destruction?" I pondered aloud, grappling with the weight of the scenes before me. The consequences of the cosmic turmoil were starkly evident, rendering the once thriving world into a lifeless tableau of ruin.

My gaze lingered on the shattered remnants of what was once a vibrant ecosystem. The air, thick with the stench of decay, echoed the tragic tale of battles fought and lost. A sense of melancholy enveloped me as I contemplated the cost of such cosmic conflicts, leaving worlds scarred and devoid of vitality.

With a heavy heart, I sighed and vanished, leaving behind the desolation that spoke volumes about the cyclical nature of cosmic struggles and the toll they exacted on the very fabric of existence.

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