Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 413: Pillars & Elements

Since my transformative experience, my perception has undergone a rapid evolution, granting me the ability to discern hidden elements previously hidden from my awareness. This newfound insight extended to the complex workings of teleportation, a cosmic dance where I could visualize and feel my transition from the material realm to the astral plane, ultimately materializing in distant locations. The cosmic mana, a potent force as it is, served as my guide, facilitating the manipulation of space within the astral plane.

This process, which was akin to navigating a cosmic shortcut, became increasingly seamless with my growing familiarity and expertise in handling the cosmic mana. Multiple excursions through the astral plane ensued, revealing its ethereal surprises before I reluctantly withdrew. However, it was on a certain occasion, that a heightened sensitivity accompanied my enhanced senses, which led me to detect an ominous undercurrent the moment I stepped into the astral plane.

Unlike my previous encounters, this disquieting sensation permeated my entire being—my scales tingled, and my senses emitted persistent warning signals. An indistinct yet palpable danger lurked within the astral plane, elusive in its exact location but undeniable in its unsettling presence. Initially confusing, this unnerving feeling dissipated immediately upon my return to the material realm, leaving me grappling with the mysteries I was still unaware of in the astral plane.

Curiosity and a desire for understanding compelled me to test the boundaries further, re-entering the astral plane only to find the unease resurface. Pushing back my adventurous spirit, I chose to forgo tempting fate and pressed on with my cosmic journey, leaving the enigmatic astral realm behind. Unearthing whatever cause that feeling would come later, now, however, was not the time.

Guided by the radiant beacon of cosmic mana, I traced its luminous trail through the cosmic expanse, following it back home. My current location found me deep into the heart of Shade territory, a situation that unnerved me but also picked my surprise and curiosity.

Contrary to my expectations, not all planets within this shadowy domain appeared overtaken by the Shades. Some harbored mortal beings and an array of creatures, united by a peculiar commonality—the conspicuous absence of mana. In the back of my mind, I mused inwardly, questioning whether this lack of mana was the reason why the Shades refrained from asserting dominion over these particular realms.

As I approached a particular small solar system, a celestial ballet unfolded before me. A lone blue planet, adorned with a resplendent planetary ring, basked in the ethereal glow cast by a distant sun. My insatiable curiosity beckoned, compelling me to draw near and explore the enigmatic allure of this cosmic gem.

Drawn by the gravitational embrace, I initiated a graceful descent, teleporting myself through the cosmic tapestry directly into the skies above the tantalizing world. Blinking away the disorientation, my eyes swiftly adapted to the unfamiliar pull of gravity as I surveyed the panorama that unfolded beneath me.

A vast expanse of ocean stretched out, uninterrupted by the presence of land. Faint echoes of mortal existence resonated through the cosmic currents, their dispersed forms dotting the watery canvas below. Driven by an inquisition inquisitive spirit, I descended, my draconic claws gently grazing the water's surface. A genuine smile adorned my otherworldly visage, an acknowledgment of the comforting familiarity even in this unfamiliar cosmic realm. The absence of elemental mana didn't diminish the joy of being in proximity to the water; a sentiment of longing for the embrace of aqueous realms tugged at my very being.

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Pondering the curious puzzle, I scratched my head mid-flight. The absence of mana in a world dominated by a colossal ocean perplexed my mind. Back in the main plane, mana flowed seamlessly from the mana stream, carrying the essence of all elements across the plane. Some of the other worlds exhibited variations—some lacked a mana stream, while others embraced the omnipresence of mana without a discernible pattern.

This particular world presented yet another anomaly. With the vastness of the ocean, one would anticipate the omnipresent presence of water mana. Yet, a profound emptiness echoed through the cosmic currents. Questions reverberated through my consciousness, an enigmatic chorus demanding answers.

Lost in contemplation, my leisurely flight led me to the unexpected sight of a sprawling fleet of wooden ships, interlinked to create what seemed to be an artificial island. Mortal ingenuity manifested amidst this peculiar plane, prompting further queries in my mind. How did the absence of mana affect the mortals in this world? What other differences were there between this realm and others that had it? And most importantly, why did it not have any mana? Each question tugged at my brain, urging me to unravel the secrets embedded within this place.

As I ascended into the sky, veiled by the concealing embrace of clouds, the oblivious mortals below remained unaware of my ethereal presence. Though unseen by them, my enhanced vision allowed me an unobstructed view of their humanoid forms. A distinctive feature, however, caught my attention—their skin possessed a subtle azure hue, accompanied by inconspicuous gills adorning their necks. Their noses, curiously diminutive, marked a departure from the human norm, rendering them distinctly unique, yet eerily familiar.

Despite these peculiarities, their bodies, much like those of humans, lacked any discernible trace of mana. The persistent question echoed within my cosmic consciousness: "Where does mana truly originate?" This enigma lingered in my thoughts as I soared through the skies, my form hidden behind the protective shroud of clouds.

Observing the azure-skinned inhabitants, I couldn't help but marvel at the divergence in their physiology. Almost human, yet intricately distinct, they stood as a testament to the diversity that unfolded below. With a final glance, I left them behind, my silhouette vanishing into the celestial canvas.

Returning to the cosmic expanse beyond the confines of the planet, I reappeared amidst the boundless sea of stars and cosmos, a tapestry that illuminated the vastness of space. Reflecting on the presence of mana, my musings spilled into a murmured dialogue with myself, "The only mana within space is cosmic mana—no, perhaps other pillars contribute as well?" The mysteries persisted, urging me to delve deeper into the currents that intertwined with the fabric of the universe, seeking answers in the limitless expanse that stretched beyond the boundaries of this peculiar world.

'I can't feel the presence of any of the other pillars, not even the Darkness pillar— but I think it should be out here,' I cast one final glance at the blue planer before I left.

'Then, if the pillars can be found everywhere, even in space, what about the elemental mana?' I wondered as I continued my journey.

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