Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 47: Dragon road

I was seated on top of my grandfather's head as he soared through the sky. A faint crimson shield similar to that of my father surrounded my body as it protected me against the strong winds.

His speed was truly astonishing, perhaps even faster than mother who seemed to have an affinity with air mana! The scenery below passed by like a blur, changing from the ancient battlefield back to the familiar dense forest.

Each flap of his wings propelled us ahead by what seemed to be countless kilometers. A shiver ran down my spine as I glanced at the almost invisible shield with a worried expression. 'It wouldn't suddenly disappear, right?' I gulped.

I did not doubt that should the shield disappear, my body would surely get instantly shredded into pieces. It did not matter how strong I was, I knew that I still would not survive.

Trying to take my mind off such grim thoughts, I peeked at the land below trying to make out the ever-changing scenery. We were flying over the green forest when suddenly a familiar vast lake appeared.

'Oh, it's here,' I mumbled. This was the place where I felt the most at ease.

Grandfather did not appear to have any intention of slowing down, we passed by the abnormally large lake in a matter of mere minutes before he took a sharp turn to what I assumed was the north.

This time, the trees slowly dwindled before the dense green forest disappeared completely as we reached a vast grassland. Grandfather surprisingly slowed down which allowed me to carefully scan the land below.

We were flying directly above a wide road that seemed to have been paved by strange black gravel. The road was very large, it was easy to tell even from my high point of view.

It seemed like it would be able to easily accommodate two to three adult dragons the size of my father walking side by side with some small space to spare. That however was not the thing that surprised me the most, it was the countless statues that extended across the road on both sides.

All of the sculptures depicted various dragons in different poses, the interesting part was that no dragon was the same. I raised my head to glance at the distance only to be surprised.

I could not see the end of the road! It felt as if it would extend to infinity. The sculptures were all of the same obsidian color, similar to that of the road. Some looked relatively normal, others were completely alien.

Some dragons had two wings, while others had four, I even spot a statue with eight! The sizes also varied, as some sculptures were as large as my father while others were similar to mine. They were all extremely lifelike, had it not been for their obsidian color, I would have been fooled into thinking they were real.

'What is this place?' I unconsciously asked.

"This is the Dragon Road. All of the dragons you see below had passed away heroically, whether it be on the battlefield, or elsewhere, earning them their place on the Dragon Road," Explained my grandfather in a rare respectful tone.

'Dragon Road, like a graveyard?' I mumbled.

"The last resting place of the Dragon race's honorable ones," He said with a nod, before continuing.

"You are normally not allowed to fly over the Dragon Road, but since you are with me for this time it's okay, next time you visit must be on the ground," He added in a stern tone to which I hastily nodded expressing my acknowledgment.

'But honorable ones...huh? Isn't there a bit too many though?' I inwardly mumbled as I glanced at the sea of sculptures that seemed to extend into the horizon.

As if reminiscing on the past, grandfather began to speak almost like he was talking to himself and not me. "Most of the honorable ones passed away in the great war. We lost too many great dragons, what a waste," He said with a sigh.

His speed then picked up as we rushed past the countless sculptures until finally, I was able to see the end of the road. It ended on a massive temple made with the same dark rocks.

The first thing that came to my mind as my eyes fell on it was the pyramids. Their shape was completely different yet the feeling it gave off was similar. I felt infinitely small and insignificant as grandfather landed a few hundred meters away from it.

My gaze was glued to the magnificent structure, it did not appear to be anything a mortal would be capable of building. The temple looked like one that belonged to the ancient Greeks, with a massive colonnade on all sides.

There were no runes nor drawings, or anything for that matter, the temple's exterior surface looked to be very smooth. As soon as we landed, I hopped off grandfather's head and onto the ground.

Instantly a loud ring made me disoriented, It felt as if I was being watched by hundreds of eyes. I shook my head as I tried to rid myself of the eerie feeling.

Just as I was about to step forward, I realized that my grandfather was still behind. Turning around, I was surprised to see him standing in front of a massive sculpture that depicted a strangely familiar dragon.

'Is that...Amanita!?' My mind wandered back to the strange dragon I had met on the ancient battlefield. The sculpture was without a doubt his.

'Was he and grandfather friends or something?' I mumbled, just as I was about to ask him, the words suddenly got stuck in my throat as my eyes widened in shock.

Grandfather threw the statue one final look before he spat out in annoyance. "Crazy bastard, went off and died like that," He mumbled in annoyance.

'On second thought, maybe it's not a very good idea to ask him about it,' I gulped.

"Let's go, the others should be inside already." He said as he took the lead.

I shot the statue one last glance before I ran after him. 'Grandfather, who are the others?' I asked. It was hard to keep up with him as I had to run while he leisurely walked due to our difference in size.

"You'll meet them soon enough, it's the other younglings who qualified to have their names bestowed to them by the King," He said.

'Ah, so it's kids huh, I wonder if they are similar to my siblings,' I mumbled as I recalled my first meeting with Blacky and Golden boy.

'On second thought, I hope they are more like Green and White...'

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