Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 48: First meeting

I quickly followed my grandfather inside the temple. A large set of stairs led to the entrance, where there was no door or anything of sorts. It was more of an open space.

Once we stepped foot inside, the first thing that caught my eye was the large statue of a black dragon with a pair of striking golden eyes. The sculpture was better defined than the ones on the Dragon road and even had its eyes colored.

'Is this the king?' I mumbled in curiosity.

The sculpture was very large, almost reaching the ceiling. I carefully followed after my grandfather, he stepped closer towards it and to my surprise dropped to his knees and lowered his head.

'Uh?' I was surprised for this was the first time I see him show respect and submission and It was to a statue!

My gaze moved to meet that of the eyes of the sculpture, it was then that I felt as if a clap of thunder exploded in my mind. Those eyes were familiar, I had seen them before somewhere.

My scales tingled as I recalled that dark nightmarish space, and those pair of striking golden eyes. I gulped as I hurriedly tried to avert my gaze from the statue, only to fail miserably.

It felt as if my eyes were glued to it, my vision began to swim as I felt myself slowly lose my consciousness. It was then that I felt my grandfather's large paw settle on my head as it brought it down, breaking me out of my trance.

"You are still too weak little one, it's already admirable that you didn't faint when faced with the King's figure," He said with a nod before he raised his head and began to walk towards the deeper parts of the temple.

"Let's go."

As he began to walk away, I was tempted to turn my gaze and look at the sculpture one last time. Those eyes seemed almost alive, yet I did not and instead shook my head and ran after my grandfather.

I had almost lost consciousness from a damn statue, 'I have to be more careful,' I inwardly mumbled. 'Still, that's the king huh? So that last vision in the dark realm was from the king's memories?' I wondered.

Once we passed what looked to be the entrance hall, a long but narrow hallway that led towards the deeper parts of the temple appeared. I raised my head to glance at the sky, the ceiling was surprisingly open which made the hallway very well lit.

We walked through the hallway in silence before we finally reached an incredibly large door. I felt so small and insignificant when standing next to it. My gaze was quickly drawn to the various drawings carved into it.

A battlefield was depicted on the door and the most eye-catching part of it was the king's figure hovering right in the middle of the sky, an army of ancient dragons all of which seemed to be on the same level as grandfather hovered behind him.

On the ground were countless dead bodies of giants, some were horned, others had wings, some looked like angels while others appeared to have a more devilish look.

But that did not matter for all of them lay dead on the ground. I managed to spot a few dragon corpses as well, yet it seemed like the battle was won by our side.

I stood there mesmerized by the scene almost as if I was able to see the battlefield that day. Grandfather then suddenly moved which brought me out of my daze.

"Stand tall with pride little one, you are about to meet your peers," He spoke in a serious tone making me gulp down before I nodded.

The incredibly massive door slowly creaked open with a loud noise causing my anticipation to rise. I was momentarily blinded by the light which made me frown before my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.

Grandfather step forward this time he walked with slow and steady steps giving me the chance to keep up with him. I did as I was told and raised my head high as I strode forward with pride befitting a dragon.

Once inside, my eyes widened a little at the scene yet I quickly suppressed my surprise. The hall grandfather led us into was about the same size as the main entrance one, right in the middle was a very tall alter which was surrounded by a set of stairs from all sides looking like a pyramid of sorts.

The light that momentarily blinded me shone down from the ceiling straight into the altar where a large hovering plateau was situated, a strange type of mana unlike any I have felt before was coming off from the light, yet for some reason, I was almost drawn to it.

Taking my eyes off the altar with strange mana, I scanned our surroundings since we were not alone. Surrounding the pyramid-shaped altar were four adult dragons the size of my grandfather, each had a younger dragon with them.

As soon as we stepped inside, all eyes suddenly turned to us as an immense aura descended on me. It was then that grandfather took another step forward, as I felt the burden from the pressure lessen.

With grandfather shielding the pressure from the adults away from me, I was free to scan the young dragons. My eyes were instantly drawn to a female dragoness with scales the same shade of blue as mine, she was the first water dragon I came across since I was born.

Her size was about the same as White, while the only thing we seemed to have in common was the color of our scales for everything else was completely different.

Her eyes were the same color as her scales, while her horns interlocked with one another forming what looked like a singular sharp sticky end. It reminded me of a unicorn.

The water mana in our surroundings seemed to be divided into two sides as our gazes met. I did not need to do anything, nor did she, but the moment both of us were together in the same place, we had already unconsciously started our battle to control the flow of the water mana.

'Well, that's interesting,' I grinned slowly growing excited at the challenge.

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