Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 62: Oath

They were weak, so disappointingly weak that It left a bad taste in my mouth. I honestly was not expecting so many Icicles to breach their formation, nor did I expect so many of them to just die so quickly. My primary target had been the black-bearded person who looked like the captain.

He unfortunately for him, died without any resistance whatsoever, half of the divine mages quickly followed after him. The humans fell into chaos as the scene on deck turned bloody. A frown made its way onto my face.

This was no trial, nor was It an actual fight for that matter, It was a massacre. 'Is it perhaps because they were unprepared?' I wondered trying to make sense of what exactly went wrong for them. I did not use any real spells whatsoever and have honestly thought that my previous attacks were nothing special, yet I was proved otherwise.

Looking at the dead bodies littered on the deck, the screaming knights, and bloodied floor, my mind was surprisingly clear. I did not feel an ounce of remorse, which In itself scared me as a part of my mind was desperately trying to convince me that what I was seeing was wrong, that what I did was wrong.

Yet no matter how hard I tried, I simply could care less about them. Before coming here, I had thought that as a previous human my attachment to them might prevent me from doing anything extreme, but it seems like I was completely wrong, there was no attachment nor anything for that matter.

In my eyes, the humans were no different than a bunch of ants running about. 'I really am no longer human,' It was at this time that It truly hit close to home. I was a different species, a dragon and they were humans, they were inferior. I took a deep breath and then let out a long sigh.

Any lingering attachment I might have had or thought I had was instantly cleared. 'Let's just get this over with, It's not even fun anymore,' I inwardly mumbled. I had countless ways to finish them off, yet I still opted for a swift end. There was no point in dragging this longer than it already had.

Countless water bullets shot at an extreme speed towards the survivors, giving them no time to react. Some tried to hold their shields up in vain, while the surviving Divine mages used magic to protect themselves. A few survive the first volley of attacks, yet for how long could they last?

The sea was my weapon, with that in mind I rose from the water as my figure emerged in front of them for the first time. The survivors gasped in horror as they pointed at me with blank expressions on their faces, some even dropped their shields and swords and kowtowed in reverence and fear.

I didn't care, with but a thought the water moved as it formed two massive dragon arms that held the ship from both sides, the sound of it creaking and breaking echoed as the arms raised it to the air. A few humans jumped and chose to abandon ship, while others who were a tad too late got crushed alongside it as It finally gave out with a bang.

Debris fell back to the sea followed by mutilated dead bodies, there were a few survivors yet with them being so far in the sea It was only a matter of time before they either drown or something from below finish them off.

"Disappointing," I loudly muttered as I flapped my wings in the air, my eyes studied the wreckage below with indifference. Some of the humans who had survived were pleading me for salvation, yet I was not their God, I had no obligation to do anything.

'With this, my trial should be considered finished,' I inwardly mumbled before I turned around and flew away, not bothering to look back. 'Let's go check if the others had finished their fights as well,' I thought as I moved towards the direction where I had felt Ember's flaming mana from.


"It's all over..." I listlessly mumbled as the blue dragon, the true mastermind behind our attack showed himself. Our assailant was a dragon, after years with no contact whatsoever with them, one attacks us out of the blue.

And what more was the fact that this particular dragon could wield water. I had already lost my will to live after Jana lost her life in my arms, I closed my eyes and turned a deaf ear to Sari's pleas to abandon ship as the massive arms began to crush it.

I simply closed my eyes with Jana in my hands and waited for the end to come. "I'll be with you soon my love," I muttered. Just then I felt a strong hand grab me by the neck and drag me away, I open my eyes and tried to protest, a veteran knight with a terrified expression had both me, and Sari in his arms, and was running across the collapsing deck.

I turned my gaze towards Jana's collapsed body and screamed. "Let me go! What are you doing?! Jana! Jana is still there!!" The old knight ignored my cries and instead flung me and Sari out into the sea below, I barely managed to catch one final glimpse of his face as he was about to jump before the arms locked crushing the ship with him still on it.


It was for but a mere second but I saw it crystal clear, his face was terrified yet he still prioritized us over himself, I didn't even know the guy's name. The water was freezing as I unconsciously struggled to hold onto a floating wooden piece.

"Give me your hand!" I yelled as I caught Sari struggling to stay above water. I barely managed to bring her to me before an extremely cold overbearing voice reverberated in my ears.

"Disappointing," The voice said, my gaze moved towards the blue dragon in the sky with a blank expression on my face. 'Disappointing? Us? He killed Jana, he killed the captain, he killed everyone, and then all he could say is disappointing?' Anger erupted from the pits of my stomach as I stared daggers at the blue dragon, trying to memorize every little detail about him.

"I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you! I swear to the heavens I'll fucking kill you!" I screamed in rage, while Sari sobbed next to me. The dragon did not seem to hear my cries nor care as it turned around and flew away.

"I'll fucking kill you Blue dragon!!!"

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