Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 63: Conclusion

I was immensely disappointed as I flew away from the wreckage, the sounds of rage-filled screams reached my ears yet I simply chose to ignore them. My task was already done, there was no point in me remaining there any longer. I followed the stream of mana which helped me scan my surroundings.

Ember was the closest to me, and I was able to easily sense his raging mana. I rose higher in the air and hid behind the clouds as I approached the battlefield. Straight ahead, the sky was dyed crimson red as Ember rained hell on a large ship below.

He stood in the air while releasing a dragon breath using only his mana and not his heart energy. The ship was a bit larger than the one I had attacked and also had a shield to protect it. Ember's mana breath wasn't doing much damage to it.

Seeing that he let out an enraged roar as I felt his surroundings change, he was reaching out to his heart energy. 'An actual dragon breath against them? Isn't that a bit of an overkill?' I inwardly wondered, yet to my surprise before Ember could launch his attack, the Divine mages below must have felt that something was wrong since they hastily dropped the shield, I could see three muscular knights come out of their formation and hurl large spears towards Ember.

At first, I thought that doing that was a stupid idea, yet to my immediate surprise, the spears rushed in the air like bullets with such speed that it was almost impossible to follow. 'What the-!?' Ember who was at the receiving end of the attack hastily swerved sideways avoiding two of the said spears, yet one managed to hit him on his side.

A pained groan escaped his mouth as a scale broke off from the impact, causing both it and the spear to fall into the water below. 'Oh no, calm down you idiot,' I inwardly cursed, the humans on that ship seemed to have better coordination and leadership than the one I attacked, as soon as they were done with the attacks, the divine mages rapidly re-erected the shield.

Blinded by the rage that the puny humans had injured him, even though it was nothing but an insignificant one, Ember nose-dived towards the ship as he used the fire mana to coat his claws in flames, his eyes glowed red as he crashed against the shield.


The shockwave of the clash reached caused the water to surge. I squinted my eyes as I spotted a crack appearing on the glowing shield. Ember rose high in the air and then nose-dived once again using his body to attack them. By the fourth strike, the shield was full of tears and seemed to be on the verge of breaking.

I could see the humans start panicking when faced with Ember's onslaught. They were better organized than the ones I fought, yet still completely weak. I shook my head in disappointment once again, another fight was soon to be over.

With one final strike, the shield exploded into countless glowing pieces, similar to a mirror breaking. A terrifying grin made its way onto Ember's face as he landed on the deck, the Divine mages quickly retreated behind the knights who stood in formation.

I could sense their fear and terror as Ember let out a bloodthirsty roar, his aura soaring to the sky. He didn't use his magic nor did he use his dragon breath, It was clear to me that he wanted to fight using his body. 'Reminds me a certain someone,' I chuckled as I recalled a certain muscular golden figure.

With a unanimous loud battle cry, the knights advanced side by side, the ones with shields on took the front rows while those without stood right behind them. The mana around the Divine mages fluctuated as they summoned various glowing orbs of magic, the elements they used were vaguely similar to the ones we did yet the difference in the output was on a completely different level.

The orbs were sent flying towards Ember and harmlessly bounced off his scales, he completely ignored them and instead turned his attention to the three large knights who stood at the front of the battalion, they were the ones that threw the spears.

With a courageous cry, they unsheathed their swords and launched themselves simultaneously towards Ember, one from the front and the others from the sides. They had no large shields on, only their glowing swords which for some reason made me feel uncomfortable.

Faced with their charge, Ember gracefully spun around and attacked with his large tail, one of the unlucky knights instantly got his armor caved inside as he was sent flying off the ship. 'That's one down,' I mumbled very much entertained.

The other two knights managed to barely avoid the strike, yet the battalion that was standing not too far behind them was not so lucky. Men and women flew off the ship as the sheer force of Ember's strike decapitated a few unlucky souls instantly crushing the small army's fighting spirit.

Just then, a glowing step appeared in front of one of the surviving knight leaders, he promptly rushed forward stepping on it as another quickly appeared. The knight leader looked heroic as It seemed like he was running on air, a quick glance to the back rows where the Divine mages were was enough for me to understand what was happening.

Ember was caught off guard at the knight's speed, he had made a mad dash towards his face tried to stab his eye. Although surprised, the fiery red dragon still managed to dodge the sword slash leaving the knight vulnerable in mid-air which earned him a fireball to the face sending him hurling back to the back rows and crashing against a few Divine mages.

'That's two down,' I mumbled as I turned my attention to the third knight leader who had used this time to rush under Ember's stomach and actually managed to land a sword strike. To my surprise, the glowing sword was able to cut into the scales and draw blood, yet the strike was too shallow and it only managed to further enrage Embed who quickly grabbed the knight in his clawed arm.

Under all the humans' shocked gazes, Ember threw the knight into his mouth, the sound of his bones crushing brought some of the survivors to their knees, others had already jumped ship. 'It's over,' I noted.

What followed was a massacre as Ember took his time finishing off the humans that had remained on deck. He tore limbs, burned bodies, and crushed bones. All the while his wide grin never quite leaving his face. 'Well, that's that, what about the others?'

Leaving Ember to his fun, I turned away and followed the mana stream which soon led me to another wreckage with dead bodies floating in the sea. Allat, the water dragonness was leisurely swimming around while playing with the corpses. 'It seems like she already completed her task as well,' I inwardly mumbled before leaving towards Linyss.

The scene that greeted me once I reached the pink dragonness caused me to pause in surprise. The ship was intact, Linyss was floating in the air overlooking the humans below who all had glowing pink eyes and were fighting amongst each other, spells flew, and swords clashed as men fell by the dozen, all the while she simply stood there watching it all happen.

I spotted a few people amongst the chaos who seemed to hold onto their sanity and were desperately trying to bring their friends and comrades back to their senses, to no avail. It was only a matter of time before they got overwhelmed.

‘I can see why grandfather said that her magic is dangerous, she can even control the humans, and here I thought mine was overpowered,’ I sighed before turning around and making my way back to land. My trial was over, and I was quite disappointed with how easy It was

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