Reincarnated as a Spider (Draft/Writing practice)

Chapter 21: Favor

Google docs version here. I was rushing this one a bit but I don't think it turned out that badly. I'm just hoping I don't burn myself out. As per results of the poll last time, charts in future will use scribble hub dark theme color palette, thank you for your time. And I'm actually on time with my upload for once.

Parting ways with the two Alicia was on her path to meet the lake spirit. As much as she wanted to learn more about them she knew they had they had limited time and didn’t wish to delay them. ‘I forgot to ask what they were, they obviously weren’t human… hm… I’ll ask later when they aren’t in a hurry.’ As for her own errands; she was still carrying the bow from the acrobat girl that she needed to return and her use of magic the previous day raised some questions that she needed answers to. Of course she had some theories and understanding based on her own experience and observation of the events however it’s better to be sure. For example how can supposed energy that can create very real and tangible matter, how they behave, where they come from for starters. As for the last thing she wanted to know was what exactly changed with the soul scrying. If it necessitated the need for her to be pulled back to that place again, it must have been important.

It was easy to get lost in the forest where everywhere there are trees that look the same. Alicia learned of this recently in a particularly painful way, specifically by wandering into a dangerous place placing herself in a rather precarious situation which cost her a lung, a few broken ribs and a heart. With this bitter lesson under the belt she was much more cautious and attentive to her surroundings, avoiding  trouble and distant fights between monsters. This was when she started to become an expert at traversing the forest.

Alicia reached the lake mirroring the blue sky. Oddly this time the spirit didn’t come to greet her. It was the first time she had to call out. With her shouting “Hello? Are you there?” inciting to spirit to reveal herself.

  • “Welcome back, where have you gone to yesterday?”

Her face held hints of concern.

  • “You know when you met with that girl, she left behind this bow and I thought I should return it and went after her to give it back only to get lost…”
  • “You were lost for the whole day?”
  • “Ah, well that’s…”
  • “Go on…”

Spirit’s turquoise eyes sharpened into loose glare as if to communicate that she shouldn’t try to deceive her or hide something, although Alicia herself didn’t know, her expressions were extremely subtle. This was thanks to her body which worked in a unique fashion. When it comes to her movements, it is usually the result of both of their selves agreeing on an action unconsciously. However Alice isn’t accustomed to muscle movement of the expressive human face and its forty odd muscles. Which causes Alicia’s expression to be delayed and stiff. Difficult to perceive as it may be, for the ancient spirit that lived with humanoids for thousands of years it wasn’t especially hard, to a certain degree that is, it was still possible for her to misinterpret things without the emotion. 

And the elusive behaviour of Alicia was indicative of her not wanting to say everything. Changed clothes were evidence too.

  • “I kind of wandered into some place and got injured from a huge boar. I’m okay now. Just a little tired afterwards.”
  • “So you’re telling me you’ve been harmed because of the Highborn? I see…”

Her eyes seemed to lose its shine somewhat, and an insidious smile crept up into crescent shape…

  • “They will pay, blood for blood… I’m sure when they come to leech off the waters from my rivers every morning, they won’t miss a few of their kind…”
  • “NO! NO! NO! NO!, You can’t do that look at me, I’m fine so just leave them alone!”

Alicia was in panic, grabbing her by the shoulders shaking her desperately to dissuade the spirit from murder.

  • “... Only because you say so…” Though she still didn’t seem very convinced against it.

‘Dodged a bullet there. I don’t want innocent people to be slaughtered because of something so small. Well she does have a point, even if it’s heavily biased… I don’t think she’s quite in agreement, I have to think of something to change the topic…’

  • “You know the girl right? When she comes back around again you can just return this.” ‘I should’ve done this in the first place… In hindsight I didn’t knew she could just Ta*zan through the trees and escape so giving her bow back then seemed like a logical decision…’
  • “...I understand… Can I ask you a favor?”
  • “Sure, what is it?”

‘Good, any chance she has to forget about the elves the better. Besides I think I do owe her some.’

  • “If it’s not presumptuous you are an aranaeamorph, yes?”

‘Is that some fancy way of calling me a spider? If that’s true then…’

  • “I guess so…”
  • “Do you think you could help me with something?”
  • “Let’s hear about it first.”

There was a slight delay before she continued.

  • “This forest inhabits a species known as sycophants, a type of gigantic mosquito creature and those that prey on them, killer wasps and giant wasps. Every breeding season sycophants lay their eggs in a humid place, in me you if you will. And suffice to say I don’t quite welcome their presence littering my body. This also brings the wasps that inject their own grub into the sycophant larvae. One such season is nearing and I wanted to ask you if you could do something…”

‘Right, she looks like a person but really she’s made out of water. So insects laying eggs… in her body for them to later hatch and… Yeah I can see how that can be more than uncomfortable.’

  • “What did you try doing before then?”
  • “Of course killing them but their numbers are a bit too many and once their larvae are in the water there’s not much I can do plus cleaning out their corpses is a chore.”
  • “I have an idea, I can cover the lake with a web to catch them all and then maybe do something. I need you not to splash water on the sticky globules and if water touches the silk it contracts and shrinks.”
  • “And then what?”
  • “I was thinking I could set my net aflame…”

‘I can only eyeball the dimensions. If I assume this kidney shaped lake is about  over 2000sq meters. Covering that much area with a silk net is possible just going to a while maybe a few days. I'll just go around the shore connecting the threads to the nearby tree trunks using it as an anchor point. And then just work inwards I hope the silk can hold up my weight… Knowing how much time I have will help... Since I’m doing this, might as well do it right… ’


  • “When are they coming?”
  • “In about 5 or so days.”
  • “I think I can make it. You don’t mind me working starting now will you?”
  • “Not at all, In fact I would like to stay watch…”

‘That’s kind of sketchy but whatever… Unlike a normal web where I go crosswise and start with the draglines and anchor threads. I have to start from the outside and work inwards… Well, no time like the present.’

As she started to cover the lake in a net of silk the water spirit was observing  Alicia work. Before much progress was made;

  • “You don’t use your magic for your webs?”
  • “Hm? You can?”
  • “You didn’t?”

There was an awkward silence and a staring competition.

  • “Most if not all Magical creatures use magic for their usual activities. Be it fighting, nesting, mating or simply living.”
  • “I only learned to use magic recently so I’m not very knowledgeable about its applications.”
  • “Then continuing on from the outward emission of magic, this time try to express it in a way that has purpose to it. You can create something that you’re familiar with easily with magic, on the other hand creating something out of only an impression or vague ideas will be extremely taxing if it succeeds at all. While something that has complex makeup will cost even more. In addition there’s the material cost you have to consider. Water is going to be easier to create than ice, and an iron bar than both even if you make all of them have the same dimensions. Don’t expend energy on something you won’t be able realistically make.”

‘Okay… Is it about the chemical composition as well then? Since ice is denser than liquid water it’s going to have more water molecules and an iron atom has more chemical weight than water a molecule.’

  • “Just as you would create fire, try to create the silk through magic.”

With the spirit’s instruction Alicia held her hands together envisioning how she would create webs, outer anchor threads, inner spirals, connecting adhesive silk, an unusual warmth emanated from the point of contact. Separating her hands slowly revealed a glint of white silk, although she was the one who made it she wasn’t expecting it to go well. Encouraged by her results she further poured in more energy, increasing the rate of synthesis before long her hands and fingers were filled with silk; it wasn’t the spiral orbweave she hoped for but it was a proof of concept.

  • “Based on that smile, I’m guessing that you’ve succeeded?”
  • “Yeah look at this.”

Alicia presented her empty hands proudly.

  • “I cannot quite see it but I know something’s there. Here’s another thing you should know, whatever you create will also inherit your own unique characteristics based on the nature of what you’re creating. Since webs are more effective traps when the prey doesn’t see it, it has your surreptitious nature.”

Her words struck Alicia’s head like a thunderbolt ‘Have I been nude all this time?!’ 

  • “What’s with that fish out of water look?”

Snapping back into reality with a jerk.

  • “Answer me! You can see the clothes right?!”
  • “Wuh- Yes?! It’s the first thing I noticed today. What was that about!”
  • “Nothing… I was just worried about nothing…”
  • “You’re acting strange again…”

‘Oh thank god… I don’t think I could look at those two in the eyes if I was wearing the real life equivalent of the coat from the emperor's new clothes… Calm down everything’s fine…



If what she said is true that would explain why insects crashed straight into my webs even when I wasn’t done spinning it. I thought it was strange how they would just swarm into my webs… 

then my net that I’m making here should be mostly invisible to the insects that will come, that just makes things simple huh, how convenient. Wait didn’t she say she knew something was there?’

  • “What did you mean by you knew something was there?”
  • “Well even if I don’t see it, I can feel the magical energy flowing through it. It shouldn’t be a problem for catching insects. By the way you can change what kind of magical energy courses through it for example fire magic or any type of magic for that matter. I don’t know what kind of silk with fire magic would look like but I’m eager to see.”

Shortly contemplating the new information Alicia finalized her plans. ‘I think I know how to create the world’s most sophisticated glue fly trap.’


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