Reincarnated as a Spider (Draft/Writing practice)

Sidestory: 2

Google docs version here. I used a more simple and looser writing style on this one to see if it's faster or easier on me. Any feedback is  appreciated.

A morning just like another, the sun's speckled light filtering through the vegetation. Filling one’s lungs with humid morning air was refreshing. She was a ranger, captain at that. Even though she didn’t want to become one she still had to fulfill her duties. It was the time to patrol the vicinity of the village. A constant vigil was needed to keep their homes and families safe. Hunting down dangerous beasts - if lucky also bring it back - and leading those that they can’t bring down astray far from the village. Challenging the creatures in melee was and is still foolish, they were stronger and swifter in every regard compared to the elves. In times of old supposedly their whole race and culture was extremely different from today, favoring the art of the blade instead of archery. She didn’t know much of it nor did she care enough to learn about it. Past glories wouldn’t hold merit in the present. In order to keep up with the monsters they had to adapt to a ranged hit and run tactics, something their ancestors would have regarded as shameful if they weren’t buried under mountains or fertilizers in the field.

And to perform such a feat, a certain amount of skill with the bow and the agility to lose danger was needed. One needed to satisfy at least 3 qualities to become a ranger captain. All elves had some sort of proficiency with the wind, as a mixed blessing she had a high aptitude for wind magic which was the last criteria. While most rangers fulfilled one or two. Unfortunately she achieved them all, causing her to be the uncontested choice. If she didn’t do it, no one would. Despite her initial reluctance, she eventually learned to enjoy it. However she didn’t abandon her own interest in handicraft and carpentry, sadly the obligations she had to carry out left a tiny amount of time for it.

The sound of the wind on leaves and singing of the birds accompanied their steps rustling the littered forest floor as they made their way through their usual route. They usually split up in duos or trios to cover more area and call for each other’s help if they encounter anything.

She led a detached team of three, four including her. Long walks without much else going on could easily bore even the most disciplined.

  • “Today’s lookout run was short wasn’t it?”

Their relative silence was broken by one of them with short shoulder length hair, her eyes shared the same chestnut color of her hair. Her low spirited query was addressed to no one in specific.

  • “It’s because there wasn’t anything to chase away.”

Another one with longer minty green hair and eyes of red jasper answered and soon a chatter broke out. 

  • “Don’t say it like it’s a bad thing when we’ll be going home early.”
  • “I just wanted to have some meat… Nuts and acorns are just…”
  • “I know bitter, hard, but better than starving.”

Even if there weren’t any threats during their shift, they still weren’t safe amid the return trip.

  • “Keep quiet ladies! We’re not home till we reach the village. Don’t let your guard down.”
  • “ “ “Yes captain!” ” ”
  • “It’s not like I don’t understand you all but-”

It was at this time a noise similar to a thunderstrike went off. In the middle of a clear sunny day that was unlikely. Trees shook violently from the unseen shockwave scattering fresh leaves on the floor and even sending the weaker branches shooting off, birds flying and animals fleeing every which way.

  • “Is everyone alright?!”
  • “We’re fine, what was that?”
  • “Don’t know, I’m going to find out, you lot go back and check up on the village regrouping with the others on the way.”
  • “What about you, captain?”
  • “I’ll be back before you know it.”

In truth she wanted to go back too but it was a ranger’s duty to identify threats to their homes and deal with it accordingly. Sending them back home was to protect it from the frightened animals and monsters fleeing towards it. It was a simple matter to find where the noise originated from since going to where the animals were fleeing from would eventually lead her to the source of the sound.

As she grew closer to her destination, her resolve seemed to falter more and more as the realization of where she was going became clear. The spirit lake which sources the snaking rivers her village depended on. The elders warned her of it’s sole resident, spirit of water older than her and the village. It was an object of worship and fear to her kin. To worship because without it’s waters they wouldn’t have survived in the forest and to fear due to an incident where humans enraged the spirit, swallowing countless numbers of them to the depths of the water, erasing the existence of a settlement. Opposing a greater spirit without magic is a suicide and with it is a death wish as they can’t be destroyed by conventional means. Even if they were somehow able to subdue the spirit, there’s nothing of value and they would only lose resources.


  • ‘If I knew where I would go, I wouldn’t have said such cocky things! Aaaaah!’ 


It was too late to go back on her words. She was searching for any way to go elsewhere but no such opportunity presented itself. Closer now to the lake she slowed down, due to hesitation, mustering her courage before continuing. Luck was not on her side this day, the spirit knew where she was even as she was trying her best at staying hidden.

Strange soot, wilted trees, burn marks, lake water unusually wavy seemingly disturbed by something, although these warranted investigation she refrained from bringing it up in the conversation as the spirit was less than cordial. Apparently whatever created the noise also worsened the mood of the spirit as it appeared that she was visibly agitated. Faenas simply wanted to safely leave at this point. She jumped on to the first opportunity to do which bit her in the rear. Because she forgot her bow. For a ranger their weapon was crucial to their survival. It was a critical mistake, but going back was just as dangerous, who knows what the annoyed spirit would do to her.

Coming to terms with her own mistake she made her quick exit. And before she could even consider returning, something was on her tail. She couldn’t tell what it was but it was persistent and almost invisible. It’s presence could only be inferred from the shuffling greens being pushed away and the speed of it was unnaturally swift being able to change direction and turn on a dime without losing momentum. She was losing distance by wasting her time trying to shake off whatever’s on her. ‘What could even keep up with us?!’ in her racing mind there was a simple and logical answer, at least to her. It’s not an animal who would get tired then… ‘Spirit! It’s infuriated by my unwelcome visit and now it wants to kill me!! I can’t bring it back to the village!’

  • “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Please forgive me!!!”

Desperate in a bid to save her hide she took to the trees, hopping from one to another. Thankfully some time later the ghostly hunter seemed to stop. More than winded, coughing and wheezing, sucking in as much oxygen she could get. Her limbs were pulsing with searing pain. She wanted to collapse but here in this forest, that was no different than setting oneself on a silver platter for all the ravenous beasts that inhabit it. With a short much needed break from sprinting, she regained some energy, enough to start moving again.

As she slowly made her way through something familiar was right in front of her. A composite recurve bow, unmistakably hers as she was one who reinforced its various parts with different materials like ivory, milktree and ironwood. It was simply hovering in front of her without any apparent force applied to it, gently turning to one side to another.

  • “It’s here! What should I do?! What do I?!”

Although it was supposed to be in her mind, under stress she said her thoughts aloud and didn’t even realize it herself. Her heart started pumping faster and fear of perceived demise overpowered her other sensation allowing her to ignore the pain from her aching body. She ran off again shouting “Please don’t kill me!!!”, this time she didn’t stop until she reached her village.

And so, without her knowing or her doing, the water spirit’s infamy grew more within the remnants of the elves…

This is what I do when i'm not writing, warning loooooooooooooooong. I won't get copyrighted for this right?


making dumb bets and shitty drawings.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.