Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 11 – Useless

Mav hovered his fingertip over the skill name, his heart pounding in his chest. He pressed it, and the details unfolded:

Skill Name: Dark Ascension

Skill Effect: ???

Skill Cooldown: 0 seconds

Mana Cost: 0

"As expected, the effect of the skill is still a mystery," Organos studied the display, his brow furrowing. "But still, no cooldown, no mana cost… I've never seen anything like this before."

A murmur of unease rippled through the crowd. Parents drew their children closer, exchanging worried glances as the weight of the unknown pressed down on the room. The air felt charged with tension, thick with the anticipation of what might come next.

Organos cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Alright, Mav. We’re going to test the skill now. Remember, you have control over it. If it becomes too dangerous, you can stop it at any moment."

Mav nodded, though his anxiety was palpable. Organos signaled to the assistant priest, who hurried away and returned with a sturdy block of wood. He placed it carefully in front of Mav, and the silence in the temple grew almost deafening.

"Go ahead, Mav," Organos encouraged gently. "Say the skill name and focus."

Mav swallowed hard, his throat dry. "Dark Ascension," he whispered. Instantly, dark flames erupted from the air around the block of wood, swirling ominously as they enveloped it. The crowd gasped, their faces illuminated by the eerie, shifting glow of the flames.

For a few tense moments, nothing changed. The flames licked the surface of the wood but left it completely unharmed. Organos’s face fell, and he instructed Mav to stop the skill. The dark flames dissipated as swiftly as they had appeared, leaving the block untouched.

"Not even a slight burn…" Organos murmured, disappointment evident in his voice. He turned back to Mav, his brow furrowed in concern. "Let’s test its defensive capabilities next. This time, cast the skill on me."

Organos stepped forward, positioning himself in the center of the room. He took a deep breath and stood with his arms slightly outstretched, as if bracing himself. "Before we proceed, remember, Mav, if at any point you feel uneasy or if the skill feels too intense, you can stop it immediately. I’ll be ready, and I trust you to use your judgment."

Mav nodded, his anxiety mounting. Organos gave him a reassuring nod, then steadied himself, ready for whatever might come.

"Go ahead," Organos encouraged, his voice firm but gentle. "Cast the skill on me when you’re ready."

Mav took a deep breath, focusing on the dark flames as they began to swirl around him. He hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "Dark Ascension."

Dark flames erupted from Mav’s hands, enveloping Organos’s body. The head priest remained still, his face betraying no sign of discomfort. He cast a careful glance toward the assistant priest, who was ready to intervene if necessary.

"Try to hit me lightly," Organos instructed the assistant priest.

The dark flames danced around Organos, and he braced himself for the potential impact. The room fell into a tense silence, the only sound being the flickering of the dark flames.

The assistant hesitated, then delivered a light slap to Organos’s cheek. The sound echoed through the temple, making the onlookers tense. Organos’s cheek reddened slightly, and he shot the assistant a bemused look. "Did you have to hit me that hard?"

The assistant stammered an apology, and a few nervous chuckles broke the tension. Organos sighed and instructed Mav to dispel the flames.

"So, it offers no offensive or defensive capabilities…" Organos said aloud, his tone heavy with disappointment. He gestured for the assistant priest to fetch a needle. When the needle arrived, Organos pricked his fingertip, a small bead of blood forming. "Mav, try casting the skill on this."

Mav complied, but the dark flames had no effect on the wound. When the assistant priest used Blue Heal, the wound closed instantly.

Mav’s heart felt like it was breaking. Tears welled up in his eyes as the weight of disappointment settled heavily on him. Organos, sensing the boy’s despair, placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Let’s try one more thing," Organos said softly, though his confidence was waning. "Mav, cast the skill on me one last time."

With trembling hands, Mav cast the skill again. The dark flames surrounded Organos, who tested his movements by jumping lightly and throwing a few punches. The flames remained inert. After a moment, Organos let out a long sigh, the flames fading around him.

"I’m sorry, Mav," Organos said quietly, his voice tinged with sadness. "It seems this skill doesn’t have any capabilities even for physical enhancement."

"I don’t know why the Flame God bestowed this upon you, or why the Dark Flame exists at all… Sometimes, I wonder if it’s a punishment or a mistake, but even that, I cannot say for certain."

Mav’s vision blurred with tears, and his chest tightened as a profound sense of hopelessness overwhelmed him. His dreams of wielding a powerful Flame seemed to evaporate in an instant.

Organos looked around the temple, his gaze lingering on the vibrant murals of the other flame types. "This temple honors the flame types the Flame God has bestowed upon humanity—Red, Yellow, Green, Blue… but none for Dark Flame. It’s a reflection of how it’s often viewed in our world."

He turned back to Mav, his expression softening. "But remember, Mav, there’s more to life than flame powers. You can still contribute to the world in many meaningful ways. Look at this city—it’s full of people who have little to no affinity for flames, yet they play vital roles in our society."

"Besides, you won’t have to go to the battlefields risking your life to fight Daimoniki. That’s something to be grateful for."

Emily, Mav’s mother, knelt beside him, her own eyes glistening. She reached out to gently touch his cheek. "Mav, no matter what happens, we will always be here for you. Oraios Village will always be your home, and we’ll support you no matter what."

Nacht placed a comforting hand on Mav’s shoulder, his expression warm yet resolute. "That’s right, son. We’ll face this together, and we’ll find a way forward. How about this— if you want, you can come along with me on my trips to the capital. There’s plenty to do, and having you with me would mean a lot."

Emily chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "And if you’re not up for travel, you can always help me with the vegetable garden. I promise I won’t put you to work too hard. Though, if you start complaining, I might just make you taste all the hot peppers."

Mav’s heart ached at their words. Tears streamed down his cheeks, mingling with the anguish he felt. The future, once so full of promise, now seemed uncertain and fraught with challenges.

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