Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 12 – A Somber Return

Organos cleared his throat, breaking the somber silence. "It’s getting late. Why don’t you stay here for the night? It’s too dangerous to travel back to your village at this hour."

Mav’s parents hesitated at first, but Organos’s gentle insistence soon won them over.

Before they retired for the night, Organos invited them to a simple meal in the dining hall.

As the meal was laid out before them, the rich aroma of stewed giant boar meat filled the small dining room, a meal prepared with care and thoughtfulness. The head priest, Organos, stood at the head of the table, his hands clasped together in reverence. He cleared his throat, drawing the attention of Mav and his parents.

“Before we partake in this meal,” Organos began solemnly, “let us give thanks to the Flame God, whose divine blessings sustain us and guide us through every trial. We are grateful for the flames He has bestowed upon humanity, for the light that leads us through darkness, and for the strength that carries us forward.”

He paused, his eyes lifting as if to see beyond the temple walls. “May His flames continue to burn brightly within us, illuminating our path and purifying our souls. We offer this meal in His honor and ask for His continued protection and wisdom. Blessed be the Flame God.”

A chorus of “Amen” followed from the adults around the table, their voices a blend of gratitude and devotion. Mav, however, remained silent, his hands resting limply in his lap. Each word of praise felt like a dagger, twisting deeper into his chest.

The mention of the Flame God’s blessings, of the flames that were meant to be a gift, only served to remind Mav of the cruel irony of his situation. He was supposed to be blessed, to carry a flame that would define his purpose in this world. Instead, he had been given the Dark Flame—a power that seemed to hold no value and only set him apart in the worst way.

As the others began to eat, savoring the meal that had been prepared with such care, Mav could barely bring himself to touch his food. Each bite tasted bitter, his appetite overwhelmed by the gnawing emptiness inside him.

His parents glanced at him with concern, their own enjoyment of the meal dampened by the sadness in their son’s eyes. They tried to engage him in conversation, but Mav only nodded absently, unable to shake the feeling of abandonment by the god who was supposed to protect him.

The blessing, meant to be a moment of gratitude and hope, had instead deepened the ache in Mav’s heart. It was a stark reminder that, for all the Flame God’s supposed wisdom and protection, he had been left in the dark, with a flame that cast no light and offered no warmth.

After dinner, Organos instructed the assistant priest to lead them to their room. As they left the dining hall, Organos placed a hand on Mav’s shoulder.

"Get some rest, Mav," Organos said gently. "Before you go, tell me—what’s your favorite food?"

Mav looked up, his expression clouded with uncertainty. "Um, fried giant boar meat," he replied absentmindedly.

Organos nodded with a reassuring smile. "Tomorrow morning, we’ll have that for breakfast. It’s been a long day, and I think you could use something to look forward to. How does that sound?"

Mav nodded weakly, his voice too thick with emotion to respond. When they reached their room, his parents spoke to him softly, offering more words of comfort before they finally turned off the lights.

Mav lay in the dark, staring up at the ceiling, the weight of his disappointment pressing down on him like a heavy shroud. His thoughts swirled in a relentless loop, replaying the events of the day over and over again. The flickering hope he had once held onto had been snuffed out, leaving only a void of uncertainty in its place.

His parents' comforting words echoed in his mind, but they offered little solace. He felt like a burden to them, to the village, to everyone who had expected something great from him. His tears had long since dried, leaving only a dull ache in his chest as he continued to stare into the darkness.

Hours passed, but sleep eluded him. His thoughts kept returning to the status box, to the unknown purpose of his skill, *Dark Ascension.* Why had the Flame God given him something that seemed so useless? What was he supposed to do with it?

Eventually, exhaustion overtook him, and he drifted into a restless sleep, haunted by dreams of flames that consumed everything around him, leaving nothing but darkness in their wake.

Morning came too quickly, the first rays of sunlight filtering through the small window of the room. Mav awoke with a heavy heart, the memories of the previous day rushing back in full force. His parents greeted him with gentle smiles, though their eyes held a lingering sadness.

As promised, Organos had arranged for a breakfast of fried giant boar meat. The savory aroma filled the air, but Mav found little joy in it. He ate in silence, pushing the food around his plate more than he actually consumed it.

Organos joined them, offering kind words and trying to lift Mav’s spirits. "Remember, Mav," he said gently, "this is just the beginning of your journey. There are still many paths open to you."

Mav nodded, though the words barely registered. When breakfast was over, they thanked Organos for his hospitality, and Mav’s parents exchanged a few quiet words with the head priest before they left.

The ride back to the village was quiet, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken thoughts. Mav stared out of the carriage window, the landscape passing by in a blur. His parents tried to comfort him, but their words seemed distant, as if they were coming from far away.

Mav knew they cared, that they were trying to help him through this, but the despair in his heart was too deep, too overwhelming. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he had failed them, that he had let everyone down.

As the familiar sights of Oraios Village came into view, Mav felt a pang of anxiety. How would the villagers react when they found out about his affinity? What would they say when they learned that his skill, his Dark Ascension, did nothing?

The carriage came to a stop, and as Mav’s parents helped him down, a wave of villagers surged forward to greet them, led by the village chief. The quiet morning was suddenly alive with the bustling energy of the community. People emerged from their homes, their faces lit with smiles and shouts of welcome.

“Mav! Welcome back!” cried one of the villagers, waving enthusiastically.

Others joined in, their voices a chorus of cheerful greetings. Some extended hands to help Mav and his family, while children ran around them, eager to see the boy they had often played with.

The villagers’ warm greetings and enthusiastic shouts barely registered with Mav. The weight of the previous day’s events was still heavy on his shoulders, and the cheerful welcome felt distant and muted. His heart was still heavy with disappointment and uncertainty.

Mav's parents, noticing his distress, tried to offer him comfort, their faces a mixture of relief and concern. But Mav, overwhelmed and seeking solace, did not slow his pace. Instead, he pushed through the crowd, his steps quickening as he headed toward their home.

With a sense of urgency, Mav ran ahead, his mind consumed by the turmoil of the day. The welcoming voices of the villagers faded behind him as he focused solely on the sanctuary of his house. He needed to be alone for a moment, to escape the overwhelming flood of emotions and the sympathetic eyes of the village. As he reached their home, he hoped for a brief moment of solitude to come to terms with everything that had happened.

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