Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 28 – An Odd Encounter

Organos leaned forward, his expression serious but kind. "First, the Gray Wolf Cores. You can sell them to Blue Flame Users since cores are a crucial ingredient in making mana and healing potions. There are several Blue Flame Users with stalls or establishments here in the capital; you can just ask for directions outside," Organos explained, his voice steady.

Mav listened attentively, absorbing every word.

“Second, the Gray Wolf Hides,” Organos continued, shifting his gaze thoughtfully. Parts of Daimoniki can sometimes be sold to blacksmiths, armorers, or restaurants if the meat is edible. However, Gray Wolf Hides don’t have much value as armor or weapon materials, and they're definitely not useful as food ingredients. You might try the merchant guild and see if they'll buy them for something," he continued, his gaze thoughtful.

Mav nodded, taking in the information with a determined look. "I see. Thanks, Father."

Organos reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a neatly folded letter. "Here’s the recommendation letter. Show this to the librarian. Her name is Mina—you'll recognize her instantly. She's the girl with the long, silky blue hair. Request a library card from her, and she’ll give you further instructions. If your money runs short after selling your materials, just ask her to put the remaining bill on me. You can pay me back someday."

Mav took the letter, its parchment crisp and slightly warm from Organos’ hand. "Really? Thank you so much, Father. I’ll definitely pay you back," he said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.

"Don’t worry about it. Just be careful, alright? That’s all I ask," Organos replied, his eyes filled with concern.

"I will," Mav assured him with a firm nod. He started to turn away but paused, as if struck by a sudden thought. "By the way, Father, do you have an extra coat you don’t use? I just realized my dad might be at the merchant guild too. I can’t have him recognizing me. My silver hair is pretty distinctive," he said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Good idea. Let me check," Organos said, stepping outside. He returned moments later with a large, weathered brown coat, its fabric soft and worn from years of use. It was large enough to cover Mav’s head and face completely.

"This will do, Father. Thanks again," Mav said, slipping into the coat. Its heavy fabric rustled as he moved.

"You're welcome, Mav. Just come back if you need anything else," Organos replied, his voice warm with fatherly affection.

With a final nod, Mav adjusted the coat and stepped out of the room. He saw the young man from earlier still cleaning and gave him a small nod, which was returned with a friendly smile.

As Mav exited the temple, the bustling street greeted him with a symphony of sounds: horse hooves clattering on cobblestone, murmured conversations, and the lively shouts of street vendors peddling their wares. The aroma of various foods—spicy meats, freshly baked bread, and sweet pastries—wafted through the air, making Mav’s stomach rumble with hunger. He regretted turning down Organos' offer of food earlier but shook off the thought and focused on his task.

Pulling the coat's hood over his head, Mav approached a stall with a sign boasting "Grilled Giant Boar Meat" in bright, bold letters. The vendor, a burly man with a jovial expression, looked up and called out, "Hey, mister! Care to buy some Grilled Giant Boar Meat?"

"No, I just need directions," Mav replied, glancing at the sizzling meat on the grill.

"Well, if you buy something, maybe I’ll help you," the man said with a sly grin, clearly hoping for a sale.

"I’m actually on my way to sell some materials, so I don’t have any money on me right now. But if you tell me where to find a potion seller, I’ll come back later," Mav said, scratching the back of his head.

"Alright, you better keep your promise," the man said, pointing with a flourish. "There might be a potion seller just a few houses from here. Go straight, then take the first left. You’ll find a stall with a bunch of blue-colored bottles. You can’t miss it."

"Got it. Thanks, sir. I’ll definitely come back later. I’m starting to get hungry anyway," Mav replied, holding his stomach as it grumbled in agreement.

"No problem! You can ask me anything as long as you become my customer!" the man said with a hearty laugh that echoed down the street.

"Alright, see you later," Mav said, offering a nod before heading in the direction given.

After a short walk, Mav spotted a small, cluttered stall with a dark-haired woman meticulously arranging blue bottles on a wooden shelf. The bottles shimmered in the sunlight, their contents reflecting hues of azure and cobalt.

Mav approached her and said, "Hi, do you buy Daimoniki cores here?"

The woman looked up, her hands paused mid-motion. "What kind of Daimoniki cores?" she asked, her voice calm and professional.

"Gray Wolf Cores," Mav answered.

"How many do you have?"

"Five," Mav said, holding up his fingers.

"Alright, I can buy them. If they were a rarer type of core, I wouldn’t be able to afford them," she said, her eyes scanning her modest stall. "Can I see them?"

Mav accessed his status screen, tapped the materials in the Item Box, and a moment later, the five Gray Wolf Cores materialized before him. He carefully handed them to the woman.

The potion seller examined the cores closely. "Yes, these are Gray Wolf Cores."

"How much are they worth?" Mav asked, his tone hopeful.

"Hmm, about a bronze coin each. So, five bronze coins in total," the woman replied, her expression professional.

Mav handed over the five cores, but the woman’s gaze lingered on him as if lost in thought.

"Is there a problem?" Mav asked, sensing her hesitation.

"Something’s been bothering me since earlier. Your voice... it sounds familiar," she said, placing a hand on her chin. After a moment, her eyes widened as realization dawned. "Ah! I remember now! You’re that silver haired kid from Oraios Village!"

Mav stared at her, recognition flickering in his eyes. "Ah, you’re the healer we brought to the village!"

The woman’s face softened, her expression turning somber. "I’m sorry about your mother. I’ll visit her grave if I have the time," she said quietly.

Mav felt a pang in his chest, a mix of sadness and relief. "Actually, she’s alive and healthy now," he said, his voice tinged with hope.

The woman’s eyes widened in surprise. "WHAT?"

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