Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 29 – Mana Potions & The Merchant Guild

“It’s not nice to joke about something like that, you know?” The woman’s voice was laced with concern and disbelief.

“I’m not joking,” Mav said firmly, meeting her gaze. The weight of his words felt heavy in the air. “If you want, you can come see her yourself.”

“But how? That’s... impossible,” she stammered, shaking her head. “I’ve seen cases like hers—same symptoms, same decline. None of them survived more than a few weeks. Even the best healers in our guild couldn’t help them.”

Mav hesitated, grappling with the weight of his own deception. “I don’t know either,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “It just... happened. Like a miracle.” He forced a small, strained smile, hoping to conceal the turmoil churning within him. Each word felt like a tightrope walk, balancing between truth and fabrication.

The woman fell silent, lost in thought. After a moment, Mav gently broke the quiet. “Can I get my payment now, please?”

“Y-Yeah, of course,” she said, still visibly shaken. She fumbled with her pouch and handed him five bronze coins. “Oh, right, what’s your name again?”

“Mav. Mav Rose,” he replied, extending his hand.

“Archa Rios,” she said, shaking his hand with a hint of lingering uncertainty. “Nice to meet you, Mav. I’ll try to visit your mother when I can. It’s not that I don’t believe you... it’s just... hard to believe.”

“You’re welcome to visit anytime,” Mav assured her, though he couldn't shake the worry that she might dig deeper. “We’re grateful you came to see her back then.”

“By the way,” Mav continued, shifting the topic, “how much do your mana potions cost?”

“A silver coin per bottle,” Archa replied, regaining her composure. “They’re decent enough, though my affinity isn’t strong, so the quality isn’t top-notch. If you’re looking for high-grade potions that can fully replenish your mana, you should visit one of the top rankers in the Blue Flame Guild. She’s got a shop here in the capital, but her potions are quite pricey—only the top rankers can afford them.”

“I see,” Mav said thoughtfully, absorbing her words. “I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe I’ll come back when I’ve saved up enough.”

“Anytime,” Archa said with a smile. “And thanks for selling me the cores.”

“No problem. I’ll bring more Daimoniki cores if I come across any,” Mav replied, returning the smile.

As he turned to leave, he paused and looked back. “Oh, I almost forgot—do you know where the Merchant Guild is?”

“Just keep walking straight until you see a large building with a sign featuring coins. You won’t miss it,” Archa directed, pointing him in the right direction.

“Thanks again,” Mav said with a nod before heading off.

The streets were bustling as Mav made his way to the Merchant Guild. The large building came into view, less imposing than the temple but still impressive. The sign with coins, just as Archa had described, marked the entrance. Mav stepped inside, his coat pulled tight against the chill. People of all kinds moved about—some in simple clothes, others in armor and capes of red, blue, yellow, and green denoting their guilds.

Mav approached a tall man clad in armor and a yellow coat. “Excuse me, do you know where I can sell Gray Wolf Hides?”

The man turned, his deep voice resonating. “Gray Wolf Hides? Hmm... I’m not sure, but you might try the General Goods booth. The receptionist there should be able to help.”

“Thanks,” Mav said, appreciating the advice. He couldn’t help but feel a twinge of anxiety at the thought of more errands.

“No problem, kid. But aren’t you a bit young for handling Daimoniki?” The man’s brow furrowed as he looked Mav over.

Mav chuckled nervously. “I’m just here on an errand.”

The man grinned, shaking his head. “Well, even Princess Chloe started young, so who am I to judge? I’ve got to be off now. Good luck, kid.”

“Thanks again,” Mav called out as the man walked away, raising his hand in acknowledgment.

Mav continued through the guild until he spotted the "General Goods" booth. A line of people was waiting, and Mav joined it. After about ten minutes, it was finally his turn.

“Hi, welcome to the Merchant Guild! How can I help you?” a cheerful voice greeted him. The receptionist, a woman dressed in formal attire, looked up with a warm smile.

“I’d like to sell some Gray Wolf Hides,” Mav replied.

“You’re at the right booth,” she said, still smiling. “Do you want to sell them now?”

“Yes,” Mav confirmed, retrieving the hides from his item box and handing them over.

As she inspected the hides, Mav couldn’t help but ask, “What do people usually use these for?”

“Gray Wolf Hides? They’re mostly used in clothing—good for keeping out the cold. Some folks use them for ornaments,” she explained.

Mav nodded, absorbing the information. After finishing her inspection, she handed him ten bronze coins. “Here’s your payment for the five Gray Wolf Hides.”

“Thanks,” Mav said, pocketing the coins.

“You’re welcome! Feel free to come back anytime—we’re open all day,” she said with a friendly smile.

“By the way, do you know where the library is?” Mav asked, turning to leave.

“Just head left after you exit, then walk straight until you see a building with a signpost featuring books,” she directed him.

“Alright, thanks again,” Mav said, raising his hand in farewell as he left the booth.

The familiar street smells greeted him as he exited the Merchant Guild. A cool breeze carried the scent of fresh bread from nearby stalls, mixing with the earthy aroma of damp cobblestones. Mav turned left and walked until he reached the building described by the receptionist.

It was slightly larger than the Merchant Guild, with a grand silver gate at the entrance. Mav approached, but a guard stepped forward, blocking his path. “You can’t go in there,” the guard said, eyeing him suspiciously.

Mav quickly remembered the letter from Organos. He pulled it from his pocket and handed it to the guard. The guard read it, his expression changing to one of surprise. “You’re a friend of the head priest?” he asked.

Mav nodded.

“I’m sorry, sir. Right this way, please,” the guard said, opening the gate.

“Thank you,” Mav replied, his excitement growing as he stepped inside, eager to learn all that he could.

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