Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 1: Understanding and acceptance

Only after the man had dropped dead did Hanna finally regained enough control to process what had just transpired, she hadn’t been in a new world for more then 5 minutes and had already killed a man.

She wanted to feel bad and horrible, but found herself unable to do so. Whenever she thought about her action she only thought about how good it had felt to see his expression full of pain and fear and she couldn’t understand why.

Because she lacked the required empathy to feel for the loss of the person she had just killed she soon lost interest in him as a person, rather she started to see the man as food.

'Ok, Seriously what the hell is going on with me?!' She thought to herself silently. It then dawned on her that maybe, she could use her Isekai knowledge to her advantage right now, if she couldn’t she silently decided to see a psychiatrist later, if they existed that is.

She mumbled the word 'Status' and to her excitement a transparent screen popped up in front of her, now she might get some answers! She looked over her status and soon came to a horrifying conclusion.

Name:  Hanna
Race:  Dark Margenko
Gender:  Female
Level:   2
Strength:  359
Mana:  305/305
Affinity:  Dark, Death, Fire, Poison
Spells:  (Lesser) Flame Breath, (Lesser) Poison Breath, (Perfect) Night Vision [Passive], (Lesser) Curses, (Lesser) Shadow Walk, (Lesser) Hypnotic Gaze, (Lesser) Sugsestion, (Perfect) Fire Resistence [Passive], (Perfect) Poison Resistence [Passive], (Perfect) Curse Resistence [Passive], Pain Resistence [Passive], Sadistic Rush [Passive], Shapeshifting

She was a full blown Monster, something adventurer would go out and hunt for, a complete and utter monster, something dark and evil, at least on paper.

What she saw on her status page clearly points to her being a monster, however just because her race was a monster, it just had to be with those stats on such a low Level, that didn't mean she had to act like a monster though. Her spells and stats didn't dictate her personality. right?

It was at this moment she had a relasation and that was the fact, that she might be able to guess the meaning of her stats, but that's it, she could only guess.

Strength might mean her phisical strength or her combat strength, Mana was clearly a resource but she didn't know for what it was. She didn't know if her Stats were broken beyond belive or if she was maybe even weaker then she should be. Most worryingly though was the simple fact, that she had absolutly no clue how she could use all those spells she had in her arsenal.

One thing for certain was the fact that she easily killed a man but even that meant nothing for sure, either the man was incredibly weak or she was in fact way to strong. Looking back at it, the man looked above avarage in terms of body pshisque, not a bodybuilder but no chouch potato either.

"Yet all it took was one strike to make a jojo refrence out of him... What the fuck, how can I joke in this situation?!" She rubbed her head in agitation, she wanted to feel bad, she wanted to be disgusted and yet she simply couldn't. It was like the part of her that felt empathy was just gone, replaced by something dark and twisted.

As she thought about how she killed the man the pleasure she felt at that moment came back to her, if much weaker then before, but it was there and no matter how often she told herself that it was wrong, it didn’t go away and no matter how often she wanted to feel bad for him she simply couldn’t. All she felt was pleasure and bliss as she thought about the fear she saw on his face, as he realised just what happened.

A dark voice inside her head suddenly spoke to her, telling her that it’s alright, that it was better this way. She fell to her knees as a battle raged inside her head.

Her memories and human ideals kept telling her that what she did was wrong and she shouldn’t do it ever again, while a dark voice and the pleasure she felt kept telling her that it did not matter, she was the only one who mattered and clearly, killing the man had a positive effect on her, so why stop.

"You aren‘t even human anymore, why should it matter to you?"

"He was completely innocent! What if he just wanted to help?"

"You can’t prove he wanted to help, for all we know he might wanted to enslave us!"

"You can’t go around the world suspecting everyone wanting to harm you! That’s just stupid!"

It was like a debate, argument against argument, back and forth, back and forth… Yet there was one thing constantly in her mind, she wasn’t human, she had a humanoid form but that’s it. She was a monster or a demon, so why should her old human morality hinder her now?

Back when she was human, she wasn’t a Lawful good priest, far from it. She could get quite vulgar and had often found herself fighting with others. She never easily forgave people and she had often wished people death, but only in private, she knew full well that in her society she couldn’t just go around and do whatever she wanted.

Now, who was supposed to stop her? She could live out her wildest fantasy’s without repercussions, as long as she didn’t upset someone stronger then her she wasn’t in danger. Morality wasn’t important anymore, it’s eat or be eaten, only the strong shall survive.

She stopped rubbing her head as the darkness inside of her kept on growing, she was losing her humanity at a rapid rate. If it felt good to see the man die and to kill him then why shouldn’t she do it? It felt good to see his face full of fear, his eyes full of despair, just the thought of it made her shake in bliss.

Her own humanity was lost in this very moment, as she completely embraced the life of selfishness, if she wanted something she would take it, if she wanted to kill she would kill, she will do whatever she wants to do.

"I think it came from over here, along this staircase." She suddenly heard a voice speak from a distance and it was soon accompanied by multipel footsteps as well, Hanna didn’t know how to react at first, but soon came to the conclusion that she should probably flee the scene, she still didn’t know if she was lucky or if she was actually strong.

Furthermore it were clearly multiple people, so even if she could win in a one on one fight a group she wouldn’t be able to beat, lastly she was covered in blood and this person probably belonged to the group, so if she were to be discovered near his corpse with blood on her, she would not have a high chance convincing them of her innocence, so she hid behind some bookshelf near the position of the corpse. She still wanted to learn some things after all, maybe this was her opportunity.


The bishop and the Captain walked side by side towards the location the rookie had pointed towards, according to him he had heard a shriek of sorts coming from that location, after a quick call up they realised one of the Priests was missing, so as the two strongest they decided to go check it out quickly. What they found was more then a bit terrifying.

As they turned a corner they saw the corpse of the Priest, Arnilius recognised his former colleague to be brother Markus. He was a rising star in the church at the time, to see him in such a state was more then devastating, as they inspected the corpse they found the reason for his death quite quickly, as there was a hole inside his stomach from which blood and ripped intestines sprouted forth, he also laid in a puddle of blood.

His face was locked in a state of pain and fear, this had not been a fight, it was an ambush, he couldn’t do anything before he was killed, yet the wound was so extreme that it couldn’t have been anything but a beast, a beast smart enough to setup an ambush, the captain shivered at the thought.

He began to quickly look around for any clues which he could find, maybe something to figure out what they were dealing with and his search was soon rewarded with a patch of blond hair on the ground. He inspected it and quickly recognised it, but…

"This doesn’t make sense, they don’t have enough strength for that…" He mumbled to himself, he didn’t notice the Bishop was standing behind him, looking at the patch of hair as well, it took him longer but soon recognised it as well.

"A Margenko huh?" The captain nodded but had a look of doubt on his face.

"But they don’t grow this large to do this much damage to single man, also a single one couldn’t have killed a man, a single one couldn’t even kill a child, they are only dangerous as a group, but this was not the work of a group so how…" 

"A Dark Margenko." Arnilius simply said, as his expression darkened. Realisation dawned on the captains face and soon after his expression darkened as well. Only the rookie, who they ordered to prepare the man for the trip back had a look of confusion on his face.

"What‘s a 'Dark Margenko', or rather what makes the different from regular Margenkos?" He asked, his captain clenched his fists in frustration, but did not say anything, so Arnilius explained for him.

"A Dark Margenko is a Margenko which took on a humanoid form. It looks like a child most of the time and it would be almost impossible to tell them apart from other humanoids if it weren’t for the tail, claws and ears of the Margenko, which resemble the ones of cats. Unlike their normal counterparts, Dark Margenko are highly intelligent and capable of magic. In addition, despite how their body looks like, they can easily rip out a tree from its roots, their tail and claws are also covered in an deadly poison, depending on how much your body took and how strong your body is, you could die in a time between 5 months and 20 seconds, and even a single drop could kill the strongest man if he wouldn't be treated, it would just take incredibly long. They feed upon dark emotions such as lust, fear and the like.

The rookie listened intently and with each passing word he grew more scared of these beasts, they truly earned their title of being 'Dark'.

"The reason they are so rare that they are mostly left out of Monster journals is the fact that almost all races tried to hunt them into extinction, they were simply to dangerous to be left alive. The captain himself hunted some of them down… he lost a lot of friends to them…"

The rookie looked shocked towards the captain, who simply stood there, looking into the distance, without saying a word, both Arnilius and the rookie decided to not evaluate any further.

After a few moments, the captain turned around, a stoic expression on his face, but Arnilius spotted the single tear rolling down the captains face.

"Take the body back and prepare him for a burial, unless the church wants to take him back?“ The captain hid his pain in his duty and Arnilius knew better then to bring it up, so he played along.

"All Priests who die of unnatural causes are buried at the church they were ingrained at, so we have to take him back to the capital, we have enough books and scrolls anyway and I‘m sure you should report to the king on the finding of the Dark Margenko." The captain simply nodded and then instructed the rookie to pick up the corpse with him and take it back to the camp. As they left, Arnilius looked back a single more time. He wasn’t sure but did he hear… laughter…

No this must be his imagination, playing tricks on him, the discovery of such an powerful enemy must have messed with his brain a bit.


Meanwhile as the group started to go back to their camp, Hanna laughed quietly to her self, like she just heard the best jokes in years. She laughed and laughed and laughed.

She truly took the position of a being of evil didn’t she? But at the same time, she didn’t care. She didn’t care that the whole world basically thought her to be a evil being by default. In fact, she loved it.

No matter what she did, she would be seen as evil and as something that must be destroyed and killed, so might as well act accordingly right? She had seen the anger the the captain displayed at mention of her race and she loved it, every second of it. She never had felt this good before, she almost climaxed at all the negative emotions the captain alone gave off.

She needed more of it and if she had to play the role of evil monster to get it, she would gladly do it, after all she wasn’t Hanna the human anymore, but Hanna the Dark Margenko.

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