Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Prologue: Never trust strange, glowing scrolls.

Disclaimer: This story contains a lot of Dark humour, torture, death and the like, as well as a few sex scenes without consent, so if any of you are not comfortable with these things, you have been warned. Read at your own discretion.

The commander looked at the council of men surrounding him, he was unsure rather to follow through with the proposed plan or not, it wasn’t an question of trust, he knew full well that his crew was more then capable, they didn’t earn the name of best Royal squadron for nothing after all, even the rookie, who was only on his second mission since joining, had proven his worth in salt and gold multiple times over.

What worried him was the fact that they didn’t know what they might face.

They can beat most monsters because they knew their weaknesses and how they behaved in certain circumstances, that was why they won and slain as many beasts as they did, however no one had ever set foot into these ruins since the war and the possibility that there was something out there that they didn’t know anything about scared him.

He didn’t want to lose these men, because they were more then men under his command, they were friends with wife and children, people he knew personally.

He couldn’t ever imagine their responses when he had to give them the message their farther/husband had died.

He had it done once and after that swore to never lose a men needlessly ever again.

Yet, despite what he felt however, he had his orders, orders directly from the king, to disobey would be suicidal. The king had said they could retreat whenever they felt the danger was to high, but they hadn’t even entered yet, so there was no reason to just yet. There was also the issue of their escorts.

The order came from the king, but it was painfully obvious that the church was behind the whole ideal, as they had to take a total of 10 priests with them, under the guise to inspect the ruins.

The commander wasn’t one to speak against the church, far from it, yet he couldn’t help but wonder just what they wanted from these ruins, which lay dormant multiple decades by now. Most things would be already destroyed no?

Regardless of his personal feelings this was still a job and his Cloud Order would never not fulfill their duty, they would rather die trying then to suffer the humiliation.

He agreed with the plan, each Priest would get an escort of 4 Cloud Order members, withal least one being a mage, capable of long distance communication, if a single group encounters a beast unknown or doesn’t give a status report every 15 minutes all groups would evacuate the priests and then try to help the group in trouble.

If they couldn’t do anything they would return and meet for another strategy meeting.

And with that they went into the old ruins of the once great city of Falnost, the old capital of the Holy Kingdom of Fahrgust.

At The same time, in a completely different world a Girl by the name of Hanna was walking down the streets of her hometown, a light skip was in her step and a smile accompanied her face, she was in a truly good mood.


Hanna was 19 years old and was around 177 cm (5.8 feet) tall and had short, dirty blonde hair that reached her shoulders. Her eyes were a shining emerald green. Her figure was pretty average over all, but if she truly tried she could definitely make those definitions on her body shine through, right now however she wore a simple red shirt and jeans, with black sneakers. A single look at this person screamed 'I‘M AVRAGE!' With the exception of her eyes.

Hanna didn’t mind at all though, she lived a quiet and normal live just like she wanted. She studied at the local university and she worked at a local cafe part-time. A completely normal and fine life for a normal person, who had a bit of an fantasy obsession, but for her, everyone needed something to obsess about.

She soon reached her apartment and opened the door to her home, it wasn’t much but it was earned through honest work, so she felt happy with it. She immediately went into the kitchen to grab a snack and then went straight towards the Tv, turning it on and quickly switching through the channels, before long she found the object of her desire and she was just in time to.

"I‘m pretty sure this is the first time I actually get to watch an episode from start to finish in front of the Tv, instead of pirating it from the internet." She said out loud as the Theme song started to play. This would be a great evening she thought.


Back to the Cloud Order and their mission, the groups had successfully infiltrated the ruins of the old capital city. To all the members relive, no monster seemed to be around at the time, giving each group to investigate the ruins.

The Cloud Order had the strict order to keep the priests alive and help them in their endeavours, while the priests had the orders to look for anything related to magic and any and all old literature or the like and to send them back to the church inside the new capital.

The leader of the priests was bishop Arnilius, a man of great knowledge, he recently started to research the times before the war and how certain secrets of that time may be helpful in future development. The bishop was accompanied by the commander of the Cloud Order, Captain Feralt, a well respected and experienced man. With him was the new recruit of the Cloud Order as well and two men of the Order the bishop didn’t recognise.

Arnilius didn’t really pay attention to the conversation between the rookie and his captain, as he was to busy looking for his goal, the great library of Falnost. Back at the height of its time it contained over 200.000 books and records. Somethings must have survived the war and the following decades they just had to have and he was sure, whatever he would find was worth of his time.

They soon came across a giant ruin of a building, nothing seemed to be completely unharmed, either by the war or time. The only thing clearly standing were the large wooden doors that once functioned as the entrance and a single sign above them that read a single word: Library

Arnilius was both happy and sad as he found the Library, sad to see it’s destroyed state, but happy to have found it while still holding, if a few, ancient books and texts that would surely help in his studies and satisfy the Archbishops.

"Captain I request that you call all groups to our position, I‘m sure that we will successfully finish our task with the contents of the library alone, but it would take way to long if it was just us 5 no?" He turned to the captain who simply nodded in return.

"Excellent, let’s see if we can find something truly interesting in there."

They were inside the Library almost the entire rest of the day, searching through the ruins to find anything remotely useful, at the end of the day they had accumulated a sizeable pile of books and paper.

They decided to camp the night near the Library after the Bishop had talked the captain into submission for 20 minutes straight and even then he only agreed to it on the condition that 2 people at minimum kept up guard duty, switching every 2 hours.

As the final tents were finally finished being built up, the group settled down to have dinner and then rest up for the night. It was under these conditions that one Priest had noticed a small glow in one of the still intact shelves near the made up camp.

He was a man of god in a world of magic, so seeing a random shine should have meant nothing to him, but something about that light seemed… different, like it didn’t even belong into this world.

Against all commonsense know to man and even against his own logic or reason he started to approach the light, he had been relatively secluded so no one had noticed his departure immediately, as he approached the light. And he found a simple scroll was the reason for the glow.

Now that he had a good look at the light, being almost completely engulfed by it, he really felt like something was amiss. His whole body shook and balls of sweat appeared on his face, he knew what he did was foolish and dumb and yet he couldn’t resist at all, as he grabbed the scroll.

He felt coldness wash over him as he touched the paper, like he was suddenly in the coldest blizzard possible and his mind screamed at him to stop as tears started to form in his eyes and yet his body couldn’t stop and he opened the scroll.

As soon as the scroll was opened a bright light emitted from the scroll blinding the man and he shrieked in surprise, finally being able to. The shrieking caught the attention of the rookie, who was currently walking closely to where the Priest had first wandered off.

He looked up and notices the bright light and he stood still out of fear for a moment, before breaking out shortly after. He turned around and called loudly for everyone to come quickly.

Meanwhile in a different world

Hanna was tired, completely and utterly tired right now, she had been up till late at night once more to finally catch up to all the different fantasy series she had missed the last couple of weeks and it had completely taken up her day, though she regretted it not one bit.

The moment her bed was in reach of her body, she face planted right into it, releasing a sigh of pure bliss as the body came into contact with the soft mattress.

"Haaaa. This was so good~. I really wish I The same luck as those protagonists. Getting extremely powerful and being able to live in a fantasy world…" In a very dark part of her psyche something also said to have all the sexy women she could have ever wanted, but it was suppressed by the tiredness she felt right now.

It didn’t take long for her to eventually drift off into dreamland, where her dreams were filled with her being a powerful being, with everyone looking up to her and many and I mean many, half naked women behind her. She started to drool in her sleep soon after.

As Hanna slowly regained her consciousness and open her eyes, she realised that she wasn’t in her bed anymore, nor in her room but rather in a giant space of white.

"Okkk…. What the hell is going on, am I still dreaming?" With a quick and very painful twist of her skin she quickly concluded to be awake.

After the obligatory panic attack, she suddenly realised that this set up seemed awfully familiar to her.

"Giant white plane… waking up here instead of being at home… Wait a minute, that’s how almost all Isekai start, does that mean I just got Isekaied?!"

Nothing answered her question, which dampened her mood after her initial connection to one of her favourite genre of media and her current situation, as normally a god or something similar would explain somethings to her. She hadn’t lost hope yet though.

She didn’t know how long it had been since she had arrived or for how long she had been here when a robotic voice suddenly spoke up, coming from everywhere yet nowhere.


Before Hanna could really comprehend what just had happened she suddenly heard a voice inside her head, asking her if she would accept being send through the teleportation device. 

After a few seconds of talking in the whole information dump she eagerly accept. This was her chance to accomplish her dreams.


And Hanna was suddenly blinded by an harsh and bright white light! Forcing her eyes closed. Once she could open them again she again noticed how very different everything was once again.

She was inside a giant ruin of a Library or something similar, as she looked up she could she the moonless night sky above her, yet she could see perfectly, despite the lack of a light source.

She took in her surroundings a bit more, everywhere she looked destruction awaited her. Torn books and papers where everywhere and everything looked very old. Then she felt something inside her body, a sharp pain suddenly engulfed her.

She buckled over in sudden pain, but didn’t release a scream. Her body felt like it was on fire and every breath she took hurt her.

'What the hell is happening, what is this pain??!!' She screamed in her mind, but suddenly she heard something through the pain, like someone had just dropped something. Through tear filled eyes she forced herself to look up and find out what the sound was and that’s when she finally saw the man in front of her.

He wore white robes with golden outlines, which covers his whole body a very stereotypical Priest in fantasy media Hanna concluded. On his face fear and confusion were clearly written.

It was at this moment that Hanna’s pain just disappeared, like she never had any in the first place, instead it was replaced by something primal an force so strong that Hanna didn’t even came close to understanding it and it felt good.

'Whatever this feeling is I want more, please give me more of it, I need more!' She was instantly getting addicted to this feeling, she never had felt this good before, she had spend many nights alone yet nothing could compare to this feeling, it was total and pure bliss.

She unconsciously liked her lips, as an primal urge suddenly toke hold of her. She needed more and the Priest, who’s fear only increased with ever passing second was suddenly something completely different in her eyes.

No longer was he a pious man of the church, but a way to satisfy her growing need building inside on her.

She spoke to the man, not in a voice she would recognise as her own, but in her clouded mind she didn’t care right now.

"You will be quite satisfying to quell this hunger within me, please don’t disappoint." A giant smile was on her face, but every intention she currently had was not positive for the priest, not even in the broadest definition.

The priest on his part was completely frozen in fear, his whole body was shacking and sweat was falling down his back, his eyes were wide open in shock and in fear, as was his mouth. He had just witnessed this… thing, emerge from the light, that scroll he had picked up had been emitting.

The thing was a small humanoid, with a body resembling that of a Young girl, 138 cm(4.5 feet) tall at best. It had long blond hair that reached her chest and from her head two cat like ears emerged.

Although he couldn’t really see it she also had a very thin black tail, that was constantly swinging around, as an extension from her spine and sharp, shark like teeth. Her eyes were blood red and constantly emitted a red glow.

The thing wore a normal red shirt and a short black, frilly skirt and black shoes, at first glance the thing seemed like a normal, be it, noble beast person of the beast-men empire from the high north, but then he had decided to use Analyse on it. It was at this very moment his body went still and his face paled.

Name:  ???
Gender:  ???
Race:  ???
Level:  ???
Strength:  ???
Mana:  ???/???
Affinity:  ???


The thing was a complete blank sheet, meaning none of the church Monster scriptures has ever mentioned it and he was not strong enough to analyse it himself. He had no idea what might happen, if it was hostile and if it was, if he was strong enough to beat it. He wasn't a newbie, but not even close to the power of a Bishop, let alone Archbishop.

Name:  Markus Heranim
Gender:  Male
Race:  Human
Level:  21
Strength:  50
Mana:  663/663
Affinity:  Holy, Water

 (Lesser) Turn Undead, (Lesser) Cure, Heal, Water Blast, Magic Lights, (Lesser) Water Bomb, Holy Lights, (Lesser) Barrier, (Lesser) Holy Aura, Analyse

As he thought about his chances, he suddenly felt a sharp pain inside his stomach, slowly he looked down, only to see the arm of the thing has torn through his cloths and body, it's claws pretruding from his back. He wanted to scream, the pain was overwheming and he couldn't bear it for a second and yet he didn't. He just sat there, shacking, pain and fear on his face.

The things grin grew another few centimeters as she looked apon the man and his expression.

"Yes, you truly didn't disapoint~." And she pulled out her arm out of the man and he fell to the ground, dead, but the pain and fear stil clearly visable on his face.

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