Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 22 (11)

Dear Diary,

We made it to the door! Finally! It took a day longer than we expected it would, but now that we’ve done it we know it’s possible.

I’m kinda pretty proud of myself. I mean, I’m the one doing all the teleporting, so it was basically my job to get strong enough to keep everyone alive. And I did. So, yay me.

None of the dire wolves have tried following us again. Which I’m happy about. Maybe, if they like us that much, when I get a high enough teleportation level to get all the way across the sea, we can try taking them with us. But only if it’s safe for them. Which it probably won’t be.

Anyways, yep, there are slimes on lvl96. They are slimy, and gross. They are also made out of some kind of acid which is stupidly painful. Like, I thought being eaten by a shark was painful. NOPE! Shark bites are nothing to the feeling of having the flesh melt off your bones.

We have to find a way through this maze FAST because I do not want to deal with them for as long as we dealt with the sharks. I mean, at least the sharks are kinda fun. It’s a race. And seeing them faceplant on the ceiling is still hilarious. But there is absolutely nothing fun or funny about the slimes.

At the moment, I’m not fighting. I have a low-level healing spell, healing potions, and the teleportation spell. Staab, Mika and Kimi have weapons, and do all the melee fighting. Except you can’t melee fight slimes, because they just dissolve swords. And armor. And everything else. So that leaves Lilly and Aya with their attack spells. But, turns out, Lilly has been focusing on learning spells that deal psychic damage, because that stuff is purple.

Slimes don’t have brains. They don’t think. So they are almost completely immune to psychic damage.

Aya, being yellow, has a couple lightning and electrical attacks, and those work way better on the slimes. But since she hasn’t been practicing with them, they aren’t strong enough to kill a slime on their own.

So tomorrow, Aya is going to practice her spells all day. Mika is going to make three of the best swords she can, and Lilly will enchant them to be acid-resistant. Lilly will also teach Kimi and Mika a basic attack spell (fire bolt for Kimi, ice volley for Mika), so that they aren’t completely useless at range. And while all that is going on, Staab and I will be trying to speed-run the maze to map it out.

Joy of joys.

I really really don’t want to do that, but I don’t have anything better to do, and it will get me to use teleport and probably heal a bunch of times.

Oh, why don’t I just teleport all the way across? Because it’s a maze. So teleporting might land us in a blocked corridor full of slimes. Besides, we don’t know where the door is along the wall. Why not climb up the ceiling? Because the walls of the maze go all the way to the ceiling. And slimes also go to the ceiling. Those things are huge.

Anyways, I have a long, painful day ahead of me tomorrow.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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