Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 22 (12)



Dear Diary,

UGHHHH today was painful.

We didn’t get hardly any of the maze mapped out, but we did learn where NOT to go! There’s like a spiral thing, filled with slimes! That’s where Staab went down, so I ran around after that and was dissolved by one that came out of freaking nowhere! And why didn't I just teleport past it? Because teleporting has a cooldown time, so I can't just poof past every single one. Plus I can't see past them, so I might be teleporting myself into a closed corner or something. Basically, it's safer to not teleport in a maze.

Halfway through our trip, as I was mapping out the maze, Staab suggested I mark where the slimes all were, and that was smart. I hope they stay in those spots, but then I have no reason to suppose they move around since they seem to be in dead ends or corners, waiting.

Always waiting.

OH we also found out, the acid acts differently sometimes! Mm-hmm! It’s not always straight-up pain, no, that would be too easy. Sometimes it’s burney pain, or freezy pain! For that extra level of suck.

I hate slimes.

No, hate isn’t a strong enough word. I detest slimes. I abhor them. They are the most revolting, despicable things to exist. I am repugnated by these loathsome beings. They are abominations whose souls, should they possess souls, I consign to the deepest layer of Hell.

Yeah, that feels about right.

I don’t like ‘em.

Anyways, getting passed the sharks felt easier today than yesterday. I think the sharks are starting to give up on us. Maybe. I’m still nowhere near letting the wolves come with us, tho.

Oh, Kimi is loving being able to cast fire ball. Teaching her to summon fire with a thought might not have been the smartest thing Lilly has ever done. But it’s better than Mika, who… erm… has trouble aiming. When she fires off her ice volley, the only safe place to be is right behind her. And even then it’s a maybe.

Staab said he doesn’t want to learn any magic. He says that magic always feels super weird to him. He described it as oily. Said that holding an enchanted sword felt wrong, too, and asked Mika to hold it for him until he absolutely had to use it.

We were all ok with that, but it kinda… I don’t know, it reinforced that he isn’t one of us. Sure, we’re color-coded catgirls, and he’s a typical hobgoblin guy, but we had the same goal and were working together every day. We felt like a team. But now we all know magic, and he doesn’t want to.

I hope the feeling goes away soon, because I kinda like having him around. Plus, this whole thing started because of him. It wouldn’t be fair if we left him behind.

I don’t know. I’m tired, I need sleep.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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